04-16-2019, 06:50 AM
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Pete 04-16-2019, 06:50 AM 5alive 04-16-2019, 02:09 PM Bout time for the gold building to come down :) Pete 05-11-2019, 10:54 AM jn1780 06-04-2019, 10:59 AM They are working on the shorter standard floors now on main tower. Should go up a lot faster now. shawnw 06-09-2019, 12:44 AM From tonight. It's going to be skinnier than I thougtht. 15325 Pete 06-09-2019, 07:12 AM Yeah, they are starting to go up with the room floors in the tower. Pete 06-10-2019, 05:49 AM HOT ROD 06-10-2019, 06:29 PM Looks like it will end up being about 225 feet tall or so. Still wish it were 750+ rooms/22+ floors, those 150 rooms will be missed/regret. With the city giving up so much (in TIF, non-compete) I think we should get more out of this. Should have more than just one (half) floor for "NBA" type beds IMO. I'd argue for basically 2 floors for the NBA block and then the blocks for convention(s), general public, special suites (Presidential, Executive suites, etc), and perhaps restaurant space ON TOP. ... Now just hoping they build to the renderings or better. Missed opportunity. .. Laramie 06-21-2019, 12:37 PM Had some of my relatives from Albuquerque in the car, the youngest (13) shouted, 'no wonder the Dodgers moved here.' He was really impressed, wanted to know if I could take them to the top of the Devon Tower & the Thunder's home. Had to show the city off to relatives, so as we left Mustang, we exited off I-40 to Western Avenue eventually got on what was completed of the boulevard, barely could keep my eyes on the road because there was so much to see. Went to get closer views of The Peake, Skydance Bridge and looked at construction projects like the park & convention center complex. Took a drive through the area where the Omni is under construction---the Rosebud red streetcar was 1/2 full as it made its route. Looks like they are ready to begin work on the Omni's 5th floor; so impressed was myself with the maze of construction progress. pw405 06-21-2019, 06:57 PM Hard to appreciate the scale from pictures, but... it's big! Pete 06-25-2019, 02:04 PM They have completed the 7th floor and are moving fast now that they are into the cookie-cutter room floors. The height of those upper floors is also pretty short, as is customary in hotels. I think many will be surprised that a 17-story structure isn't taller. And the renderings made the whole structure look more massive than it will likely appear when complete. Just preparing those who thought it was going to look taller/bigger. It's going to be very similar to the downtown Sheraton. Plutonic Panda 06-25-2019, 03:53 PM I'll still wait to bitch about it not being taller ;) G.Walker 06-25-2019, 04:05 PM I don't know about that, we were literally right up under it on Sunday, just spectating, & it already looks & feels massive. jn1780 06-25-2019, 04:17 PM Its plenty tall for its location. Laramie 06-25-2019, 04:44 PM Much like BOK Park Plaza Tower it will look a lot taller from I-40 Crosstown Expressway. A skyline pic taken from the east to the west, should help fill out the areas south (left) of the Marriott Renaissance Hotel. OKCRT 06-25-2019, 05:08 PM Surely it will be least as tall as the regency Tower right? SagerMichael 06-25-2019, 05:33 PM Surely it will be least as tall as the regency Tower right? Regency Tower is 288’. Omni is supposedly going to be 214’. jonny d 06-25-2019, 05:41 PM Fire OKC! How dare they not require a taller hotel?!?! Jkjk HOT ROD 06-26-2019, 06:41 PM actually. .... should have demanded more/taller since taxpayer funds and TIF (and even TIF exclusions) are involved. Should have been no smaller than 750 rooms which was the consultant recommendation, and I'd argue 800 or more rooms so the city can fully book the hotel with conventions/NBA but still have some rooms for the general public. This IMO is another one of those - well at least we got 'something' instead of what should have been the greatest hotel in the state. It might still be but it wont hold a candle to peer city's. Not being a negative nancy as I am excited for the hotel and cc to finish but just stating the obvious missteps which will be very clear after the hotel and cc open. Pete 06-27-2019, 07:25 AM OKCRT 06-27-2019, 05:49 PM actually. .... should have demanded more/taller since taxpayer funds and TIF (and even TIF exclusions) are involved. Should have been no smaller than 750 rooms which was the consultant recommendation, and I'd argue 800 or more rooms so the city can fully book the hotel with conventions/NBA but still have some rooms for the general public. This IMO is another one of those - well at least we got 'something' instead of what should have been the greatest hotel in the state. It might still be but it wont hold a candle to peer city's. Not being a negative nancy as I am excited for the hotel and cc to finish but just stating the obvious missteps which will be very clear after the hotel and cc open. I agree. Feels like the tax payers are getting ripped off. They had a chance to make a real impression on the downtown skyline and failed. This is one of the reasons why OKC is still small time. jn1780 06-27-2019, 06:21 PM Sure, we could have demanded, but they would have demanded more TIF funds. king183 06-27-2019, 06:46 PM I don’t think the agreed upon restriction on providing incentives to other hotels would withstand a legal challenge in the courts. I’d expect, once the Omni is complete, we will see other hoteliers challenge the deal and succeed. Dob Hooligan 06-27-2019, 07:33 PM My understanding is that Omni Hotels is a very good operator in the convention center type market. They had a lot of experience in other cities that led them to a conservative position. That means realistic expectations on room number and height, etc. They wanted to make sure the hotel is well positioned to establish and maintain profitability, as well as future viability. I was told they had a negative experience using an existing city heater/chiller system provider in a different market, which led them to bypass Veoila and use a different system for HVAC, with the option to connect to Veoila at a later date. David 06-27-2019, 08:24 PM I wouldn't bet against a successful convention center hotel chain like Omni being able to correctly estimate hotel sizing. BigRed 06-27-2019, 09:39 PM I agree. Feels like the tax payers are getting ripped off. They had a chance to make a real impression on the downtown skyline and failed. This is one of the reasons why OKC is still small time. 2 really great posts. If you look at the photo Pete posted, you can barely even identify the Sheraton. The Omni should have been more like the one in Fort Worth with some residential on top, or Louisville which is so much more impressive. With the TIF they received and the need for a smaller hotel next door, we truly deserved something more and better than this. At 200 feet, this doesn't even feel as impressive as the River Spirit Hotel in Tulsa. I hope that OKC actually does plead discriminatory reasons that their hands are tied on them being able to to what Tulsa gets to do. They have 2 great Indian hotels and casinos that are classy and bring in millions and lots of tourists. I would kill to have something like that in DT OKC and have something like the Margaritaville, because it feels like you are on vacation and somewhere very cool and forget that you are in Oklahoma. I urge someone to challenge our lawmakers to do something about this. Can you imagine the skyline lit up with something like this? dankrutka 06-28-2019, 11:09 AM I agree. Feels like the tax payers are getting ripped off. They had a chance to make a real impression on the downtown skyline and failed. This is one of the reasons why OKC is still small time. Ah, the ol' my-skyline-is-bigger-than-your-skyline obsession. #SkylineEnvy Rover 06-28-2019, 11:12 AM I agree. Feels like the tax payers are getting ripped off. They had a chance to make a real impression on the downtown skyline and failed. This is one of the reasons why OKC is still small time. Do you make you career decisions based on what would impress your neighbors? I’f so, good luck. I think I have a VP position open for $7.50 an hour. Want it? PhiAlpha 06-28-2019, 11:28 AM I agree. Feels like the tax payers are getting ripped off. They had a chance to make a real impression on the downtown skyline and failed. This is one of the reasons why OKC is still small time. Their convention hotel in Dallas is only 60 feet taller than this going to be and Dallas is a much bigger city so I’m not really sure I understand how we’re getting ripped off. Pete 06-28-2019, 11:39 AM Although this has not been announced or submitted for design approval, I have the strong suspicion the Omni will have some cool LED light features. If we are really lucky, it would be similar to Dallas where they can show images and words. I haven't heard anything about this, it's just a hunch. Romulack 06-28-2019, 11:52 AM I agree. Feels like the tax payers are getting ripped off. They had a chance to make a real impression on the downtown skyline and failed. This is one of the reasons why OKC is still small time. Their cities may be taller, but ours is wider. Bullbear 06-28-2019, 12:21 PM I have been secretly hoping the Omni will have similar LED features to the Dallas property. it definitely adds a lot to the skyline beyond height. Fingers crossed. G.Walker 06-28-2019, 12:21 PM Although this has not been announced or submitted for design approval, I have the strong suspicion the Omni will have some cool LED light features. If we are really lucky, it would be similar to Dallas where they can show images and words. I haven't heard anything about this, it's just a hunch. I actually came across some renderings showing LED lighting on the night view. I will need to find them, but they were on the web. HOT ROD 06-28-2019, 12:23 PM Sure, we could have demanded, but they would have demanded more TIF funds. But the thing is we already gave them everything and the kitchen sink; and we're getting not much bigger than the Sheraton built in the 1970s!! Alarming!! As I said, I'm fine with TIF and taxpayer participation but at least we should have got the consultant recommended 750 rooms for the price we paid. That would have given us 3 or 4 more floors at least. I also think they are low balling the NBA player floor, should be two along with a floor or two of premium suites and perhaps a top floor restaurant or two. That would give a few more floors - a 24 floor hotel is what I was expecting in this that'd completely justify taxpayer participation - not barely 17. .... I hope some of the other posters are right in that 1) the TIF exemptions granted to Omni wont hold up in court and 2) that someone will challenge and build another highrise hotel or two. Omni went into this half baked not wanting to assume risk yet get all the reward on being exclusive to the OKC market for conventions and NBA. We should have got more out of it, the 750 rooms we were ADVISED and others that the CITY could have used for other big business or celebrity visits or even just having NBA rooms/suites available for the general public to book. ... hope there's a way out of this where OKC can come out ahead (the challenge and build of a highrise hotel/condo tower or two at the Ford lands would be just what I'm expecting!! HOT ROD 06-28-2019, 01:06 PM Rover, its not so much of a skyline vs skyline deal. it is moreso a benchmarking analysis. City A paid X dollars for their Omni and received a 24+ floor tower with residential. Appears to be a win for the city (and skyline) and a win for Omni. Oklahoma City paid $84M in TIFF to Omni in addition to $10M+ for the parking garage and receiving a 17 floor tower, no residential, and the hotel count much lower than the consultants the city also paid millions for had recommended at 750 rooms. It's almost as if the city let Omni not only WIN the contest which then had 750 rooms as a requirement but then let OMNI dictate what gets built and that OKC should pay almost half reducing their risk AND that OKC can't give TIF to another hotelier that would compete with OMNI. Rover - you're very astute on these type of analytics, you can't tell me that the city came out ahead on this. And all some of us on the forum are doing is pointing to other city's experiences to question why OKC allowed Omni to put us into second best again. The skyline impact is just a small part of the argument since a 750 room hotel would definitely have a positive impact vs a 600 room. The bigger, more important issue is why we let Cathy and the gang hand over the kitchen sink to get something not much bigger than the hotel we already have - basically Sheraton + Renaissance (going horizontal) = Omni. For nearly $100M taxpayer contribution? I hope this puts the argument into better prospective. This should have been much more and I'm not just talking about height. Rover 06-28-2019, 01:58 PM Rover, its not so much of a skyline vs skyline deal. it is moreso a benchmarking analysis. City A paid X dollars for their Omni and received a 24+ floor tower with residential. Appears to be a win for the city (and skyline) and a win for Omni. Oklahoma City paid $84M in TIFF to Omni in addition to $10M+ for the parking garage and receiving a 17 floor tower, no residential, and the hotel count much lower than the consultants the city also paid millions for had recommended at 750 rooms. It's almost as if the city let Omni not only WIN the contest which then had 750 rooms as a requirement but then let OMNI dictate what gets built and that OKC should pay almost half reducing their risk AND that OKC can't give TIF to another hotelier that would compete with OMNI. Rover - you're very astute on these type of analytics, you can't tell me that the city came out ahead on this. And all some of us on the forum are doing is pointing to other city's experiences to question why OKC allowed Omni to put us into second best again. The skyline impact is just a small part of the argument since a 750 room hotel would definitely have a positive impact vs a 600 room. The bigger, more important issue is why we let Cathy and the gang hand over the kitchen sink to get something not much bigger than the hotel we already have - basically Sheraton + Renaissance (going horizontal) = Omni. For nearly $100M taxpayer contribution? I hope this puts the argument into better prospective. This should have been much more and I'm not just talking about height. Factor in meeting spaces and other criteria. Don’t just look at guest rooms but the requirements of the whole facility. Also look at historical performance and risk. Convention center will be brand new and still a risk. Omni wouldn’t be here without the incentives. We wanted them more than they wanted us. By the way, we always compare against the BEST deals someone got, not the normal deals that happen. jn1780 06-28-2019, 02:34 PM At least its getting built. There is always a opportunity of expansion if numbers extend expectations. Maybe build-out somewhere on the podium somewhere? I'm not sure how much engineering redundancy is built into the tower, but I think I have seen steel structures built on top of concrete towers in the past in expansion projects but those towers were probably built with expansion in mind. BigRed 06-28-2019, 02:40 PM But the thing is we already gave them everything and the kitchen sink; and we're getting not much bigger than the Sheraton built in the 1970s!! Alarming!! As I said, I'm fine with TIF and taxpayer participation but at least we should have got the consultant recommended 750 rooms for the price we paid. That would have given us 3 or 4 more floors at least. I also think they are low balling the NBA player floor, should be two along with a floor or two of premium suites and perhaps a top floor restaurant or two. That would give a few more floors - a 24 floor hotel is what I was expecting in this that'd completely justify taxpayer participation - not barely 17. .... I hope some of the other posters are right in that 1) the TIF exemptions granted to Omni wont hold up in court and 2) that someone will challenge and build another highrise hotel or two. Omni went into this half baked not wanting to assume risk yet get all the reward on being exclusive to the OKC market for conventions and NBA. We should have got more out of it, the 750 rooms we were ADVISED and others that the CITY could have used for other big business or celebrity visits or even just having NBA rooms/suites available for the general public to book. ... hope there's a way out of this where OKC can come out ahead (the challenge and build of a highrise hotel/condo tower or two at the Ford lands would be just what I'm expecting!! This post is spot on. Why we scaled down despite the money given to them is insane. Absolutely no need for the Fairfield Hotel to even be there next door if we had gone with the recommended 750 rooms. Also, 2 to 3 floors need to be designed to accommodate NBA players and coaches. Count that out now as the designated place to stay for them perhaps. As for height, yes it is a debated thing that some are fine with and some are not What is not debatable is that OKC has one of the darkest and depressing downtowns of any major city. It also is the subject of laughter and I have personally defended it verbally and on a Rivals Message board when the topic was "Best Skylines" and someone joked about OKC's and how awful it was and that they had 1 skyscraper. So, yes it is a real thing in some peoples minds, and it does look awkward. I don't think people will be as concerned about mid rise stuff once a couple more towers are built to at least balance it out somewhat. It is a shame that OG&E did with the site that could have had 1-4 towers, as it would have transformed the city's skyline. It is too bad they can't go about 50 feet on the crown to give BancFirst about 550 feet. Also, it would be amazing what a difference a taller crown and spire would be for First National, especially with it all lit up. It is going to be nice and so much better, but as it is height wise, it very much is hidden and not that visible from many angles. Imagine that thing about 50 to 100 feet taller, even if most of it was a wider and taller spire? Same goes for City Place, if it was a few more stories, all this would balance out the place and we would not get made fun of as the one tower city. With that said, I know that the Omni will look good, it is just unfortunate that it could have been a staple and a true presence downtown. I hope and pray that someone soon builds a tower like River Spirit with a Margarittaville and some awesome pool. I have met people at RiverSpirit from different areas of the country that rave about the place and shocked that they are in Oklahoma. Please Chickasaw nation, do something like this and lets be better than Tulsa. It would be a game changer. Also, please someone take a chance and build a high rise residential that this city is crying out for. gopokes88 06-28-2019, 03:13 PM Factor in meeting spaces and other criteria. Don’t just look at guest rooms but the requirements of the whole facility. Also look at historical performance and risk. Convention center will be brand new and still a risk. Omni wouldn’t be here without the incentives. We wanted them more than they wanted us. By the way, we always compare against the BEST deals someone got, not the normal deals that happen. I think you just need to understand HotRod could live in Dubai and be disappointed by the lack of tall buildings. It's just kinda his thing. It's never tall enough. OKC Guy 06-28-2019, 03:23 PM OMG OMG OMG the OMNI is not tall enough now I lose bragging rights when arguing with my out of state friends who have a taller one! What am I gonna do I might need counseling! Should I start a go fund me to get more floors? Add a tall steeple? Move? Please help! GoGators 06-28-2019, 03:49 PM OMG OMG OMG the Streetcar is not necessary! now I lose bragging rights when arguing with my out of state friends about who has the most car centric city ! What am I gonna do I might need counseling! Should I start a go fund me to get more roads? rail against any mention of bike lanes? Tell people to move? Please help! Sooner.Arch 06-28-2019, 04:00 PM Serious question. Is there a reasoning they oriented it like that, would have loved to see it oriented like in this render. jonny d 06-28-2019, 04:10 PM Serious question. Is there a reasoning they oriented it like that, would have loved to see it oriented like in this render. To give you something to complain about. Literally, I think that is why OKC developers do anything. Or to avoid the sun in the west in the afternoons and evenings. Pete 06-28-2019, 04:13 PM Serious question. Is there a reasoning they oriented it like that, would have loved to see it oriented like in this render. I believe it was so the pool and related outdoor event space overlooked the park. Laramie 06-28-2019, 04:32 PM Fort Worth - Omni 614 rooms, 33 stories--447 feet, $230 million, tax-incentive deal capped at $89 million. Originally planned to be between 15-21 stories high: Source: One of two deals Nashville negotiated with Omni Nashville - 800 rooms, 23 stories--269 feet, $270 million, As part of those incentives, Metro is providing $103 million in tourism taxes to Omni over 20 years, $25 million in tax increment financing in 2011 and a partial abatement of 62.5 percent of Omni’s property taxes. Source: Nashville new $623 million convention center: Omni 21 stories, $128 million in incentives Oklahoma City Omni, 605 rooms, 17 stories--214 feet, $232.5 million, $85.4 million incentive financing for the hotel shavethewhales 06-28-2019, 04:37 PM Everyone's arguing about the height, but I've always been mostly excited for the podium/street level and how it will interact with both the convention center and the park. It will be another cool lively area, and I'm sure it will keep on growing around the park. There's plenty of room for more hotels around the immediate area in the future when demand gets there. Pete 06-28-2019, 04:39 PM ^ There will be a cool 2-level sports bar on the corner, right across from the arena. I'm sure they it will have airport prices, but it will still be a hotspot and great place to take visitors. OKC Guy 06-28-2019, 04:41 PM OMG OMG OMG the Streetcar is not necessary! now I lose bragging rights when arguing with my out of state friends about who has the most car centric city ! What am I gonna do I might need counseling! Should I start a go fund me to get more roads? rail against any mention of bike lanes? Tell people to move? Please help! Wrong thread... OKC Guy 06-28-2019, 04:45 PM Everyone's arguing about the height, but I've always been mostly excited for the podium/street level and how it will interact with both the convention center and the park. It will be another cool lively area, and I'm sure it will keep on growing around the park. There's plenty of room for more hotels around the immediate area in the future when demand gets there. Actually a very good point. I love how this is going to interact with everything. The best thing to have happen is they sell out all/most rooms nightly. Better than a half full hotel. Economy is great right now but when we have the eventual downturn we don’t want a hotel not able to fill half their rooms. In any downturn the convention would slow too but this OMNI seems to be a good size for here and could likely weather those storms. Having the retail bottom portion is important too kevin lee 06-28-2019, 06:15 PM I've been to the Nashville and the Louisville Omni. Nashville has led lighting but the newer Louisville doesn't. Nashville's lighting isn't like Dallas but at least it's something. Laramie 06-28-2019, 10:46 PM I've been to the Nashville and the Louisville Omni. Nashville has led lighting but the newer Louisville doesn't. Nashville's lighting isn't like Dallas but at least it's something.×tamp=1430412352 The 800 room, 21 story Nashville Omni lighting is probably what you will see with OKC's 600 room, 17 story hotel. ChrisHayes 06-30-2019, 07:55 PM I was coming down 35 today and you can plainly see the Omni Hotel popping up behind other buildings in downtown. The same can be said for the Global Payments HQ. Both buildings are going to add to the skyline seen from the interstate; especially Omni. Pete 07-05-2019, 02:11 PM Eight floors finished, starting on #9: Dustin 07-07-2019, 11:04 AM I really like our Omni compared to the others. Who cares if it's shorter! SOONER8693 07-07-2019, 11:26 AM I really like our Omni compared to the others. Who cares if it's shorter! I like it. I wish it were taller, but, I think it will nicely extend the skyline south. Like the BOK did to the west. jmo Pete 07-08-2019, 10:02 AM dankrutka 07-08-2019, 12:43 PM I was just in San Diego and their Omni is tall, but not much to look at. I like OKC's better. GaryOKC6 07-08-2019, 01:51 PM It is going to be a crown jewel for okc. I sat through an update on the Omni this morning and they are sparing no expense to make this an amazing addition. They are on track to open September 13, 2020. Other development is following the park in all directions. We are very fortunate to have it. jonny d 07-08-2019, 01:54 PM It is going to be a crown jewel for okc. I sat through an update on the Omni this morning and they are sparing no expense to make this an amazing addition. They are on track to open September 13, 2020. Other development is following the park in all directions. We are very fortunate to have it. I just hope OKC gets its first residential high-rise around that park (I hate the Regency Tower, so I don't consider it high-rise). Not saying OKC needs 50 of them like Austin has announced each week, but one or 2 would work great around the park. OKCRT 07-08-2019, 06:41 PM It is going to be a crown jewel for okc. I sat through an update on the Omni this morning and they are sparing no expense to make this an amazing addition. They are on track to open September 13, 2020. Other development is following the park in all directions. We are very fortunate to have it. It's not tall enough to make a significant change to the skyline so IMO they fell short. Of course that is my opinion but I doubt I will ever stay there so all I will ever see of it is from driving down I-40. But they had a chance to really add something here and they came up short. Short being the key word |