View Full Version : OKC to host Summer Olymipcs
warreng88 12-11-2013, 10:22 AM Let's break down some figures you are proposing:
HSR from OU to UCO would be 33 miles. Using the old lines, it would cost about $2.5 million/mile, $80 million for the entire project.
Then we go from OSU-OKC to Rose State for 11 miles and that is $27,500,000.
Now we need to increase the streetcar from the future layout (circulator through MT/DT/BT/OUHSC) to OCU, out to NW Expressway, up to the Capital, down through Capital Hill, out west to the fairground and SW to the DT Airpark. Let's just say 30 miles. That would be about $600 million with it running at $20 million/mile.
Then we need to tear down the Cox Convention Center and build a $1 billion transit hub that links buses, streetcars, HSR and other forms of mass transit.
Then, let's build a HSR line from the airport to DT for the cost of about $25 million (ROW, new and upgraded lines). Then, we need to add 100 gates to our airport and increase the amenities. Let's just call it $500 million for an expanded airport, parking facilities, baggage claims, etc.
Now we need to build the athletic village for 18,000 participants. The Edge costs $144,000 per apartment. The Steel Yard is going to cost $214,285 per apartment, but is including the hotel, so let's just call it $150,000 per apartment. So the athletic village will cost close to $3 billion.
A new Olympic stadium will cost close to $1 billion.
We would need to do upgrades to The Peake, if not build a brand new facility by that time. The Barclays Center in Brooklyn cost $1 billion to build, so let's just use that figure.
We will have a relatively new convention center at the time, but will need about three to four times as much space, so let's add another $1 billion to that.
We are at $6 billion dollars and we haven't even touched the other multiple arenas that would need to be built at the universities and the fairgrounds like you suggested.
Now, if we are going to raise that money from MAPS money, like you suggested, let's assume sales tax revenues triple ($300 million) next year and stay that way until it is paid off. By that calculation (1% of the sales tax going to all of these things), it would take 2,000 months or 166 years before we are able to pay for it. Now, let's assume there are going to be bond issues to take out the HSR and hub portions of the plan and all that OKC is on the bill for are the arenas, streetcar and apartments. That is still $4.75 billion and would take 132 years to pay off.
Do you see why people don't like this idea?
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 10:25 AM One thing necessary for the Olympics that no MAPS initiative could bring is global prestige. OKC could become the nation's next big boomtown story and compare with Denver, Austin, or Charlotte in 20 years but would still not be cosmopolitan enough to compete for the Olympics.
We have come along way in the past 20 years that has brought our cities physical image to a point that even "registers on the cosmopolitian scale". I can say that in 20/30 years, if we keep building to that high standard, then we can get even closer to that level that will be more attracive to the Olympic committee.
No city in the world, is perfect. London has its messy side too. Rio is a great place on a hill for a view or from the beach, but it has it's "not so clean side too". LA / Chicago / NYC is not all Manhattan / The Mile / Rodeo Dr either. They have their warts too.
warreng88 12-11-2013, 10:29 AM One thing no one has addressed is that it could be 100° or higher every day they are here. That would be just fantastic for us. I guess the same could be said for Dallas though.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 10:45 AM Let's break down some figures you are proposing:
HSR from OU to UCO would be 33 miles. Using the old lines, it would cost about $2.5 million/mile, $80 million for the entire project.
Then we go from OSU-OKC to Rose State for 11 miles and that is $27,500,000.
Now we need to increase the streetcar from the future layout (circulator through MT/DT/BT/OUHSC) to OCU, out to NW Expressway, up to the Capital, down through Capital Hill, out west to the fairground and SW to the DT Airpark. Let's just say 30 miles. That would be about $600 million with it running at $20 million/mile.
Then we need to tear down the Cox Convention Center and build a $1 billion transit hub that links buses, streetcars, HSR and other forms of mass transit.
Then, let's build a HSR line from the airport to DT for the cost of about $25 million (ROW, new and upgraded lines). Then, we need to add 100 gates to our airport and increase the amenities. Let's just call it $500 million for an expanded airport, parking facilities, baggage claims, etc.
Now we need to build the athletic village for 18,000 participants. The Edge costs $144,000 per apartment. The Steel Yard is going to cost $214,285 per apartment, but is including the hotel, so let's just call it $150,000 per apartment. So the athletic village will cost close to $3 billion.
A new Olympic stadium will cost close to $1 billion.
We would need to do upgrades to The Peake, if not build a brand new facility by that time. The Barclays Center in Brooklyn cost $1 billion to build, so let's just use that figure.
We will have a relatively new convention center at the time, but will need about three to four times as much space, so let's add another $1 billion to that.
We are at $6 billion dollars and we haven't even touched the other multiple arenas that would need to be built at the universities and the fairgrounds like you suggested.
Now, if we are going to raise that money from MAPS money, like you suggested, let's assume sales tax revenues triple ($300 million) next year and stay that way until it is paid off. By that calculation (1% of the sales tax going to all of these things), it would take 2,000 months or 166 years before we are able to pay for it. Now, let's assume there are going to be bond issues to take out the HSR and hub portions of the plan and all that OKC is on the bill for are the arenas, streetcar and apartments. That is still $4.75 billion and would take 132 years to pay off.
Do you see why people don't like this idea?
The irony here is that 80% of the items listed, will be needed anyway. Mass Transit HUB, you bet. HSR on a regional setting, you bet. It is already moving in that direction. Cox Convention, yes. The Olympic Stadium, well MLS or NFL may be your source for that anyway.
All things have a cost Our existing ODOT has cost us plenty... I-240 & I-35 will cost $200 mil and we still have a clover-leaf in it and does not cure the problem.
We have come along way in the past 20 years that has brought our cities physical image to a point that even "registers on the cosmopolitian scale". I can say that in 20/30 years, if we keep building to that high standard, then we can get even closer to that level that will be more attracive to the Olympic committee.
No city in the world, is perfect. London has its messy side too. Rio is a great place on a hill for a view or from the beach, but it has it's "not so clean side too". LA / Chicago / NYC is not all Manhattan / The Mile / Rodeo Dr either. They have their warts too.
You've heard of London. You've heard of Rio. You've heard of NYC. Have you heard of Joao Pessoa, Brazil? No? That's because it's a city about the same size as Oklahoma City. But it's in Brazil. That's how people in other countries think about Oklahoma City. They may have heard of Oklahoma because of the musical. And so adding the word "city" on the end leads them to conclude that OKC is a city in the place where the musical happened. But generally they've never really heard of us.
That has to change dramatically before you have any shot at an event of this magnitude.
bchris02 12-11-2013, 11:04 AM We have come along way in the past 20 years that has brought our cities physical image to a point that even "registers on the cosmopolitian scale". I can say that in 20/30 years, if we keep building to that high standard, then we can get even closer to that level that will be more attracive to the Olympic committee.
No city in the world, is perfect. London has its messy side too. Rio is a great place on a hill for a view or from the beach, but it has it's "not so clean side too". LA / Chicago / NYC is not all Manhattan / The Mile / Rodeo Dr either. They have their warts too.
OKC today has come a long way on the cosmopolitan scale compared to itself in the 1990s or against smaller regional cities like Wichita, Little Rock, or Amarillo.
Have you spent much time in places like NYC, LA, and Chicago? What about like Dallas, Houston, or Atlanta? How about even Austin, San Antonio, or Denver? If you have, you would realize that while OKC has seen a monumental transformation, it still has a long, long ways to go. Then there is the limitation of our airport. Hoyasooner hit the nail on the head as to what would be needed before OKC can even think about an Olympic bid and to think OKC will get there within 20 years, which would be needed to host the Olympics around 2050, is simply unrealistic.
okseer 12-11-2013, 11:07 AM No MAPS initiative, no matter how ambitious, and propel OKC to being a world class city that can compete with London, Paris, Tokyo, New York, etc. This city is now just barely a nationally relevant city with the arrival of the Thunder and is still near the bottom of that tier. This city can become a very well-respected national city ala New Orleans, Denver, Austin, etc and still be far removed from an Olympic-class city.
For one, when is OKC going to get a hub airport with not only a direct flight to most major American cities but global ones as well? What is going to create the demand for those flights?
This is not a bad thing. I for one do't want OKC to be London, Paris, Tokyo, New York, etc. If I did I would probibly move there. I really like OKC the way it is. I expect some growth and change ata gradual pace. Anyone that expects us to be London, Paris, Tokyo, New York, etc is living in the wrong city.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 11:15 AM So we need to increase our Brand Awareness. We are doing that.
I look at it this way. We are the biggest "fly-over" market in the US. More americans flyover from LA to NYC / Chicago to Dallas and that may not change w/ the Cost of Airlines ( and their business model ). Our key is to link OKC with the future, and not the past. A HSR HUB for OKC, would be the most forward thinking city in the central US. Let's use this to announce our OKC Brand to the world in 20/30 years.
OKC does not have to be the largest city to Host, but we can be the city that all aspire to be like. That would be a city that others across the globe would want to see.
We are on our way.
Richard at Remax 12-11-2013, 11:20 AM Right about now I really wish I had the sound bite of popping a beer that Mark Rodgers uses on the middle of the day show for ridiculous comments/thoughts
soondoc 12-11-2013, 11:26 AM If OKC is going to truly thrive it has to do something to become more of a destination. Whether that be some brand new Theme Park, multiple casinos (something like Tunica) near downtown with the Ferris Wheel and all, or making Film Row become Hollywood East. Give those guys a reason to come here and make movies and save millions in filming costs. With tax incentives and lower production costs, why would they not?
My point is that we MUST create a demand or desire to come to our city. The things we are doing are good but not great, from the standpoint that we notice it but the vast majority of the country has no clue about OKC. We need demand and we need to build things like the HSR and have a route from DT to NW, Edmond to Norman and WRWA to DT. We need to expand our airport, add more gates and put out a welcome sign for a hub relocation and offer incentives to come here. We already train thousands of air traffic controlers at our airport. Our leaders need to make this a priority and watch this city take off and explode.
As for how to pay for it, the HSR can be added to maps. Yes, it is an additional tax but the rewards would be so worth it for this city. Also, it can expand to other suburbs to join in as well to help pay for the cost such as Edmond, Moore, and Norman. If you want to be big, you have to dream big and it's time we stop settling for mediocre or making excuses of why we can't do it. You strike when the iron is hot and this economy is good here now and doing this now will save millions compared to later.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 11:33 AM Right about now I really wish I had the sound bite of popping a beer that Mark Rodgers uses on the middle of the day show for ridiculous comments/thoughts
You mean like having an Olympic Training facility for Rowing here on the Oklahoma River? Whitewater Rapids High Performance Course ? ....NBA Team gong to the Finals ? ... yeah, go back to sleep and make sure you mom wakes you for your 30's - 50's singles classes.
bchris02 12-11-2013, 11:38 AM If OKC is going to truly thrive it has to do something to become more of a destination. Whether that be some brand new Theme Park, multiple casinos (something like Tunica) near downtown with the Ferris Wheel and all, or making Film Row become Hollywood East. Give those guys a reason to come here and make movies and save millions in filming costs. With tax incentives and lower production costs, why would they not?
My point is that we MUST create a demand or desire to come to our city. The things we are doing are good but not great, from the standpoint that we notice it but the vast majority of the country has no clue about OKC. We need demand and we need to build things like the HSR and have a route from DT to NW, Edmond to Norman and WRWA to DT. We need to expand our airport, add more gates and put out a welcome sign for a hub relocation and offer incentives to come here. We already train thousands of air traffic controlers at our airport. Our leaders need to make this a priority and watch this city take off and explode.
As for how to pay for it, the HSR can be added to maps. Yes, it is an additional tax but the rewards would be so worth it for this city. Also, it can expand to other suburbs to join in as well to help pay for the cost such as Edmond, Moore, and Norman. If you want to be big, you have to dream big and it's time we stop settling for mediocre or making excuses of why we can't do it. You strike when the iron is hot and this economy is good here now and doing this now will save millions compared to later.
I agree with this. If most of America assumes we still ride horses, use outhouses, and watch tumbleweeds cross the road for entertainment how do you think OKC is viewed on a global scale?
OKC needs to work towards being an attractive destination - both to live and to visit on a national scale. That is the next milestone for this city. This city needs some sort of national event to put it in the spotlight for something positive. The Thunder has helped a lot with that, but imagine what the Super Bowl or one of the political conventions would do for this city? What about some world-class museums or other tourist attractions? How about a real theme park like Cedar Point in Ohio with the world's best roller coasters? When we look at where this city is going between now and 2050, those are the goals we should strive for.
Richard at Remax 12-11-2013, 11:44 AM You mean like having an Olympic Training facility for Rowing here on the Oklahoma River? Whitewater Rapids High Performance Course ? ....NBA Team gong to the Finals ? ... yeah, go back to sleep and make sure you mom wakes you for your 30's - 50's singles classes.
Actually if you go back you will see my comments that only way OKC sees anything Olympics is if Dallas gets it and we get the rowing competitions. So I am not blind to what's going on around me.
As for your head scratching second comment I really don't have a response to someone who throws out "your mom". I'm 29 and married so I'm going to have to miss out on those classes. :Smiley099
Just the facts 12-11-2013, 12:11 PM This thread really should just have 2 posts.
1 - OKC should host the Olympics.
2 - No.
So with that in mind - I'm out. :)
jn1780 12-11-2013, 12:14 PM You've heard of London. You've heard of Rio. You've heard of NYC. Have you heard of Joao Pessoa, Brazil? No? That's because it's a city about the same size as Oklahoma City. But it's in Brazil. That's how people in other countries think about Oklahoma City. They may have heard of Oklahoma because of the musical. And so adding the word "city" on the end leads them to conclude that OKC is a city in the place where the musical happened. But generally they've never really heard of us.
That has to change dramatically before you have any shot at an event of this magnitude.
And these places have a lot more history then OKC. Really, even Dallas would be lucky if they ever got the Olympics.
Midtowner 12-11-2013, 12:27 PM This whole thread is just silly. We're the #45 media market in the U.S. That means there are just about 44 cities which would be better equipped than us in just the U.S., not to mention the fact that you're in a global competition. Comparing OKC to Beijing, London, Paris, etc.? Just get real. This is silly talk.
warreng88 12-11-2013, 02:16 PM So, we're just going to let this thread die since everyone here but one individual thinks it is an outrageous idea, right? I know I am done with it.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 02:31 PM This whole thread is just silly. We're the #45 media market in the U.S. That means there are just about 44 cities which would be better equipped than us in just the U.S., not to mention the fact that you're in a global competition. Comparing OKC to Beijing, London, Paris, etc.? Just get real. This is silly talk.
Midtowner, You are correct. Today, we are not equipped to light the flame of the next Olympics this summer. Where did I every say that? huh?
In light of the 20 year MAPS anniversary, we look at how far we have come from the attitude of "Boy, those folks in NYC really spend a lot of foolish money on a shiny ball on new years eve?"
This thread was to get us thinking kinda BIG. We have a tendancy to feel (45th in a media market)...or 48th in education. OKC is one of the fattest cities in the US. So, ...We need to continue to push the expectations for our city.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 02:41 PM So, we're just going to let this thread die since everyone here but one individual thinks it is an outrageous idea, right? I know I am done with it.
You mean the same 5 people that are always thinking small? ...I will take the other number. The number of "views" this thread has tallied. Over 1,000 in 2 days. This tells me that there is:
1. A great interest in this exciting event / topic.
2. There are many that don't ever post (they don't have the time or just want to keep up with "the latest"). ...this is the group that typically has a more open mind to this subject.
OKC hosting the Summer Olympics, it will not happen if we don't plan for it. That is a certainty.
We are on-course to do some big things here in OKC in the next 20/30 years, and a few things might even surprise a few of you.
warreng88 12-11-2013, 02:44 PM You mean the same 5 people that are always thinking small? ...I will take the other number. The number of "views" this thread has tallied. Over 1,000 in 2 days. This tells me that there is:
1. A great interest in this exciting event / topic.
2. There are many that don't ever post (they don't have the time or just want to keep up with "the latest"). ...this is the group that typically has a more open mind to this subject.
OKC hosting the Summer Olympics, it will not happen if we don't plan for it. That is a certainty.
We are on-course to do some big things here in OKC in the next 20/30 years, and a few things might even surprise a few of you.
I am not sure where to start with the absurdity of this post so I will just give up...
You're right! We should totally host the 2048 Olympic Games! Get started and let us know how that goes!
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 02:48 PM I agree with this. If most of America assumes we still ride horses, use outhouses, and watch tumbleweeds cross the road for entertainment how do you think OKC is viewed on a global scale?
OKC needs to work towards being an attractive destination - both to live and to visit on a national scale. That is the next milestone for this city. This city needs some sort of national event to put it in the spotlight for something positive. The Thunder has helped a lot with that, but imagine what the Super Bowl or one of the political conventions would do for this city? What about some world-class museums or other tourist attractions? How about a real theme park like Cedar Point in Ohio with the world's best roller coasters? When we look at where this city is going between now and 2050, those are the goals we should strive for.
Again, this is not "in lue of" , but in addition too, ... along a timeline of events.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 02:52 PM I am not sure where to start with the absurdity of this post so I will just give up...
You're right! We should totally host the 2048 Olympic Games! Get started and let us know how that goes!
Now doesn't that feel better? get rid of some of that "we can't we can't we can't". lol.
bchris02 12-11-2013, 02:56 PM Again, this is not "in lue of" , but in addition too, ... along a timeline of events.
Again, do you think OKC will be able to accomplish the following by 2028, which will be needed if we are to have a shot at the 2048 games?
-1.5 million city population; at least 3 million metro
-A hub airport with not only direct flights to major US cities but global cities as well
-An iconic, globally recognizable skyscraper
-A globally-honored public figure
-World-renowned museums and cultural institutions
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 03:18 PM Again, do you think OKC will be able to accomplish the following by 2028, which will be needed if we are to have a shot at the 2048 games?
-1.5 million city population; at least 3 million metro
-A hub airport with not only direct flights to major US cities but global cities as well
-An iconic, globally recognizable skyscraper
-A globally-honored public figure
-World-renowned museums and cultural institutions
bchrist, I think our population will grow steady for another 5 -10 years, then expect even greater growth form 10 - 20. We could be close to the 1.25 / w/ 3 Mil in by 2030.
The airport is something we should place our investments in w/ expansion. This is part of the case ( we only have 29 gates now ), so why should they commit to selecting OKC as a hub? We need to increase our capactiy by (2x) either way. The airport could be a hurdle with the cost of business for airlines increasing. This is why we should take the next step in the process and look to be a Regional HUB for High Speed Rail. Our central location is perfect for this. And we don't have to tie our success to United / Delta / Continental's.
Iconic Skyscraper, we have one now. It just needs a few more friends to surround it, ie. Stage Center ; Preftakes ; BOA ; Convention Hotel.... and who knows the next 10 years? could even begin to plan for an Iconic Tower like Seattle?
Olympic Figures ... Bart & Nadia woulld be an excellent choice for promotion.
Museums & Cultural Institutions .... ( I know this is small, but it gives us a look at this topic, 21cMuseum Hotel. ) ain't The Louvre' , but, this breaks the ice for that kind of institution.
bchris02 12-11-2013, 03:27 PM Let me add another requirement to the list. Extensive, citywide public transportation, preferably rail based, to get people anywhere and everywhere of significance in the city at all hours of the day without needing to use a car.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 03:33 PM Yes, the mass transit is a must! Being a High Speed Rail HUB for the region, would be a big key to success for this event & to our local metro economy. connects all the metro with HSR.
Bellaboo 12-11-2013, 03:36 PM You'll need to go play Sim City... We will never host an Olympics...... Now maybe some kind of water event is possible.....canoe, kayak, rowing.
It's "in lieu of".
None of the investments we're going to make in the next 30 years are going to be directly related to the Olympics. Earlier in this thread you were talking about building a combination soccer stadium/Olympic arena. You're way way way ahead of the game. Focus on improving the city and then in 40 years they can talk about where to put the Olympic village.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 03:59 PM It's "in lieu of".
None of the investments we're going to make in the next 30 years are going to be directly related to the Olympics. Earlier in this thread you were talking about building a combination soccer stadium/Olympic arena. You're way way way ahead of the game. Focus on improving the city and then in 40 years they can talk about where to put the Olympic village.
Are you saying that if we held the Olympics, that the would not be Rowing in the Oklahoma River? ...are you saying that if we held the Olympics that they would not be competing in The Peake? This is my point exactly, I'm saying we are building the items already as a pay-as-you-go tool now. The Olympic Stadium / MLS / NFL ( whatever the on-going usage) would be paid for previously by a MAPS initiative.
They would be rowing in the river, but they would not be playing in the Peake. They would not be playing in a potential MLS/NFL stadium. Because if we ever host the Olympics, those buildings will all have been torn down by then. They won't even use our parking garages because they aren't being built to handle hovercars.
OKVision4U 12-11-2013, 04:31 PM Yes, we will have to continue to manage our existing facilities & build new ones too.
Midtowner 12-11-2013, 06:10 PM Screw the Olympics. Let's build a spaceport. Then we can host the intergalactic Olympics.
trousers 12-11-2013, 06:56 PM Just the amount of bribe money it takes to get consideration for the Olympics is ridiculous.
The infrastructure spending would never be recouped. This thread makes the NFL thread sound reasonable.
Snowman 12-11-2013, 06:59 PM Screw the Olympics. Let's build a spaceport. Then we can host the intergalactic Olympics.
There is already one like a hour drive away
ljbab728 12-11-2013, 10:50 PM Just a little reading on the Internet shows that Toronto and Rio have great cases for 2024 - as does Paris - it would be the 100th anniversary of the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris.
zookeeper, not that it has much to do with the subject of this thread but Rio won't have much chance for 2024 since they are hosting the next Summer Olympics in 2016.
Snowman 12-11-2013, 11:08 PM zookeeper, not that it has much to do with the subject of this thread but Rio won't have much chance for 2024 since they are hosting the next Summer Olympics in 2016.
If they keep having cranes collapse on the stadiums they are trying to build, 2024 may be a safer bet on when they will be ready
zookeeper 12-12-2013, 12:06 AM zookeeper, not that it has much to do with the subject of this thread but Rio won't have much chance for 2024 since they are hosting the next Summer Olympics in 2016.
Hello? Earth to zookeeper. Yes, of course! I was looking at an older article. Thanks for the correction!
HOT ROD 12-12-2013, 12:52 PM As others have said, let's continue the momentum of Maps and make OKC an even better place to live, visit, and do business in.
As to sports, I agree with others that NFL should be the City's next big thing and even that needs to wait for about 10-years and Maps 5. I think Maps 4 needs to be transit, sidewalks/trails, lighting, and beautification ONLY; with the tax truly metropolitan with cities connected by transit taxing/building their station(s). Maps 5 should return downtown and be about an NFL stadium and more transit/trails and beautification.
Oh, did want to comment about OKC's world recognition - NBA Thunder has placed okc on the world map particularly since we have a top elite team and two superstars. So I totally disagree with the brasil small city comparison on the world recognition stage as I can affirm through my own extensive travels in Asia that OKC does have prestige as a sports town.
Sorry OKVision, but a big NO to the Olympics.
David 12-12-2013, 01:08 PM If Chicago couldn't even beat out Rio, the IOC is never going to select a mid-size city in the middle of the US as a host. It just isn't going to happen, and thinking so does not mean we are thinking small.
bchris02 12-12-2013, 01:15 PM If Chicago couldn't even beat out Rio, the IOC is never going to select a mid-size city in the middle of the US as a host. It just isn't going to happen, and thinking so does not mean we are thinking small.
I agree. Enid isn't getting an NBA team in our lifetimes and I would say anybody suggesting otherwise was not being realistic. I do think OKC should work towards the quality of life goals discussed in this thread though.
Bellaboo 12-12-2013, 01:56 PM I am not sure where to start with the absurdity of this post so I will just give up...
You 'Were right! We should totally host the 2048 Olympic Games! Get started and let us know how that goes!
We'd be lucky to get them by 3212....... It's not going to happen.
On another note, we did host some kind of US Junior Olympics in 1989.....or something of that nature.
Snowman 12-12-2013, 03:22 PM [/B]
We'd be lucky to get them by 3212....... It's not going to happen.
On another note, we did host some kind of US Junior Olympics in 1989.....or something of that nature.
For whatever reason the USOC quit doing the combined Olympic Festival several years later, the various groups just hold their own individual events at separate places around the country now.
SoonerDave 12-12-2013, 03:32 PM For whatever reason the USOC quit doing the combined Olympic Festival several years later, the various groups just hold their own individual events at separate places around the country now.
It was the US Olympic Festival that was established to create some sort of Olympic "theming" that capitalized off the success of the 1984 LA Summer Olympics and in advance of the subsequent Atlanta Olympics.
The problem was that travel arrangements for a single, consolidated venue became too much for most of the smaller sports, and as big a success as the Olympic Festival was for OKC (I was a volunteer), there were quite a few coordination and logistical issues that left some people kinda frustrated - to say nothing of the fact that while OKC was the host city, venues were all over the state. Keep in mind, too, that this was years before any notion of MAPS, and downtown OKC was in its decidedly pre-renaissance mode, to be kind.
It was a huge coup for OKC at the time - Ronald Reagan came in to speak, there was a monstrous kickoff party at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium and closing ceremony (although most of the athletes had long since gone home). I have an absolutely beautiful picture of a hot air balloon that made an appearance during the opening ceremony, as well as a torchlighting ceremony, and that picture hangs on my wall to this day.
bchris02 12-12-2013, 03:32 PM How about building a galactic palace in OKC for the future galactic emperor to rule from? Then maybe OKC on Planet Earth will be chosen as the galactic capital if we already have the palace in place.
David 12-12-2013, 04:19 PM Build it and they will come, eh?
OKVision4U 12-12-2013, 04:58 PM If Chicago couldn't even beat out Rio, the IOC is never going to select a mid-size city in the middle of the US as a host. It just isn't going to happen, and thinking so does not mean we are thinking small.
David, maybe Chicago should not have been "bribing" the officials ? That is why they were taken out of contention and did not make it to the final round of selections.
OKVision4U 12-12-2013, 05:02 PM How about building a galactic palace in OKC for the future galactic emperor to rule from? Then maybe OKC on Planet Earth will be chosen as the galactic capital if we already have the palace in place.
Hey, it worked for the Thunder. Planning ahead usually increases the desired outcome. fyi..
David 12-12-2013, 08:01 PM David, maybe Chicago should not have been "bribing" the officials ? That is why they were taken out of contention and did not make it to the final round of selections.
Proof, please.
ErnestA 12-12-2013, 08:16 PM If Chicago couldn't even beat out Rio, the IOC is never going to select a mid-size city in the middle of the US as a host. It just isn't going to happen, and thinking so does not mean we are thinking small.
There are so many other reasons besides the bid city that go into selecting Olympic sites -- geopolitics, host site distribution, IOC terms, among others. Chicago is a world class city and a worthy Olympic host. Issues with its and the USOC's bid package, as well as the opportunity to award the Olympics to a South American city for the first time, were its undoing.
Bids for the 2016 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( )
No, OKC will never host the Olympics. Instead, let's come up with a signature event that cements our place nationally, like the Kentucky Derby, Indianapolis 500, or South by Southwest.
ljbab728 12-12-2013, 10:43 PM It was the US Olympic Festival that was established to create some sort of Olympic "theming" that capitalized off the success of the 1984 LA Summer Olympics and in advance of the subsequent Atlanta Olympics.
The problem was that travel arrangements for a single, consolidated venue became too much for most of the smaller sports, and as big a success as the Olympic Festival was for OKC (I was a volunteer), there were quite a few coordination and logistical issues that left some people kinda frustrated - to say nothing of the fact that while OKC was the host city, venues were all over the state. Keep in mind, too, that this was years before any notion of MAPS, and downtown OKC was in its decidedly pre-renaissance mode, to be kind.
It was a huge coup for OKC at the time - Ronald Reagan came in to speak, there was a monstrous kickoff party at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium and closing ceremony (although most of the athletes had long since gone home). I have an absolutely beautiful picture of a hot air balloon that made an appearance during the opening ceremony, as well as a torchlighting ceremony, and that picture hangs on my wall to this day.
I was at the opening ceremony that night in Norman and it really was a fun and moving event.
Snowman 12-12-2013, 10:53 PM I was at the opening ceremony that night in Norman and it really was a fun and moving event.
I was too, enjoyed everything but the ending, which was a bit painful for me when a fragment of one of the fireworks landed in my eye.
ljbab728 12-12-2013, 10:56 PM I was too, enjoyed everything but the ending, which was a bit painful for me when a fragment of one of the fireworks landed in my eye.
Well I missed that part of the fun. LOL
Hopefully Vince and Reba's performance helped make up for that.
ljbab728 12-13-2013, 12:11 AM Another part of the amazing show in Norman for the Olympic Festival 89. I was sitting just below the south end zone scoreboard.
ljbab728 12-13-2013, 12:26 AM And this brings back great memories of that moving and emotional night I spent in Norman 24 years ago. It was truly an impressive performance.
venture 12-13-2013, 01:27 AM Don't we have enough Olympic threads already?
Oh wait...this is for the Olymipcs.
OKVision4U 12-13-2013, 11:31 AM It was the US Olympic Festival that was established to create some sort of Olympic "theming" that capitalized off the success of the 1984 LA Summer Olympics and in advance of the subsequent Atlanta Olympics.
The problem was that travel arrangements for a single, consolidated venue became too much for most of the smaller sports, and as big a success as the Olympic Festival was for OKC (I was a volunteer), there were quite a few coordination and logistical issues that left some people kinda frustrated - to say nothing of the fact that while OKC was the host city, venues were all over the state. Keep in mind, too, that this was years before any notion of MAPS, and downtown OKC was in its decidedly pre-renaissance mode, to be kind.
It was a huge coup for OKC at the time - Ronald Reagan came in to speak, there was a monstrous kickoff party at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium and closing ceremony (although most of the athletes had long since gone home). I have an absolutely beautiful picture of a hot air balloon that made an appearance during the opening ceremony, as well as a torchlighting ceremony, and that picture hangs on my wall to this day.
How did OKC (EVER!) pull that off? You mean to tell me the leader of the Free World came to OKC for the Olympic Festival? mean Mr. "Gorby tear down this wall" Reagan?
Bellaboo 12-13-2013, 11:47 AM How did OKC (EVER!) pull that off? You mean to tell me the leader of the Free World came to OKC for the Olympic Festival? mean Mr. "Gorby tear down this wall" Reagan?
I was there too. and FloJo (Florence Griffith Joyner) brought the torch in to start the games..... It was an outstanding opening.
OKVision4U 12-13-2013, 11:51 AM
Who did those people think we are.... Chicago? LA? NYC? Houston, Dallas, Paris, London, ... How did we get this event? Small Mid-Size Fly-over city (w/ an Okie accent) and they ( Olympic Committee ) selected OKC? NO WAY! We don't have the people to support ( volunteers ) this event.
I'm not saying we are even close to ready, but maybe we need to give this some thought in the future? We don't have to be Chicago, to compete with others. ( that's kind of the That Team is better than us, let's just stay in the locker room and not run out on the field and play) Your right, the Sooners should just stay home, save the money and not play the Tide. Really, who do they think they are?
OKVision4U 12-13-2013, 12:32 PM Just the amount of bribe money it takes to get consideration for the Olympics is ridiculous.
The infrastructure spending would never be recouped. This thread makes the NFL thread sound reasonable.
US Olympic Festival 89'. President Ronald Reagan. How did that happen?