View Full Version : Empty Canal level space

12-06-2013, 10:58 AM
This may have been discussed before, but why hasn't the building on the south side of the canal at its westmost end ever been fully developed? As far as I know there is nothing there and there hasn't ever been anything there. Seems like a prime spot.

12-06-2013, 11:18 AM
The buildings you describe are owned by Harding and Shelton, an energy company. They have done a wonderful renovation to much of the space, detailed here: Location | Harding Shelton (

There is some street level and upstairs space they have not yet developed, but which they've stabilized and for which they hope to find good uses/tenants. The street level canal frontage would make wonderful restaurant space. However, the location makes it a bit if a challenge from a visibility/accessibility standpoint. Hopefully it won't take this long, but when they punch the access tunnel from the Santa Fe depot it should dramatically change the dynamic for buildings located in that block.

The canal level is another story entirely, as there isn't really a building there so much as a wall of sheet pile and a janky exposed basement. It will really take someone with vision (and deep pockets) to make that work. Personally, I have had plenty of daydreams about putting a great place there, and think I know how to do it. So now I'm only a Powerball win away from executing my plans. Stay tuned.

12-06-2013, 11:20 AM
Pete, couldn't this be merged with the Harding and Shelton thread?