12-07-2013, 01:17 PM
View Full Version : Nelson Mandela has passed away at 95. Pages :
CaptDave 12-07-2013, 01:17 PM RadicalModerate 12-10-2013, 03:38 PM Before all of this becomes "yesterday's news" I just heard on NPR (c/o The BBC) That some of "The Masses" at "The Ceremonies" Got a bit disrespectful and unruly. Plus Obama shook Castro II's hand. Perhaps it was only accidental, yet . . . Perhaps it was an unintentional homage To the former person Being honored. i ain't a-gonna 'boo' the gesture. probably partly on account o' i have discovered the simple pleasure of a fine cigar. so i 'spose i'm biased. =) Hopefully, Maya Angelou Really meant to say ["His Day Has Just Begun"] Rather than "Is Done" . . . Perhaps That is what she Really meant To Pray Garin 12-10-2013, 05:21 PM 5198 Always time for a selfie..... CaptDave 12-10-2013, 05:33 PM 5198 Always time for a selfie..... So? You know what - the President probably eats food too. And even breathes from time to time...... Garin 12-10-2013, 06:13 PM So? You know what - the President probably eats food too. And even breathes from time to time...... Even his old lady looks pissed at his actions. He's a pompous Ass. CaptDave 12-10-2013, 06:14 PM Even his old lady looks pissed at his actions. He's a pompous Ass. Don't you really mean "uppity"? Jersey Boss 12-10-2013, 06:32 PM Beneath contempt. Jersey Boss 12-10-2013, 06:35 PM "Even his old lady looks pissed at his actions. He's a pompous Ass." Spoken by the friends of Garins momma RadicalModerate 12-10-2013, 06:36 PM So? You know what - the President probably eats food too. And even breathes from time to time...... Unlike Nelson Mandela. CaptDave 12-10-2013, 06:37 PM Unlike Nelson Mandela. Soooo uncouth RadMod! :doh: RadicalModerate 12-10-2013, 06:40 PM "Couth? What is couth?" --- Pompous Pilot (Jan 18:38) 0nVvRwrgsGU CaptDave 12-10-2013, 06:43 PM Couth? What is couth? --- Pompous Pilot Oh lord - you kill me sometimes. :tiphat: CaptDave 12-10-2013, 06:47 PM Beneath contempt. Indeed.... Martin 12-10-2013, 06:51 PM CaptDave 12-10-2013, 07:01 PM ^ The stupid! It burns! Make it stop! Garin 12-10-2013, 07:03 PM She voted for Your current incompetent in chief. BrettM2 12-10-2013, 07:09 PM She voted for Your current incompetent in chief. Go back to that hole in the ground you climbed out of. Stop tainting the rest of us with your never-ending crap. RadicalModerate 12-10-2013, 07:18 PM Oh lord - you kill me sometimes. :tiphat: In order to avoid any further confusion, let it be said, for the record, that if one "Loves God" and then does what one desires, in the wake of that state of being, it would probably be wise to embrace the goals and life's work of Nelson Mandela. He was a Missionary to Mankind. (without any "gender bias") Garin 12-10-2013, 08:06 PM » Obama Mandela Speech Cost $500,000 Per Minute Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! ( RadicalModerate 12-10-2013, 08:22 PM » Obama Mandela Speech Cost $500,000 Per Minute Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! ( Sumbitch . . . Alex Jones had something to say about all this. Dang. (somebody needs to give him a free pass to the Bilderberger's Convention. That, or The Bohemian Grove Coven Picnic) It would probably be unfair (and undocumented) to say that Alex Jones (as amusing as he can be) is The AntiMandela. So I won't. Achilleslastand 12-10-2013, 11:51 PM Haha jeesh you cant make this stuff up. MsProudSooner 12-11-2013, 01:26 PM She voted for Your current incompetent in chief. There were plenty of idiots who voted for the other guy, too. |