View Full Version : UCO Boathouse

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12-20-2013, 04:20 PM
That is my read of the plans, it matches the orientation of the boat bay entry visible in:

03-05-2014, 03:37 PM
From Stephen Tyler (

Another planning meeting this AM for the #UCO Boathouse. Excited about the about the direction. Going to be a very unique space! @OKCBHD

It'll be interesting to see how much the ACM ends up involved in the live music part of this boathouse. Their location in Bricktown is pretty close to boathouse row, after all.

03-10-2014, 08:59 AM
Does it bug anyone else that there is so little space actually devoted to Crew in this thing though?

03-11-2014, 08:48 AM
Looks like about the same space that the original Chesapeake has for training and boats, which would have been perfectly adequate for OCU if not for all of the pesky Masters, and corporate teams, and Olympians, and... ...and...

03-11-2014, 09:57 AM
Does it bug anyone else that there is so little space actually devoted to Crew in this thing though?

It bugs me more that they all have to have the Rand Elliot look. A little change from the triangles/bow of the boat looks would be nice.

03-11-2014, 11:29 AM
It bugs me more that they all have to have the Rand Elliot look. A little change from the triangles/bow of the boat looks would be nice.

I disagree. The similar look gives the area a nice cohesive feel. I love it.

03-11-2014, 12:34 PM
I disagree. The similar look gives the area a nice cohesive feel. I love it.

I think as long as each of the boathouses are pure white then it bodes well because Chesapeake Boathouse is shaped like a football.

03-28-2014, 12:48 AM
Dignitaries celebrate start of construction for University of Central Oklahoma boathouse | News OK (

03-28-2014, 08:52 AM
UCO just posted this to their FB.

Looks like work is underway!

Great to see.

03-28-2014, 04:03 PM
Here is the press release for the ground breaking, and it comes with some new renderings: UCO Celebrates CHK|Central Boathouse Construction with 'Beam Signing' Event (

04-01-2014, 10:14 AM
Here is a photo from today showing they have cleared the lot and put up a construction fence.

Also note the passage underneath I-40 is still blocked off:

04-01-2014, 10:19 AM
Also note the passage underneath I-40 is still blocked off:

Yeah my girlfriend tried to run from downtown to the river yesterday and it was blocked. When are they going to open that up?

04-01-2014, 10:30 AM
Everybody goes around the barriers. I do it. I've seen many others do it. At the March UN social Steve said they were still working on it...

04-01-2014, 10:39 AM
Everybody goes around the barriers. I do it. I've seen many others do it. At the March UN social Steve said they were still working on it...

I do it as well, but she's not really the rule breaking type.

04-01-2014, 11:51 AM
In the last meeting I had with Mike Knopp he sounded pretty hopeful that it would be open in April, so hopefully we see it resolved within the next few weeks.

04-01-2014, 01:28 PM
Is there a specific start date for the rapids course to begin construction or is it just sometime this year?

04-01-2014, 01:40 PM
I do it as well, but she's not really the rule breaking type.

Likewise in most all other instances. But there are rules that are there for our protection, and there are rules that are there because an entity that already has way too much power (i.e. the railroad companies) is having a conniption because we aren't honoring that power. That bridge was already opened to people, which they never would have done if it weren't safe. Its re-closure was a power-flex and nothing more. Perhaps if she understood that better (and maybe she does, cool if so) she wouldn't feel so bad about breaking that rule. This is a similar situation as the bridge over the tracks by Aloft. Nobody feels bad about using it (or it would have been reported) because we know the reason we don't have a proper one is purely at the behest of the aforementioned powerful entities (otherwise we would have a proper one [or at least a plan for one] safe for people and future trains).

Sorry, I know you know all this, nothing against you or your girlfriend, just frustrated at the RR companies.

Anyway, glad it will be resolved soon.

04-01-2014, 07:18 PM
I do it as well, but she's not really the rule breaking type.

It sounded like the only reason it is not open is the railroad is apparently wanting some sort of (probably expensive) insurance paid by the city and still negotiating over it.

In the last meeting I had with Mike Knopp he sounded pretty hopeful that it would be open in April, so hopefully we see it resolved within the next few weeks.

They will certainly be able to have it open for events but it may be something like last year where the railroad only allows it with a stupid requirement of like five people to be standing guard at all times.

04-02-2014, 04:16 AM

04-02-2014, 07:47 PM
When looking at the blueprints for everything that is being built I kind of wonder, when they say flood plain in that area, is the 100 year flood plain for the area the same as it was before they installed the massive flood control channel we now call a river and converted the actual river to multiple ways to feed water from areas of the city to the drainage channel.

04-03-2014, 09:45 AM
Is there a specific start date for the rapids course to begin construction or is it just sometime this year?


04-03-2014, 09:59 AM
When looking at the blueprints for everything that is being built I kind of wonder, when they say flood plain in that area, is the 100 year flood plain for the area the same as it was before they installed the massive flood control channel we now call a river and converted the actual river to multiple ways to feed water from areas of the city to the drainage channel.

Flood Insurance Rate Maps are continually updated to reflect current waterway configurations. Modifications are kept on file, available for review and incorporated on the next map printing.

04-03-2014, 10:05 AM

The latest MAPS report said 2015. I believe all of the land has been acquired and the plans are there, I wouldn't be surprised to see work start this summer.

04-03-2014, 10:17 AM
The latest MAPS report said 2015. I believe all of the land has been acquired and the plans are there, I wouldn't be surprised to see work start this summer.

Ok, thanks.

04-03-2014, 12:25 PM
All the approvals and building permits have been issued for the Whitewater Facility.

They should be starting very soon.

04-03-2014, 01:22 PM
All the approvals and building permits have been issued for the Whitewater Facility.

They should be starting very soon.

Even better to hear! Thanks, Pete.

06-08-2014, 08:18 PM

I was down there earlier today and snapped this pic.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5

06-09-2014, 01:05 AM
I love how they incorporated natural water into this design ^

06-16-2014, 02:34 AM

07-25-2014, 11:10 AM
From Stan Lingo ( on Twitter:

Great day for placing concrete at the Chk Central Boathouse! Steel starts Monday! @UCOFoundation @OKCBHD #OKC

07-25-2014, 11:18 AM
I believe I saw them doing this placement on Tuesday or Wednesday morning, around 700 am.

07-29-2014, 08:11 AM
Another nice shot of the foundation being laid:

07-29-2014, 02:59 PM


07-29-2014, 03:35 PM
Oooo, nice.

08-11-2014, 11:03 AM
Steel going up quickly on this project. Thanks to Metro for the photo:

10-20-2014, 08:24 AM
Bellaboo took these yesterday from the zip line.

10-20-2014, 10:16 AM
Even their silt fence is in school colors. Talk about attention to detail.:)

10-20-2014, 10:19 AM
I've said this before but this perspective of the skyline with all the boathouses and river facilities illuminated at dusk will soon become OKC's new signature.

Will be completely unique with the river, neon, zip line, whitewater facility, etc.

Coming soon to a Chamber of Commerce brochure.

10-20-2014, 12:37 PM
I agree, although we could use some tower infill.

10-20-2014, 02:18 PM
I agree, although we could use some tower infill.

We're getting it.

Plutonic Panda
10-27-2014, 01:02 AM
From their Instagram feed g?oh=00e5bd3b5191d7a3197d9b6a88b9772c&oe=54AE58CC

12-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Greetings all. I work for UCO (ACM@UCO specifically) and was part of a tour today and managed to take a few pictures from the inside. Thought you might enjoy.

12-04-2014, 08:31 PM

Now THAT is a first post!

Thanks so much. Can't wait to see this finished, especially for the live music.

12-06-2014, 12:24 PM
Those are some awesome pics! Thank you so much and welcome to the forum!

12-06-2014, 03:14 PM
It will be nice to have a colour other than blue on the river front!

12-09-2014, 08:23 AM
Well if OU will ever get off their butts, then there will be red there too.

If we could get SNU or OC on the crew bandwagon, we could probably get a few more boathouses with something other than blue as well. OBU/ St G's are probably too far east to make it worth their time to practice/build there, but SNU isn't much further than OCU and OC is actually a bit closer than UCO.

12-09-2014, 11:57 AM
Well if OU will ever get off their butts, then there will be red there too.

If we could get SNU or OC on the crew bandwagon, we could probably get a few more boathouses with something other than blue as well. OBU/ St G's are probably too far east to make it worth their time to practice/build there, but SNU isn't much further than OCU and OC is actually a bit closer than UCO.

SNU is just a mile and a half from the Route 66 Overholser boathouse. If they row, I'd guess it'd be there.

12-09-2014, 10:06 PM
Well if OU will ever get off their butts, then there will be red there too.

If we could get SNU or OC on the crew bandwagon, we could probably get a few more boathouses with something other than blue as well. OBU/ St G's are probably too far east to make it worth their time to practice/build there, but SNU isn't much further than OCU and OC is actually a bit closer than UCO.

But you have to realize that area can only accommodate so many rowers. You can't just keep adding more boat houses in the same location without creating problems.

12-09-2014, 11:37 PM
OBU, St. G isn't really much farther than OU. I would suspect the problem with those schools and SNU would be financial, $4 Million to a D-1 school like OU is nothing, $4 Million to a small school like OBU, St.G or SNU has to be stretched a LOT further!

12-10-2014, 04:59 AM
But you have to realize that area can only accommodate so many rowers. You can't just keep adding more boat houses in the same location without creating problems.

If they felt congestion on the east basin was getting bad, they could just build on the May basin. Given how narrow the North Canadian river near 66, I would imagine SNU would be the only one that might consider it, it would pretty much be like a practice field and any events would likely need to be held downtown.

OBU, St. G isn't really much farther than OU. I would suspect the problem with those schools and SNU would be financial, $4 Million to a D-1 school like OU is nothing, $4 Million to a small school like OBU, St.G or SNU has to be stretched a LOT further!

I would guess they were not as off balance on the Title IX numbers, plus most colleges are not dropping several million on their boathouses, they are often a much more modest storage buildings.

12-10-2014, 08:10 AM
OBU, St. G isn't really much farther than OU. I would suspect the problem with those schools and SNU would be financial, $4 Million to a D-1 school like OU is nothing, $4 Million to a small school like OBU, St.G or SNU has to be stretched a LOT further!

Except big OU with its huge dollars is the last one to actually do anything. The smaller UCO and OCU schools are the ones that actually built something. SNU and OC are not that much smaller than OCU either. I don't really know anything about their donor base, but that's one thing OCU has always had a really strong support from.

12-10-2014, 02:26 PM
Except big OU with its huge dollars is the last one to actually do anything. The smaller UCO and OCU schools are the ones that actually built something. SNU and OC are not that much smaller than OCU either. I don't really know anything about their donor base, but that's one thing OCU has always had a really strong support from.

Supposedly, OU has had the money raised for years now. Not sure what they're waiting for...

12-10-2014, 06:55 PM
Supposedly, OU has had the money raised for years now. Not sure what they're waiting for...

It has been really odd, they said the money was fully collected like two or three years ago now, the last word from either the city or the school like a year ago was the final terms on the lease were going to whatever board for final approval. Then a whole lot of silence.

12-18-2014, 11:55 AM
Thanks! I'll keep you posted, odds are I am going to be pretty in the loop on this site, especially from the music standpoint.

03-13-2015, 10:26 AM
Just saw a grand opening date go by on Twitter, not sure if it had been announced before today.

We're super excited about the CHK|Central Boathouse Grand Opening Celebration on April 18. Mark your calendars!

03-13-2015, 10:39 AM
It was lit up this morning, haven't ever noticed it before. It looked great with the Devon boathouse! If we could just get some red down there....

03-14-2015, 01:31 PM



kevin lee
03-14-2015, 05:33 PM
That clay dirt shows no mercy on white buildings.

03-14-2015, 10:48 PM
Nuthin' a little cleaner and a power washer can't handle.

Nice pics, dankrutka!

03-15-2015, 11:37 PM