View Full Version : Kelly Ave. vs Kelley Ave.

12-02-2013, 02:28 PM
Maybe this is common knowledge, but why is the street Kelley Ave. in OKC and Kelly Ave. (no "e") in Edmond? I bet out-of-towners think we forgot how to spell when we made our signs.

12-02-2013, 04:34 PM
Don't know, but the spelling changes at Memorial Road.

12-02-2013, 05:18 PM
While it is odd, Edmond is more consistent with OKC's naming than several of the other suburbs

12-02-2013, 06:00 PM
While it is odd, Edmond is more consistent with OKC's naming than several of the other suburbs

Like....? I've thought about it and I can't think of any instance that another street running through OKC is spelled differently in a suburb.

12-02-2013, 06:55 PM
Or maybe "numbering": see, for instance, any numbered street in Moore.

My favorite, though, is SW 59th through Mustang, which is divided (at Mustang Road, natch) into West SW 59th and East SW 59th.

12-02-2013, 07:09 PM
Like....? I've thought about it and I can't think of any instance that another street running through OKC is spelled differently in a suburb.

I was mostly referring to the ones where the street names are just different but connect with OKC streets. Every street in Yukon & El Reno changes names, Norman reverses north/south-east/west number-name convention, Guthry changes the names and is not even consistent at just changing it at the city limits or when they get near their downtown

12-02-2013, 07:14 PM
I was referring to the ones where the street names are just different. Every street in Yukon & El Reno changes names, Norman reverses north/south-east/west number-name convention, Guthry changes the names and is not even consistent at just changing it at the city limits or when they get near their downtown

Right. The only thing I could think of is like Eastern is Boulevard in Edmond, which eventually changes into MLK the further south you go in OKC and as a matter of fact from North to South Kelly goes:

Kelly-Kelley-High-I35 Service Road-Telephone Road-36th Avenue NW. Kinda a head scratcher if ya ask me ;-)

12-02-2013, 08:47 PM
Likely, Edmond ordered Kelly/Kelley signs without specified spelling. Now they're stuck with all those misspelled signs. It's not exactly a misspelling, technically, and it's not like they're gonna look illiterate. North of Waterloo you have Forrest Hills or Forest Hill, and so on.

I was mostly referring to the ones where the street names are just different but connect with OKC streets. Every street in Yukon & El Reno changes names, Norman reverses north/south-east/west number-name convention, Guthry changes the names and is not even consistent at just changing it at the city limits or when they get near their downtown

12-02-2013, 11:54 PM
Sunnylane in OKC becomes N Porter at Norman
Sooner in OKC becomes NE12th at Norman
Telephone RD becomes NW36th at Norman
Santa Fe becomes NW48th at Norman
Western becomes NW60th at Norman

12-09-2013, 01:07 PM
Edmond and OKC were probably both too stubborn to change. At least it's not Kelli with an "i"

12-09-2013, 04:05 PM
Sunnylane in OKC becomes N Porter at Norman
Sooner in OKC becomes NE12th at Norman
Telephone RD becomes NW36th at Norman
Santa Fe becomes NW48th at Norman
Western becomes NW60th at Norman

Kevin, doesn't Norman go a step further to be different and call them as follows?
12th Ave NE
36th Ave NW
48th Ave NW
60th Ave NW

Plus Norman runs their numbered streets north-south instead of east-west.

12-09-2013, 05:59 PM
rezman, I believe you are correct. I've been in town for bit over 27 years now and most streets are just shorthanded by habit. I couldn't tell you the last time I really looked at one of the street signs. I get poked fun at, quite a bit at times, because I tend to give directions based more on convenience stores and food places than street names.