View Full Version : Talking to God boosts self-control and emotional stability, claims study
Prunepicker 11-30-2013, 09:38 AM From The Daily Mail Online (
Praying helps people stay in control of their emotions and behaviour,
according to a new study.
People turn to prayer 'as a coping response to the high demands in life'
and are rewarded with increased strength and ability to resist temptation,
researchers said.
Previous findings have shown that when people try hard to control their
emotions and thoughts, the risk of aggressive outbursts and binge
drinking or eating rises.
But the latest study, by German psychologists at Saarland University and
the University of Mannheim, found that praying helps people maintain
self-control. <
'A brief period of personal prayer buffered the self-control depletion
effect', wrote the team, whose findings are published in the Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology online.
OKCisOK4me 11-30-2013, 10:12 AM I don't think this study is going to make the atheist say "oh boy, I'm gonna start a prayin now".
venture 11-30-2013, 10:36 AM is it any different from inward meditation or self reflection? For every study there are 17 that will say otherwise and another 94 that differ from those. Faith is a tool, gift, what ever you want to call it that allows for people to handle difficult situations and to bring understanding to something they don't. It is very powerful and has helped many overcome their short comings, but it isn't the only option.
TaoMaas 11-30-2013, 10:50 AM is it any different from inward meditation or self reflection?
This reminds me of that quote from The Ruling Class:
"How do you know you're God?"
"Simple...when I pray to him, I find I am talking to myself."
Bunty 11-30-2013, 11:57 AM Then surely those who think they should keep people from getting abortions, marrying the same sex and seeing controversial plays need to pray more in order to gain more self control and emotional stability.
Jim Kyle 11-30-2013, 01:50 PM Then surely those who think they should keep people from getting abortions, marrying the same sex and seeing controversial plays need to pray more in order to gain more self control and emotional stability.As one who sincerely believes in a higher Power and incomprehendible (at least at this time) truths, I agree completely. It's always been a paradox to me, how religious conservatives, spiritual descendants of the Puritans with their tight control of others' actions, can claim to believe in "free will" and at the same time try to deny others the chance to choose between what the conservatives believe to be good, and that which they believe to be evil. Without an opportunity to choose, what can be "free" about it?
That said, I have no objection to their attempts to convince everyone about what choice to make. I do oppose, totally, their attempts to remove any opportunity to choose.
Prunepicker 11-30-2013, 02:57 PM I don't think this study is going to make the atheist say "oh boy, I'm
gonna start a prayin now".
That isn't the gist or purpose of the article. And from what others have
posted so far, they missed it too.
Dustin 11-30-2013, 08:08 PM I wish god would've responded to my prayers when I was younger..
Prunepicker 11-30-2013, 08:38 PM Did anybody read the post? Obviously not. Why would anyone reply to
a post without reading it? Why would anyone want to be totally
uninformed before posting?
CuatrodeMayo 11-30-2013, 09:51 PM A thread on religion? What could possibly go wrong...
Prunepicker 11-30-2013, 10:42 PM A thread on religion? What could possibly go wrong...
Oh good grief, another post by someone who hasn't read the article. A
thread about religion? You've got to be kidding.
Why would anyone reply to something they haven't read.
RadicalModerate 12-01-2013, 12:38 AM As one who sincerely believes in a higher Power and incomprehendible (at least at this time) truths, I agree completely. It's always been a paradox to me, how religious conservatives, spiritual descendants of the Puritans with their tight control of others' actions, can claim to believe in "free will" and at the same time try to deny others the chance to choose between what the conservatives believe to be good, and that which they believe to be evil. Without an opportunity to choose, what can be "free" about it?
That said, I have no objection to their attempts to convince everyone about what choice to make. I do oppose, totally, their attempts to remove any opportunity to choose.
For what it is worth, Sir, that is one of the best, most concise, summaries of "the situation"/"dichotomy" I have ever encountered.
Thank you for that.
And from a Journalist rather than a Theologian.
Calvin may have been a harsh taskmaster and Chuck Swindoll a little too easy, yet between them exists the opportunity, in the words of that old Christian hymn, to "praise God from whom all blessings flow" regardless of race, creed or color and to be thankful and kind.
I think it has a lot to do with what used to be called "The Oklahoma Standard."
GaryOKC6 12-01-2013, 06:21 AM I do it every day and it definitely works for me. Thanks for sharing.
Jim Kyle 12-01-2013, 09:25 AM I wish god would've responded to my prayers when I was younger.A wise man I once knew had this to say about that situation: "He answers every prayer -- but sometimes the answer is 'No'."
Jim Kyle 12-01-2013, 09:38 AM A thread on religion? What could possibly go wrong...So refer to it as "meditation" if that's a less-loaded word.
Many years ago (in the late 60s), I read an article in Scientific American about the measured effects of "Teanscendental Meditation" (which some folk considered a fad or cult but which led the Fab Four to study with The Maharishi) on blood pressure. About the same time, my physician was recommending that I use a mantra to help control stress and tension.
When I investigated TM itself in response to these two events, it certainly seemed to have all the trappings of a cult -- but its primary practice of meditation did seem to have all the effects that Prunepicker's post mentioned. It's just barely possible that something is at work here that helps one cope with tension and stress, whether it's spiritual in nature or simply a response that's hard-coded into our individual nervous systems...
catcherinthewry 12-01-2013, 10:17 AM It's just barely possible that something is at work here that helps one cope with tension and stress, whether it's spiritual in nature or simply a response that's hard-coded into our individual nervous systems...
Or possibly a placebo effect.
Jim Kyle 12-01-2013, 10:29 AM Or possibly a placebo effect.Could be -- but isn't that basically something hard-coded into our nervous systems, as I said?
ThomPaine 12-01-2013, 10:34 AM Too bad the extremists don't gain self control and emotional stability when they pray.
kevinpate 12-01-2013, 11:20 AM Or perhaps theirs is simply the reaction of some who are a tad spoiled not much liking it when, as Jim mentioned, it turns out the answer is no.
Rover 12-01-2013, 12:48 PM Too many people have an image of God as a vending machine...put in a prayer and out comes my favorable outcome. God speaks to all of us, but we don't all want to hear what HE has to say. We often don't even want to look for his answer (just a isn't necessarily in voices in your head.) If we hear HIS answer we might have to actually listen and follow. And that's hard.
Rover 12-01-2013, 12:50 PM Too bad the extremists don't gain self control and emotional stability when they pray.
Definition of "extremist" = someone I disagree with or who disagrees with me and lets me know about it. LOL
Jim Kyle 12-01-2013, 01:20 PM Definition of "extremist" = someone I disagree with or who disagrees with me and lets me know about it. LOLNo, rather: Someone who attempts to force me to comply with his/her ideas of correct behavior. Children often apply this definition to parents; some folk apply it to all forms of authority. Most, though, apply it only to those who exceed culturally defined limits.
Prunepicker 12-01-2013, 01:39 PM No, rather: Someone who attempts to force me to comply with his/her i
deas of correct behavior.
Much like tp.
Rover 12-01-2013, 02:16 PM No, rather: Someone who attempts to force me to comply with his/her ideas of correct behavior. Children often apply this definition to parents; some folk apply it to all forms of authority. Most, though, apply it only to those who exceed culturally defined limits.
Whose culture? Yours or mine? What is acceptable in some cultures is not acceptable in others. Whose norm has to be exceeded for it to be extremism? If I am a minority, is my view extremism if it differs from yours and I work to promote it?
We all try to force people to comply with OUR idea of correct behavior. We work to elect those who think like us and share our ideas of right and wrong. We lobby for laws that try to force behavior on others. We use all forms of social pressure to promote our ideas of order and justice. It happens every day.
kelroy55 12-01-2013, 02:20 PM Did anybody read the post? Obviously not. Why would anyone reply to
a post without reading it? Why would anyone want to be totally
uninformed before posting?
and that's stopped you when?
Dustin 12-01-2013, 03:23 PM Too many people have an image of God as a vending machine...put in a prayer and out comes my favorable outcome. God speaks to all of us, but we don't all want to hear what HE has to say. We often don't even want to look for his answer (just a isn't necessarily in voices in your head.) If we hear HIS answer we might have to actually listen and follow. And that's hard.
If god is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, why can't he just answer me with words?
No, scratch that. I shouldn't even have to pray because he is supposed to know what I'm already thinking. He created me after all.
catcherinthewry 12-01-2013, 03:51 PM A wise man I once knew had this to say about that situation: "He answers every prayer -- but sometimes the answer is 'No'."
Like when a parent prays "please protect my child who is in school from the tornado that is moving his way".
Since May 20th I've been wondering why an omnipotent God would answer NO to that prayer. Can anyone here help me with that one?
catcherinthewry 12-01-2013, 04:56 PM That's true, Sid but I'm not trying to bait any believers. I honestly would like to know their answer. And I don't consider "we just aren't smart enough to understand" a satisfactory answer. That's just a cop out.
kelroy55 12-01-2013, 06:01 PM
Prunepicker 12-01-2013, 08:16 PM Like when a parent prays "please protect my child who is in school from
the tornado that is moving his way".
Since May 20th I've been wondering why an omnipotent God would
answer NO to that prayer. Can anyone here help me with that one?
God isn't a lackey or a jinni in a bottle. He's not obligated to do anything
except what's His will.
Also, and this isn't a cop out, Satan has been allowed to have much
control on Earth.
Chadanth 12-01-2013, 09:23 PM How does satan control the weather? Like does she/he/it move the atoms? Or convince us to build weak school structures?
Gay marriage controls the weather, everyone knows that.
Btw, is it a sign if even greater self-control and emotional stability if god talks back?
catcherinthewry 12-01-2013, 09:30 PM Also, and this isn't a cop out, Satan has been allowed to have much
control on Earth.
That's another thing I have trouble with when it comes to christianity, why does an omnipotent God allow Satan to exist, let alone have power on earth? I consider myself an agnostic (because I can't be sure that there is no God), but I wonder how christians rationalize flaws in logic such as this one.
Chadanth 12-01-2013, 10:02 PM Most scientific or logical atheists are agnostics. That doesn't mean your not an atheist. Just that your a humble observer of the scientific process. :)
Agnostic covers a pretty broad range of beliefs, some lean more atheist, some lean more deist. Hardcore atheists are actually somewhat rare, in my experience.
Prunepicker 12-01-2013, 10:10 PM That's another thing I have trouble with when it comes to christianity,
why does an omnipotent God allow Satan to exist, let alone have power
on earth? I consider myself an agnostic (because I can't be sure that
there is no God), but I wonder how christians rationalize flaws in logic
such as this one.
First of all, there are no flaws in logic. That's a misconception.
I'm curious, have you read the Bible? Unless you have you are at a
disadvantage to discuss the existence of God.
God gave man free will. Man decided to take things upon his own. God
allowed man to follow his own way. God provided direction. Man, on
his own, decided to ignore God's direction (Genesis 3).
Satan tried to take over Heaven and God cast him out. Man has a
choice to follow God or satan (lust of eyes, lust of the flesh and the
pride of life - 1 John 2:15-16)
ThomPaine 12-01-2013, 10:27 PM That's another thing I have trouble with when it comes to christianity, why does an omnipotent God allow Satan to exist, let alone have power on earth? I consider myself an agnostic (because I can't be sure that there is no God), but I wonder how christians rationalize flaws in logic such as this one.
Though i'm no longer a believer, I like Jim Kyles post (#6 on this thread).
ThomPaine 12-01-2013, 10:29 PM Definition of "extremist" = someone I disagree with or who disagrees with me and lets me know about it. LOL
I was thinking more along the lines of the Taliban, but if you choose to label people you disagree with as extremist, you may do so.
Prunepicker 12-01-2013, 10:33 PM I was thinking more along the lines of the Taliban, but if you choose to
label people you disagree with as extremist, you may do so.
You need to study the Bible. The taliban is nothing like Christianity.
Not that I'd ever expect you to know that. Would you care to provide
a sensible or logical basis for your antithetical approach to reason and
I honestly doubt you will. Logic and Reason aren't your strong suits.
ThomPaine 12-01-2013, 10:39 PM The German authors recruited 79 people, of whom 41 were Christian, 14 atheists, 10 agnostic and 14 belonged to other religions.
Read more: Does prayer help us resist temptation? Talking to God boosts self-control and emotional stability, claims study | Mail Online (
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Prunepicker 12-01-2013, 10:44 PM I would never expect tp to have a clue. He's so far off base.
kelroy55 12-02-2013, 07:28 AM You need to study the Bible. The taliban is nothing like Christianity.
Not that I'd ever expect you to know that. Would you care to provide
a sensible or logical basis for your antithetical approach to reason and
I honestly doubt you will. Logic and Reason aren't your strong suits.
Have you ever read the Koran? I doubt it but you attack the followers of it's teachings all the time. It appears logic and reason isn't your strong suit either.
Bunty 12-02-2013, 11:38 AM First of all, there are no flaws in logic. That's a misconception.
I'm curious, have you read the Bible? Unless you have you are at a
disadvantage to discuss the existence of God.
God gave man free will. Man decided to take things upon his own. God
allowed man to follow his own way. God provided direction. Man, on
his own, decided to ignore God's direction (Genesis 3).
Satan tried to take over Heaven and God cast him out. Man has a
choice to follow God or satan (lust of eyes, lust of the flesh and the
pride of life - 1 John 2:15-16)
In other words, God needs to prove to Satan, who tried to overthrow Him, that mankind will self destruct without God. Presumably, that will be proven true when world wide nuclear war is declared. So God is patiently waiting for that to happen. Don't want to give Satan the idea his wicked ways can work out well, too.
Dubya61 12-02-2013, 11:49 AM That's true, Sid but I'm not trying to bait any believers. I honestly would like to know their answer. And I don't consider "we just aren't smart enough to understand" a satisfactory answer. That's just a cop out.
If I were smart enough to understand a deity, then I would see that deity as a peer. My wife frequently lets me know I'm not a peer with God.
In other words, God needs to prove to Satan, who tried to overthrow Him, that mankind will self destruct without God. Presumably, that will be proven true when world wide nuclear war is declared. So God is patiently waiting for that to happen. Don't want to give Satan the idea his wicked ways can work out well, too.
I often wonder what makes Satan so ornery and why God puts up with his/her nonsense.
kelroy55 12-02-2013, 01:37 PM Seems Rush thinks the person many believe is closest to God is a Marxist.
Rush Limbaugh: Pope is preaching 'pure Marxism' ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs (
BBatesokc 12-02-2013, 02:02 PM Personally, I'm Agnostic. That said, I would never take the George Carlin approach regarding religion (even though I found it funny) because I do believe that without it the world would be far worse off than with it.
I've had the pleasure and displeasure of working, knowing and volunteering with many that considered themselves very religious (mostly Christians).
Within that group I've seen complete hypocrisy - but I've also seen the moral compass that religion often imparts on those that are truly 'good people' and simply need an anchor or foundation to turn to when times are good and when times are bad.
I don't pray because it seems fruitless to me. But I do 'meditate' on a topic to help control and see beyond my emotional response to a situation.
I often see the benefits of prayer the same way.
HangryHippo 12-02-2013, 02:12 PM Personally, I'm Agnostic. That said, I would never take the George Carlin approach regarding religion (even though I found it funny) because I do believe that without it the world would be far worse off than with it.
I've had the pleasure and displeasure of working, knowing and volunteering with many that considered themselves very religious (mostly Christians).
Within that group I've seen complete hypocrisy - but I've also seen the moral compass that religion often imparts on those that are truly 'good people' and simply need an anchor or foundation to turn to when times are good and when times are bad.
I don't pray because it seems fruitless to me. But I do 'meditate' on a topic to help control and see beyond my emotional response to a situation.
I often see the benefits of prayer the same way.
Good post.
Dustin 12-02-2013, 02:28 PM I don't pray because it seems fruitless to me. But I do 'meditate' on a topic to help control and see beyond my emotional response to a situation.
I often see the benefits of prayer the same way.
My thoughts exactly.
onthestrip 12-02-2013, 03:37 PM Personally, I'm Agnostic. That said, I would never take the George Carlin approach regarding religion (even though I found it funny) because I do believe that without it the world would be far worse off than with it.
Really? you seem to be discounting the wars and constant terrorist attacks in the name of religion.
Regardless of wars and such, Japan is a country that is essentially non-religious and that hasnt negatively affected them. They have next to no crime and people are honest, friendly and of high morals.
okcboomer 12-02-2013, 04:08 PM Have you ever read the Koran? I doubt it but you attack the followers of it's teachings all the time. It appears logic and reason isn't your strong suit either.
Oh this answer should be classic.
okcboomer 12-02-2013, 04:09 PM Hey. My god is better than your god. Boom.
catcherinthewry 12-02-2013, 07:09 PM First of all, there are no flaws in logic. That's a misconception.
I'm curious, have you read the Bible? Unless you have you are at a
disadvantage to discuss the existence of God.
God gave man free will. Man decided to take things upon his own. God
allowed man to follow his own way. God provided direction. Man, on
his own, decided to ignore God's direction (Genesis 3).
Satan tried to take over Heaven and God cast him out. Man has a
choice to follow God or satan (lust of eyes, lust of the flesh and the
pride of life - 1 John 2:15-16)
I guess you can say there are no flaws in logic if you completely ignore my question. Why would an omnipotent God allow Satan to exist?
And, yes I have read the bible and would guess that I have heard more sermons than most on this board. I'm not out to change any one's mind here. But I'm willing to answer any question regarding my beliefs, which it doesn't look like you are.
Prunepicker 12-02-2013, 07:34 PM I guess you can say there are no flaws in logic if you completely ignore
my question.
I did no such thing. I answered your question. What did you not
understand? Maybe you wanted me to say something else. I don't know.
Since God is omnipotent He can do whatever He wants. Satan has been
present since the Garden of Eden. He job is to be an adversary.
catcherinthewry 12-02-2013, 07:51 PM I did no such thing. I answered your question. What did you not
understand? Maybe you wanted me to say something else. I don't know.
Since God is omnipotent He can do whatever He wants. Satan has been
present since the Garden of Eden. He job is to be an adversary.
God allowing Satan to exist since he's been present since the Garden of Eden would be like man allowing small pox to exist since it has always been around. We love our children, we don't want them to be harmed, we have the power to eradicate small pox, we choose to eradicate small pox
God loves his children, He doesn't want them to be harmed, He has the power to eradicate satan, He chooses not to.
I guess this is more of a paradox than a flaw in logic, but never the less I don't get it.
BBatesokc 12-02-2013, 08:36 PM Really? you seem to be discounting the wars and constant terrorist attacks in the name of religion.
Regardless of wars and such, Japan is a country that is essentially non-religious and that hasnt negatively affected them. They have next to no crime and people are honest, friendly and of high morals.
No idea where you get the idea I'm 'discounting' anything. I'm far from someone who lives under a rock and I'm perfectly aware of the wars waged under 'religious' motivations.
Like I said, I believe our world is far better with religion than without it. My opinion discounts nothing.
Referring to Japan, while a majority of their population may not personally declare an 'official' religion, they are a very religious tolerant people. Many of their 'traditions' mirror the customs of different religious beliefs and practices. Are you discounting Buddhism and Shinto?
ThomPaine 12-02-2013, 10:22 PM Really? you seem to be discounting the wars and constant terrorist attacks in the name of religion.
Regardless of wars and such, Japan is a country that is essentially non-religious and that hasnt negatively affected them. They have next to no crime and people are honest, friendly and of high morals.
Not arguing your point about religion being a cause for war, but regardless of the reasons on the surface, the basis for all war is power. You can say you are fighting for Allah or Jesus, but what you are really fighting for is your right to impose your will. If a person really believes in an omnipotent power, waging war in his/her name seems kinda silly, don't you think? (Of course, that's that danged reason interfering with faith again...)
Oh, and also, the Japanese have only been "friendly" for about the last 70 years or so. Ask a Korean or Chinese how friendly the Japanese are (or have been).
onthestrip 12-02-2013, 10:36 PM No idea where you get the idea I'm 'discounting' anything. I'm far from someone who lives under a rock and I'm perfectly aware of the wars waged under 'religious' motivations.
Like I said, I believe our world is far better with religion than without it. My opinion discounts nothing.
Referring to Japan, while a majority of their population may not personally declare an 'official' religion, they are a very religious tolerant people. Many of their 'traditions' mirror the customs of different religious beliefs and practices. Are you discounting Buddhism and Shinto?
Im not discounting Buddhism and Shinto because the majority of Japanese claims to be one or the other. But the large majority of Japan also does not believe in a god. So essentially Japan is a atheist country, and seems to have fewer bad people than most other countries.
Also, Buddhism and Shinto are almost hard to call them an actual religion. They don't worship a creator or a god.
RadicalModerate 12-02-2013, 10:54 PM and that's stopped you when?
You aren't "The Devil In Disguise" are ya' . . ? =)
(If you haven't already read it, "The Screwtape Letters", by C.S. Lewis, is worth investing a few moments of timeless reading.)
RadicalModerate 12-02-2013, 11:06 PM God allowing Satan to exist since he's been present since the Garden of Eden would be like man allowing small pox to exist since it has always been around. We love our children, we don't want them to be harmed, we have the power to eradicate small pox, we choose to eradicate small pox
God loves his children, He doesn't want them to be harmed, He has the power to eradicate satan, He chooses not to.
I guess this is more of a paradox than a flaw in logic, but never the less I don't get it.
Good observation. Perhaps this all has something to do with Free Will?
(as compared to the alternative?)
BBatesokc 12-03-2013, 05:10 AM Im not discounting Buddhism and Shinto because the majority of Japanese claims to be one or the other. But the large majority of Japan also does not believe in a god. So essentially Japan is a atheist country, and seems to have fewer bad people than most other countries.
Also, Buddhism and Shinto are almost hard to call them an actual religion. They don't worship a creator or a god.
I think possibly what you are discounting is the more broader and accepted definition of 'religion' - One that does not require the belief in a 'god.'
Personally, I think its very narrow minded to think it hard to consider Buddhism a 'religion.' I can't speak for Shinto, as I know almost nothing about it.
kelroy55 12-03-2013, 07:02 AM I did no such thing. I answered your question. What did you not
understand? Maybe you wanted me to say something else. I don't know.
Since God is omnipotent He can do whatever He wants. Satan has been
present since the Garden of Eden. He job is to be an adversary.
Does that mean if God wanted abortions stopped he would snap his fingers and they would stop? It appears God doesn't want abortions stopped does it.