View Full Version : Austin! Continues to attract "High Tech"!!

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02-18-2021, 09:35 PM
Hope you guys are doing ok. As you a know Texas suffered statewide blackouts do to the carelessness of our elected officials, but didn't stop many Texans going out and lending a helping hand.

02-19-2021, 10:18 AM
I never thought snowboarding would be possible in Austin, but these guys showed its possible to do the impossible.

Click video.

02-19-2021, 10:31 AM

03-09-2021, 01:53 PM
Austin next high-rise about to begin

Hanover Brazos Street | 513 Feet | 45 Floors

03-09-2021, 01:59 PM
SpaceX will build a new factory in Austin to design Starlink systems

By Shane McGlaun
Mar 7, 2021

SpaceX has now announced that it’s building a new factory in Austin, Texas, that will design systems to help it build satellite dishes, Wi-Fi routers, and other hardware for the Starlink network.

03-23-2021, 12:24 AM

Some more photos of Austin by a few awesome formers on SSP.

03-23-2021, 12:38 AM
The weather in and around Austin has been quite active with possible tornadoes touching down just north & west of Georgetown.

09-30-2021, 10:10 PM
Austin tallest building is taking shape
Rendering: 6 X Guadalupe will top out at 848ft. g

09-30-2021, 10:33 PM
Austin will claim the tallest tower in Texas in a few years surpassing Houston Chase Tower.

Waller Creek Tower l 1,022FT l 73 FLOORS

3 different shades of glass on site.

Elevations & Site Plan has been released .

Lots of new info was released today. It will have three Luffing cranes.
Will also have:
677K Sq Ft Office
528K Sq Ft Residential (352 units)
185K Sq Ft Hotel (232 rooms)
20K Sq Ft Retail

09-30-2021, 10:45 PM
Google Tower aka "Sail Tower" has officially topped out.

09-30-2021, 10:57 PM
Other non develop news, Austin is working on its homeless crisis as the city spends millions to house all homeless in converted hotels as well as new housing. 3ByZXJvbGwiOnRydWUsInBsdWdpbnMiOnsiY29tc2NvcmUiOns iY2xpZW50SWQiOiI2MDM2NDM5IiwiYzMiOiJreGFuLmNvbSIsI nNjcmlwdCI6IlwvXC93My5tcC5sdXJhLmxpdmVcL3BsYXllclw vcHJvZFwvdjNcL3BsdWdpbnNcL2NvbXNjb3JlXC9jb21zY29yZ XBsdWdpbi5taW4uanMiLCJ1c2VEZXJpdmVkTWV0YWRhdGEiOnR ydWUsIm1hcHBpbmciOnsidmlkZW8iOnsiYzMiOiJreGFuLmNvb SIsIm5zX3N0X3N0Ijoia3hhbiIsIm5zX3N0X3B1IjoiTmV4c3R hciIsIm5zX3N0X2dlIjoiTmV3cyxMb2NhbCxBdXN0aW4sVmlkZ W8sTG9jYWwgTmV3cyxWaWRlbyIsImNzX3VjZnIiOiIifSwiYWQ iOnsiYzMiOiJreGFuLmNvbSIsIm5zX3N0X3N0Ijoia3hhbiIsI m5zX3N0X3B1IjoiTmV4c3RhciIsIm5zX3N0X2dlIjoiTmV3cyx Mb2NhbCxBdXN0aW4sVmlkZW8sTG9jYWwgTmV3cyxWaWRlbyIsI mNzX3VjZnIiOiIifX19LCJkZnAiOnsiYWRUYWdVcmwiOiJodHR wczpcL1wvcHViYWRzLmcuZG91YmxlY2xpY2submV0XC9nYW1wY WRcL2Fkcz9zej0xeDEwMDAmaXU9XC81Njc4XC9saW4ua3hhblw vbmV3c1wvbG9jYWwmaW1wbD1zJmdkZnBfcmVxPTEmZW52PXZwJ m91dHB1dD12bWFwJnVudmlld2VkX3Bvc2l0aW9uX3N0YXJ0PTE mYWRfcnVsZT0xJmRlc2NyaXB0aW9uX3VybD1odHRwczpcL1wvd 3d3Lmt4YW4uY29tXC9uZXdzXC9sb2NhbFwvaGVscGluZy1hdXN 0aW5zLWhvbWVsZXNzLWdyb3VuZC1icmVha3MtYXQtbmV3LXN0Y XRlLXNhbmN0aW9uZWQtZmFjaWxpdHlcL2FtcFwvJnZjb25wPTI mY3VzdF9wYXJhbXM9dmlkJTNENzAxNjg4MCUyNmNtc2lkJTNEM TExOTQxOSUyNnBpZCUzRDExMTk0MTklMjZ2aWRjYXQlM0RcL25 ld3NcL2xvY2FsJTI2Ym9iX2NrJTNEW2JvYl9ja192YWxdJTI2Z F9jb2RlJTNEMjc1JTJDMjYwJTJDMjQwJTJDMjgxJTJDMjUzJTJ DMjMzJTJDMjU2JTJDMjc1JTJDMjYwJTJDMjQwJTJDMjgxJTJDM jUzJTJDMjU2JTJDMjMzIn0sIm5pZWxzZW4iOnsiYXBpZCI6IlA 3NEQ5NURCMi05QUNDLTQwRTItQjNCNS03QjlDNjVDNTAxMjYiL CJzZmNvZGUiOiJkY3IiLCJ0eXBlIjoiZGNyIiwiYXBuIjoiQW5 2YXRvIiwiZW52aXJvbm1lbnQiOiJwcm9kdWN0aW9uIiwidXNlR GVyaXZlZE1ldGFkYXRhIjp0cnVlLCJtYXBwaW5nIjp7ImFkbG9 hZHR5cGUiOjIsImFkTW9kZWwiOjJ9fSwic2VnbWVudEN1c3Rvb SI6eyJzY3JpcHQiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvc2VnbWVudC5wc2cubmV 4c3RhcmRpZ2l0YWwubmV0XC9hbnZhdG8uanMiLCJ3cml0ZUtle SI6Im5iZzVnZ3JQNlBXdVdsZjk1SFdxSWhPclYxV1ZlSk5HIiw idWRsIjp7ImNvbnRlbnQiOnsidGl0bGUiOiJIZWxwaW5nIEF1c 3RpbidzIGhvbWVsZXNzOiBHcm91bmQgYnJlYWtzIGF0IG5ldyB zdGF0ZS1zYW5jdGlvbmVkIGZhY2lsaXR5IiwicHJpbWFyeUNhd GVnb3J5IjoiTG9jYWwiLCJwYWdlSWQiOjExMTk0MTksInBhZ2V UeXBlIjoiYW1wIiwicGVyc2lzdGVudElkIjoibnhzLTQwLWFyd GljbGUtMTExOTQxOSIsImxvY2FsSWQiOiJueHMtNDAtYXJ0aWN sZS0xMTE5NDE5IiwiYXV0aG9yTmFtZSI6IlJ1c3NlbGwgRmFsY 29uICBKYWxhIFdhc2hpbmd0b24iLCJhdXRob3JOb25CeWxpbmU iOiIifSwicGFnZSI6eyJhbXBVcmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3L mt4YW4uY29tXC9uZXdzXC9sb2NhbFwvaGVscGluZy1hdXN0aW5 zLWhvbWVsZXNzLWdyb3VuZC1icmVha3MtYXQtbmV3LXN0YXRlL XNhbmN0aW9uZWQtZmFjaWxpdHlcL2FtcFwvIn0sInNpdGUiOns iYnJhbmROYW1lIjoiS1hBTiBBdXN0aW4iLCJjYWxsU2lnbiI6I ktYQU4ifX19fSwiZXhwZWN0UHJlcm9sbFRpbWVvdXQiOjgsImF jY2Vzc0tleSI6ImdxMjYxWEFtdzhiNXhpNjlrdThoWW1PMWt5U G1NQnpuIiwidG9rZW4iOiJleUowZVhBaU9pSktWMVFpTENKaGJ HY2lPaUpJVXpJMU5pSjkuZXlKMmFXUWlPaUkzTURFMk9EZ3dJa XdpYVhOeklqb2laM0V5TmpGWVFXMTNPR0kxZUdrMk9XdDFPR2h aYlU4eGEzbFFiVTFDZW00aUxDSmxlSEFpT2pFMk16TXdOVGc1T XpaOS5SYmZQT0gweUFVd1FUYUhQYkJZUnBnMHJNUlhWcHFOUW1 WRDJodUEzWU9rIiwibnhzIjp7Im1wNFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvX C90a3gubXAubHVyYS5saXZlXC9yZXN0XC92MlwvbWNwXC92aWR lb1wvNzAxNjg4MD9hbnZhY2s9YnZKMGRRcG1STFp4N2NNUGVpV zlVMjdnVlJBUndwUEwmdG9rZW49JTdFNlNpNGQ1c1BiVVM1Tnl sZllWdWxYcmxvR3NlWnZvNzBNUSUzRCUzRCIsImVuYWJsZUZsb 2F0aW5nUGxheWVyIjp0cnVlfSwiZGlzYWJsZU11dGVkQXV0b3B sYXkiOmZhbHNlLCJyZWNvbW1lbmRhdGlvbnMiOnRydWUsImV4c GVjdFByZXJvbGwiOnRydWUsInRpdGxlVmlzaWJsZSI6dHJ1ZSw icGF1c2VPbkNsaWNrIjp0cnVlLCJ0cmFja1RpbWVQZXJpb2QiO jYwLCJwIjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsIm0iOiJMSU4iLCJ2IjoiNzAxNjg 4MCIsIndpZHRoIjo2NDAsImhlaWdodCI6MzYwfQ==#amp=1

Plutonic Panda
09-30-2021, 11:04 PM
Other non develop news, Austin is working on its homeless crisis as the city spends millions to house all homeless in converted hotels as well as new housing. 3ByZXJvbGwiOnRydWUsInBsdWdpbnMiOnsiY29tc2NvcmUiOns iY2xpZW50SWQiOiI2MDM2NDM5IiwiYzMiOiJreGFuLmNvbSIsI nNjcmlwdCI6IlwvXC93My5tcC5sdXJhLmxpdmVcL3BsYXllclw vcHJvZFwvdjNcL3BsdWdpbnNcL2NvbXNjb3JlXC9jb21zY29yZ XBsdWdpbi5taW4uanMiLCJ1c2VEZXJpdmVkTWV0YWRhdGEiOnR ydWUsIm1hcHBpbmciOnsidmlkZW8iOnsiYzMiOiJreGFuLmNvb SIsIm5zX3N0X3N0Ijoia3hhbiIsIm5zX3N0X3B1IjoiTmV4c3R hciIsIm5zX3N0X2dlIjoiTmV3cyxMb2NhbCxBdXN0aW4sVmlkZ W8sTG9jYWwgTmV3cyxWaWRlbyIsImNzX3VjZnIiOiIifSwiYWQ iOnsiYzMiOiJreGFuLmNvbSIsIm5zX3N0X3N0Ijoia3hhbiIsI m5zX3N0X3B1IjoiTmV4c3RhciIsIm5zX3N0X2dlIjoiTmV3cyx Mb2NhbCxBdXN0aW4sVmlkZW8sTG9jYWwgTmV3cyxWaWRlbyIsI mNzX3VjZnIiOiIifX19LCJkZnAiOnsiYWRUYWdVcmwiOiJodHR wczpcL1wvcHViYWRzLmcuZG91YmxlY2xpY2submV0XC9nYW1wY WRcL2Fkcz9zej0xeDEwMDAmaXU9XC81Njc4XC9saW4ua3hhblw vbmV3c1wvbG9jYWwmaW1wbD1zJmdkZnBfcmVxPTEmZW52PXZwJ m91dHB1dD12bWFwJnVudmlld2VkX3Bvc2l0aW9uX3N0YXJ0PTE mYWRfcnVsZT0xJmRlc2NyaXB0aW9uX3VybD1odHRwczpcL1wvd 3d3Lmt4YW4uY29tXC9uZXdzXC9sb2NhbFwvaGVscGluZy1hdXN 0aW5zLWhvbWVsZXNzLWdyb3VuZC1icmVha3MtYXQtbmV3LXN0Y XRlLXNhbmN0aW9uZWQtZmFjaWxpdHlcL2FtcFwvJnZjb25wPTI mY3VzdF9wYXJhbXM9dmlkJTNENzAxNjg4MCUyNmNtc2lkJTNEM TExOTQxOSUyNnBpZCUzRDExMTk0MTklMjZ2aWRjYXQlM0RcL25 ld3NcL2xvY2FsJTI2Ym9iX2NrJTNEW2JvYl9ja192YWxdJTI2Z F9jb2RlJTNEMjc1JTJDMjYwJTJDMjQwJTJDMjgxJTJDMjUzJTJ DMjMzJTJDMjU2JTJDMjc1JTJDMjYwJTJDMjQwJTJDMjgxJTJDM jUzJTJDMjU2JTJDMjMzIn0sIm5pZWxzZW4iOnsiYXBpZCI6IlA 3NEQ5NURCMi05QUNDLTQwRTItQjNCNS03QjlDNjVDNTAxMjYiL CJzZmNvZGUiOiJkY3IiLCJ0eXBlIjoiZGNyIiwiYXBuIjoiQW5 2YXRvIiwiZW52aXJvbm1lbnQiOiJwcm9kdWN0aW9uIiwidXNlR GVyaXZlZE1ldGFkYXRhIjp0cnVlLCJtYXBwaW5nIjp7ImFkbG9 hZHR5cGUiOjIsImFkTW9kZWwiOjJ9fSwic2VnbWVudEN1c3Rvb SI6eyJzY3JpcHQiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvc2VnbWVudC5wc2cubmV 4c3RhcmRpZ2l0YWwubmV0XC9hbnZhdG8uanMiLCJ3cml0ZUtle SI6Im5iZzVnZ3JQNlBXdVdsZjk1SFdxSWhPclYxV1ZlSk5HIiw idWRsIjp7ImNvbnRlbnQiOnsidGl0bGUiOiJIZWxwaW5nIEF1c 3RpbidzIGhvbWVsZXNzOiBHcm91bmQgYnJlYWtzIGF0IG5ldyB zdGF0ZS1zYW5jdGlvbmVkIGZhY2lsaXR5IiwicHJpbWFyeUNhd GVnb3J5IjoiTG9jYWwiLCJwYWdlSWQiOjExMTk0MTksInBhZ2V UeXBlIjoiYW1wIiwicGVyc2lzdGVudElkIjoibnhzLTQwLWFyd GljbGUtMTExOTQxOSIsImxvY2FsSWQiOiJueHMtNDAtYXJ0aWN sZS0xMTE5NDE5IiwiYXV0aG9yTmFtZSI6IlJ1c3NlbGwgRmFsY 29uICBKYWxhIFdhc2hpbmd0b24iLCJhdXRob3JOb25CeWxpbmU iOiIifSwicGFnZSI6eyJhbXBVcmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3L mt4YW4uY29tXC9uZXdzXC9sb2NhbFwvaGVscGluZy1hdXN0aW5 zLWhvbWVsZXNzLWdyb3VuZC1icmVha3MtYXQtbmV3LXN0YXRlL XNhbmN0aW9uZWQtZmFjaWxpdHlcL2FtcFwvIn0sInNpdGUiOns iYnJhbmROYW1lIjoiS1hBTiBBdXN0aW4iLCJjYWxsU2lnbiI6I ktYQU4ifX19fSwiZXhwZWN0UHJlcm9sbFRpbWVvdXQiOjgsImF jY2Vzc0tleSI6ImdxMjYxWEFtdzhiNXhpNjlrdThoWW1PMWt5U G1NQnpuIiwidG9rZW4iOiJleUowZVhBaU9pSktWMVFpTENKaGJ HY2lPaUpJVXpJMU5pSjkuZXlKMmFXUWlPaUkzTURFMk9EZ3dJa XdpYVhOeklqb2laM0V5TmpGWVFXMTNPR0kxZUdrMk9XdDFPR2h aYlU4eGEzbFFiVTFDZW00aUxDSmxlSEFpT2pFMk16TXdOVGc1T XpaOS5SYmZQT0gweUFVd1FUYUhQYkJZUnBnMHJNUlhWcHFOUW1 WRDJodUEzWU9rIiwibnhzIjp7Im1wNFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvX C90a3gubXAubHVyYS5saXZlXC9yZXN0XC92MlwvbWNwXC92aWR lb1wvNzAxNjg4MD9hbnZhY2s9YnZKMGRRcG1STFp4N2NNUGVpV zlVMjdnVlJBUndwUEwmdG9rZW49JTdFNlNpNGQ1c1BiVVM1Tnl sZllWdWxYcmxvR3NlWnZvNzBNUSUzRCUzRCIsImVuYWJsZUZsb 2F0aW5nUGxheWVyIjp0cnVlfSwiZGlzYWJsZU11dGVkQXV0b3B sYXkiOmZhbHNlLCJyZWNvbW1lbmRhdGlvbnMiOnRydWUsImV4c GVjdFByZXJvbGwiOnRydWUsInRpdGxlVmlzaWJsZSI6dHJ1ZSw icGF1c2VPbkNsaWNrIjp0cnVlLCJ0cmFja1RpbWVQZXJpb2QiO jYwLCJwIjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsIm0iOiJMSU4iLCJ2IjoiNzAxNjg 4MCIsIndpZHRoIjo2NDAsImhlaWdodCI6MzYwfQ==#amp=1
I hope it works out. In LA the same sort of program(project room key) has been a huge failure.

I drive from LA to OKC and back quite frequently. In small towns in Oklahoma and New Mexico specifically I see a great number of empty hotels and buildings that are empty. There’s a great need for more rest areas, truck stops/parking, on top of a need to house the homeless and I’m sure these dying towns along the interstate could use a boost in population. I’ve always thought a national program designed to relocate and home the homeless around the country instead of having them concentrated in one(or a few) massive locations or at least offering that option could be an interesting experiment.

09-30-2021, 11:04 PM
Prior before the statewide camping ban that went into effect on September 1st. Austin was the new San Francisco with tents everywhere downtown, as well as people defecating in public. It was a disgusting site as well as an embarrassment to the city of Austin. Now Austin has cleaned up a majority of campsites and continues to help an improve by getting the homeless the help they need.

09-30-2021, 11:07 PM
I hope it works out. In LA the same sort of program(project room key) has been a huge failure.

I drive from LA to OKC and back quite frequently. In small towns in Oklahoma and New Mexico specifically I see a great number of empty hotels and buildings that are empty. There’s a great need for more rest areas, truck stops/parking, on top of a need to house the homeless and I’m sure these dying towns along the interstate could use a boost in population. I’ve always thought a national program designed to relocate and home the homeless around the country instead of having them concentrated in one(or a few) massive locations or at least offering that option could be an interesting experiment.

I certainly agree, something needs to be done.

09-30-2021, 11:41 PM
Whole Foods Expansion
Waterloo Central
827 W. 12th F0dXJlZF9pbWFnZVwvMTYxMzU5NTY3MTYwMmQ4NDE3OTFiMjIw LjcxMTk5NDkxLmNvbXBsZXhfMTcwMzIucG5nIiwiZWRpdHMiOn sicmVzaXplIjp7ImZpdCI6Imluc2lkZSIsImJhY2tncm91bmQi OiIjZmZmMCIsIndpZHRoIjoxMTkwLCJoZWlnaHQiOjYyM319fQ ==

09-30-2021, 11:52 PM
Covid cases continue to plummet in Austin.

10-08-2021, 12:55 AM
It's official! Elon Musk: Tesla HQ will relocate to Austin from California!

By Will Anderson
Managing Editor, Austin Business Journal
Oct 7, 2021
Updated 3 hours ago

Tesla Inc., the world’s most valuable carmaker, will relocate its headquarters to Austin — a huge move for the local economy, and a clear sign that the future of Elon Musk’s diverse business empire increasingly runs through Texas.

The CEO said Oct. 7 during the company’s annual shareholder meeting that Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) would base itself in Central Texas, where it has a $1.1 billion gigafactory rising in eastern Travis County.

"I'm excited to announce that we're moving our headquarters to Austin, Texas," Musk said to thunderous applause.

Plutonic Panda
10-08-2021, 01:12 AM
I really hope Tesla eventually builds a plant in Oklahoma. Tulsa would be a nice pick so it can boost the region up there but it would make more sense between OKC and the Texas state line somewhere.

10-08-2021, 01:19 AM
I really hope Tesla eventually builds a plant in Oklahoma. Tulsa would be a nice pick so it can boost the region up there but it would make more sense between OKC and the Texas state line somewhere.

It would benefit Oklahoma alot if Musk did invest in the state. There has been rumors that he plans to build a manufacturing hub near Tulsa. This was last year after he announced Austin as the final winner.

10-29-2021, 03:20 AM
Austin's COTA smashes record for biggest Formula 1 race ever as sports tightens grip on U.S market.

Claire Partain
October 26th 2021

Circuit of the Americas chair Bobby Epstein wasn't willing to give up specific attendance numbers for the Austin track's United States Grand Prix over the weekend, but he still assured Austonia that the race was "the biggest sporting event in the world this year."

The weekend's broadcast reported the three-day event saw 400,000 attendees, smashing a previous record held by the British Grand Prix for the most racegoers in Formula 1 history. Around 140,000 looked on as 24-year-old rising star Max Verstappen beat seven-time champ Lewis Hamilton by just over a second on Sunday.

10-29-2021, 03:59 AM
Lincoln added the COTA "Car Condos" to its portfolio. There are 178 units planned for Turn 11: mh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yNzgwODgyMC9vcmlnaW4 uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTY2ODk0ODY0N30.FUm_xgTlZ W2miyP8z4XnXRqhbaHRsvN2VQ1jIupyoqI/img.jpg?width=980 mh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yNzgwODg2OS9vcmlnaW4 uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTY3MTA2OTM0NH0.bMvbcXZrb 0zyttHF2KOab81qb9vc6ravctvCU_ef27s/img.jpg?width=740&quality=80

Claire Partain
October 27th. 2021

Coming off of the heels of the biggest Formula 1 race to date, Circuit of the Americas now has plans to create luxury "car condos" for racecar enthusiasts right by the track.

Located on the racetrack's storied "Turn 11," COTA will create around 178 car condos on a 22-acre plot in a partnership with real estate firm Lincoln Property Company. Presale reservations for the units began Wednesday, and the project hopes to break ground by late spring of 2022.

The 340,000 square foot space will include a 7,000-square foot amenity center with a pool, a clubhouse, a conference center, outdoor barbecue grills and more.

10-29-2021, 10:30 AM
Just returned from a visit to Grapevine. Talked to many long time locals who are giving up on Dallas and Austin because of the influx of folks from the west coast, LA and Portland in particular. They said that housing and cost of living is increasing so much and the culture is changing, at least for them, for the worse. Austin in particular is bad because of lack of infrastructure to handle the population increase. Surprisingly, several said they were moving to Oklahoma. One gentleman who we talked to in the hotel said it was his last night in Texas and that he and his stuff were on their way to Tulsa. He said that many of his family and friends were in the process of moving to other states although he also said many were moving to East Texas to escape Dallas and Austin. His exact words were "I'm getting out of this hellhole".

T. Jamison
10-29-2021, 10:31 AM
I'm a huge F1 fan and often wonder how much COTA has increased Austin's international visibility. COTA is considered one of the better circuits on the F1 calendar and generally produces really good races. All the drivers talk about how nice Austin is, how much they love the food, people and culture. F1 is a really popular sport globally, and that means a lot of eyeballs on Austin.

Miami and Las Vegas are now trying to get in on the actions, so I'd have to think Austin is doing something right.

10-29-2021, 04:50 PM
Just returned from a visit to Grapevine. Talked to many long time locals who are giving up on Dallas and Austin because of the influx of folks from the west coast, LA and Portland in particular. They said that housing and cost of living is increasing so much and the culture is changing, at least for them, for the worse. Austin in particular is bad because of lack of infrastructure to handle the population increase. Surprisingly, several said they were moving to Oklahoma. One gentleman who we talked to in the hotel said it was his last night in Texas and that he and his stuff were on their way to Tulsa. He said that many of his family and friends were in the process of moving to other states although he also said many were moving to East Texas to escape Dallas and Austin. His exact words were "I'm getting out of this hellhole".

I can believe it. Austin median home prices in Austin is a whooping $500,000. Though the population growth in Austin is phenomenal with 70,000 moving in annually which is half the population growth of DFW. With that said it's sad that Austin is losing once was a great affordable place to live. Now it's California 2.0.

10-29-2021, 07:40 PM
I'm a huge F1 fan and often wonder how much COTA has increased Austin's international visibility. COTA is considered one of the better circuits on the F1 calendar and generally produces really good races. All the drivers talk about how nice Austin is, how much they love the food, people and culture. F1 is a really popular sport globally, and that means a lot of eyeballs on Austin.

Miami and Las Vegas are now trying to get in on the actions, so I'd have to think Austin is doing something right.

F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali said "Circuit of the Americas (COTA) in Austin has earned its place on the sport's schedule as contract talks continue with the venue over the future of the U.S. Grand Prix."

It wouldn't surprise me if Austin started hosting F1 every year like it did just recently.

T. Jamison
10-30-2021, 02:28 PM
F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali said "Circuit of the Americas (COTA) in Austin has earned its place on the sport's schedule as contract talks continue with the venue over the future of the U.S. Grand Prix."

It wouldn't surprise me if Austin started hosting F1 every year like it did just recently.

I sure hope it does. The Miami and Vegas circuits are likely going to be extremely boring, similar to Sochi. The elevation changes and thoughtful design makes COTA one of the better circuits and probably some of Hermann Tikle's better work. Regardless of if Formula 1 keeps going to Austin, I think Circuit of the America's will continue to be a real asset.

Personally, COTA attracts me to the idea of living in Austin. Being able to see the highest levels of motorsports (F1, Moto GP, WEC) in my backyard would outweigh the shame of calling myself a Texan. (kidding)

My wife is studying graphic design, and it is her understanding that Austin is a hub for designers. Along with Colorado Springs, but Colorado doesn't have COTA.

10-30-2021, 08:10 PM
I sure hope it does. The Miami and Vegas circuits are likely going to be extremely boring, similar to Sochi. The elevation changes and thoughtful design makes COTA one of the better circuits and probably some of Hermann Tikle's better work. Regardless of if Formula 1 keeps going to Austin, I think Circuit of the America's will continue to be a real asset.

Personally, COTA attracts me to the idea of living in Austin. Being able to see the highest levels of motorsports (F1, Moto GP, WEC) in my backyard would outweigh the shame of calling myself a Texan. (kidding)

My wife is studying graphic design, and it is her understanding that Austin is a hub for designers. Along with Colorado Springs, but Colorado doesn't have COTA.

COTA is one of the better Formula 1 tracks out there, this is the reason why as well as Austin being an "It" city draws events far and wide. I know Nascar got on board with COTA and there looking to do a race again next year.

10-30-2021, 08:12 PM
The Republic Tower Rides Again!

OCTOBER 28, 2021

Downtown Austin saw a few projects fall through or downscale their ambitions significantly during the pandemic’s freshman and sophomore years, but after months of nail-biting we’re thrilled to report that the 46-floor Republic office tower planned by real estate giants Lincoln Property Company bringing 800,000 square feet of office space and 19,500 square feet of retail to a parking lot at 401 West Fourth Street just south of Republic Square is showing some serious signs of life — as it turns out, this project might actually be closer to moving forward than we thought.

Several downtown insiders have told us in the last few months that the tower plan is steaming ahead, but we’re not just relying on gossip — a large number of development permits related to the project were filed this week, with updates to the tower’s site plan recently approved after city review.

11-09-2021, 12:00 AM

11-09-2021, 01:46 PM
Amazon eyes yet another distribution hub in Austin area as regional headcount nears 12,000

Justin Sayers – Staff Writer, Austin Business Journal
Oct 28, 2021

..." Services LLC recently submitted an application to the city of Round Rock to rezone and annex a 193-acre site at 2801 County Road 172, which is east of East McNeil Road and north of the State Highway 45 toll road, near La Frontera.

Representatives for Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) are seeking to rezone the property to a planned unit development with a light industrial zoning to allow "for a large format warehouse and distribution center," according to a letter from Amanda Brown, senior development and land use planner for Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc., an engineering firm working with Amazon.

The property is currently not zoned and is located in the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Brown wrote that the planned unit development would allow for the building closest to State Highway 45 to reach 120 feet in height. Light industrial zoning only allows for buildings two stories in height maximum.

"The increase in building height is necessary only for the storage of goods and will not contribute to a greater intensity than what is intended for the LI zone," Brown wrote. "The proposed PUD achieves the result of allowing special conditions that would not otherwise allow the development to occur given the current LI standards."

Amazon considers Georgetown site for large warehouse

By Justin Sayers
Staff Writer, Austin Business Journal
Nov. 9th. 2021 Inc. is eyeing another large facility in Central Texas, this time on the far north side of the Austin metro. Services LLC is listed as the owner in a Nov. 5 filing with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for a 518,792-square-foot sorting facility at 2250 N. I-35. That is the same address as a business park being built between the interstate and the State Highway 130 toll road.
The TDLR filing describes the Georgetown project as a "package sortation center" and "warehouse for overnight processing of packages for long-haul delivery." Work could start in early 2022, with a completion date of March 2023. The filing gives an estimated project cost of $130 million.

At this rate, Austin will be Jeff Bezos & Elon Musk playground.

11-09-2021, 02:47 PM
Public documents tie Elon Musk associate to hundreds of acres near Tesla

Musk's local land holdings are almost 3 times the size of downtown Austin

Elon Musk’s assemblage of land in eastern Travis County appears to be growing.

Public documents show that an LLC tied to one of Musk’s top associates has purchased hundreds of acres just across the Colorado River from the rising $1.1. billion Tesla Inc. gigafactory.

It was unclear by publication time what the additional acreage will be used for, though the land purchases provide some idea of just how large Musk’s plans are for the area — he's already amassed more than 2,500 acres on the other side of the river — as the world's richest person continues to grow roots in Central Texas. He recently announced that Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) would relocate its headquarters to Austin from Palo Alto, California, and his other companies — tunneling startup The Boring Company, brain implant startup Neuralink Corp. and space exploration company SpaceX — are increasingly running operations through the region.

11-09-2021, 02:47 PM
Public documents tie Elon Musk associate to hundreds of acres near Tesla

Musk's local land holdings are almost 3 times the size of downtown Austin

Elon Musk’s assemblage of land in eastern Travis County appears to be growing.

Public documents show that an LLC tied to one of Musk’s top associates has purchased hundreds of acres just across the Colorado River from the rising $1.1. billion Tesla Inc. gigafactory.

It was unclear by publication time what the additional acreage will be used for, though the land purchases provide some idea of just how large Musk’s plans are for the area — he's already amassed more than 2,500 acres on the other side of the river — as the world's richest person continues to grow roots in Central Texas. He recently announced that Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) would relocate its headquarters to Austin from Palo Alto, California, and his other companies — tunneling startup The Boring Company, brain implant startup Neuralink Corp. and space exploration company SpaceX — are increasingly running operations through the region.

11-10-2021, 12:35 PM
The Four Seasons Private Residences Lake Austin
Aforementioned Funicular

By Tom Foster
November 9, 2021

A sign of the times on a showstopping Hill Country peak.

The 145-acre Camelback property on Lake Austin, just west of the iconic Pennybacker Bridge, rises straight up a series of limestone cliffs to a densely forested ridge 380 feet above the water. It’s as close to a proper mountain as you can find in Central Texas. And what a mountain. From the top, you can see the sweeping semicircular curve of the Colorado River below, and off to the east, a gap in the hills frames the Oz-like cluster of high-rises in downtown Austin, ten or so miles away.

It’s here that property owner Jonathan Coon has built a four-story metal-frame viewing platform that rises above the treetops and affords lucky visitors one of the most commanding views in the state. The platform won’t be here for long, though: It exists only so that Coon can sell people on his new plan, announced Tuesday, to turn the Camelback into the site of an ultra-luxury condo community with 179 cliffside homes, a private marina, a sprawling athletic center with outdoor and indoor tennis courts—and an air-conditioned, glass-box funicular that will whisk residents from hilltop to lakeside in two minutes flat. Four Seasons, the luxury resort company famous for such properties as the Grand-Hôtel du Cap-Ferrat on the French Riviera as well as high-end hotels and residences in Austin, Houston, and Dallas, will manage the property, to be known as the Four Seasons Private Residences Lake Austin.

11-20-2021, 07:05 PM
Austin crowned the world’s No. 1 city to move to in global ranking

To determine the ideal places to call home, U.K. finance site studied the best cities to move around the world in its Relocation Report, released this week.

Austin came in first, thanks in part to its average temperature of 68.7 degrees and average monthly salary of £3,984 (or $5,378), as well as its internet speed of 87.5 Mbps. Next up was the most populous city in the world, Tokyo, for its plethora of restaurants and parks, as well as its high life expectancy at age 84.

Plutonic Panda
11-23-2021, 04:17 PM

11-23-2021, 06:31 PM

Beat me to it. Samsung has chosen Taylor for it's next plant. This is the largest U.S investment ever at a whooping $17 Billion project.

11-23-2021, 07:53 PM
I heard 10,000 jobs will be created. That's nearly the scale of the Giga Tesla project.

01-10-2022, 07:50 PM
Austin has a new tower announced almost every month, this is just amazing. How is that even possible? lol

01-10-2022, 08:06 PM
Will be interesting to see Texas development when they run out of water.

01-10-2022, 08:11 PM
Will be interesting to see Texas development when they run out of water.

I don't think water is going to be the issue, so much as the fact that they've barely done a single thing to make their grid more resilient whenever the next "once in a generation" cold snap hits.

01-14-2022, 12:20 PM
"The Republic" moving forward

License agreement for three (3) tower cranes required to erect The Republic office building located at 401 W. 4th St.

01-14-2022, 12:22 PM
Austin has a new tower announced almost every month, this is just amazing. How is that even possible? lol

I know! It's an amazing time to be in Austin. :)

Plutonic Panda
01-14-2022, 12:25 PM
In transportation news TxDOT has released new updates to the central section of I-35. COc90AzXTIgUx8Q-xRgIjOT4Qg

The whole thing is a joke. I love massive freeways but there are better ways to build them in super dense areas. TxDOT proposed just this when they have an alternative that has a series of deep bored tunnels but per usual in the USA couldn’t do it because it was too expensive. Never mind every other modern country that is able to build road tunnels just fine.

I suppose in this particular case, believe it or not, mark me as someone who is against this expansion because it is inappropriate for the area it’s in. Shawnw, bet you didn’t see that one coming ;)

01-14-2022, 12:32 PM
Will be interesting to see Texas development when they run out of water.
I doubt that would ever happen. Most of the population growth in Texas is happening in the central and Eastern part of the state where water/ rain is abundance.

I don't think water is going to be the issue, so much as the fact that they've barely done a single thing to make their grid more resilient whenever the next "once in a generation" cold snap hits.

Last year was crazy. I hope that something like that never happens again. I spent 5 days without power. Luckily this time I brought a generator just in case.

01-14-2022, 12:36 PM
In transportation news TxDOT has released new updates to the central section of I-35. COc90AzXTIgUx8Q-xRgIjOT4Qg

The whole thing is a joke. I love massive freeways but there are better ways to build them in super dense areas. TxDOT proposed just this when they have an alternative that has a series of deep bored tunnels but per usual in the USA couldn’t do it because it was too expensive. Never mind every other modern country that is able to build road tunnels just fine.

I suppose in this particular case, believe it or not, mark me as someone who is against this expansion because it is inappropriate for the area it’s in. Shawnw, bet you didn’t see that one coming ;)

Disappointed. Rather than cap IH 35 they want to expand it and make it look like Dallas smh. The only great thing happening is Project Connect.

Plutonic Panda
01-14-2022, 12:41 PM
Disappointed. Rather than cap IH 35 they want to expand it and make it look like Dallas smh. The only great thing happening is Project Connect.
It’s very disappointing. The tunnel design was compact and had two layers of tunnels. It would have been amazing.

01-14-2022, 12:42 PM
Turning a Corner at 415 Colorado


Demolition is scheduled to begin this week at the southeast corner of West Fifth and Colorado Streets in downtown Austin, clearing several buildings for the construction of a 47-floor residential and office tower developed by Texas private equity firm Stonelake Capital Partners.

01-14-2022, 01:44 PM
I doubt that would ever happen. Most of the population growth in Texas is happening in the central and Eastern part of the state where water/ rain is abundance.
Not according to the US Drought Monitor, where the entire eastern half of the state save for parts of three counties near Houston is in some level of drought.

01-14-2022, 06:30 PM
Not according to the US Drought Monitor, where the entire eastern half of the state save for parts of three counties near Houston is in some level of drought.

In that case. Us Texans will have to steal the water from Oklahoma. J/k ;)

01-14-2022, 06:33 PM
Or better yet we'll just steal it from Louisiana since half the state is already underwater.

01-14-2022, 06:55 PM
Site prep has officially begun on the tallest tower in Texas!,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/

01-14-2022, 07:05 PM
Austin will be rising to new heights as alot of these projects come to life. It's astonishing that Austin will be the level of Minneapolis later on this year once 6 X Guadalupe tops out in terms of overall height and buildings.

01-14-2022, 08:19 PM
Anyone been to Q2 Stadium yet? Thinking about heading down for a game this summer, looks like an amazing atmosphere on TV.

01-15-2022, 03:16 PM
Austin has at least three towers between 640' & 675' breaking ground this quarter.

The 640' 415 Colorado tower got underway this week with barriers for street closures for Demo and construction going up around the site.

The 675' 321 West tower gets underway next week
with street closures around the site for Demo and construction scheduled for Friday. The final renderings have not been released, but it will be similar to this previous rendering.

The 658' Modern Austin tower is financed with a 03/21 groundbreaking. The developer is letting the two bars on the site to host SXSW events before closing; hence the March groundbreaking.

01-15-2022, 03:20 PM
Anyone been to Q2 Stadium yet? Thinking about heading down for a game this summer, looks like an amazing atmosphere on TV.

I drove past it many times but have yet stepped foot in it. I would recommend stocking up on lots of water since it's an open stadium. Summer & Texas equals hot so stay hydrated.

01-15-2022, 03:44 PM
Giga Texas nearing completion

Model Y bodies on site.

Plutonic Panda
01-15-2022, 03:48 PM
Haha, I was just about to post that. I saw on Twitter they are getting ready to install solar on the rooftop. That should produce an insane amount of energy for a rooftop.

01-15-2022, 08:13 PM
That building and that YouTube channel are both insane

Plutonic Panda
01-15-2022, 09:53 PM
That building and that YouTube channel are both insane
Just to think Tulsa almost had it ;)

Austin 1 Tulsa 0 I’ll keep a tally

01-16-2022, 09:06 AM
I’m definitely not fanboying - not a fan of Musk or of Tesla - but I’m pretty fascinated by construction and development on that scale, and fascinated by manufacturing in general.

Plus it blows my mind that multiple guys have apparently turned documenting this one project on YouTube into a cottage industry. I guess not entirely different than what Pete does here on OKCTalk, but crazy how it’s the ONLY project being covered there.

And he goes really deep into analysis of what is being received, staged, etc. The logistics part combined with speculation about what each delivery means regarding where they are in the timeline is some true construction/development/manufacturing fanboy porn.