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06-11-2024, 11:46 PM
I tell ya, ever since COVID, Austin has been dropping some incredible large projects. I mean mega size on a global scale. From Giga Texas, to Samsung Taylor which will be one of the largest if not the largest semiconductor plant in the world. Also as of this past Monday the Austin area hosted its grand opening of the world's largest Buc-ees with 120 fuel pumps. All of this in one metropolitan area.

06-12-2024, 12:20 AM

Giga Texas
Samsung Taylor

All credit sources are found on google

06-12-2024, 12:27 AM
Credit to Joe Tegtmeyer.

More updates about Giga Texas and all things Elon. From the new massive Lithium plant in Corpus Christi, to Starbase rocket 🚀 launch and expansion.

06-13-2024, 06:00 AM
Austin Developers abandoned residential projects.

06-13-2024, 06:26 AM
Austin Developers abandoned residential projects.

Did you insert the wrong article? This says nothing to that effect.

08-18-2024, 03:11 PM
Had some free time a few weeks ago to go downtown.,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/

09-04-2024, 02:01 PM
A few overlook pictures I took over the weekend,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/

09-04-2024, 02:26 PM
I just wish they could address their homeless population. I was shocked to see how many there were. I know we have our share here but it is crazy there.

09-04-2024, 02:41 PM
I just wish they could address their homeless population. I was shocked to see how many there were. I know we have our share here but it is crazy there.

Me too. Austin is pretty much California now with trash and graffiti everywhere.

09-04-2024, 05:01 PM
Me too. Austin is pretty much California now with trash and graffiti everywhere.

It is terrible that Californians are leaving Cali because of all the bad politics and come somewhere like Texas (or Oklahoma)... then try to bring those same policies here! Hopefully, that stays confined to Austin.

09-04-2024, 09:10 PM
It is terrible that Californians are leaving Cali because of all the bad politics and come somewhere like Texas (or Oklahoma)... then try to bring those same policies here! Hopefully, that stays confined to Austin.

Better yet, they can choose to vacate both states and move to somewhere like Colorado. They'll fit right in.

09-05-2024, 06:36 AM
Nice Pics !

09-05-2024, 08:18 AM
It is terrible that Californians are leaving Cali because of all the bad politics and come somewhere like Texas (or Oklahoma)... then try to bring those same policies here! Hopefully, that stays confined to Austin.

Not politics, it’s the cost.

09-05-2024, 08:22 AM
It is terrible that Californians are leaving Cali because of all the bad politics and come somewhere like Texas (or Oklahoma)... then try to bring those same policies here! Hopefully, that stays confined to Austin.

Not politics, it’s the cost, capable workforce availability, infrastructure.

09-05-2024, 04:17 PM
Not politics, it’s the cost, capable workforce availability, infrastructure.

Politics are part of it and affect both cost and infrastructure. To act like the political environment out there has nothing to do with it is just denial.

09-05-2024, 05:04 PM
Nice Pics !

Appreciate it. :cool:

Mississippi Blues
09-06-2024, 03:00 AM
Politics are part of it and affect both cost and infrastructure. To act like the political environment out there has nothing to do with it is just denial.

Obviously politics play a role in some capacity. That does’t change that what Rover said is closer to reality than “all the people that ruined California are now moving to Texas to ruin it.”

09-06-2024, 05:14 AM
Obviously politics play a role in some capacity. That does’t change that what Rover said is closer to reality than “all the people that ruined California are now moving to Texas to ruin it.”

that’s the problem…neither is close to reality. What Rover said was just as far off in the other direction. Saying that politics is not a factor at all is just as absurd as saying it’s the only factor.

09-06-2024, 08:19 AM
that’s the problem…neither is close to reality. What Rover said was just as far off in the other direction. Saying that politics is not a factor at all is just as absurd as saying it’s the only factor.

I didn't say it has NO effect. Political beliefs are reflected in taxes, infrastructure development, etc. it also means that California’s stronger consumer protection laws and how the federal courts rule on it has led some companies to move headquarters out to avoid a certain amount of responsibility for bad results from their products. They generally move to states with low responsibility to the consumer.

The high costs driving others out is a result of high demand to live there that has existed for many decades now. High rates of business growth and population growth leads to higher demand and higher costs. Low population and gdp growth in Oklahoma has created chronically low prices. Financial osmosis will cause moves from expensive and crowded to cheap and spacious as long as enough job growth can support it.

Mississippi Blues
09-06-2024, 05:46 PM
that’s the problem…neither is close to reality. What Rover said was just as far off in the other direction. Saying that politics is not a factor at all is just as absurd as saying it’s the only factor.

Take out “not politics” but leave “it’s the cost, capable workforce available, infrastructure” and it’s really not as outlandish of an assessment as you’re making it seem. Certainly not the other end of the spectrum.

09-07-2024, 01:11 PM
Take out “not politics” but leave “it’s the cost, capable workforce available, infrastructure” and it’s really not as outlandish of an assessment as you’re making it seem. Certainly not the other end of the spectrum.

disagree as politics definitely affect costs and to an extent infrastructure.

09-07-2024, 01:11 PM
I didn't say it has NO effect. Political beliefs are reflected in taxes, infrastructure development, etc. it also means that California’s stronger consumer protection laws and how the federal courts rule on it has led some companies to move headquarters out to avoid a certain amount of responsibility for bad results from their products. They generally move to states with low responsibility to the consumer.

The high costs driving others out is a result of high demand to live there that has existed for many decades now. High rates of business growth and population growth leads to higher demand and higher costs. Low population and gdp growth in Oklahoma has created chronically low prices. Financial osmosis will cause moves from expensive and crowded to cheap and spacious as long as enough job growth can support it.

That’s fair.

Mississippi Blues
09-07-2024, 05:11 PM
disagree as politics definitely affect costs and to an extent infrastructure.

We’ve all said as much and I agreed with you prior to Rover’s clarification. My only position was I didn’t feel it was fair to discount the nuances in Rover’s comment and lump it into the same group of absurdity as Austin being awful due to all the Californians moving there.

09-23-2024, 07:01 PM
BillionToOne Project breaks ground,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/


"The molecular diagnostics company plans to employ nearly 1,000 people in a new 220,000-square-foot facility by 2026."

09-23-2024, 07:25 PM
X HQ to land in Austin suburb

Elon Musk will move the headquarters of his social media platform X (or Twitter, as he’s been known to call it) to Bastrop, Forbes reports. Court filings reveal that Musk’s company has filed paperwork to secure a space in the small town about 35 miles east of Austin, according to the money magazine.

10-29-2024, 11:22 AM,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/
By Dave Wilson

02-07-2025, 01:56 PM
Austin City Council begins zoning changes in West Campus to boost housing, development oiZGF0YXMvMzA1Mzk1OTkvY2NjZGUwYWU2MzcyM2JmMDA0ZGRm ZTExZDlhY2RlNDdjOTI3MGJmOC9vcmlnaW5hbC5qcGciLCJlZG l0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjIwMDAsImhlaWdodCI6 MTUwMCwiZml0IjoiaW5zaWRlIiwid2l0aG91dEVubGFyZ2VtZW 50Ijp0cnVlfX19

Isaiah Williams, Senior News Reporter
February 3, 2025

City Council has initiated the process for removing height limits for buildings in the “Inner West Campus” and Dobie areas. This change will allow taller buildings, potentially increasing the availability of housing units. Height limits will also be increased in other parts of West Campus to allow for more residential developments.

“By increasing building heights, you utilize your property more and provide more housing units on that same property,” said Paul Ray Books, a senior planner with the city of Austin. “To allow more properties to participate, would encourage more high-density, pedestrian-oriented development and affordable housing within the neighborhood.”

02-07-2025, 02:12 PM
The Republic - 710'ft
By DavidTexan

Opening up this summer with the entire building 50% leased.

02-07-2025, 02:22 PM
The Waterline - 1,022'FT
By Urbannizer

Currently sitting at just over 820'ft, this summer Austin will claim the tallest building in Texas, over taking Houston JP Morgan Chase Tower by 20'ft

02-07-2025, 03:02 PM
From what I heard is Austin is a traffic nightmare. Do they have anything in mind to develop infrastructure? If they had a robust subway/bus system it might look attractive as a relocation.

Plutonic Panda
02-07-2025, 03:06 PM
From what I heard is Austin is a traffic nightmare. Do they have anything in mind to develop infrastructure? If they had a robust subway/bus system it might look attractive as a relocation.
Oh, they had an amazing proposal which would’ve included a subway tube through downtown and they skill it back massively. Very sad to see. Austin needs a world class metro system that is grade separated and not glorified street cars or some goofy light rail line like the red line they have or whatever color it is.

They are planning a bunch of freeway improvements, which will help a little bit.

02-07-2025, 03:13 PM
Oh, they had an amazing proposal which would’ve included a subway tube through downtown and they skill it back massively. Very sad to see. Austin needs a world class metro system that is grade separated and not glorified street cars or some goofy light rail line like the red line they have or whatever color it is.

They are planning a bunch of freeway improvements, which will help a little bit.

Amazing. Even as the capital of Texas they don't have the resources for such a project? Build a robust infrastructure and everything else will fall into place. No one seems to want to bite that bullet.

Plutonic Panda
02-07-2025, 03:29 PM
Amazing. Even as the capital of Texas they don't have the resources for such a project? Build a robust infrastructure and everything else will fall into place. No one seems to want to bite that bullet.
Yeah, the same thing happened in Nashville, Tennessee, but that was completely turned down sometime ago. They just passed a new initiative, which I think comprises mainly of bus service. I don’t pay attention too much to what happens in Austin so maybe JoninATX in fact, check me here on this and provide some more insight onto exactly what happened. But if I recall correctly, the overall transit plan with scale back a lot. A lot of what was supposed to be grade separated is now gonna be pretty much running on the street mixed in with cars or it’s going to be bus service instead of rail. And they were supposed to include a downtown transit center, which would’ve included a subway tube but that has been completely axed.

02-07-2025, 04:17 PM
Unfortunately earlier plans that would have included a subway line as been scraped do to high inflation. Although the light rail part of the project is still happening.!/quality/90/? 16b469502a69d66df2%2F20240108-deis-public-meetings-maps-alr-phase-1-and-priority-extensions.jpg!/quality/90/? 7d8cbc3032098361b4%2Faustin-light-rail-greenway.jpg!/quality/90/? d68105a65395652e0f%2Faustin-light-rail-pleasantvalley.jpg

Here's the link that breaks down all the info of Austin new light rail.

Plutonic Panda
02-07-2025, 04:25 PM
That looks cool. I just wish they would wait until they can properly fund the downtown section even if that means waiting longer to do it right the first time around.

If I recall correctly, even Dallas scrapped its plans for a downtown subway. I get that inflation as a thing but bring it back to the voters and let them decide whether or not they want to pay more and get it done quicker, wait so it can be done the right way the first time, or just value engineer the project to get it done. I support the will of the people. But as I said, I personally wish they would do it the right way whether that means paying more now or waiting a little bit longer.

02-07-2025, 04:52 PM
That looks cool. I just wish they would wait until they can properly fund the downtown section even if that means waiting longer to do it right the first time around.

If I recall correctly, even Dallas scrapped its plans for a downtown subway. I get that inflation as a thing but bring it back to the voters and let them decide whether or not they want to pay more and get it done quicker, wait so it can be done the right way the first time, or just value engineer the project to get it done. I support the will of the people. But as I said, I personally wish they would do it the right way whether that means paying more now or waiting a little bit longer.

I agree. I wish they would have stuck with the original plans. Longterm it would had benefit the city better.

02-11-2025, 12:06 PM
Austin snowday January 2025
By Kxan news Austin