View Full Version : Miley Cyrus Leads TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year Readers Poll
Achilleslastand 11-27-2013, 06:23 PM Miley Cyrus Leads TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year Readers Poll, But Will She Win? (
Congratulations social media, millenials and pop culture enthusiasts, you did it. You've put Miley Cyrus in the lead for TIME magazine's Person of the Year readers' poll. We hope you're happy.
As they do every year, the editors of TIME magazine pick "the person [who] most influenced the news this year for better or worse." Last year, it was President Obama. The year before, the ambiguous protester. Could 2013 officially be the Year of Miley?
Not necessarily. Cyrus, who currently has 28.7 percent of the votes, might still lose the prestigious cover. TIME's editors are the ones to crown the winner, and this is merely a readers poll to gauge the public's opinion. And even if it were up to the readers, Cyrus can fall off first place later today, tomorrow, or anytime before Dec. 4, when voting closes.
Controversial Hindu nationalist and Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat Narendra Modi might take the lead (he currently has 13.6 percent of the votes and is in second place), or NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden (who holds 11.8 percent in third place).
And either way, before TIME announces the people's winner, it still needs to look into recent reports of a rigged race.
According to Mashable, a pair of programmers are claiming that they've rigged the poll to cast multiple votes for Cyrus. A spokesperson for TIME told Mashable that they "are aware of the efforts to affect the results of the Person of the Year poll, and have measures in place so that only legitimate votes are being incorporated in the final tally."
Hardcore Miley fans, get to it.
Id say this is several steps down{more then several actually}from Reagan and David Ho to this trainwreck.
Good thing is tho in 6 years shes eligible for a membership in the "27 club".
RadicalModerate 11-27-2013, 06:50 PM This sort of reminds me of the time that Hitler made the cover of Time Magazine as Man of The Year.
trousers 11-27-2013, 07:28 PM Maybe Snowden should leak some footage of himself twerking outside of the Bolshoi.
kevinpate 11-27-2013, 07:32 PM If she does not ascend, will her fans be thoroughly twerked off?
I wish I could say I was surprised, disgusted but not surprised.
RadicalModerate 11-27-2013, 08:13 PM I wish I could find that old video of Neville Chamberlain twerking his ass off in celebration of the victory of appeasement of the masses . . .
(or was he talking out his ass? i'm old. i forget.)
Bill Robertson 11-27-2013, 09:05 PM This sort of reminds me of the time that Hitler made the cover of Time Magazine as Man of The Year.Good point. Time magazine's whatever of the year doesn't mean that person did good, worthwhile things for the year. It just means they were in the headlines the most for that year.
Ginkasa 11-27-2013, 10:03 PM Good thing is tho in 6 years shes eligible for a membership in the "27 club".
That's horrible. Really poor form.
bandnerd 11-28-2013, 08:31 AM Good thing is tho in 6 years shes eligible for a membership in the "27 club".
I have a major problem with this statement. Never ok. Never never never. No matter how much someone annoys you, or you disagree with them being popular in our culture right now, it's never ok to say, "hey, it's all right, they'll be dead in six years!" No no no no no.
venture 11-28-2013, 08:37 AM And the sun still came up today. Yawn.
I have a major problem with this statement. Never ok. Never never never. No matter how much someone annoys you, or you disagree with them being popular in our culture right now, it's never ok to say, "hey, it's all right, they'll be dead in six years!" No no no no no.
Completely agree. This is why I have that POS on ignore (one of two). I can never understand the mental issues of someone wishing for someone else to be dead. Just disgusting and pathetic. Another great example of why we need better mental health services to help troubled people like him.
MadMonk 11-28-2013, 09:25 AM LOL, that "honor" lost significance a long time ago. I can't help but wonder though, how many who voted for her had ever heard of Time magazine (or have ever picked up a print copy) before she was listed as a nominee? :tongue:
RadicalModerate 11-28-2013, 10:57 AM
Achilleslastand 11-28-2013, 11:32 AM I have a major problem with this statement. Never ok. Never never never. No matter how much someone annoys you, or you disagree with them being popular in our culture right now, it's never ok to say, "hey, it's all right, they'll be dead in six years!" No no no no no.
You sir need to learn how to take a joke............
kevinpate 11-28-2013, 03:15 PM Might be mistaken, but fairly certain she took the 'joke' to be lacking any reasonable degree of humor and perhaps even being mean spirited to boot.
Couldn't fault her if that's spot one.
venture 11-28-2013, 05:19 PM Might be mistaken, but fairly certain she took the 'joke' to be lacking any reasonable degree of humor and perhaps even being mean spirited to boot.
Couldn't fault her if that's spot one.
I always love people that say something crude and irresponsible, and then when they get called out on it...they come back with a "it was a joke!" statement...when we know it wasn't. Some people just like to be d-bags and asshats but the minute they get caught and held responsible for their words they cower like the coward they truly are.
bandnerd 11-28-2013, 06:47 PM You sir need to learn how to take a joke............
You, sir, don't even know that I am a lady. And I never, ever joke about how someone should die because I don't like them. Line crossed.
Achilleslastand 11-28-2013, 07:57 PM I always love people that say something crude and irresponsible, and then when they get called out on it...they come back with a "it was a joke!" statement...when we know it wasn't. Some people just like to be d-bags and asshats but the minute they get caught and held responsible for their words they cower like the coward they truly are.
Given her recent behavior its quite possible she goes down the same path ala Lindsay Lohan etc. Its also too bad you take my comment as being nothing more then what it was intended which is half joking and the other half a very possible outcome given her recent odd behavior.
+1 For the name calling though.....always nice to see keyboard warriors setting things straight over the internet.
Other then that if it offends you that much id suggest growing a pair and dealing with it.
Achilleslastand 11-28-2013, 07:59 PM You, sir, don't even know that I am a lady. And I never, ever joke about how someone should die because I don't like them. Line crossed.
No ma'am I did not know you were a lady.......
And how you get wishing someone dead from my comment is quite the stretch even with it being half joking.
bandnerd 11-28-2013, 08:37 PM No ma'am I did not know you were a lady.......
And how you get wishing someone dead from my comment is quite the stretch even with it being half joking.
Well, it seems you have learned two things today. I honestly don't know how anyone could not take your original statement and infer anything else.
Achilleslastand 11-28-2013, 08:45 PM Well, it seems you have learned two things today. I honestly don't know how anyone could not take your original statement and infer anything else.
O jeez spare me....
You were looking for something to be "enraged" about and obviously found it.
venture 11-28-2013, 11:23 PM Well, it seems you have learned two things today. I honestly don't know how anyone could not take your original statement and infer anything else.
A troll is a troll and he has trolled this place for quite a while. Of course they'll never man up to it and admit that they are just here to get people worked up. Sad and pathetic, but some people's character is built that way. Nothing we can but hope for an increase in mental health funding so they can get some help. :)
bandnerd 11-29-2013, 07:32 AM O jeez spare me....
You were looking for something to be "enraged" about and obviously found it.
Hardly enraged. Don't gaslight me.
A troll is a troll and he has trolled this place for quite a while. Of course they'll never man up to it and admit that they are just here to get people worked up. Sad and pathetic, but some people's character is built that way. Nothing we can but hope for an increase in mental health funding so they can get some help. :)
True, a troll is a troll. But Achilles has been here awhile. Trolls usually go away after awhile. I wouldn't call him a troll so much as misguided.
Midtowner 11-29-2013, 08:16 AM Unfortunately, the internet does a terrible job of filtering out the mentally ill.
Just the facts 11-29-2013, 08:30 AM Miley Cyrus isn't the problem. A society where Miley Cyrus is championed is the problem. The culture war was won/lost a long time ago.
Midtowner 11-29-2013, 08:38 AM Miley Cyrus isn't the problem. A society where Miley Cyrus is championed is the problem. The culture war was won/lost a long time ago.
Who is championing what?
She's a pop star who is doing provocative things to sell records. Not unlike John and Yoko.
kevinpate 11-29-2013, 08:49 AM And now, that (a) we're back to Miley and (b) sometimes weird things are amusing, here's Miley
bandnerd 11-29-2013, 08:49 AM Who is championing what?
She's a pop star who is doing provocative things to sell records. Not unlike John and Yoko.
Yes, remember, this caused quite a stir at the time? 5122
bandnerd 11-29-2013, 08:50 AM And now, that (a) we're back to Miley and (b) sometimes weird things are amusing, here's Miley
lol I made sure to share that one with my yearbook staff. The editor was obsessed with twerking earlier in the semester. Seems the Twerky might have broken her of the habit.