View Full Version : Gallery Guys Do It Again . . .

11-21-2013, 06:46 PM
The "Gallery Guys" are the crew at O.E.T.A. who produce one of the best thirty-minute programs, on television, in the entire nation. (They create a program that is even better than anything even Minnesota Public Television has to offer, and Minnesota is a "big-league" state. doncha know. =)

Just got done watching "Woolaroc".
The program was amazing. The actual visit to this place, that we started informally planning a few minutes ago--for perhaps next spring?--will probably be even better.

About ten minutes before it ended, I asked my wife why we didn't record it.
Neither one of us could provide a reasonable answer to that question. =)

It is going to be repeated later (Sunday, 11:00am, Cox 14)
Our DVR is now set to record. Perhaps, more accurately, to re-stun.=)

11-21-2013, 07:39 PM
OETA repeats the primetime programs later at night, at least with new stuff.

11-21-2013, 07:50 PM
We checked: Next broadcast of this--at least DVR accessible--is Sunday morning. =)

If you happen to catch the show, watch for how "Big Time Political Differences Involving Dynastic Families" were worked out at Woolaroc.
(Back in The Day)

It's just one tiny part of what makes Oklahoma WAY more than OK.
(or at least it use'ta be =)

Again: Thx to the Gallery Guys (and gals).

11-24-2013, 07:22 AM
The "Gallery Guys" are the crew at O.E.T.A. who produce one of the best thirty-minute programs, on television, in the entire nation.

They do good work, don't they? Thanks for the heads up about the Woolaroc piece. I'll have to watch it this morning. Dave Tamez, who was the initial force behind Gallery, has always been a great shooter/editor. Years ago, I can remember looking over a list of past winners from the Heartland division of the Regional Emmys, which includes Denver, Wichita, OKC, Tulsa, and Omaha in its area, and seeing one lone winner from Wichita Falls. I thought, "Who the heck won from Wichita Falls?" When I saw Dave's name, I thought, " figures." LOL Gallery is a tremendous example of what really good shooters can do when freed from the constraints of having to shoot a :30 v/o of a perp walk...or 5AM live shots beside an icy road telling us it's cold outside.

12-01-2013, 08:37 PM
Hey! When will I be on OETA? We performed the Charlie Christian
series and I've yet to see it. Dang!

I was humbled that several on the OETA crew knew who I was and called
me an Oklahoma Jazz Legend.

12-01-2013, 08:54 PM
Thanx ou48A.