11-18-2013, 09:49 PM
We screened Delivery Man a week or so ago. It was actually a very good movie with a lot of heart. Much better than most of Vince Vaughn's movies. I'd like to see it again at some point. We are going to see Last Survivor tomorrow night. I hear it's an excellent movie. Looking forward to seeing it.
11-19-2013, 06:33 AM
I haven't heard of that movie.
11-19-2013, 06:53 AM
I haven't heard of that movie.
In a world where no one visits a sperm bank except David Wozniak, a world where mobsters and rug rats rule over all, someone grows up.
11-19-2013, 08:17 PM
We screened Delivery Man a week or so ago. It was actually a very good movie with a lot of heart. Much better than most of Vince Vaughn's movies. I'd like to see it again at some point. We are going to see Lone Survivor tomorrow night. I hear it's an excellent movie. Looking forward to seeing it.
Got the day wrong. Lone Survivor is Wednesday night. Actually got the title wrong too. It's Lone Survivor not Last Survivor. Teach me to not post late at