View Full Version : Things thatmake you go Hmmmm

11-18-2013, 07:31 AM
I came back up to OKC this weekend and on the way back I saw a sign that said "Damaged Guard Rail' posted on the end of a guard rail. I wondered if you were crashing they expected you to dodge that damaged guard rail or hold off your crash for the next undamaged one. BTW, I didn't see any damage.

11-18-2013, 10:05 AM
Maybe the sign was misspelled . . ? Perhaps it was meant to say "Damage Guard Rail" as an invitation to passing motorists?

For some reason, this reminds me of those "This Page Left Blank Intentionally" sheets that sometimes print when you are printing one long file or another.
Every time I see one of those sheets I think, "No it wasn't...."

Bill Robertson
11-18-2013, 11:15 AM
I came back up to OKC this weekend and on the way back I saw a sign that said "Damaged Guard Rail' posted on the end of a guard rail. I wondered if you were crashing they expected you to dodge that damaged guard rail or hold off your crash for the next undamaged one. BTW, I didn't see any damage.I'm with you! I've always wondered what difference it makes that the guardrail is damaged.

11-18-2013, 01:14 PM
Always seems a surplus of funds in the Road Sign Department.

11-18-2013, 06:48 PM
I'll bet the signs on the guardrail are there to let the roving, nocturnal, tribes of guardrail repair elves know that their repair services are needed at that location . . .

11-18-2013, 07:43 PM
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11-18-2013, 08:03 PM
I'm with you! I've always wondered what difference it makes that the guardrail is damaged.

Peeps assume guardrails are there to protect. The signs are the state's way of saying uh, not necessarily, so kindly have a wreck elsewhere.

Just the facts
11-18-2013, 08:19 PM
I took this picture a few months ago.

11-18-2013, 09:11 PM
Peeps assume guardrails are there to protect. The signs are the state's way of saying uh, not necessarily, so kindly have a wreck elsewhere.

As in: Don't think you can hold the city, county, or whoever, liable for lack of warning signage.

11-18-2013, 09:57 PM
I took this picture a few months ago.
I tried to fight a parking ticket with a sign that was very similar.

I lost.

Plutonic Panda
11-18-2013, 10:03 PM
I came back up to OKC this weekend and on the way back I saw a sign that said "Damaged Guard Rail' posted on the end of a guard rail. I wondered if you were crashing they expected you to dodge that damaged guard rail or hold off your crash for the next undamaged one. BTW, I didn't see any damage.That's hilarious!!!!!!

11-19-2013, 06:28 AM
Harrah, Oklahoma

11-19-2013, 08:50 AM
Harrah, Oklahoma

Does that make Harrah walkable? or do the police drive to the donut shop?

11-19-2013, 09:41 AM
and another thing that makes me go Hmmmmm

It seems to me that people I see parking in a handicap spot are either:

1. Elderly or truely handicapped.
2. Look to be in better shape and walk better than I do.
3. Too big and fat to make it farter than 3 parking spaces from the door of the business.

11-19-2013, 07:54 PM
By the side of Highway 71, South of Kansas City, Missouri:

Home of The Peculiar Police Department, The Peculiar Methodist Church and Peculiar Donut Shop.

Just south of Peculiar, MO, there is a barn and a couple of old silos with trees growing out of them.

No kidding.

The one on the right is the one outside of Peculiar City Limits, proper . . .

I can't find the picture of the barn with the massive tree growing out of the hayloft adjacent to the silo trees.

Made me go Hmmmmm . . .

11-19-2013, 08:00 PM
Does that make Harrah walkable? or do the police drive to the donut shop?

From the lack of cars in the photo, I think it is safe to say that all parking spots are reserved for emergency vehicles.

11-19-2013, 08:12 PM
Peculiar. Home of the Peculiarities.

11-19-2013, 08:13 PM
Antlers, Oklahoma

The "Hmmm" moment part? No antlers on this thing.
I'd bet this guy (Bill? could his name be "Bill"?) sells one hell of a lot of Auto Glass . . .
for Antlers anyways . . .

11-19-2013, 08:29 PM
Vian, Oklahoma

Abandoned Motel:

Hmmmm (I thought to myself) . . . Why is it abandoned?
Maybe because it's supposed to be La Siesta?

Could it be the lack of authentic Dairy Queens within easy walking distance?

Or could it be something deeper . . . and more "sinister" . . . ?

None of that should be taken as a serious slam against the fine folks of Vian.
I liked Vian. It's a nice, little, country town off the beaten path, on the old highway, not far from The Interstate.

Hmmm . . . =)

11-19-2013, 09:25 PM
Peculiar. Home of the Peculiarities.

Now, imagine the challenges faced by the fine folks in Pink, OK. =)
Same stuff . . . Different road . . . (Highway 9, yet another route to some of the best parts of Oklahoma.) =)

At least here in OKC [THEY] seem to have paid at least a bit of attention to my suggestion for better traffic flow in the vicinity of Memorial and Meridian, as evidenced by the placing of "vehicle tracking strips" to count cars (at least according to my sweet wife) . . . And that's one reason why OKC still has "a small town feel" and still makes me go "Hmmmm . . . there's hope for us yet . . ." =)

Sorry. I digressed. This is about "guardrail signage". Please accept my apology.

11-19-2013, 09:52 PM

11-19-2013, 10:09 PM
Dang. (my standby alternative to Hmmmmm? =)

11-19-2013, 10:44 PM
I came back up to OKC this weekend and on the way back I saw a sign that said "Damaged Guard Rail' posted on the end of a guard rail. I wondered if you were crashing they expected you to dodge that damaged guard rail or hold off your crash for the next undamaged one. BTW, I didn't see any damage.

Its so that you crash into the guy in front of you while reading the "Damaged Guard Rail". Hey at least you avoided further damaging the guard rail. Also, it makes it easier for the next road crew to find the damaged guard rail. lol

Just the facts
11-19-2013, 11:03 PM
There are some things that should have to be said. I saw a sign on a chain-link fence around a pit in Medicine Park that read, "Open Pit Raw Sewage Lagoon - No Swimming or Fishing". Why would they even have to add that second part unless they caught people swimming and fishing in it?

11-19-2013, 11:33 PM
Now, imagine the challenges faced by the fine folks in Pink, OK. =)
There are over 2,000 people living in Pink, OK

Citizens must adjust for altitude for water bath canning.

Pink isn't pink but is but is east of Norman, OK

11-19-2013, 11:44 PM
There are some things that should have to be said. I saw a sign on a chain-link fence around a pit in Medicine Park that read, "Open Pit Ra Sewage Lagoon - No Swimming or Fishing". Why would they even have to add that second part unless they caught people swimming and fishing in it?

It's for the same folks who need to have an Official Warning on a bag of peanuts that the contents of said bag contain peanuts.
(as if they could or would read)
Well . . . isn't it? Dang. =)

ps to JTF: did you actually intend to say "shouldn't" rather than "should" in the first sentence, above?
i'll bet there's some grammer Nazis a-walkin' around town, in Vian, with the Indian Confederates discussin' that very question. =)

11-20-2013, 07:39 AM
There are some things that should have to be said. I saw a sign on a chain-link fence around a pit in Medicine Park that read, "Open Pit Raw Sewage Lagoon - No Swimming or Fishing". Why would they even have to add that second part unless they caught people swimming and fishing in it?

You know somebody had to be doing one or the other for them to put that on a sign.

11-20-2013, 08:44 AM
Poteau, Oklahoma.

Is this the best--or the worst--in political correctness, diversity and/or inclusiveness?
(Hmmmm . . .)

11-20-2013, 11:06 PM
There are some things that should have to be said. I saw a sign on a chain-link fence around a pit in Medicine Park that read, "Open Pit Raw Sewage Lagoon - No Swimming or Fishing". Why would they even have to add that second part unless they caught people swimming and fishing in it?

It just occurred to me that the most "[obscurely] ironic" part of all that is the fact that the sign was posted in the vicinity of "'Medicine' Park" . . .
(the ancient inhabitants of this part of our 'fair (liberty-dedicated) nation" are probably laughing still. on account of when they said 'magic' it sort of translated to 'medicine'. roughly.)

11-20-2013, 11:33 PM
For those who aren't aware of the geography of Oklahoma, Medicine
Park is on the west side of the state and Poteau is on the east part of
the state.

By the way, Poteau has a wonderful Drive In. Very, very good!

11-21-2013, 12:03 AM
For those who aren't aware of the geography of Oklahoma, Medicine
Park is on the west side of the state and Poteau is on the east part of
the state.

By the way, Poteau has a wonderful Drive In. Very, very good!

One of the few Drive-Ins left in the state. If I remember correctly it's tied in with the walk in theatre.

11-21-2013, 12:39 AM
For those who aren't aware of the geography of Oklahoma, Medicine
Park is on the west side of the state and Poteau is on the east part of
the state.

By the way, Poteau has a wonderful Drive In. Very, very good!

Wouldn't Medicine Park be closer to the LawtonSprawl? That is, technically, more SSW as compared to W?
Next time we have the opportunity to re-visit Poteau we are--for sure--going to drive to the top of Cavanal (Hill).
For those who aren't aware of the geography of Oklahoma, Medicine
Park is on the west side of the state and Poteau is on the east part of
the state.

By the way, Poteau has a wonderful Drive In. Very, very good!

Wouldn't Medicine Park be closer to the LawtonSprawl? That is, technically, more SSW as compared to W?
Next time we have the opportunity to re-visit Poteau we are--for sure--going to drive to the top of Cavanal (Hill).

Edited to Add: People, including youth pastors, sort of make fun of Poteau. Poteau is very close to perfection. Perhaps Poteau needs a "light-rail" and some sidewalks? Perhaps not.

Well . . . That didn't make much sense . . . dang. =)

11-21-2013, 01:25 AM
As an alternative to the Drive-In, in Poteau, there was this place:
Almost made me go, Hmmm, for a moment, yet we trusted in the recommendation of the young lady tending the counter at our MobileHotel of Choice, and found that her suggestion was flawless.

Hmmmm (are these people working for the department of Tourism and Recreation of "Oklahoma" ;r "Anti-NewUbanites" r' whut

Suffice it to say that what hits the plate in Poteau is at least as good as Ingrid's. =)