View Full Version : Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd
David 02-28-2014, 04:59 PM Personally speaking, I'm not particularly impressed by any proposal put forth by someone who can't even bother to show up to defend it with four different opportunities to do so. I can only assume he would give the development the same level of attention.
Just to clarify, this was the first time the project was heard by the committee; it had been continued the other times.
Also, just before the meeting they did seek another continuance but it was denied.
And finally, the first committee member to speak on this subject effectively said, "It doesn't matter if they are here or not".
OklahomaNick 02-28-2014, 05:24 PM It sounds like a disorganized mess of a business proposal.
Really had high hopes for this project..
Steve 02-28-2014, 09:50 PM +1.
On the positive note, per Steve's chat today, the entertainment venue that will supposedly make Dallas and Kansas City jealous is still likely. I hope when it gets announced its truly a game changer and not just hype like so many other projects that end up being disappointments compared to what was originally expected.
I promise you will be disappointed if people keep misquoting me and making it out to be only an entertainment venue. It's far more than that.
OK, this is off topic, sort of, but what is the smoking policy of the Blue Door. Carrie Rodgriguez is coming the 12th and we have wanted to see her live for years. I didn't know who to ask and I didn't think it was worth a thread.
OK, this is off topic, sort of, but what is the smoking policy of the Blue Door. Carrie Rodgriguez is coming the 12th and we have wanted to see her live for years. I didn't know who to ask and I didn't think it was worth a thread.
Blue Door is non-smoking and BYOB.
Blue Door is non-smoking and BYOB.
Thank you and YAY! A couple of bottles of smart water and 2 tickets and I'm there.
shawnw 02-28-2014, 11:09 PM Thank you and YAY! A couple of bottles of smart water and 2 tickets and I'm there.
It's a VERY small venue so get your tickets early if you expect a high turnout...
It's a VERY small venue so get your tickets early if you expect a high turnout...
They are on the way in the mail. Have not been to a live concert in decades. She has the voice of an Angel and I love a Gal on the fiddle.
Teo9969 03-01-2014, 01:20 PM The issue at hand is not if this was the best person to come in and repurpose the space. The issue at hand is arbitrary implementation of rules that not only don't exist, but are specifically not viable reasons to deny a proposal. It may be a net win for 23rd, but at least give a better reason than "you don't have enough parking (even though you're not at all required to provide it). As always, OKC seems to need a massive overhaul in the review and approval process that development undergoes.
Paseofreak 03-01-2014, 01:38 PM ^. Yes, precisely and entirely this!
mattjank 03-04-2014, 11:29 AM And she puts on a great show. Just wish it wasn't on Wednesday.
Teo9969 03-04-2014, 11:38 AM ???
And she puts on a great show. Just wish it wasn't on Wednesday.
She did. I'm hooked. Have not been to a live show in over 20 years. Loved the small intimate setting of the Blue Door. Even had a slight equipment malfunction that adds flavor to a live show. I will bring a cushion next time though.
mattjank 03-13-2014, 12:05 PM She did. I'm hooked. Have not been to a live show in over 20 years. Loved the small intimate setting of the Blue Door. Even had a slight equipment malfunction that adds flavor to a live show. I will bring a cushion next time though.
Good to hear. Wish I could have made it. Saw her there last time through and thoroughly enjoyed it.
warreng88 10-08-2014, 02:49 PM Sorry to resurrect an old thread but Pete, since the Tower Theatre will not be a regular performance venue, do you think this idea could come back up with the possibility of using the parking lot across the street?
Urbanized 10-08-2014, 03:02 PM Has someone said the Tower Theater will definitely not be a regular performance venue?
PhiAlpha 10-08-2014, 03:04 PM Has someone said the Tower Theater will definitely not be a regular performance venue?
Thats what I was wondering. Haven't read that anywhere.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but Pete, since the Tower Theatre will not be a regular performance venue, do you think this idea could come back up with the possibility of using the parking lot across the street?
Since I got to know the guy who was to start this venue and also knew that he really wanted to do it at the Tower but Marty Dillon wasn't receptive, I made sure David Wanzer had his contact information.
warreng88 10-08-2014, 03:33 PM Has someone said the Tower Theater will definitely not be a regular performance venue?
No, I might have read too much into things when I read "university related uses". I read that and think more of lectures and possibly an ACM performance space every once in a while. I would love it if Wanzer, Sellers and their team got in touch with the promo guy to do a music venue. I guess we should wait and see what they decide to do with the space. If they decide to make it more of an event center like what Dillon was trying to do, my question still stands.
soonerguru 10-08-2014, 09:02 PM Since I got to know the guy who was to start this venue and also knew that he really wanted to do it at the Tower but Marty Dillon wasn't receptive, I made sure David Wanzer had his contact information.
AWESOME! Thanks, Pete. Best news I've heard all day.
Eddie1 10-08-2014, 09:09 PM Looked more closely at the pic at the top of this page and it appears the theater part of this property runs east to west in its layout, I guess I always assumed it opened to the back as you entered under the sign. Wonder if it could be expanded in the back, to the north, and still maintain its historic, intimate elements?
IanMcDermid 10-09-2014, 12:55 AM I saw Slackmeyer, Ben, Wanzer, and a slew of collared shirts, from my job site this morning. All headed towards the tower site. I'm betting you can read all about it in today's paper. Maaaybe the friday edition. Investigate those boarded up houses you parked in front of on 24th steve. We sure are curious.
DoctorTaco 10-09-2014, 08:23 AM I saw Slackmeyer, Ben, Wanzer, and a slew of collared shirts, from my job site this morning. All headed towards the tower site. I'm betting you can read all about it in today's paper. Maaaybe the friday edition. Investigate those boarded up houses you parked in front of on 24th steve. We sure are curious.
Those houses are owned by developer Marva Ellard (Sieber Hotel, Sunbeam Home redevlopment). According to Steve that eventually we'll see multifamily (i.e. apartments) built on this block where those homes now stand.
Canoe 10-09-2014, 08:30 AM Those houses are owned by developer Marva Ellard (Sieber Hotel, Sunbeam Home redevlopment). According to Steve that eventually we'll see multifamily (i.e. apartments) built on this block where those homes now stand.
Is that area in the HP district?
Those houses are owned by developer Marva Ellard (Sieber Hotel, Sunbeam Home redevlopment). According to Steve that eventually we'll see multifamily (i.e. apartments) built on this block where those homes now stand.
The boarded up homes are to become renovated "cottages" and the adjacent land will be for new construction multi-family buildings.
However, this has been proposed for several years with no activity. They may be waiting for The Rise to finish.
Is that area in the HP district?
The cottages are in Jeff Park HP district.
Plutonic Panda 10-11-2014, 03:37 PM The cottages are in Jeff Park HP
Rajah 10-11-2014, 04:03 PM Who owns the make-shift skate park right across from The Pump and Gusto?
Canoe 10-11-2014, 04:32 PM The cottages are in Jeff Park HP district.
Then they will be nearly impossible to demolish.
wsucougz 10-11-2014, 07:12 PM I think they are Paseo HP because west side of Walker, but it's the same regulations. Either way, I don't think anyone said the plan was to demo them. New multifamily on the vacant lots.
Uptowner 10-12-2014, 08:14 PM I live on 24th east of Walker and see crackheads coming in and out of them a lot. Saw someone getting arrested there last week. I wish someone would at least put boards on the windows and secure them while they rot. Its paseo overlay fyi to the alley then UDC to all property lining 23rd. At
least, according to planning maps on and I think I heard pump and gusto are HP.