View Full Version : Upcoming Mustang School District Bond Vote on 12 Nov

11-03-2013, 08:56 AM
I am checking how the people who live in Mustang School District feel about the upcoming bond vote on 12 Nov.

The first proposition is for a $1.4 million JROTC facility and a $1.325 million indoor baseball facility. The second proposition is for new school buses.

Bond_Issue_2013 (

I will be voting no on the first and yes on the second. I can in no way support spending (going into debt) $1.325 million on an indoor baseball facility. I understand athletics are important, but not that important. Building a indoor baseball facility should be privately funded.

I am supporting school buses because they are necessary for function of the school.

11-03-2013, 03:25 PM
From what has happened in the past, my guess is it will pass. I mean they built an indoor football facility, but I know the big thin they are pushing for the first one is the JROTC and Ag barn. Since the plan is essentially to keep taxes the same since other bond issues are coming due, I'm guessing people will be okay with it.

11-03-2013, 10:32 PM
I am checking how the people who live in Mustang School District feel about the upcoming bond vote on 12 Nov.

The first proposition is for a $1.4 million JROTC facility and a $1.325 million indoor baseball facility. The second proposition is for new school buses.

Bond_Issue_2013 (

I will be voting no on the first and yes on the second. I can in no way support spending (going into debt) $1.325 million on an indoor baseball facility. I understand athletics are important, but not that important. Building a indoor baseball facility should be privately funded.

I am supporting school buses because they are necessary for function of the school.

You might get more feedback if this was posted in the Mustang thread.

11-04-2013, 05:44 AM
You might get more feedback if this was posted in the Mustang thread.

Possibly true but the MSD encompasses much of West OKC. They recently welcomed their ten thousandth student. That's for a town that has around 18,000 residents.

11-04-2013, 10:51 PM
Possibly true but the MSD encompasses much of West OKC. They recently welcomed their ten thousandth student. That's for a town that has around 18,000 residents.

I'm very familiar with the area since I moved there in 1966 and lived there for most of the years since then.

11-13-2013, 02:38 PM
Looks like the one for the buses passed while the other failed. Terrible voter turnout, this is literally one of those where a few people could have made the difference.

11-14-2013, 02:45 PM
Looks like the one for the buses passed while the other failed. Terrible voter turnout, this is literally one of those where a few people could have made the difference.

What do you mean by terrible voter turnout? Do you mean not alot of people come to vote or what?

11-15-2013, 10:56 AM
Yeah something like 1200 people are all that voted, and not all voted for both issues, lol.

11-15-2013, 11:58 AM
Haha but I am not surprised at the results, I think getting a new baseball stadium is ridiclious....

Plutonic Panda
11-15-2013, 02:19 PM
This is a low voter turn out lol. . . not sure how big the town is though.

Only five people vote in $980,000 school bond election in Crutcho | News OK (

11-15-2013, 05:16 PM
This is a low voter turn out lol. . . not sure how big the town is though.

Only five people vote in $980,000 school bond election in Crutcho | News OK (

What a joke but I guess they are either busy or just not interested in voting

11-15-2013, 06:12 PM
Mustang Times, $4 million proposition in bond election for Mustang Public Schools fails ($4-million-proposition-in-bond-election-for-mustang-public-schools-fails)

Here is a good article about it but seriously, good list of needs? A baseball facility is a good list of need? :rolleyes:

11-15-2013, 10:02 PM
This is a low voter turn out lol. . . not sure how big the town is though.

Only five people vote in $980,000 school bond election in Crutcho | News OK (

Yeah I would guess that is by far one of the lower poll turnouts. Crazy.

11-15-2013, 10:05 PM
Mustang Times, $4 million proposition in bond election for Mustang Public Schools fails ($4-million-proposition-in-bond-election-for-mustang-public-schools-fails)

Here is a good article about it but seriously, good list of needs? A baseball facility is a good list of need? :rolleyes:

A big reason why it lost is because of the baseball facility. Had that not been included it would have passed. Administration tagged it on thinking people would pass it because they've been wanting the JROTC and Ag barn. They basically shot themselves in the foot.

11-15-2013, 10:37 PM
Haha but I am not surprised at the results, I think getting a new baseball stadium is ridiclious....

PiePie, you obviously aren't familiar with this then. The vote was not for a new baseball stadium. Also, both issues received a yes majority. The one that failed ran afoul of the Oklahoma law that requires school bond issues to receive 60 percent yes votes to pass and an extra 25 votes would have put it through. That is hardly a resounding message agreeing with you.

11-16-2013, 01:43 AM
PiePie, you obviously aren't familiar with this then. The vote was not for a new baseball stadium. Also, both issues received a yes majority. The one that failed ran afoul of the Oklahoma law that requires school bond issues to receive 60 percent yes votes to pass and an extra 25 votes would have put it through. That is hardly a resounding message agreeing with you.

Oh well, it still did not pass though