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10-31-2013, 03:50 PM
1201 N. Francis
owner=Midtown Renaissance
cost= $5.2 million
architect=Brian Fitzsimmons
height= 4 stories
sq. feet= 43,500
43 apartments, covered parking
Information & Latest News
11/12/13: Midtown becoming downtown neighborhood (
Downtown Housing Summary
Urban Project Summary
County Assessor Record (

10-31-2013, 03:52 PM
Pete, do you know how many units? Depending on the height, I would 200-250.

10-31-2013, 03:54 PM
I don't have many details at this point but it's bound to be large given the size of the tract.

10-31-2013, 03:56 PM
Can you tell if it is going to be like Level and the Edge with the parking structure in the middle and everything else outside of that? You probably haven't seen renderings but do the developers have a track record of doing that?

10-31-2013, 03:57 PM
I would expect it to be at least four levels with an incorporated parking structure.

10-31-2013, 04:05 PM
I would expect it to be at least four levels with an incorporated parking structure.

Yowzers! Here we go again!


10-31-2013, 04:47 PM
Must have been one of the items Lackmeyer has been alluding to in his recent live chats.

10-31-2013, 05:38 PM
Wow! And the momentum continues.

10-31-2013, 05:42 PM
Die surface parking, die.

10-31-2013, 05:51 PM
Die surface parking, die.


It's funny, because when I was putting together the summary aerial for the project announced at 10th and Shartel, I couldn't help but notice and wince seeking the lot we are talking about here.

It's the great thing about increasing density... It causes everyone to look with increasing scrutiny at everything that is un- or under-developed. All those open spaces become opportunities.

Urban Pioneer
10-31-2013, 06:15 PM
Impressive! Amazing that that particular area has now taken off.

10-31-2013, 11:08 PM
Doesn't this news make the EMSA site the most important lot in (north) Midtown? These two announcements plus the inevitable large Midtown Renaissance announcement make this lot nearly equidistant from the densest developments in Midtown.

10-31-2013, 11:29 PM
This is simply unbelievable. What I love about this is that it seems the development is organic. I'm going to start looking at buying a lot on Classen, because this is all going to reach there very soon.

People have no idea what OKC is going to be like in five years. It's actually stunning. We're seeing rapid densification in the urban core -- and 90% of it is residential. This only bodes well for the sustainability of the growth we've seen in the various Downtown districts. It's a multiplier effect: more housing begets more housing; more hotels beget more hotels; more retail leads to more retail. The common denominator is more people -- a lot more people. Then, we're going to have a functioning transit system to whisk them around the various Downtown districts, which will literally explode with energy and new retail / service businesses in the next few years.

Hopefully this development will follow the trajectory of Gary Brooks' properties: high quality materials and finish along with good design.

One thing that occurs to me about all of this residential development is that it is putting more people into the absolute heart of the city, as opposed to, say, Dallas, where most of the residential is in the Uptown area.

10-31-2013, 11:43 PM
Next question: where are they going to put the Whole Foods? Completely serious.

11-01-2013, 01:57 AM
The streetcar is going to accelerate development like you wouldn't believe. There are still a huge amount of people in OKC who still think of "downtown" as just a few skyscrapers and Bricktown. Maybe the Myriad Gardens and the Arts Festival. They may go to a Thunder game, go to the Bricktown Brewery, or eat at Zio's. Then they go home. When the streetcar opens up, it will be a novelty to a lot of the people who come downtown. They'll ride it just to see where it goes. And for the first time, tens of thousands of people will be exposed to Midtown and everything that is going on up there.

The more of these large apartment complexes that we get, the closer together everything will become. We'll get more places to eat, more things to do, more unique shops, etc. An extra thousand people in Midtown will need a lot more places to eat than just 1492 and Louie's. And when these districts start getting linked together, so that your average visitor can hop around between the different areas easily, the growth will just speed up.

11-01-2013, 02:51 AM
The streetcar is going to accelerate development like you wouldn't believe. There are still a huge amount of people in OKC who still think of "downtown" as just a few skyscrapers and Bricktown. Maybe the Myriad Gardens and the Arts Festival. They may go to a Thunder game, go to the Bricktown Brewery, or eat at Zio's. Then they go home. When the streetcar opens up, it will be a novelty to a lot of the people who come downtown. They'll ride it just to see where it goes. And for the first time, tens of thousands of people will be exposed to Midtown and everything that is going on up there.

The more of these large apartment complexes that we get, the closer together everything will become. We'll get more places to eat, more things to do, more unique shops, etc. An extra thousand people in Midtown will need a lot more places to eat than just 1492 and Louie's. And when these districts start getting linked together, so that your average visitor can hop around between the different areas easily, the growth will just speed up.

Not saying there's enough for 1,000 people…but there are currently over 15 restaurants within 10 blocks of this development, and a majority of those are within 2 blocks of 10th/Walker. By the time this place opens, there will probably be in the neighborhood (Ha!) of 30 within 10 blocks (this extends to 9th St.)

Waffle Champion
Cafe Do Brasil
Boulevard Cafeteria
GoGo Sushi
Saturn Grill
--Fassler Hall
--Dust Bowl
--Osler concepts

AA 9th street (S&B, Iguana, Hillbilly's)
--The Garage

Brown's Bakery
Prarie Thunder Bakery

…All that to make the point that Midtown needs to focus heavily on the retail portion of mixed-use at this point. It has the businesses, it will have the residences, it has the restaurants. If Midtown can get some late-night entertainment and retail, this will be an incomparable district in OKC. And obviously the expectation is that all four of these residential facilities will have some amount of space for mixed-use. Hopefully a vast majority of that is geared toward retail, but there will undoubtedly be food/drink concepts as well.

11-01-2013, 09:13 AM
So happy about this. That parking lot is an assault on all things good and decent and it makes my eyes burn every time I see it.

11-01-2013, 10:38 AM
I can now reveal that the developers behind this project are the Midtown Renaissance people.

And this is likely to happen before their proposed development at 10th & Harvey.

MidtownR has already done a lot but their pace has picked up considerably in just the last few months:

Osler / Ambassador Hotel set to open in March
1100 & 1101 Broadway under renovation
Mayfair Apartments under renovation
Hotel Marion about to start renovation
123 Garage will be starting construction soon
...and now this development in the initial stages

11-01-2013, 10:44 AM
Is this a direct response to Steve's note in today's chat? Seems to me like it is.

11-01-2013, 10:54 AM
No, just providing more details as I had promised.

11-01-2013, 11:12 AM
Great news! The quality of MR's work has been outstanding. Hopefully their high standards will continue with this ground-up construction.

11-05-2013, 12:34 PM
Lisbon Lofts on 9th, the new Brooks/Milhaus development on 10th, and now this on 12th. Shartel is a rocking street all of a sudden. This is like an "instant" community popping up.

Eagerly awaiting the details / renderings for this. :)

11-05-2013, 01:18 PM
Shartel is the most under-rated street in the city, IMO. From NW 50th all the way through DT, it has some of the most scenic views, goes through all the nice gentrified neighborhoods, and is a nice hilly street.

11-05-2013, 01:20 PM
Yes, I love Shartel.

When I was in high school in the late 70's, I used to drive a delivery van for a local dry cleaners and I had a stop downtown and another about about 45th & N. Western. I would take Shartel all the way up because I loved the drive.

11-05-2013, 01:36 PM
I really hope they have the foresight to make this area pedestrian friendly before it gets too auto populated. At least narrow the lanes and add bike lanes on either side from 13th down to 6th street and wider sidewalks.

11-08-2013, 12:16 PM
Today, in his chat, Steve mentioned not hearing about this development. He kind of did it in a snarky way as usual. I'm not sure why he seems so intent on discrediting OKCTalk all of the time.

11-08-2013, 12:35 PM
Today, in his chat, Steve mentioned not hearing about this development. He kind of did it in a snarky way as usual. I'm not sure why he seems so intent on discrediting OKCTalk all of the time.

Because it isn't true until the DOK/Steve run a story. His juvenile attitude towards this board is tiring.

11-08-2013, 01:16 PM
In Steve's defense he's been trashed by a few people on this board who seem to have a personal vendetta against him. His participation here gives him no upside, only downside. He isn't compensated, he's vulnerable to snarky and immature attacks by anonymous posters, everything he says (even outside his role as a journalist) can jeopardize his employment, and he must keep confidential everything shared with him in trust. His contributions make this board more valuable, and I'd like to see other journalists participate to the extent that he has. I'm not sure if any others have publicly posted here at all.

11-08-2013, 01:24 PM
I'd like to see other journalists participate to the extent that he has. I'm not sure if any others have publicly posted here at all.

There have been several, though they might not be obvious to most posters.

11-08-2013, 01:33 PM
I swear to god I saw some renderings on this project. Where did they go?

In Steve's defense he's been trashed by a few people on this board who seem to have a personal vendetta against him. His participation here gives him no upside, only downside. He isn't compensated, he's vulnerable to snarky and immature attacks by anonymous posters, everything he says (even outside his role as a journalist) can jeopardize his employment, and he must keep confidential everything shared with him in trust. His contributions make this board more valuable, and I'd like to see other journalists participate to the extent that he has. I'm not sure if any others have publicly posted here at all.

By no means does that mean that a) Pete's sources (or anyone else for that fact) are not credible and b) Steve still makes posts on here every once in a while so he's not completely through with this site. Just cause Steve got into a tussell does not mean that this site is bad for him. He just doesn't know how to conduct business outside of the business section of the Daily Disappointment!

11-08-2013, 01:35 PM
There have never been any posted renderings of this project.

You might be thinking of the 10th & Shartel Apartments that have been officially announced.

11-08-2013, 01:37 PM
In Steve's defense he's been trashed by a few people on this board who seem to have a personal vendetta against him. His participation here gives him no upside, only downside. He isn't compensated, he's vulnerable to snarky and immature attacks by anonymous posters, everything he says (even outside his role as a journalist) can jeopardize his employment, and he must keep confidential everything shared with him in trust. His contributions make this board more valuable, and I'd like to see other journalists participate to the extent that he has. I'm not sure if any others have publicly posted here at all.

Yeah some people here need to grow the **** up, keep there mouths shut, or in the least become more constructive in their criticism. I appreciate Steve's contributions here and some of the flak he takes is ridiculous.

11-08-2013, 02:30 PM
He just doesn't know how to conduct business outside of the business section of the Daily Disappointment!

That was my point - Steve CAN'T post here outside of his capacity as a reporter with the DO. His job would be in jeopardy if he did.

11-08-2013, 03:37 PM
That was my point - Steve CAN'T post here outside of his capacity as a reporter with the DO. His job would be in jeopardy if he did.

But...................he DOES post still. You just mean that he doesn't reveal anything here that he can only reveal at DOK.

11-08-2013, 04:06 PM
Did you guys even follow the chat or read the transcript? I took NO pot shot at OKC Talk or anyone else. I said I was aware of another development being planned near the 11th and Shartel area, but I did not know anything about the one being reported here at OKC Talk. I've had a private conversation with Pete, we do have differences, but I owned up to my part of the prior offense.
For those of you reading these comments about me being juvenile, etc., here's what was said:

guest 11:49 a.m. Steve are you aware of another multi family project somewhere close to the announced project at 11th and shartel?
Steve Lackmeyer 11:49 a.m. Yes. But not what has been reported on another website.

Andrew Perry - REALLY? This is snarky? And Catch22, you just jump right in and take Andrew's word I've said something snarky? Good grief people. Go find yourselves another boogieman. Pete and I have had some differences over the development reports for Memorial Road. My big beef was always with the TV news reports, which had no basis or sourcing whatsoever. But I was wrong to even throw in OKC Talk (not naming it). It was wrong, and I've apologized to Pete. I've done nothing wrong on this. You guys are engaging in personal attacks and mis-portraying what was said in the chat.
This is all I'm going to say.

11-08-2013, 04:24 PM
Yeah some people here need to grow the **** up, keep there mouths shut, or in the least become more constructive in their criticism. I appreciate Steve's contributions here and some of the flak he takes is ridiculous.

+1. agreed

11-08-2013, 04:28 PM
Thanks guys. I'll admit I could have worded my tweets better on Memorial Road better (Pete and I have very different info coming from very different sets of sources - doesn't make either of us stupid or wrong). But when you look at the transcript... what the heck was juvenile or snarky there?

11-08-2013, 04:39 PM
But...................he DOES post still. You just mean that he doesn't reveal anything here that he can only reveal at DOK.

Put yourself in the mind of a journalist. That should answer all of your questions.

11-08-2013, 04:55 PM
But...................he DOES post still. You just mean that he doesn't reveal anything here that he can only reveal at DOK.

His paycheck comes from The Oklahoman. Steve's not an employee of OKCTalk. Where would YOU post your scoops? He has bills to pay, too.

11-08-2013, 05:32 PM
Put yourself in the mind of a journalist. That should answer all of your questions.

This has probably already been asked and answered, yet, when you use the word "journalist" (and the related phrase "mind of a journalist") you aren't including anything related to the word (and/or phrase) Ogle/Lost Ogle . . . are you? I'm old school, yet I still believe that there is an essential difference between a PR Hack/Internet Blogger and a Journalist.

No judgment here . . . simply trying to figure out what mind into which I should place myself.

And, please be advised that I don't regret, nor do I covet, not going after The Secret Key to The Gifted School of Journalism.
obviously. =)

11-08-2013, 06:53 PM
His paycheck comes from The Oklahoman. Steve's not an employee of OKCTalk. Where would YOU post your scoops? He has bills to pay, too.

Duh. Not a moron here. Lol

My point to make was that Steve is not the only person in the WHOLE state of Oklahoma with credible sources. Therefore he doesn't need to deny anything that is posted here.

11-08-2013, 07:01 PM
Duh. Not a moron here. Lol

My point to make was that Steve is not the only person in the WHOLE state of Oklahoma with credible sources. Therefore he doesn't need to deny anything that is posted here.

Hear, Hear!
(where, where?)
(here, here)
(there, there)
etc. etc. . . .

Back on Topic: I always felt 12th and Shartel looked pretty darn good every time I drove through there.
If it is going to look even better, then I'm all for it. And I don't have a dime invested either way. =)

11-08-2013, 07:16 PM
It is so annoying that instead of talking about another fantastic addition to our development boom, this article discussion has been hijacked by the usual vendetta against Steve. I broke my trend of always defending him this year, but that's only because I always react to facts and what I know to be true. Steve's participation here is complicated for him but he does it anyway.

11-08-2013, 07:20 PM
Duh. Not a moron here. Lol

My point to make was that Steve is not the only person in the WHOLE state of Oklahoma with credible sources. Therefore he doesn't need to deny anything that is posted here.

No, that was not your point. Your point was to join Mr. Perry in giving a false portrayal of what I said and making a personal attack on me. Now let's move on.

11-08-2013, 09:35 PM
Steve and Pete, I am nothing more than an occasional contributor on what I consider a greatly entertaining and informative sight. I don't spend hours a day here and, honestly, I have no idea what is being discussed about issues between you and Pete. I just want to say that I very much appreciate your contributions on here and in the DOK. As for the paper, the business section has long been a point of contention for me because I believe to be a truly growth oriented city, there needs to be growth oriented, business-centric reporting. Since MAPS1 and those original projects, OKC has been a fascinating place to watch grow and rediscover it's confidence. There is still a long, long way to go but OKC is on it's way and I thank both you and Pete for the information on here. For someone who will always be "OKC" but lives out of town, I love being able to come here to supplement my other news from home. Thanks again. Whatever is going on, some of us appreciate you both very much.

Plutonic Panda
11-08-2013, 11:42 PM
Today, in his chat, Steve mentioned not hearing about this development. He kind of did it in a snarky way as usual. I'm not sure why he seems so intent on discrediting OKCTalk all of the time.I have yet to see Steve discredit this site in any way shape or form, other than the poorly worded tweet of the Memorial development, which had no agenda or point. I think the thing is, Steve operates within facts and concrete evidence, and with all due respect, Pete doesn't or at least with 100% confirmation that it is a go. That in no way shape or form means Pete's sources bad. I firmly trust Pete and Steve I am very excited for this development coming on Memorial.

Pete doesn't however, have a paycheck that would be jeopardized if he came out and said we are getting a new awesome development on Memorial and it didn't happen, so he can come out with more "risky" announcements of future projects. Again, I trust Pete and what he says as well as Steve, but saying he his being snarky and discrediting this site just because he coming out and saying that he can confirm new developments just because they were shown on OKCTalk, is very unfair to him as a journalist and inconsiderate, imo.

Anyways, that what I get from all of it.

11-09-2013, 12:10 AM
So, back to topic: Is this project happening?

11-09-2013, 12:27 AM
So, back to topic: Is this project happening?

Don't bet on it.

11-09-2013, 12:35 AM
It is so annoying that instead of talking about another fantastic addition to our development boom, this article discussion has been hijacked by the usual vendetta against Steve. I broke my trend of always defending him this year, but that's only because I always react to facts and what I know to be true. Steve's participation here is complicated for him but he does it anyway.

I'm not sure that it's true, yet I've been programmed to believe that is it always better to respond--rather than to "always react"--to just about any situation. I think that was drilled into me in about First Grade . . .

11-09-2013, 01:59 AM
Don't bet on it.


11-09-2013, 09:21 AM
Don't bet on it.

I would bet on it.

11-09-2013, 09:45 AM
Did you guys even follow the chat or read the transcript? I took NO pot shot at OKC Talk or anyone else. I said I was aware of another development being planned near the 11th and Shartel area, but I did not know anything about the one being reported here at OKC Talk. I've had a private conversation with Pete, we do have differences, but I owned up to my part of the prior offense.
For those of you reading these comments about me being juvenile, etc., here's what was said:

guest 11:49 a.m. Steve are you aware of another multi family project somewhere close to the announced project at 11th and shartel?
Steve Lackmeyer 11:49 a.m. Yes. But not what has been reported on another website.

Andrew Perry - REALLY? This is snarky? And Catch22, you just jump right in and take Andrew's word I've said something snarky? Good grief people. Go find yourselves another boogieman. Pete and I have had some differences over the development reports for Memorial Road. My big beef was always with the TV news reports, which had no basis or sourcing whatsoever. But I was wrong to even throw in OKC Talk (not naming it). It was wrong, and I've apologized to Pete. I've done nothing wrong on this. You guys are engaging in personal attacks and mis-portraying what was said in the chat.
This is all I'm going to say.

Snark might have been too tough of a word. To me it felt like you were trying to discredit OKCTalk. If I misunderstood your comment, I'm sorry. I have a lot of respect for what you do and didn't mean for it to be a stab at you.

11-09-2013, 10:32 AM
Personally, I'm ready for a few verses of Cumbaya. Steve does a great job and Pete does a great job, but they both do something different and, I believe, complimentary. I would feel like we were lacking something if either one's voice wasn't being heard. It's very hard to interpret tone on the Internet, and that creates misinterpretation. Lets let both of them do their job and appreciate them for it.

11-09-2013, 10:37 AM
Personally, I'm ready for a few verses of Cumbaya. Steve does a great job and Pete does a great job, but they both do something different and, I believe, complimentary. I would feel like we were lacking something if either one's voice wasn't being heard. It's very hard to interpret tone on the Internet, and that creates misinterpretation. Lets let both of them do their job and appreciate them for it.

Yes, I just read Steve's post with a whiny agitated tone cause it reads like a complaint.

11-09-2013, 10:58 AM
No, that was not your point. Your point was to join Mr. Perry in giving a false portrayal of what I said and making a personal attack on me. Now let's move on.

Negative ghost rider. I don't have a personal vendetta against you. Build a wall buddy, build a wall...

11-09-2013, 12:40 PM
Negative ghost rider. I don't have a personal vendetta against you. Build a wall buddy, build a wall...

Now you're just being silly. Let's move on now, shall we?

11-09-2013, 01:41 PM
Now you're just being silly. Let's move on now, shall we?

Sounds like a perfect plan to me siwwy wabbit!

11-12-2013, 09:58 PM
To refresh:

guest 11:49 a.m. Steve are you aware of another multi family project somewhere close to the announced project at 11th and shartel?
Steve Lackmeyer 11:49 a.m. Yes. But not what has been reported on another website.

And this:
From blighted to booming: Midtown becoming 'downtown neighborhood' | News OK (

11-12-2013, 10:09 PM
Modest in size, but we can expect some serious style.

11-12-2013, 10:29 PM
Yes, after Steve had told me that he was very sure that Midtown Renaissance was not developing any part of the Physicians/Surgeons parking lot, I realized that my source had the general area right but the exact location wrong.

In fact, I had looked at the County Assessor and realized MidtownR owned that lot in the same area and assumed that is where this project was happening. Then, I circled back to my source who was trying to confirm that.

Now, this all makes sense. :)

So, 43 new units at 1201 N. Francis... And that's a decent number and this looks like an exciting project.

Still hope something happens in that massive parking lot and with everything filling up around it, the likelihood of that certainly increases.