View Full Version : The Frank
Getting busy. From Fitzsimmons Architects: oh=1a0dfb055c5f2282ca80bf497630dc07&oe=55C7C2C9
John Knight 06-11-2015, 07:55 AM Safe rooms going in at The Frank.
10926 10927
Progress: pg?oh=e249073ee498f05dc3529cea2eeed729&oe=562822C3
This project is moving quite slow compared to the other two projects surrounding it. Is there a reason for that or are they just taking their time?
The foundation and prep work always take quite a bit of time, then the structure goes pretty fast.
I think that is what is happening here.
John Knight 08-25-2015, 10:13 AM Progress at The Frank from the Fitzsimmons FB page:
11371 11372 11373
Moving along.
From yesterday:
It's awesome that you're in town because now I have so many updated threads to check out!
I walked my ass off yesterday but had a fantastic time doing it.
So much to see.
Urbanized 09-25-2015, 07:40 AM You really eff up my productivity when you do data dumps like this, Pete. My OCD kicks in. I try to keep all of the threads cleared from the latest posts view and it becomes impossible. :D
Haha... Settle in as I have a bunch more to post!
Another one:
catch22 09-26-2015, 10:59 AM You really eff up my productivity when you do data dumps like this, Pete. My OCD kicks in. I try to keep all of the threads cleared from the latest posts view and it becomes impossible. :D
I have this same mental hang up. Lol.
mugofbeer 09-26-2015, 11:09 AM I like the attempt to preserve some of the existing trees.
Spartan 09-27-2015, 09:57 PM Love that they worked around the existing trees. I hope they can keep them all. Most of downtown is too sterile.
From today... Windows going in and bricks going up.
Canoe 01-23-2016, 05:10 PM Any idea on the rates?
I'm sure they will be similar to MidtownR's other properties although this would be their first new construction of apartments.
dankrutka 02-27-2016, 11:47 AM Today.
Today was the downtown home tour sponsored by Downtown OKC Inc. (good grief, that group does so many things so well) and I started at The Frank then worked my way around on my bike. See other threads for photos of the various stops.
Was told they will begin pre-leasing this month with occupancy set for June.
The photos are from a loft (the one bedroom was upstairs) and it was really cool, but the units on the upper levels with great views were not ready yet.
Ginkasa 03-06-2016, 02:42 PM When you do these mass updates it really drives home how much is going on and how terrible I am at keeping all these projects straight.
soonerhcf 04-05-2016, 09:56 AM I'm moving back to OKC, and I'm sort of overwhelmed by all of the downtown living options now available. Out of the all the new stuff that's out there, these apartments appear to be the most unique - not just cookie-cutter rectangular boxes like you'd find at any big apartment complex in any town (suburbs included). And I think I'd like the more-human scale of this project. I'll be back later this month and can hopefully tour some of these places, but I'm just trying to filter through everything in advance. To anyone out there who attended last month's downtown home tour, what did you think of The Frank's apartments vs. the others? I'm not talking about amenities, etc., just the actual apartments. Thanks for the help...
Welcome back to OKC!
I really like the units that I saw and love the location. I believe most the apartments are loft-style, which gives a unique feeling of openness.
And you are right, they seem quite different than most other options.
soonerhcf 04-05-2016, 10:14 AM Thank you for the quick reply and the warm welcome back. I am looking forward to seeing the apartments in person. Thanks again!
dankrutka 05-25-2016, 10:41 PM Back side.
Harbinger 06-10-2016, 05:37 PM Signage is up
Plutonic Panda 10-31-2016, 05:54 PM That'd be a lot prettier with those wires underground. Nice building anyways.
dankrutka 01-01-2017, 09:58 PM Maybe it's been up, but I hadn't noticed the signage.