11-12-2013, 11:19 PM
Midtown Renaissance is not developing the parking lot at Physicians Tower. But Pete, I'm not entirely certain that you were wrong about SOMETHING set to happen there.... I'll explain tomorrow after making some phone calls.
View Full Version : The Frank Steve 11-12-2013, 11:19 PM Midtown Renaissance is not developing the parking lot at Physicians Tower. But Pete, I'm not entirely certain that you were wrong about SOMETHING set to happen there.... I'll explain tomorrow after making some phone calls. lasomeday 11-12-2013, 11:25 PM Steve! Feels like we have a snowball rolling downhill in Midtown. Pretty exciting news! Thanks! soonerguru 11-12-2013, 11:28 PM What I like about this announcement and the Gary Brooks property is how close to Classen the residential boom is moving. Ultimately I envision Classen Blvd. becoming a more human-scale environment. It is a great street in the heart of OKC and it's a shame it's deteriorated to the degree it has. So much potential. ljbab728 11-12-2013, 11:34 PM For those who can't yet read the entire article. Midtown Renaissance Group, meanwhile, confirmed to The Oklahoman on Tuesday plans to build a 43-unit, four-story apartment building at 1201 N Francis Ave. Abode Development also confirmed construction is set to start on the Lisbon Lofts at NW 9 and Shartel. The complex will feature seven for-sale condominiums in a series of modern-style, three-story buildings. The Midtown Renaissance complex represents the last undeveloped property owned by the developers, who have assembled dozens of properties throughout Midtown. The property at 1201 N Frances neighbors three other former flop houses renovated into 16 upscale apartments. soonerguru 11-12-2013, 11:48 PM For those who can't yet read the entire article. Haven't read the full article, but is that "Abode Development?" I thought the name of the company developing Lisbon is Mode Development. By the way, the renderings on that building look killer. ljbab728 11-13-2013, 12:15 AM Haven't read the full article, but is that "Abode Development?" I thought the name of the company developing Lisbon is Mode Development. By the way, the renderings on that building look killer. You're correct. mode development - oklahoma city, ok | ( Spartan 11-13-2013, 12:29 AM Yes, after Steve had told me that he was very sure that Midtown Renaissance was not developing any part of the Physicians/Surgeons parking lot, I realized that my source had the general area right but the exact location wrong. In fact, I had looked at the County Assessor and realized MidtownR owned that lot in the same area and assumed that is where this project was happening. Then, I circled back to my source who was trying to confirm that. Now, this all makes sense. :) So, 43 new units at 1201 N. Francis... And that's a decent number and this looks like an exciting project. Still hope something happens in that massive parking lot and with everything filling up around it, the likelihood of that certainly increases. The scary thing is that I believe you that there are high-profile development decision-makers who wouldn't know one site or one intersection from another, let alone their head from their ass. Such is life.. soonerguru 11-13-2013, 02:40 AM The scary thing is that I believe you that there are high-profile development decision-makers who wouldn't know one site or one intersection from another, let alone their head from their ass. Such is life.. Feeling extra cheery tonight? :) HangryHippo 11-13-2013, 08:50 AM Man, I just hate the design for this. I'm now leery of what MidtownR has planned for their 10th St block as I just hate their ground up construction designs. Teo9969 11-13-2013, 09:43 AM Man, I just hate the design for this. I'm now leery of what MidtownR has planned for their 10th St block as I just hate their ground up construction designs. What would you like to see instead? HangryHippo 11-13-2013, 09:49 AM What would you like to see instead? Upon further review, I think what I don't like about this project is the way the windows are being used. But I'll see if I can't find some renderings of similar sized housing projects that I prefer to give you an idea of what I'd rather see. OKCisOK4me 11-13-2013, 10:12 AM Upon further review, I think what I don't like about this project is the way the windows are being used. But I'll see if I can't find some renderings of similar sized housing projects that I prefer to give you an idea of what I'd rather see. Looks to me like the windows swivel. That's a different concept. Building looks "rad"! Just the facts 11-13-2013, 11:00 AM So, 43 new units at 1201 N. Francis... And that's a decent number and this looks like an exciting project. As an added benefit, these 43 units will prevent the creation of 43 units on the suburban fringe which would take up over 10 acres. Pete 11-13-2013, 11:02 AM Yes, this tract is only about .16 acres, so 43 units is pretty dense. lasomeday 11-13-2013, 11:22 AM I think they tried to make it fit the site using windows and a brick facade similar to the building to the north. I like it. I don't love it, but I do like it. catch22 11-13-2013, 11:40 AM Well I'm not cray about the design...but I'm glad to see more development in the area. Teo9969 11-13-2013, 02:44 PM surely some of those will be studios... Just the facts 11-13-2013, 02:59 PM Not every building has to be a skyline changing work of art. Something has to be used to create the urban fabric. OKCisOK4me 11-13-2013, 06:11 PM Not every building has to be a skyline changing work of art. Something has to be used to create the urban fabric. Yes, cause a quilt needs to have individual squares filled with variety and too many of our squares are filled with green (grass)! Pete 11-15-2013, 11:15 AM Lots more information on this project: Praedura 11-15-2013, 11:50 AM That's a wonderful set of sketches. Great views of what to expect. I think this is a very interesting design. It kind of reminds me of the modern architectural homes being built in SoSA, but stacked together in a collection. While it's thoroughly modern in design, it has touches binding it to the past. The brick color should match the historical building next door, and the long stairways in front kind of echo the old stairway entries to homes from an earlier era (e.g. in Heritage Hills). I appreciate that MidtownR is trying something different here. If it's executed well with good materials, this should be a really nice development. Just the facts 11-15-2013, 12:24 PM I love it. Pete 11-15-2013, 12:28 PM A lot of thought was put into creating unique spaces rather than typical suburban apartments with just a few decorating changes. Lots of balconies, rooftop decks, and light wells. Shows the architect understands what urban residents are looking for. These look awesome. OKCisOK4me 11-15-2013, 12:30 PM I like it. It will be interesting to see what their rates are. BoulderSooner 11-15-2013, 12:43 PM I like it. It will be interesting to see what their rates are. You can bet 1.25 a sqft at the minimum Martin 11-15-2013, 12:54 PM more stoops than college football. -M /ok, but seriously though... like the design. BDK 11-15-2013, 03:32 PM Midtown Renaissance is not developing the parking lot at Physicians Tower. But Pete, I'm not entirely certain that you were wrong about SOMETHING set to happen there.... I'll explain tomorrow after making some phone calls. Did Steve ever follow up on this little teaser? Pete 11-15-2013, 03:35 PM Did Steve ever follow up on this little teaser? Don't think so but note in the aerial I posted above (from the architects) it says "Physicians Building Parking Potential Future Development". Something is brewing there but not sure what exactly. BoulderSooner 11-15-2013, 03:35 PM Did Steve ever follow up on this little teaser? The packet Pete posted says it is potential future development BDK 11-15-2013, 04:32 PM Don't think so but note in the aerial I posted above (from the architects) it says "Physicians Building Parking Potential Future Development". Something is brewing there but not sure what exactly. Thanks for the reply, Pete. From Steve's post, it sounded like he was going to have specific details, but perhaps his sources didn't want him to disclose yet. jbrown84 11-15-2013, 05:46 PM I love this design. So much infill going on I can't keep up. That's the way it should be! Spartan 11-15-2013, 08:02 PM The interior layout is truly like that of a beehive, I'm impressed. Teo9969 11-15-2013, 11:03 PM This is easily more unique and innovative than any of the massive complexes. Bodes well for the future development on MR's massive lot @10th/Hudson. soonerguru 11-15-2013, 11:17 PM This is easily more unique and innovative than any of the massive complexes. Bodes well for the future development on MR's massive lot @10th/Hudson. It is a very cool design. metro 11-17-2013, 01:03 AM The interior layout is truly like that of a beehive, I'm impressed. I just wonder how easy it is to move furniture in and out of these units with the odd stairway design. As someone who lives in SoSA with modern architecture, some of these architects don't think about important details like ease of moving furniture up stairways, short angled hallways, aged life of structures and maintenance 20 years down the road, etc. OKCisOK4me 11-17-2013, 01:37 AM The interior layout is truly like that of a beehive, I'm impressed. Holy Hell! Spartan approves. Start construction on Monday!!! Pete 07-22-2014, 06:01 PM Looks like this project is now officially named "Francis Apartments". We had previously labeled it by the address, 1201 N. Francis. They should be starting work very soon. AP 07-22-2014, 06:07 PM I had forgotten about this! catch22 07-22-2014, 06:08 PM Glad to see this move forward. I was about to ask about this project the other day, but got busy and forgot to post. hoya 07-22-2014, 07:50 PM I had forgotten about this too. This is awesome. :) Bullbear 07-23-2014, 08:35 AM I love this project.. the design is great. Chadanth 10-13-2014, 11:53 AM Any movement on these? Pete 10-13-2014, 11:57 AM Any movement on these? Yes, they applied for a $5 million building permit on 9/19/14. Usually takes 1 to 3 months to get everything approved on a project this size, then they will be starting work. Chadanth 10-13-2014, 12:50 PM Yes, they applied for a $5 million building permit on 9/19/14. Usually takes 1 to 3 months to get everything approved on a project this size, then they will be starting work. Nice. Thank you. Plutonic Panda 11-19-2014, 08:34 PM Don't bet on were incorrect. This project is now happening even though construction has not officially started. You should consider living in these apartments in the midst of all of this. Chadanth 11-19-2014, 08:46 PM you were incorrect. This project is now happening even though construction has not officially started. You should consider living in these apartments in the midst of all of this. I'm not sure I want to be your neighbor. Promise no street racing in the parking lot? Plutonic Panda 11-19-2014, 11:16 PM I'm not sure I want to be your neighbor. Promise no street racing in the parking lot?That's will be extremely hard, but I think I can manage. ;) metro 01-02-2015, 04:46 PM Any updates on this? Pete 01-02-2015, 04:50 PM They should be starting construction very soon, based on what I was last told about a month ago. metro 01-02-2015, 07:34 PM Pete, we need to update the map in the index above to say LIFT instead of 10th & Shartel Apartments Pete 01-23-2015, 10:37 AM Just learned this project has hit a bit of a snag. They applied for TIF funds but were turned down, so they are having to value-engineer, make some changes and see if they can get their numbers to work. They still hope to make it happen, but this is the reason they have yet to start construction. Because there will be changes, they will have to resubmit to design review, apply for new building permits, etc. dankrutka 01-23-2015, 11:01 AM They applied for TIF funds but were turned down, so they are having to value-engineer, make some changes and see if they can get their numbers to work. Considering everything seems to receiving TIF funding, why was it denied for this project? I can't imagine they were asking for much compared to other projects. Richard at Remax 01-23-2015, 11:12 AM a general question for everyone but do you think it is good or bad to develop a project with the help of TIF? You would think they would have two plans going forward so in case they were denied. Pete 01-23-2015, 11:22 AM Considering everything seems to receiving TIF funding, why was it denied for this project? I can't imagine they were asking for much compared to other projects. Probably because it's new construction, there is no challenge to the site and the area is already up-and-coming. DoctorTaco 01-23-2015, 02:13 PM Probably because it's new construction, there is no challenge to the site and the area is already up-and-coming. Can't help but get the feeling that there are two sets of TIF rules out there. One for the smaller developers, one for the titans.... Pete 01-23-2015, 02:25 PM Can't help but get the feeling that there are two sets of TIF rules out there. One for the smaller developers, one for the titans.... The bigger problem is there are no set rules at all. It puts City staff in a terrible position of having to decide if they even recommend a TIF award, and there are also no clear guidelines concerning appropriate amounts. As we approach starting several large new TIF's, I'll share more about what I've learned. I've spent a ton of time learning how the process works in OKC and there are lots of issues that need to be discussed and decided before we go much further down this road IMO. metro 04-08-2015, 07:13 PM Noticed this broke ground a week or so ago. This is great infill between the recently started Catholic Charities and LIFT Pete 04-08-2015, 08:52 PM Yes, just confirmed they are moving forward and despite the TIF rejection, they hope to build very close to the original plans. That area is going to be unrecognizable in another year or two. Pete 04-13-2015, 01:45 PM They've started work; thanks to Metro for the first photo. Also, from the slightly revised plans, note this project is now called "The Frank". Spartan 04-13-2015, 05:35 PM Probably because it's new construction, there is no challenge to the site and the area is already up-and-coming. New construction is more expensive than historic preservation, which you can make work around $100-120 sf. It's interesting that the city felt REHCO had a responsibility to provide the best site for the convention center, when Bob Howard could feel slighted on this project. It seems very TIF-worthy. |