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10-27-2013, 07:59 PM
SE corner of Phillips & Young
$58 million
architect=Bockus Payne
9 stories
Information & Latest News
From OU: This project involves the construction of an academic office building with a total of 150,000 gross square feet to accommodate the critical administrative office space needs of the College of Medicine. The project also includes a 400 space covered parking structure. The facility will allow for critical program growth in departments and sections of the College of Medicine and provide space for new faculty. The estimated total project cost is $58,000,000. Funding in the amount of $3,000,000 is proposed from Departmental funds and $55,000,000 from the University Hospitals Authority and Trust funds

March 2014: Site work has commenced
Oklahoma Architects | Corporate Office | Healthcare | Interiors | Bockus Payne (
County Assessor Record


10-27-2013, 08:05 PM
Good find G. Walker

10-27-2013, 08:37 PM

That was a $33 million project but I no longer see it on the OUHSC capital project list.

I think lots of things changed when they paid $85 million for the research park:

10-28-2013, 09:16 AM

That was a $33 million project but I no longer see it on the OUHSC capital project list.

I think lots of things changed when they paid $85 million for the research park:

Well that's a downer, considering it wipes out space for biotech startups as well as negates a new OUHSC bldg. are we just throwing in the towel on having a biotech park?

10-28-2013, 09:36 AM
there's plenty of space in the phf research park... why do you think that isn't sufficient? -M

10-28-2013, 09:59 AM
there's plenty of space in the phf research park... why do you think that isn't sufficient? -M

I'm not sure I understand what OU wants to do with the PHF Research Park. It was being used for biotech companies, but now that it belongs to OU, I read they want to use it for cancer research space. Are they going to allow biotech companies and start ups to rent there? Is it killing the chances of other new campus construction?

I will say just for the looks of it, I'm sad that this purchase killed off the building that G Walker posted. Would've been a nice addition to campus.

EDIT: I think this building was to be located on the SE corner of Phillips and Stanton L Young. If that's the case, I will say that I have seen crews out working in the parking lot taking soil samples and doing some other drilling.

10-28-2013, 10:59 AM
I doubt the timing of OU buying the research park is unrelated to the GE Global Research Center.

I'm sure long-term plans will become much more clear when that location is announced.

10-28-2013, 11:18 AM
I doubt the timing of OU buying the research park is unrelated to the GE Global Research Center.

I'm sure long-term plans will become much more clear when that location is announced.

I don't follow. Why would the timing of the two be related?

10-28-2013, 10:06 PM
I'm not sure I understand what OU wants to do with the PHF Research Park. It was being used for biotech companies, but now that it belongs to OU, I read they want to use it for cancer research space. Are they going to allow biotech companies and start ups to rent there? Is it killing the chances of other new campus construction?

I will say just for the looks of it, I'm sad that this purchase killed off the building that G Walker posted. Would've been a nice addition to campus.

EDIT: I think this building was to be located on the SE corner of Phillips and Stanton L Young. If that's the case, I will say that I have seen crews out working in the parking lot taking soil samples and doing some other drilling.

Yup, it appears to be on the same side of the street as the new Stevenson Cancer Center.

10-29-2013, 03:57 AM
put GE in the research park buildings?

shoot, while I'm glad it appears as if OKC may very well win the location for GE - I was hoping it would be new construction to add to the Oklahoma Health Center and make a cohesive district. Maybe OU will be more aggressive and build a better research park or better yet - perhaps GE will squat at the research park while a new building/complex nearby is constructed for them.

There's always hope.

10-29-2013, 08:31 AM
Pete, the new OU College of Medicine building has not been cancelled. It's location is the se/c of Phillips and Young and the building is on schedule. Also, the OU purchase of the PHF Research Park is unrelated to the GE announcement.

10-29-2013, 09:18 AM
Pete, the new OU College of Medicine building has not been cancelled. It's location is the se/c of Phillips and Young and the building is on schedule. Also, the OU purchase of the PHF Research Park is unrelated to the GE announcement.

Awesome! OU was on a building boom and now they seem stagnant. I hope GE is located south of OU and this building gets started next year. We could see a few more cranes in that area. I miss all the cranes over there.

I hope that OU has a plan to keep the biotech as well as working with PHF to keep and bring more biotechs to OKC. If the two of them can join forces it would boad well for research and start ups. Utilizing cheap student labor is key to pulling research away from NC, Cali, and the Northeast.

10-30-2013, 05:53 PM
Pete, the new OU College of Medicine building has not been cancelled. It's location is the se/c of Phillips and Young and the building is on schedule. Also, the OU purchase of the PHF Research Park is unrelated to the GE announcement.

Del, can you shed some light on the timeline for the new OU College of Medicine building? What's the schedule?

10-31-2013, 02:44 PM
Groundbreaking is scheduled for this winter with a couple of years of construction.

10-31-2013, 03:18 PM
Groundbreaking is scheduled for this winter with a couple of years of construction.

That's great news. I hope you're right about it not being cancelled.

10-31-2013, 03:26 PM
Del knows, which is why I've created a new, official thread for this project.

Great news and more construction cranes on the way!

10-31-2013, 03:52 PM
Del knows, which is why I've created a new, official thread for this project.

Great news and more construction cranes on the way!

Excellent! This will be an exciting addition to the campus.

10-31-2013, 06:51 PM
The old medical school was gross even when I was a student. Good news.

11-01-2013, 07:23 AM
Anyone else immediately think of Coka Cola?

02-13-2014, 10:11 AM
Any word on when this is set to actually begin?

02-13-2014, 04:19 PM
Sometime this year is all I remember them saying. Sadly this building wont be for students...pretty much a new building for administration and office space for clinicians/researchers who teach as well. The 1st and 2nd year students will still be in the Basic Sciences Education Building. Might be some study spaces and meeting areas, but that sounds like the extent of it for students.

02-13-2014, 05:02 PM
Sometime this year is all I remember them saying. Sadly this building wont be for students...pretty much a new building for administration and office space for clinicians/researchers who teach as well. The 1st and 2nd year students will still be in the Basic Sciences Education Building. Might be some study spaces and meeting areas, but that sounds like the extent of it for students.

Delcamino previously indicated that it would break ground sometime this winter...

04-14-2014, 10:34 AM
The site work for this project is well under way now if anyone else cares.

Plutonic Panda
04-14-2014, 11:01 AM
This will be a nice addition,, hopefully it spurs more development.

04-14-2014, 11:28 AM
The site work for this project is well under way now if anyone else cares.

Do you mean they've torn up the existing parking lot?

There hasn't been any building permits issued for this project as of yet.

04-14-2014, 11:54 AM
Do you mean they've torn up the existing parking lot?

There hasn't been any building permits issued for this project as of yet.

Yes, that parking lot is all ripped out and the heavy machinery is reworking the ground and there's framing up around the west side of the site.

04-14-2014, 11:58 AM
Yes, that parking lot is all ripped out and the heavy machinery is reworking the ground and there's framing up around the west side of the site.

If you could get a photo at some point it would be greatly appreciated.

Can't find any building permits for this.

04-14-2014, 01:48 PM
If you could get a photo at some point it would be greatly appreciated.

Can't find any building permits for this.

Sure, I'll snap some this afternoon.

04-14-2014, 02:21 PM
Sure, I'll snap some this afternoon.

Don't go too far out of your way as PluPan just sent me a few that I will post.

Looks like they are doing a lot of site work; perhaps they have a building permit and I just can't find it.

04-14-2014, 03:07 PM
Don't go too far out of your way as PluPan just sent me a few that I will post.

Looks like they are doing a lot of site work; perhaps they have a building permit and I just can't find it.

If it's state-owned land, do they technically need a building permit?

04-14-2014, 06:58 PM
If it's state-owned land, do they technically need a building permit?

I honestly don't know... Didn't realize in that situation they may be exempted.

You would think they would at least have some sort of public ground breaking.

04-14-2014, 08:06 PM
Okay, I have the scoop on this project.

Manhattan Construction has the contract and they are obviously already working on site and structural work. They have several sub-contractor bid packages out for the entire development.

There will be a 9-story building with a 5-story atrium and an attached 5-level parking garage. It will also have a skywalk connecting to the buildings to the north and east.

Will serve as a great entrance for the whole Health Science Center campus.

04-14-2014, 08:16 PM
Great except for the skywalk.

Richard at Remax
04-15-2014, 10:47 AM
its ok not to have to walk outside sometimes, esp when weather is bad. this is a hospital complex, not a vibrant urban center

04-15-2014, 11:15 AM
Exactly. It's not a vibrant urban center.

04-15-2014, 12:43 PM
Patients will need to be transported, the skywalk is fine when its serves a logical & functional purpose to the operations of building.

04-15-2014, 12:51 PM
Exactly. It's not a vibrant urban center.

Sick patients don't need to be out in the weather. Not everything has to have an urban feel to it. Even hospitals in the NE have skywalks. It's smart and keeps patients in confined environments.

04-15-2014, 12:59 PM
Exactly. It's not a vibrant urban center.

Exactly. It is a vibrant MEDICAL center that happens to be in a city. It isn't intended to be a mixed use area. You don't go get cancer treatments, then go have a drink or 10, eat a taco or two, and then go walk the street window shopping til 10 at night.

Just the facts
04-15-2014, 01:43 PM
Exactly. It is a vibrant MEDICAL center that happens to be in a city. It isn't intended to be a mixed use area. You don't go get cancer treatments, then go have a drink or 10, eat a taco or two, and then go walk the street window shopping til 10 at night.

The number of healthy employees/students/customers/vendors/visitors is orders of magnitude greater than the number of sick patients. Anyhow, I gave up on everything east of I-235 so they can build whatever the hell they want over there. The urbanist have St Anthony's where we can see a friend AND get a good burger - without having to own a car.


04-15-2014, 01:46 PM
Patients will need to be transported, the skywalk is fine when its serves a logical & functional purpose to the operations of building.

This is a college of medicine. I'm 99% sure there won't be any patient transfers via the skywalk.

04-15-2014, 02:06 PM
There are several restaurants on the HSC campus that don't require a car to access.

04-15-2014, 02:14 PM
Also, they closed off 2 full blocks of Stanton L. Young Boulevard and created a great park and campus setting:

04-16-2014, 08:38 AM
Work well underway:

04-16-2014, 10:16 AM
Exactly. It is a vibrant MEDICAL center that happens to be in a city. It isn't intended to be a mixed use area. You don't go get cancer treatments, then go have a drink or 10, eat a taco or two, and then go walk the street window shopping til 10 at night.

No, it's not a vibrant medical center. It's not a turquoise medical center either. We feel compelled to use a descriptive adjective but some don't make sense. At a certain point "medical" describes what kind of "center" it simply is. We need to stop trying to call everything vibrant or demand that it change if we can't.

I just made an understated comment to point out how we give this farcical gesture to wanting the OUHSC to be part of the city. We talk about scrutiny for development like the hotel project or a transit component linking it's jobs and more jobs at the Capitol to workforce housing downtown. We talk about a lot of things in these silos.

04-16-2014, 10:24 AM
The number of healthy employees/students/customers/vendors/visitors is orders of magnitude greater than the number of sick patients. Anyhow, I gave up on everything east of I-235 so they can build whatever the hell they want over there. The urbanist have St Anthony's where we can see a friend AND get a good burger - without having to own a car.

Oklahoma City's St. Anthony Hospital prepares to build $53 million expansion | News OK (


This makes a lot of sense. Believe it or not, people who aren't in excruciating pain visit medical centers. Most who are there actually aren't in any pain, other than the emotional pain of trudging through bad urbanism to reach these places. ADA access is a very important component of urbanism, and it isn't served well by suburbanism. That is just to address the point of anti urbanity brought up.

That is all besides my point. I am talking about ideas out there, shared by many if not most people reading this, of what to do with the OUHSC. Some people talk about the hotel project being a waste and the streetcar needing to go deeper in along Lindsay to give it a neighborhood spine. When you tear down the silos and evaluate all of this in a single stream of consciousness it becomes patently obvious you serve the area with a simple stop or two on Lincoln en route up to the Capitol and be done with it.

Just the facts
04-16-2014, 10:32 AM
I don't think we should serve the HSC at all with a streetcar. If they want to be suburban I don't want to waste a single dollar trying to urbanize it. That money would be better spent getting mass transit to places that are built to make mass transit succeed and who want to actively participate in place-making. In 10 years when they change their mind they can fund the streetcar expansion themselves.

04-16-2014, 10:45 AM
I don't think we should serve the HSC at all with a streetcar. If they want to be suburban I don't want to waste a single dollar trying to urbanize it. That money would be better spent getting mass transit to places that are built to make mass transit succeed and who want to actively participate in place-making. In 10 years when they change their mind they can fund the streetcar expansion themselves.

If you were going to try and urbanize this area, specifically the HSC campus, what would you do right now? What specific changes would you make?

04-16-2014, 10:51 AM
I don't think we should serve the HSC at all with a streetcar. If they want to be suburban I don't want to waste a single dollar trying to urbanize it. That money would be better spent getting mass transit to places that are built to make mass transit succeed and who want to actively participate in place-making. In 10 years when they change their mind they can fund the streetcar expansion themselves.

It's way more dense and urban than OCU's campus. Are you against the streetcar going there?

04-16-2014, 05:31 PM
I don't think we should serve the HSC at all with a streetcar. If they want to be suburban I don't want to waste a single dollar trying to urbanize it. That money would be better spent getting mass transit to places that are built to make mass transit succeed and who want to actively participate in place-making. In 10 years when they change their mind they can fund the streetcar expansion themselves.

Using a carrot is better than beating with a stick. Rather than punish, why not start making infrastructure that facilitates density instead of demanding density and THEN putting the infrastructure in. You seem to be saying "To heck with you. If you won't do it my way, I'll take my ball and go."

04-16-2014, 09:54 PM
In a world with infinite money, Streetcar to the HSC is a definite.

But, right now, we have so many different areas that are ready for it (or will soon be when the funding is there).

Plaza and 23rd street come to mind. I particularly love the idea of going through ClassenTenPenn to get to the plaza. Dynamite idea.

If the option came up to go to OUHSC or the Plaza, it should be no contest. Perhaps some federal grant can get us to the OUHSC via a Capitol line. If we are spending our own money, several districts, for me, come at a higher priority than OUHSC.

Edit: In fact, a 10th street crosstown line would be awesome. Go right by GE into the HSC, and on the west side it goes through ClassenTenPenn on the way to Plaza. Let the state or feds pay for the east side line to the capitol/HSC, and MAPS pay to the CTp-Plaza.

04-25-2014, 02:23 PM
I don't think we should serve the HSC at all with a streetcar. If they want to be suburban I don't want to waste a single dollar trying to urbanize it. That money would be better spent getting mass transit to places that are built to make mass transit succeed and who want to actively participate in place-making. In 10 years when they change their mind they can fund the streetcar expansion themselves.

But you also have to look at fueling more growth across 235 with an effective "pedestrian extender" for all the high income workers in the OUHSC

04-25-2014, 09:02 PM

You have any interior schematics? Just wonder what the hell is going to fill all that space other than office space for faculty and maybe some research labs. They've been hush-hush about what, if any, will be usable space for the students. Seems like a missed opportunity to create an exciting new selling point for OU COM to attract students using a brand new building that students can use...instead of just a building that belongs to the OU COM that students have no use for.

They've mentioned that 3rd & 4th years will get access to the parking lot, but that's kind of a moot point since they sometimes had access to the parking area it replaced.

04-25-2014, 09:08 PM
Yes, I have the floor plans. I'll upload them later.

It's mainly academic offices and some meeting space.

04-26-2014, 11:49 AM

You have any interior schematics? Just wonder what the hell is going to fill all that space other than office space for faculty and maybe some research labs. They've been hush-hush about what, if any, will be usable space for the students. Seems like a missed opportunity to create an exciting new selling point for OU COM to attract students using a brand new building that students can use...instead of just a building that belongs to the OU COM that students have no use for.

They've mentioned that 3rd & 4th years will get access to the parking lot, but that's kind of a moot point since they sometimes had access to the parking area it replaced.


The point isn't to attract the students. The point is to attract the faculty. High-tier faculty = grant $$.

And besides, there is a medical school cartel in this country that severely limits the supply of medical degrees offered every year. As such, it is a sellers market. Med students are just so happy to get accepted that they really aren't that picky. There really isn't a monetary incentive to create amenities for students, but there is certainly a monetary incentive to create amenities for faculty.

04-26-2014, 11:50 AM
I rode my bike by there this morning and there was another oil rig with many strings of drill pipe stood up next to it. Probably plugging a 30's- era oil well. Looks like the legacy of the Oklahoma City oil field impacts another project.

04-30-2014, 09:42 AM
The oil rig is down now and they're back to moving dirt.

05-03-2014, 08:32 AM
its ok not to have to walk outside sometimes, esp when weather is bad. this is a hospital complex, not a vibrant urban center

Having worked on the HSC campus for 30+ years, I consider the skywalks a godsend. There are physicians, residents, medical students and other staff working there 24/7/365; many of our physicians cover Presby/OUMC, Children's and VA. The skywalks offer them a way to get from building to building safely after dark. It really ticked me off when they DIDN'T build one over to the Cancer Center (supposedly Molly Boren nixed that idea).

Edit: Looking at the renderings, it looks like there'll be two skywalks. One crossing SL Young, apparently tying into the existing skywalk between Presby and Children's, the other running parallel to SL Young to tie into Williams Pavillion.

05-03-2014, 08:34 AM
Wonder if they'll run into any old, shut-in wells during the excavation? That's happened more than once.

Edit: disregard, looks like they already found one.

05-03-2014, 08:36 AM
I rode my bike by there this morning and there was another oil rig with many strings of drill pipe stood up next to it. Probably plugging a 30's- era oil well. Looks like the legacy of the Oklahoma City oil field impacts another project.

Not the first time that's happened on the OUHSC campus.

06-30-2014, 09:49 AM
They are moving right along. Photo taken today by Hemingstein: