View Full Version : Schmooza Palooza

10-29-2013, 02:26 PM
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber - SchmoozaPalooza Trade Show ( ow&src=gendocs&ref=SchmoozaPaloozaNetworkingTradeShow&category=Events)

Highly recommended. $10 gets you plenty of food from various restaurants and catering companies, and one beer or glass of wine. Bring your business cards to drop in the exhibitors' booths for some nice drawings.

A great time will be had by all!

10-29-2013, 09:01 PM
Would love to go if I was in town.

I just checked into joining the Chamber.

10-29-2013, 09:10 PM
Would love to go if I was in town.

I just checked into joining the Chamber.

It was pretty good tonight. My wife thought the last two were a bit better, though she couldn't quite explain why. Had a great time speaking to the folks from the Colcord and a few other OKC hotels/holding companies. Lots of good catering/restaurants in attendance, Venue 104 had three dishes there, and their "butternut manicotti" was awesome. Pretty good crowd. Cake Walk was sponsored by Cuppies n Joes, so lots of cupcakes going around.

OKC Chamber is pretty good, and there are plenty of opportunities to be involved. Not sure how easy that would be for you if you're not in town, though I am sure your input would be invaluable.