View Full Version : Tulsa Closer to Getting Costco, Gander MT and The Container Store

10-27-2013, 06:31 PM
Costco one of retailers looking to enter Tulsa - Tulsa World: News (

10-27-2013, 06:39 PM
Had never heard of Gander Mountain...

Research shows their typical store size is 50,000 to 125,000 square feet, similar to Cabela's.

10-27-2013, 08:05 PM
There is one in downtown Wichita

10-27-2013, 08:35 PM
I think they are located in more Midwestern cities.

10-27-2013, 08:54 PM
Gander Mtn is also popular in the Southeast. Little Rock, Nashville, and Charlotte all have them. It's basically the same thing as Cabella's.

10-27-2013, 09:07 PM
They've been in Houston a while as well.

10-27-2013, 09:18 PM
They got one in Sherman Texas.

Mississippi Blues
10-27-2013, 09:40 PM
Pretty cool for Tulsa. All will do well up there, I'm sure.

10-27-2013, 11:08 PM
Gander Mtn is also popular in the Southeast. Little Rock, Nashville, and Charlotte all have them. It's basically the same thing as Cabella's.
The two here in Denver are a fraction of what the new Cabela's is here, maybe in other markets they are a bit better. Their stores here seem to be be understocked as there is a lot of open floor space in them. Now that Cabela's is open I doubt that I will go to Gander Mountain as often, their ammo prices are ridiculous in comparison to most places in town.

Mississippi Blues
12-01-2013, 02:08 PM
A poster on SkyscraperCity said that land is being cleared in Bixby for a Costco. Can someone confirm or deny this? I haven't read any official announcements on Costco coming to the Tulsa area.

12-24-2013, 11:33 PM
Land work is underway at a site that according to real estate people is supposed to be for Costco, it's at 106th and Memorial and the side of Memorial it's on is actually in Tulsa, not Bixby. The other side of the street, where the Spirit Bank Events Center is located is in Bixby.

12-24-2013, 11:37 PM
Oh, as for Gander Mountain and Container Store. Nothing on Container Store, but Gander (which is supposed to be a discount Bass Pro, who hoo) and Main Event are part of the Walk at Tulsa Hills development which has already been before the planning commission a few times and should start very soon.