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01-30-2014, 12:02 PM
I would like LNC moved closer to the heart of campus, perhaps near the current location of the Huff or just south of there, replacing all the ugly old Cross Center buildings.

01-30-2014, 12:48 PM
That all depends on what type of community you are trying to make. Personally I would like to see a lot more student housing get relocated closer to downtown Norman.

You're right though - it isn't going to happen.

By far the large concentration of people in Norman is at or very near OU. It is by far the largest destination in Norman and has a gigantic square footage advantage over downtown Norman with the potential for far more.

It makes zero scene for any reason to have students living several blocks further away from their classes and many of their other needs & wants. OU could not support them or maintain any downtown Norman facility in a cost effective way.

Fortunately OU officials are way to intelligent to ever even waist their time entertaining something so silly and that's why it won't ever happen.

Just the facts
01-30-2014, 01:03 PM
ou48A, you should research the number of universities across America that are trying to re-establish or connect to near by downtowns. It is a national movement and OU is getting left behind. Anyhow - enough on that topic so if you want the last word have at it.

As for the Stadium Master Plan, I like the idea of removing the south end zone and old upper deck and making the whole thing match the new upper deck. I hate the Frankenstein effect where you can see every addition.

01-30-2014, 01:35 PM
ou48A, you should research the number of universities across America that are trying to re-establish or connect to near by downtowns. It is a national movement and OU is getting left behind. Anyhow - enough on that topic so if you want the last word have at it.

As for the Stadium Master Plan, I like the idea of removing the south end zone and old upper deck and making the whole thing match the new upper deck. I hate the Frankenstein effect where you can see every addition.
In general the more density there is near the heart of OU's campus the better it is for all....Most of all for the ten's of thousands of students, facility, staff and many visitors... It's a more cost effective time efficient way for all to operate. The new OU train station (if the system is ever built ) will only increase the density of the OU area of Norman.

As far as the upper decks go there are rumors that OU is considering extending the east side upper deck around the south end zone including the corners and replacing the west side upper deck....
eventually we could see an upper deck like the east side wrapped around the entire top of the stadium,. We need to make sure we don't do anything to make it a more costly process.

What is built will depend on the economics of this and OU's ability to raise money.

02-02-2014, 07:48 AM
If we played today against Alabama, we would not match-up (talent only) against them on 90% of the positions.

Just goes to show how quickly perceptions can change and that teams can improve and get worse.

02-02-2014, 10:08 AM
We were at a talent deficit, across the board on most ALL positions. The difference lies between ( Great coaching - OC. Huepel had his best game too. DC. Mike Stoops shut them down. & Big Game Bob let it fly again. )

...we had a RS Fresh. at QB that played his greatest game ( so far ). We played with heart and won.

02-02-2014, 09:11 PM
JTF, while I agree that downtown Norman could use such an anchor to continue its revitalization further west I think you have to keep a new arena on the OU campus. OU48 is right that close proximity to students, Campus Corner and parking are key elements which would point to a location between the stadium and the Duck Pond. I do think in time you will see more student housing in and around Campus Corner and in the area east of Campus and south of Boyd making the location of the new arena, and the existing stadium, even better for students.

02-03-2014, 12:07 AM
We were at a talent deficit, across the board on most ALL positions. The difference lies between ( Great coaching - OC. Huepel had his best game too. DC. Mike Stoops shut them down. & Big Game Bob let it fly again. )

...we had a RS Fresh. at QB that played his greatest game ( so far ). We played with heart and won.

I guess you missed the part where some members of the Alabama coaching staff said both before and after the game that OU was the fastest team they faced all season bar none.
I guess you also miss that OU was able to pick up key first downs running the ball... A feat that many thought unlikely..... I guess you miss the OU walk-on FB pancaking Alabama's 265 pound All America middle linebacker.... OU's talent created turnovers and sacks unlike any other team has against Alabama in many years. It was also the second most points ever scored on Alabama in a bowl game

OU's win over Alabama was no fluke.

02-03-2014, 12:14 AM
JTF, while I agree that downtown Norman could use such an anchor to continue its revitalization further west I think you have to keep a new arena on the OU campus. OU48 is right that close proximity to students, Campus Corner and parking are key elements which would point to a location between the stadium and the Duck Pond. I do think in time you will see more student housing in and around Campus Corner and in the area east of Campus and south of Boyd making the location of the new arena, and the existing stadium, even better for students.OU is not going to be building new dorms off campus and I seriously doubt very many large state run research university’s are going to be building new dorm space over a half mile away from the main part of campus when they have plenty of options on or very near there campus.

Just as I communicated to OU when I was asked to given my thoughts.... a new arena near the new proposed OU train station makes an arena near by a very attractive option.

02-03-2014, 12:36 AM
I've always thought the basketball arena should go where the practice football field is south of the stadium at Jenkins and Lindsey. That's too good of a location for a practice field, which could moved next to the track facility if a parking garage was added. The arena could be done when the south side of the stadium is bowled in (kind of like OSU)... That's my dream anyway...

02-03-2014, 01:36 AM
I guess I think a mix of Kerry's and OU48's ideas are probably best. I agree the new arena, if there will be one, should be on campus near the core of the students. However, I also think it is advantageous of the school to expand the community north some closer to downtown. I'm not saying student housing specifically, but other developments by the university. I picture downtown Norman being more of where OU students "graduate" to and and move to once they are out of the dorms or in graduate school. Think low rent office and research space for students to get involved in think tanks or business start ups. Tie in a close community that is walkable and more urban than the rest of the city (Norman).

Yes we have the research business park on the south side of campus, but I think that is a bit too corporate for a few "kids" brainstorming together on the tech start up in a downtown office where they can go down stairs and down the street a bit for lunch or dinner.While I'm dreaming, how about a street car from campus to downtown as well to connect in that area to a commuter rail station near either campus or downtown.

Just the facts
02-03-2014, 08:13 AM
Downtown Norman should become to OU what downtown Palo Alto is to Stanford.

Several universities play basketball off-campus and after a short stint of on-campus arena construction, the trend is moving more towards campus-adjacent locations for a number of reasons.

02-03-2014, 11:06 AM
ou48A, you should research the number of universities across America that are trying to re-establish or connect to near by downtowns. It is a national movement and OU is getting left behind. Anyhow - enough on that topic so if you want the last word have at it.

As for the Stadium Master Plan, I like the idea of removing the south end zone and old upper deck and making the whole thing match the new upper deck. I hate the Frankenstein effect where you can see every addition.

I think that will take a whole lot of money for not a whole lot of return. I think even with the rumored $300-450M renovation, you'll be looking at a relatively minor physical change to the stadium. I'd love for Memorial Stadium to look like the picture that was posted above, but that's something that will happen in very small steps, if ever. You'd be paying a premium just to get rid of that "Frankenstein" look, and that's without adding a single seat.

02-03-2014, 11:10 AM
I've always thought the basketball arena should go where the practice football field is south of the stadium at Jenkins and Lindsey. That's too good of a location for a practice field, which could moved next to the track facility if a parking garage was added. The arena could be done when the south side of the stadium is bowled in (kind of like OSU)... That's my dream anyway...

That would be a great area because you could use the parking garage that already exists at the stadium for the new basketball arena.

02-03-2014, 11:32 AM
ou48A, you should research the number of universities across America that are trying to re-establish or connect to near by downtowns. It is a national movement and OU is getting left behind. Anyhow - enough on that topic so if you want the last word have at it.

As for the Stadium Master Plan, I like the idea of removing the south end zone and old upper deck and making the whole thing match the new upper deck. I hate the Frankenstein effect where you can see every addition.

Our dollars need to be spent in ways that bring the biggest benefits to the most amounts of people.
VERY Clearly in OU's case a new arena should and will be on OU campus..... in part because it would increase density by much greater amounts than a downtown Norman location..... Increasing density is something most posters on this board want.

It's highly likely that most of the university's who are moving parts of their operations to their downtown areas have run out of available space and are looking for cheaper options..... OU has plenty of cheaper land for a new basketball arena and better density to boot.

02-03-2014, 11:43 AM
JTF, while I agree that downtown Norman could use such an anchor to continue its revitalization further west I think you have to keep a new arena on the OU campus. OU48 is right that close proximity to students, Campus Corner and parking are key elements which would point to a location between the stadium and the Duck Pond. I do think in time you will see more student housing in and around Campus Corner and in the area east of Campus and south of Boyd making the location of the new arena, and the existing stadium, even better for students.
Speaking of housing near OU's campus......With a new OU commuter rail station I can envision the strip of land just east of the tracks near OU's duck pond being redeveloped with 3 to 4 story apartments / condos..... I have seen this done along DART's rail line.

This would further add density to the area.

02-03-2014, 11:51 AM
That would be a great area because you could use the parking garage that already exists at the stadium for the new basketball arena.
I like the idea of being able to use the same parking garages and anything else for as many events as possible.....
But I think Stoops would probably resign before he let his practice fields be replaced by a basketball arena...!
The current set up is an extremely valuable asset to the football program, so except for stadium expansion, that land will not be touched.

02-03-2014, 12:20 PM
Speaking of housing near OU's campus......With a new OU commuter rail station I can envision the strip of land just east of the tracks near OU's duck pond being redeveloped with 3 to 4 story apartments / condos..... I have seen this done along DART's rail line.

This would further add density to the area.

I don't think you'll see it limited to 3 or 4 stories since we've already got 2 developments - one proposed and the other about to get underway that are at least 5 stories. The one going in by Braums on East Lindsey is a pretty good model of what I hope we see fill in around that area. At some point as density increases, would love to see CART/Norman evaluate a street car operation to provide additional feed to the commuter rail service and also give great connectivity throughout campus up to downtown Norman. I'm not saying do it now, but thinking down the road when its warranted. :) This would be the suggested routing...

The orange block would be a new transportation center for commuter rail, CART, street car, and probably Amtrak as well. The east loop would hit the new higher density development on Lindsey, the urban developments on 12th, the new developments going in at 12th and Classen, and then the apartment complexes on Classen. The North line would hit the stadium, campus corner, and then downtown at the county offices, by the bank buildings near main street, and then a stop at the train station/Legacy park. The south line gets the dorms and apartments along a couple stops, the softball complex and Reaves park, LNC (depending on what happens to it), and then the research park.

Might be interesting to find a way to even integrate a street car stop with in the structure of the stadium to provide a sheltered area.

02-03-2014, 12:37 PM
I don't think you'll see it limited to 3 or 4 stories since we've already got 2 developments - one proposed and the other about to get underway that are at least 5 stories. The one going in by Braums on East Lindsey is a pretty good model of what I hope we see fill in around that area. At some point as density increases, would love to see CART/Norman evaluate a street car operation to provide additional feed to the commuter rail service and also give great connectivity throughout campus up to downtown Norman. I'm not saying do it now, but thinking down the road when its warranted. :) This would be the suggested routing...

The orange block would be a new transportation center for commuter rail, CART, street car, and probably Amtrak as well. The east loop would hit the new higher density development on Lindsey, the urban developments on 12th, the new developments going in at 12th and Classen, and then the apartment complexes on Classen. The North line would hit the stadium, campus corner, and then downtown at the county offices, by the bank buildings near main street, and then a stop at the train station/Legacy park. The south line gets the dorms and apartments along a couple stops, the softball complex and Reaves park, LNC (depending on what happens to it), and then the research park.

Might be interesting to find a way to even integrate a street car stop with in the structure of the stadium to provide a sheltered area.You’re probably correct about them being more than 3 or 4 stories and that sound fine with me.

Rather than a street car system.... some have suggested a monorail system similar to what West Virginia has on its campus....?

02-03-2014, 12:41 PM
You’re probably correct about them being more than 3 or 4 stories and that sound fine with me.

Rather than a street car system.... some have suggested a monorail system similar to what West Virginia has on its campus....?

I would have to think the WVU system would just be too much to implement. The street car system can easily work in to existing infrastructure without having to really change much to the landscape. Plus with a street car you can setup stops anywhere since it is all at grade with the road - the WVU monorail system isn't and required dedicated tracks.

02-03-2014, 02:55 PM
The best thing for the metro area would be for each of the big suburban communities to start developing a very dense core for their respective cities. Then we link them together with a light rail system. If the individual communities would create their own streetcar systems that would be even better.

02-06-2014, 10:16 AM
In the area that I prefer for a new OU arena I noticed a couple of days ago that 2 more old houses had been removed that I had not noticed prior. With OU continuing to remove structures in this area it seems clear that OU has something in mind for this land besides more parking.

01-28-2015, 04:08 PM
Just saw this article, as a student there I can attest that a residential hall is in more of a need. I've been to almost every game since the mid 90's and I love the stadium and have always wanted the south endzone to be bowled in but I think it can wait 4-5 years.

01-28-2015, 08:54 PM
Just saw this article, as a student there I can attest that a residential hall is in more of a need. I've been to almost every game since the mid 90's and I love the stadium and have always wanted the south endzone to be bowled in but I think it can wait 4-5 years.

Everything is always subject to change but Boren says that's not true.

LAWTON — Calling it “erroneous” and “inaccurate,” David Boren emphatically denied a report that he’s postponed football stadium renovations.

The University of Oklahoma president did, though, admit that falling oil and gas prices have hurt fundraising efforts for all OU projects, including the $370 million proposal to renovate Gaylord Family — Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.
“I don’t know where you got your information,” Boren told a reporter after pulling a printed-out copy of the report from his jacket.

“Must have been from the athletics department from the way it reads, someone who works over there. But I don’t know where you got it. You didn’t get it from me. It’s inaccurate. You didn’t get it from the board of regents.”

07-17-2015, 11:43 PM

07-17-2015, 11:51 PM

Plutonic Panda
10-20-2015, 05:42 PM
Lawsuit could halt work on University of Oklahoma stadium | The Journal Record (

Plutonic Panda
08-03-2016, 12:30 PM

08-15-2016, 11:34 PM
The new scoreboard is spectacular.

08-16-2016, 07:40 AM
The new scoreboard is spectacular.

Even more startling in person. The thing is immense. And the new SEZ structure makes the interior of the stadium seem MUCH smaller, "closer to the field" - realize its just a perception, but man, if the fans can crank up the noise level, that place is going to be a *beast* for anyone coming in. And I was in there briefly yesterday - with that endzone cut off, the light breeze had no way in the stadium, so even on a nice day like yesterday, that clear-sky sunlight made it HOT in just the few minutes I was in there to watch the scoreboard.

08-16-2016, 08:04 AM
I don't know why, but I was under the impression that the old scoreboard was going to be put on the other side.

08-16-2016, 08:06 AM
I agree, I was in the stadium about a month ago and was shocked by how different it feels.

08-26-2016, 07:39 PM
I don't know why, but I was under the impression that the old scoreboard was going to be put on the other side.

That was the original plan. The architects advised OU that the north stands would require extensive modification to support the board, and the various options were too expensive and the plan was dropped.

I am hearing some rumbling this issue may come up again, however. Too early to say just yet.

08-26-2016, 08:28 PM
I was at GMS this afternoon. The stadium is really looking nice. It will have a completely different feel inside and out. But I have got to warn anyone attending games this year to allow lots of extra time due to congested streets caused by street construction and traffic congestion.

It took me about 50 minutes to drive 7 miles. This is going to be the worst OU season ever for game day traffic.

08-29-2016, 03:11 PM
I was at GMS this afternoon. The stadium is really looking nice. It will have a completely different feel inside and out. But I have got to warn anyone attending games this year to allow lots of extra time due to congested streets caused by street construction and traffic congestion.

It took me about 50 minutes to drive 7 miles. This is going to be the worst OU season ever for game day traffic.

Just don't take Lindsey. Allow extra time since Main and Robinson are going to be packed. Maybe try taking Sooner Road or Hwy 9 if possible.

08-29-2016, 04:05 PM
Just don't take Lindsey. Allow extra time since Main and Robinson are going to be packed. Maybe try taking Sooner Road or Hwy 9 if possible.

And, for the most part, there's a connected grid street system in and around the there's lots of side and neighborhood streets that can be used as well to navigate your way.

08-29-2016, 08:59 PM
Just don't take Lindsey. Allow extra time since Main and Robinson are going to be packed. Maybe try taking Sooner Road or Hwy 9 if possible.

I have attended nearly 300 home OU football games since 1971 and have done a great deal of parking and traffic experimenting over the years….A great deal depends on where you park….and then where you’re going after the game…

But on the way home East of I- 35 I would avoid ….. most of West Main street, Flood street south of Robinson, West Boyd, Classen & Porter Streets, 24th Ave NW south of Robinson, Brooks street east and west of campus, HY 9 will be a parking lot.

Sooner road south of Tecumseh moves very slow. An alternative to avoid the backups at traffic lights on Sooner Road may be to continue east to 24 Ave NE then north to Tecumseh.
I have had very good luck for many years snaking around on the residential streets from near campus to Robinson Street.

Plutonic Panda
08-30-2016, 01:05 AM
It took me about 50 minutes to drive 7 miles.
#everydayinlababy ;)

08-30-2016, 09:55 AM
Just don't take Lindsey. Allow extra time since Main and Robinson are going to be packed. Maybe try taking Sooner Road or Hwy 9 if possible.

There is also construction on Main at the Norman High that has the road down to one lane each way.

09-05-2016, 11:46 AM
From the Norman police. All season game day traffic.

Click to read full article and view map.

For the past several years I have suggested to OU, city of Norman officials and prominent members of the media that Flood Avenue be made one way north bound after games…. I’m happy to post that it’s finally going to be done but just to Main Street. It would be great if this was extended to Robinson…

There is a lot more that could cheaply be done that would aid in post-game traffic de congestion with a more willing city government… The congestion seriously delays emergency response times, putting life and property at significant increased risk. To a degree it also lowers the desirability of some to attend games.