View Full Version : Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?
Just the facts 11-01-2013, 01:48 PM But . . . but . . . what about "The Birds"? and "Psycho"?
I think those crossed the line from "suspense" into "horror" . . .
(i'd never seen anyone with their eyes pecked out before. seemed pretty horrible to me.)
Maybe because they didn't show the act of having his eyes pecked out. Could you imaging what a remake of The Birds would be like today? Graphic violence and a lot more nudity. Maybe that is a sign of the transit from a society with mental capacity to one almost totally reliant on visual stimuli.
Prunepicker 11-01-2013, 03:10 PM Maybe because they didn't show the act of having his eyes pecked out.
Could you imaging what a remake of The Birds would be like today? Graphic
violence and a lot more nudity. Maybe that is a sign of the transit from a
society with mental capacity to one almost totally reliant on visual stimuli.
One need not see the knife enter Marion's body to know what was
happening. The sound of a knife going into the casaba melon and
Bernard Herrmann's shrieking strings was enough to put chills down your
back. Not to forget the chocolate syrup going down the drain.
Very little is left to the imagination of the viewer these days.
OKC4me 11-01-2013, 09:54 PM Grown ups 2. I regret not getting up and walking out of that movie. Wanted my time and money back.
educator1953 11-09-2013, 01:08 PM I took my daughter to the worst movie ever when she was about five or six back in the mid '80s. It was "Howard the Duck." It was absolutely terrible!
In my defense, it was her desire to see it. (Yeah, I'm blaming her. LOL) I knew it was a stinker. What a waste of money!
tomokc 11-09-2013, 01:38 PM "Run, Fatboy, Run." Wife's idea. We'll never get those two hours back.
zookeeper 11-09-2013, 02:17 PM "Run, Fatboy, Run." Wife's idea. We'll never get those two hours back.
Just wake-up two hours earlier than usual someday and call it even.
nighttrain12 11-13-2013, 12:03 AM Jaws 4: The Revenge. But I only paid about $1.50 so I guess I wasn't too upset.
Just the facts 11-13-2013, 07:42 AM "Run, Fatboy, Run." Wife's idea. We'll never get those two hours back.
I liked that movie. It was inspirational and me want to run a marathon.
RadicalModerate 11-13-2013, 06:45 PM I liked that movie. It was inspirational and me want to run a marathon.
I can almost imagine a movie that would . . . excuse me, could . . . be The Worst Movie Ever.
(Why . . . It could be inspired by merging some of the discussions in here =):
"My Dinner With Andre at Irma's (in Midtown) While Waiting For Godot"
(Godot: Noted Urban Planner, late to expressing outrage about tipping, on account of tearing down Stage Center to build a tower for The Mystery Corporation.)
The upside of this is that it would almost for sure have to be filmed in OKC.
Prunepicker 11-13-2013, 08:05 PM I can almost imagine a movie that would...
... "My Dinner With Andre at Irma's (in Midtown) While Waiting For Godot"
The upside of this is that it would almost for sure have to be filmed in OKC.
I never realized you drank that much. You really put it away.
You are drinking, right? It's not... you know...
RadicalModerate 11-14-2013, 05:31 PM I never realized you drank that much. You really put it away.
You are drinking, right? It's not... you know...
Does O'Doul's count?
GaryOKC6 11-14-2013, 06:44 PM Definitely la miserable. Pure torture. I had to get up and walk around the mall a third of the way into it. Met my wife outside when it was over. I was just not my kind of movie. I guess you can say that this was the worst movie that I ever saw 1/3rd of in a theater.
Prunepicker 11-14-2013, 07:34 PM End of the Spear was a very bad experience for me. The filming was
pathetic. In virtually every scene the forefront was clear and the
background was blurred (intentionally) or vice versa. The dialog was
almost as bad as 10,000 Years BC (60's). The music was awful and
sounded like it was done on a cheap keyboard. I walked out after 30
RadicalModerate 11-14-2013, 08:40 PM End of the Spear was a very bad experience for me. The filming was
pathetic. In virtually every scene the forefront was clear and the
background was blurred (intentionally) or vice versa. The dialog was
almost as bad as 10,000 Years BC (60's). The music was awful and
sounded like it was done on a cheap keyboard. I walked out after 30
In all honesty, I can't imagine plopping down even a dollar to pay to see End of the Spear.
Is it available on Netflix (as a Target for the japery of the former Mystery Science Theater 3000 crew) yet?
Having said that, I stand by my (paid) viewing of:
Exorcist II: The Heretic
(worst ever, paid to see)
Prunepicker 11-14-2013, 11:03 PM In all honesty, I can't imagine plopping down even a dollar to pay to see
End of the Spear.
And to think we paid the full price. I believe the tickets were $7.50.
Also, the popcorn was mediocre and the drinks were watered down.
Truth be told, I thought a friend of mine wrote the music score.
He didn't. I was relieved. The score was horrid.
PiePie 11-16-2013, 01:14 AM I am suprised no mention of Caddyshack 2, I do not understand why they bothered making the movie even though Chevy Chase and Dan Arkyod are my favorite actors
Prunepicker 11-16-2013, 05:29 PM I can't believe I haven't mentioned this one.
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey. Absolutely awful. I
care for him for the most part but HTGSC was an all time low.
Remakes are such a waste.
TeriOKC 11-16-2013, 09:23 PM Ours was an embarrassing waste of film called "America's Sweethearts." It was a lame attempt at romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts (hiss.....!), Catherine Zeta-Jones and John Cusack about 10 years ago. It absolutely sucked.
Just the facts 11-16-2013, 09:37 PM I am suprised no mention of Caddyshack 2, I do not understand why they bothered making the movie even though Chevy Chase and Dan Arkyod are my favorite actors
The thread is "Worst movie you ever saw in theaters". No one saw this movie in a theater so it is disqualified. :) However, yes it was an awful movie.
PiePie 11-16-2013, 10:13 PM The thread is "Worst movie you ever saw in theaters". No one saw this movie in a theater so it is disqualified. :) However, yes it was an awful movie.
What are you talking about? I saw it in the theater when CaddyShack 2 was released, it was not a direct to video sequel and it only made $11 million at the box office
PiePie 11-16-2013, 10:13 PM I can't believe I haven't mentioned this one.
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey. Absolutely awful. I
care for him for the most part but HTGSC was an all time low.
Remakes are such a waste.
The only remake that is better than the original is Ocean's 11, that is it
Prunepicker 11-16-2013, 11:35 PM The only remake that is better than the original is Ocean's 11, that is it
WRONG! The Richter scale just went off. Almost an 8.
Who in that cast can compare to any in the original. You've got to be
Sammy Davis, Jr, alone, was better than all the participants combined.
Add Frank and Dino and there's no case to think the remake had an actor
in it. George Clooney? Seriously? I've heard he's an actor.
ljbab728 11-17-2013, 12:00 AM Sorry, but I remember Frank, Dean, and Sammy better than you do. In spite of a few awards, they were so so actors.
PiePie 11-17-2013, 12:02 AM WRONG! The Richter scale just went off. Almost an 8.
Who in that cast can compare to any in the original. You've got to be
Sammy Davis, Jr, alone, was better than all the participants combined.
Add Frank and Dino and there's no case to think the remake had an actor
in it. George Clooney? Seriously? I've heard he's an actor.
George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon is a pretty good cast together, I will give you Sammy Davis Junior but Frank Sinatra is an awful actor, he is a good singer though
Just the facts 11-17-2013, 09:31 PM What are you talking about? I saw it in the theater when CaddyShack 2 was released, it was not a direct to video sequel and it only made $11 million at the box office
"No one saw it in a theater" was an exaggeration on my part, meant to imply that it did poorly attendance wise.
I have found that 'bad movies' seem to get better the more I watch them. I thought League of Extraordinary Gentleman was bad the first time I watched it. Now that I have seen it about 10 times it has gotten better.
ljbab728 11-17-2013, 09:36 PM "No one saw it in a theater" was an exaggeration on my part, meant to imply that it did poorly attendance wise.
I have found that 'bad movies' seem to get better the more I watch them. I thought League of Extraordinary Gentleman was bad the first time I watched it. Now that I have seen it about 10 times it has gotten better.
So does 10 more times put it up for an Oscar, Kerry? :)
Prunepicker 11-17-2013, 09:40 PM George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon is a pretty good cast together...
I think I've seen George Clooney in one good movie. Not sure what it was.
I like Damon, although he's a political kook. The Bourne series is fantastic.
Brad who?
I will give you Sammy Davis Junior but Frank Sinatra is an awful actor, he
is a good singer though
Sammy had more talent in his proverbial pinky than any two people on
Earth. Sinatra was a very good actor. What are you talking about?
Did you not see the Manchurian Candidate? Von Ryan's Express? The
Man with the Golden Arm? The Tender Trap? Guys and Dolls?
You're picking on the wrong actor.
Was Brad Pitt considered an actor? By whom?
Prunepicker 11-17-2013, 10:33 PM The more I think about it, Jim Carey is a very, very bad actor. He rates
down there with Don Johnson and Tom Cruise. I'm not saying he's better
then them. Not at all. He just rates down there with them. Those at
the bottom of the barrel are always at the bottom of the barrel.
Jim Carrey is a funny guy. Not really an actor though. He's always playing Jim Carrey. In this movie Jim Carrey is playing Jim Carrey with a funny haircut. In this other movie he's playing Jim Carrey with a magic mask. In that movie he's playing Jim Carrey with superpowers.
I like him, but I haven't really liked any of his movies since Man in the Moon.
Plutonic Panda 11-21-2013, 11:31 PM I can't believe I haven't mentioned this one.
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey. Absolutely awful. I
care for him for the most part but HTGSC was an all time low.
Remakes are such a waste.I actually didn't mind it
Prunepicker 11-23-2013, 09:33 PM I actually didn't mind it
Prunepicker 11-23-2013, 09:52 PM Okay, I didn't see this in the theater. In fact, I just saw it on Netflixs.
Skyfall, although not the worst it's not exactly a typical Bond film.
Daniel Craig was fair. Not great. He didn't have the expected humor
or play on words that Connery, Moore or Bronson had. Perhaps the
writers could be blamed. The villain, Silva, was hardly a Bond villain. In
fact, he was quite sickening. There was none of the megalomania that
was expected in a Bond villain. He was a punk thug at best.
Not the worst Bond flick, "Her Majesty's Secret Service" gets that claim.
Lazenby should have never been cast.
Oh, and Q. What a dork. There was no meaningful banter between the
two and his involvement in the script was lame at best. Pop
culture-esque defines his role, which means clueless or "scuse me,
I'm texting my experience at Micky D's". Shameful.
Lastly, why was the traditional scene of James walking by, turning and
shooting (with the blood dripping) at the end of the movie? It's supposed
to be at the beginning and always introduces the first action sequence.
Did the director ever see a Bond film?
What was the purpose of destroying the iconic Astin Martin DB-5?
Prunepicker 11-23-2013, 10:03 PM Jim Carrey is a funny guy.
To some, and this isn't a put down. I don't find him funny. A couple of
days ago I watched several clips, maybe 30 minutes, of him and I only
giggled at best. He isn't my kind of comedian. I like Jonathan Winters
most of all and a majority of the old comedians who used timing, i.e.
Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, George Burns, Don
Rickles and Johnny Carson. They allowed the audience to create an image
in their mind instead of having it drawn out for them. I like Robin Williams
on occasion and when he can't use profanity. Some of his fans try to
use the "he's over your head" approach, but he's not. He's easy to
As far as I'm concerned a good comedian allows the audience to think
for itself and create an image instead of having it drawn out for them.
ljbab728 11-23-2013, 10:10 PM To some, and this isn't a put down. I don't find him funny. A couple of
days ago I watched several clips, maybe 30 minutes, of him and I only
giggled at best. He isn't my kind of comedian. I like Jonathan Winters
most of all and a majority of the old comedians who used timing, i.e.
Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, George Burns, Don
Rickles and Johnny Carson. They allowed the audience to create an image
in their mind instead of having it drawn out for them. I like Robin Williams
on occasion and when he can't use profanity. Some of his fans try to
use the "he's over your head" approach, but he's not. He's easy to
As far as I'm concerned a good comedian allows the audience to think
for itself and create an image instead of having it drawn out for them.
Nothing to argue with there, pp. Not that it has anything to do with worst movies, but Jack Benny was my favorite male comedian of all time. Gracie Allen would be my favorite female comedian.