10-26-2013, 08:47 AM
What about Bug with Ashley Judd? That movie was so bad it was actually enjoyable because of how bad it was.
That was a strange movie.
That was a strange movie.
View Full Version : Worst movie you ever saw in theaters? kelroy55 10-26-2013, 08:47 AM What about Bug with Ashley Judd? That movie was so bad it was actually enjoyable because of how bad it was. That was a strange movie. OKVision4U 10-26-2013, 08:48 AM Has anybody mentioned Ishtar? This is the "Worst movie no one saw in theater". Richard at Remax 10-26-2013, 09:05 AM Southland Tales and Rubber might be added to list of worst movies no one saw in theaters. Just woeful MadMonk 10-26-2013, 11:41 AM Since someone was brave enough to admit to liking my "worst", I guess I'll fess up to enjoying some of the other movies listed. I actually liked The Wrestler, Blue Velvet, and Election quite a bit. I thought Reese Witherspoon was great as Tracy Flick in Election. She really made you dislike her. lol Some of the others I like as just pure brainless fun...Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure...Dude, Where's My Car? (worth watch just for the tatoo scene)...Elf...and Three Amigos. I think Blue Velvet is the only one of those I actually paid to see in a theater. The rest were just rentals. I loved Elf. Bob Newhart is in classic form. I haven't seen Three Amigos is long time, but I remember liking it. Also, I recently re-watched This Is Spinal Tap for the first time in over a decade and realized there is a lot of subtle comedy that I had missed in prior watchings. RadicalModerate 10-26-2013, 12:00 PM Next to "It Goes Up to 11 . . ." my favorite moment in This Is Spinal Tap was the "unveiling of the, client-specified, Stonehenge." But that has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the Worst Movies You Ever Saw In [a Theater]. (and I apologize for that digression. please forgive me then carry on. thank you. in advance.) tlltnkr47 10-27-2013, 02:58 PM I'll show my age here. I skipped school one day and decided to go to the movies. I saw the following: "Godzilla vs the Smog Monster" "Frogs" This was back in the day when they showed double features. I humbly apologize to all the teachers whose class I missed that day. God! did these two movies stink! Pete 10-27-2013, 03:06 PM The Jazz Singer "starring" Neil Diamond in the early 80's. Just horrifically, painfully awful and I couldn't leave because it was the choice of my then-girlfriend. To add insult to injury, she made me stop on the way home to buy the soundtrack. We didn't last long after that. :) Just the facts 10-27-2013, 06:10 PM Rubber I tried to watch this a few months ago on Netflix and I just couldn't do it. I think I made it 10 minutes. Prunepicker 10-27-2013, 06:54 PM Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster was pretty bad. I believe I saw it at Yale. RadicalModerate 10-27-2013, 08:12 PM Southland Tales and Rubber might be added to list of worst movies no one saw in theaters. Just woeful Okay . . . So, there I was, thinkin': "Why would anyone pay admission to a theater to watch a movie about condoms?" And then I went to the IMDB and found out it was about an obsessive-compulsive tire. Now, here I am, thinkin', "Why would anyone pay admission to a theater to watch a movie about a killer tire?" Say! Maybe THEY could put a new spin on the concept--throw in a little Stephen King--and make the movie: "Son of Rubber: Firestone" (or "Firestone: Son of Rubber"). (Obviously there is a market for this sort of thing . . . =) RadicalModerate 10-27-2013, 08:13 PM Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster was pretty bad. I believe I saw it at Yale. Did you leave out the The in connection with Yale? As in [The] Yale Theater? RadicalModerate 10-27-2013, 08:17 PM The Jazz Singer "starring" Neil Diamond in the early 80's. Just horrifically, painfully awful and I couldn't leave because it was the choice of my then-girlfriend. To add insult to injury, she made me stop on the way home to buy the soundtrack. We didn't last long after that. :) My girlfriend at the time this movie came out was The Biggest Neil Diamond Fan in The Universe. I had to sit through it too. Abysmal. In fact, it was so bad that it was Pepto-Abysmal. (it was even worse than that pun. that's how bad it was.) Edited to Add: But still not as bad as The Exorcist II: The Heretic or Battlefield Earth. Prunepicker 10-27-2013, 08:19 PM Did you leave out the The in connection with Yale? As in [The] Yale Theater? Yes. RadicalModerate 10-27-2013, 08:45 PM Yes. Well, that's a good thing. You are honest. And if you were talking about the other Yale (where Bush the Younger AND his Dad hung out), I'd always have to resist the urge to think about The Skull and Bones Club influencing your perspective. =) MWCGuy 10-28-2013, 01:53 AM Blair Witch Project. I seen it in Baton Rouge the night of the May 3rd, 1999 Tornado. I thought the whole concept was stupid and it gave me a headache. The only reason I went to see it was the fact I was dating a sexy cajun girl that could talk me into just about anything. The headache was eventually soothed with a massage, a little time in the hot tub and well you get the picture. I found out the Tornado hit late that night when I got home. Best night of my life in Baton Rouge was the worst night in ever body else's life back home in Oklahoma. bandnerd 10-28-2013, 05:51 AM Toss up between Blair Witch and Fast and the Furious. Both times I was with two guy friends. Go figure. David 10-28-2013, 07:13 AM The Happening. We saw it in a dollar theatre and even at that price I still want my money back. Romulack 10-28-2013, 09:08 AM Intersection (1994) with Richard Gere. MadMonk 10-28-2013, 09:17 AM Next to "It Goes Up to 11 . . ." my favorite moment in This Is Spinal Tap was the "unveiling of the, client-specified, Stonehenge." But that has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the Worst Movies You Ever Saw In [a Theater]. (and I apologize for that digression. please forgive me then carry on. thank you. in advance.) LOL, it said 18 inches! reverend 10-28-2013, 09:54 AM Teaching Mrs. Tingle The horror... athensjohn 10-28-2013, 01:25 PM "Strawberry Fields," 1977. I was a sophomore in high school with a group of three friends. I think the worst thing is that the Beatles music all by itself should have kept us in our seats, but it was so terribly done, even the Fab Four's songs couldn't save the movie. athensjohn 10-28-2013, 01:36 PM Correction: It was "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," 1978. "Strawberry Fields" was a terrible movie from 2012. GoOKC1991 10-28-2013, 03:14 PM Other terrible movies I saw: Flubber, love guru, Meet Dave, From Justin to Kelly (A bunch of people from school wanted to go see it, we did and...what a disaster) betts 10-28-2013, 06:59 PM Battlefield Earth. L. Ron Hubbard wasn't that great a sci fi writer IMO, and this movie was ghastly. BlackmoreRulz 10-28-2013, 07:03 PM Correction: It was "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," 1978. "Strawberry Fields" was a terrible movie from 2012. Yea, I never figured out how Frampton got paired up with the Bee Gee's. Just the facts 10-28-2013, 09:26 PM Blair Witch Project. That is a memory I thought I was able to fully repress. I get motion sick just thinking about it. RadicalModerate 10-28-2013, 09:30 PM Blair Witch Project. That is a memory I thought I was able to fully repress. I get motion sick just thinking about it. Are you seriously telling me that you actually drove to a Mega-Plex . . . found a place to park . . . hiked to the building (while dodging traffic) . . . paid whatever absurd admission price was required . . . all in order to watch The Blair Witch Project? In a theater?? I hope it was in IMAX. What I mean is that I respect your opinions on stuff, but if you actually did all that, I'd have to be a bit more selective on which opinions I choose to respect in the future. =) Just the facts 10-28-2013, 09:45 PM No - I rented it and watched it at home. I get sick watching those movies shot with a shaky camera so I don't go to theaters to watch them. Cloverfield also did me in (watched it at home also) RadicalModerate 10-28-2013, 09:52 PM No - I rented it and watched it at home. I get sick watching those movies shot with a shaky camera so I don't go to theaters to watch them. Cloverfield also did me in (watched it at home also) "Cloverfield" right. I was trying to remember that other Cinematic POS in the "film nausior" genre. Prunepicker 10-28-2013, 10:02 PM Did anyone ever see Eggggah!(sp) It was one of Richard "Jaws" Kiels early movies. GoOKC1991 10-28-2013, 10:03 PM This thread has been great, didn't think it would get that many replies. Just the facts 10-28-2013, 10:07 PM PP post reminded me - Jaws 3. It was another crime against film. LZdTh2niAXw RadicalModerate 10-28-2013, 10:16 PM The Shark in that clip (directly above) could whup both Godzilla and Mothra's collective asses at the same time. With one jaw tied behind its back. RadicalModerate 10-28-2013, 10:21 PM This thread has been great, didn't think it would get that many replies. P.S. to ^: Thanks for starting it. Now you can take the blame. =) Coming Soon to a Public Internet Forum Near You: Son of Custino's . . . Tag Line: Be aware of ellipses . . . be very aware . . . GoOKC1991 10-28-2013, 10:39 PM Check this out! IMDb: Worst Movies I saw in Theaters - a list by TheSonomaDude ( RadicalModerate 10-28-2013, 10:43 PM Dude. As good as that IMDB List might be--and probably is--yours is better. Or worse. =) GoOKC1991 10-28-2013, 10:49 PM Haha, thanks! zookeeper 10-28-2013, 10:50 PM Someone said "Intersection" from 1994. I actually liked that movie! It was pretty obscure though, which means more people probably agreed with you than me. :) GoOKC1991 10-28-2013, 10:54 PM Toss up between Blair Witch and Fast and the Furious. Both times I was with two guy friends. Go figure. I have no idea how there has been so many Fast and Furious movies, I've caught the first and second one's on TV and don't see the appeal at all. Prunepicker 10-28-2013, 10:55 PM Check this out! IMDb: Worst Movies I saw in Theaters - a list by TheSonomaDude ( Yours, mine and ours is on the list but I noticed it was a remake. The one with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball is very good. Prunepicker 10-28-2013, 11:00 PM Which reminds me of really bad remakes or sequels to movies that didn't need a sequel. Psycho II. Talk about a needless movie. There was no suspense whatsoever. Hitch was all about suspense. Does anyone remember the remakes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents? Another fine example of needless attempts. GoOKC1991 10-28-2013, 11:04 PM Bad remakes: The Flight of the Phoenix, Arthur, The Pink Panther, The Longest Yard, Clash of the Titans Bad sequels: Major League, Jaws, The Santa Clause, Grown Ups. MonkeesFan 10-29-2013, 02:28 AM Blair Witch Project is my vote! I remember me and my friend was watching the Blair Witch Project and when the ending came, we looked at each other and we both had our what the f*ck look on our faces and we both walked out of the movie theater disgusted! jerrywall 10-29-2013, 02:08 PM I left "The Cell". Only time I've ever left a movie. I'm normally too cheap to walk away. Wing Commander is a close second. Probably ranks so high because I paid to see it multiple times, just to be able to see the Phantom Menace trailer. hoya 10-29-2013, 05:46 PM PP post reminded me - Jaws 3. It was another crime against film. LZdTh2niAXw It was a masterpiece compared to Jaws 4 though. There were several movies I saw as a kid that were absolutely horrible. Jaws 4 was one of them. Supergirl was another. And Dune ranks right up there. As an adult, the only movie I ever got close to walking out on was Underworld. It was horrible, and I'd have left except I was with people and I wasn't the person who drove the car. Prunepicker 10-29-2013, 10:17 PM I've walked out on several movies. It's been years since I've been to one because for me the cost per entertainment value isn't worth the money or the time. I think Phantom of the Opera was the last one I attended and it was in the Capri at Harkin. Mike_M 10-30-2013, 01:19 PM Spiderman 3 Stan Silliman 10-30-2013, 07:53 PM Boxing Helena American Psycho I'm ashamed to have paid money on both the above. Now, going back a few years, since it is Halloween I'd submit "The Tingler" a William Castle, Vincent Price scare fest with a cheesy special effect whereby the audience was given electric shocks when the Tingler escaped from the screen. Richard at Remax 10-30-2013, 10:12 PM I finally found out a few years ago why my father never let me watch Boxing Helena as a kid. Just weird and disturbing. sgt. pepper 10-31-2013, 09:47 AM Bad remakes: The Flight of the Phoenix, Arthur, The Pink Panther, The Longest Yard, Clash of the Titans Bad sequels: Major League, Jaws, The Santa Clause, Grown Ups. I liked all the Santa Clause movies, Tim Allen need to make another one or two. Mel 10-31-2013, 02:32 PM Boxing Helena American Psycho I'm ashamed to have paid money on both the above. Now, going back a few years, since it is Halloween I'd submit "The Tingler" a William Castle, Vincent Price scare fest with a cheesy special effect whereby the audience was given electric shocks when the Tingler escaped from the screen. I like the fact that around Halloween they show old scary movies that use to scare the cheese and crackers out of me and now fun to giggle at. The Colossus of New York was scary in '58 but sooo cheesey now. Prunepicker 10-31-2013, 03:28 PM I noticed that one station is showing Alfred Hitchcock Presents all day. What does Hitch have to do with horror? ljbab728 10-31-2013, 08:41 PM I noticed that one station is showing Alfred Hitchcock Presents all day. What does Hitch have to do with horror? I assume you're kidding? Pete 10-31-2013, 09:06 PM The Birds is one of the scariest movies of all time! Martin 10-31-2013, 09:21 PM hitchcock was a genius... the trailer for psycho is one of my all-time favorites. if i had to guess, pp is hinting that hitchcock's genre is technically 'suspense' and not 'horror.' -M ljbab728 10-31-2013, 09:24 PM hitchcock was a genius... the trailer for psycho is one of my all-time favorites. if i had to guess, pp is hinting that hitchcock's genre is technically 'suspense' and not 'horror.' -M Well, his movies involved real life people instead of monsters or aliens but they could certainly instill horror. Rear Window is another good example. Martin 10-31-2013, 09:30 PM Well, his movies involved real life people instead of monsters or aliens but they could certainly instill horror. Rear Window is another good example. granted, it's splitting hairs... horror movies depend more on the grotesque to shock their audiences. suspense movies rely more on tension and surprise to do the same thing. -M Prunepicker 10-31-2013, 09:31 PM ... if i had to guess, pp is hinting that hitchcock's genre is technically 'suspense' and not 'horror.' -M Correct! RadicalModerate 11-01-2013, 05:58 AM But . . . but . . . what about "The Birds"? and "Psycho"? I think those crossed the line from "suspense" into "horror" . . . (i'd never seen anyone with their eyes pecked out before. seemed pretty horrible to me.) (so did keeping a corpse in the root cellar. to this very day when anyone says "root cellar" i think of that scene. sometimes they can just say "root . . ." and i think, "i sure hope they don't add 'cellar'". this made taking certain math classes a living hell: "what is the square root" . . . yikes/cringe.) (sorry. I cited The Birds before I read Pete's comment) Stan Silliman 11-01-2013, 01:33 PM The Birds is one of the scariest movies of all time! Every evening about sundown the grackles gather at 36th and Robinson in Norman, take up all the spaces on the high wire poles and sing about the sunset. I'd estimate 3-4000 birds in the group and many of them are brazen enough to go the ground and gather in the parking spaces at CVS. Each week more join their party and it feels like a scene from "The Birds". I keep expecting some CVS customer will be pecked to death when he tries making it to his car. My feeling is the birds have been watching and have had enough of us. It's not so bad we steal their babies, eat their eggs, chop them up and dip them in hot fryers. I think they're used to that. It's what we've been doing lately that's pizzing them off. We've been stealing their language, called tweeting, unapologetically. Then, to add insult to injury, we've been celebrating a group of bearded guys who became millionaires from duck mating calls. This may be the last straw for the birds. The Dynasty guys become national heroes and they're doing it by convincing mallards they're going to get laid. There's nothing that irritates birds more than hearing about a buddy who bought it when thought he was going to get some but it turns out a redneck with a shotgun hiding behind a duck blind. "The last thing Donald remembered was Daisy telling him she no longer had a headache. Then he buys it because it's really Joe Bob pretending to be Daisy." Yeah, it won't be long before "The Birds" come home to roost. |