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10-18-2013, 07:03 AM
This reminds me a lot of the Legends area in Kansas City, with the retail, movie theater, water fall, some restaurants. The stores in this just won't be in a outlet mall format. But there is a lot of similarities.

We are just missing the race track and casino. You could mention the Great Wolf Lodge too.

Don't forget a top flight soccer stadium as well.

10-18-2013, 08:03 AM
Yes, Chesepeake had to beg and pay Whole Foods to open up here and while Tulsa has opened up another Whole Foods, OKC is still waiting on their second location. Tulsa got The Fresh Market before us. They look at OKC, look at our statistics and demographics and tend to pass over us. We have been well overdue for many new retail. Walmart still owns some absurd ammount of the grocery share. A few major more upscale retail moves in and they have done well, I would expect more for a city of this magnitude. Perhaos a downtown upscale shopping and better grocery stores. This suburban stuff is nice but lets be real here. OKc still has a ways to catch up.

I am however thrilled that Costco is coming. I will be more thrilled when they officially make an announcement. Crate and Barrel is also coming according to Pete, which is really nice. I hope trader joes comes and I also hope OKC continues to attract more upscale retail. I am really excited at what has happened recently and hope it continues.

I agree with this for the most part. It all goes back to the fact upscale retailers look for not just wealth but density. In OKC, the wealth is here but very spread out compared to Tulsa where it is concentrated in one part of town. That is historically why Tulsa has got all the good retail while OKC has been passed up. I never would have guessed that OKC would end up getting Costco prior to Tulsa. If it does end up happening, its going to be an excellent sign for our city. H&M is also a huge catch for this city.

In terms of grocery stores, the real problem is there are no national chains, all of the major ones having been run out by Wal-Mart. If Tulsa wasn't lucky enough to have an outstanding chain like Reasor's in their market, they would have almost the same situation that OKC has.

10-18-2013, 08:05 AM
I will point out that already two things I reported on -- Main Event and the healthplex -- have been confirmed in just the last two days.

I also understand that Cabela's has put out at least an internal company communication about coming to OKC.

Many times, when we break information like this it forces the various parties involved to come out with official statements, including OPUBCO itself, which called a rushed employee meeting after we were the first to report that their properties had been sold to American Fidelity.

I will also say that Steve is making a bunch of allegations and assumptions without even contacting me, and we talk relatively frequently. He assumed that we got all this off the Chisholm Creek website, which we absolutely did not. As I stated in the very first line in the very first post on this thread, this information came from trusted sources in real estate, construction and economic development and I knew most of this for some time and waited to post it until I heard the same thing from several people. And since the first post I HAVE been in communication with the Chisholm Creek people.

I stand by the track record of the things we have first reported on this site.

And BTW, the Oklahoman and other traditional journalists report things all the time that never come to pass. If we all want to wait until something actually opens for business, there wouldn't be much need for reporting at all.

My criticism was aimed at the TV report, not at this site. I had a couple of tweets that were not well worded, shouldn't have combined "chat site" with the TV report, and I've withdrawn those.

10-18-2013, 08:09 AM
He (Steve) made about 10 tweets tonight trying to discredit what was in the original post.

I do trust Steve as a journalist but I don't see what he was doing as any different than several of the people on this forum do.

Wow. This is very interesting. I'll be a cynic until dirt is turned, but if it does come about, I'll be thrilled.

I agree. I am not going to bank on this project happening until the ground is turned. If it ends up happening, I'll be very thrilled.

I agree with this. If this were any other city, I would say the project is inevitable, but given the history of retail developments here I can't help but have doubts. If this actually turns out as planned, then it will signal a HUGE shift in OKC's retail development history and set the bar much higher for future developments.

I am not slamming OKC as a whole, but you have to admit solid retail developments haven't been a strong point of this city in recent decades especially compared to others its size. The only thing recent I can think of that hasn't been scaled down/cheapened unrecognizably is the outlet mall. If this development gets built as proposed, that is going to signal a huge turning point for this city.

Pretty hesitant to believe Costco and Crate and Barrel will come knowing the history of retail in this city. Those are nice stores for here. It's long over due though.

Agree with this.

As much as I love this concept and think OKC is way overdue for such a district, I too have my doubts. I've heard for years that Costco would love to come to OKC, but the liquor laws are what keep them from pulling the trigger. Until we see real change to those laws, I doubt they'll make that move.

I have watched this thread grow, and I'm still learning about this project, but it looks to be another strip mall letdown. This wreaks of University North Park.

I hope this turns out to be OKC's first true lifestyle center..with these incredible retailers, they should go back to the drawing board and re-plan this development. This should be done right; give us something that will be an OKC landmark for decades to come.

Not another Mayfair Village or Belle Isle or other faded strip malls.

Not defending Steve in any way, but there are plenty of other people who are curious if the whole plan will come to fruition.

10-18-2013, 08:13 AM
This was the tweet that got things started:
Amazed to see a TV report tonight on a "rumored" development in NW OKC based on a website & talk on an online forum. Rumors only...

Now, I understand where Pete might get upset with the "rumors only ..." part. I could be interpreted as saying his info was "rumors only." That was not my intent. Pete is very well connected in real estate and I've always respected his work. Again, wording could have been better, and I mixed in "chat site" when I shouldn't have. But this TV report - it was literally based on rumors and the website - no actual reporting. Be upset with the TV guy who ripped Pete off....

10-18-2013, 08:38 AM
Yea I don't understand how the TV stations pulled information from OKCTalk and even displayed the images that were created here... I didn't hear credit given unless I just missed it?

10-18-2013, 09:13 AM
So did we get many new registered users from the influx of visitors yesterday?

10-18-2013, 09:19 AM
I'll address the reporting, twitter comments and site activity in another thread.

Let's please keep this about the retailers and developments in the original post.


10-18-2013, 09:22 AM
It's easier said then done. Housing laws prevent drastic increases in rent. I think the most they go up is $25-$50 at each lease renewal. To get the $50 they have to make upgrade to your unit and/or the property itself. The only way I have ever seen complexes cleaned up is for the property manager or company to shut down the complex as a whole, remodel and reopen.

Yep, I renewed my lease where I live and it only went up $13. They haven't made any additional improvements to my unit since before I moved in but I assume the rate increase is due to improvements to the overall property.

10-18-2013, 09:25 AM
My apologies for mixing in the forum with my comments at the TV station. I looked back at my tweets and I could have worded them better. My real intent was to show how flimsy the TV report was, and to address questions as to whether this is happening. According to my sources, much of this is not done yet, most notably the Costco. I'm not trying to take issue with the info posted by Pete; it was the TV report that was truly based on nothing.

10-18-2013, 09:26 AM
I'll address the reporting, twitter comments and site activity in another thread.

Let's please keep this about the retailers and developments in the original post.


Thanks Pete for all that you do. Any idea when they could break ground on the basic developments on this division? I work in the banking industry and I know smaller housing developments can take up to a year to clear the land, surveys, drainage, streets, sidewalks and everything that goes with that.

10-18-2013, 09:31 AM
As I stated earlier, I've heard Chisholm Creek is working with a large architecture and engineering firm in Dallas to get this whole thing on the fast track.

I'm sure they will start with the healthplex and a couple of the larger anchors but will need to think through the entire site (entrances, roads, drainage, etc.) at the outset.

10-18-2013, 09:38 AM
Pete, any idea on when Main Event will start turning dirt?

Also, what's your percentage chance of the Cabelas thing really happening? I told my dad and he was shocked. He thought Cabelas is just going to shut down Bass Pro but I told him that BP is more of a tourist thing and I think they will both keep bringing money into the city.

10-18-2013, 09:40 AM
Pete, any idea on when Main Event will start turning dirt?

Building permit applied for yesterday...

Their site is vacant land so they could get started any time.

10-18-2013, 09:43 AM
Building permit applied for yesterday...

Their site is vacant land so they could get started any time.

I'm quite excited for that place. Are Main Events generally like Dave & Busters where after a certain time, say 9pm, it's 21 and up to enter?

10-18-2013, 09:49 AM
It's easier said then done. Housing laws prevent drastic increases in rent. I think the most they go up is $25-$50 at each lease renewal. To get the $50 they have to make upgrade to your unit and/or the property itself. The only way I have ever seen complexes cleaned up is for the property manager or company to shut down the complex as a whole, remodel and reopen.

And the chances of them re-modeling when there's about 10 different fairly new apartment complexes along May and Penn is slim. Granted, if this development gets off the ground one of the apartment sets probably will get snatched up and rebuilt just so you can walk straight to this entertainment district. I'm staring at you, little apartments across from Freddie's on Penn.

Mr. Cotter
10-18-2013, 10:08 AM
I'm quite excited for that place. Are Main Events generally like Dave & Busters where after a certain time, say 9pm, it's 21 and up to enter?

Unless they have changed since I lived in Dallas, they stay family friendly all night. Locations will also close early for certain private events, such as "lockins" or parties.

10-18-2013, 10:10 AM
Quote from Steve from the live chat:

Yes, premature speculation, right or wrong, can hurt deals. I've seen it happen. So that makes my job all the more challenging. Likewise, some developers will use media to hype projects that are far more show than substance. At this point, quite honestly, Pete Brzycki, operator of OKC Talk, is one of the leading sources of solid real estate news that I take very seriously. There was a TV report last night I considered to be pretty flimsy, and I made some tweets last night that unfortunately (and partially due to my own clumsy wording) indicated I was critical of the information being put out by Pete. So for that, I sincerely apologize. This question you ask, I realize, is based on that discussion.

10-18-2013, 01:28 PM
From the TopGolf Facebook page (

Hi friends, we have had some inquiries this week about the status of TopGolf in Oklahoma. We just wanted you to know that the TopGolf team has visited Oklahoma City to meet with some developers and city officials. We are still actively evaluating sites for a potential location, and we will keep you posted on any progress. We remain excited to explore our options in Oklahoma!

10-18-2013, 02:51 PM
So, no Rainforest Cafe or T-Rex Restaurant on the horizon?

10-18-2013, 03:23 PM
So, no Rainforest Cafe or T-Rex Restaurant on the horizon?

I guess I missed a lot of things when was a rumor of a rainforest café?

10-18-2013, 03:37 PM
I guess I missed a lot of things when was a rumor of a rainforest café?

Yeah, if there is one thing I just don't see OKC ever getting is a rainforest cafe.

Denver, Indianapolis, St. Louis, New York and Atlanta don't even have one.

10-18-2013, 03:39 PM
One restaurant I would like to see in this development is Cheddar's. The Midwest City and Norman locations have done well. I think Cheddar's would be a great one for this area.

10-18-2013, 03:40 PM
got my hopes up. I really wish there was a family fun themed eating place in okc

10-18-2013, 03:41 PM
Given I am from Ohio and also lived for 7 years in Indianapolis, I am very excited for Costco. I would also love to see Meijer come to OKC, but that will not happen.

10-18-2013, 06:55 PM
Remember the long rumored Warren Theatre planned to be built west of here? It wouldn't surprise me to see that resurrected and put here.

Something that hasn't been discussed but would be cool is an Alamo Draft House. That would do well in this area.

10-18-2013, 08:22 PM
For the record, this project was planned back in the 2000's as Quail Springs Shoppes. Never happened, partly due to the recession.

I've looked at the drawings and I can't see why everyone is so excited? It's another mammoth large surburban strip center with seas of surface parking, some areas of office space and some apartment space. It's not like it's going to be a dense multilevel lifestyle center. This isn't going to be any different than what we already have west of Penn. Only difference is that this will be anchored by a Costco and Cabellas. But nothing different than what we have at Memorial and May Ave.

10-18-2013, 08:30 PM
got my hopes up. I really wish there was a family fun themed eating place in okc


10-18-2013, 08:58 PM
Ross Dress for Less? TJMAXX and More? Mega Marshall's? Menards? Academy Sports and Outdoors? Ron John Surf Shop? Bealls? Albertsons back? Sports Authority? Grander Mountain? Dillion's? Hy-Vee or Price Chopper this far? Sprouts or Fresh Market? HHGREGG? Shopko? Tilly's? Five Below? Versona? Trader Joe's? Johhny Mac's? Gordman's? Steinmart? Kohl's? Burlington Coat Factory? Books A Million? Ozarkland? BJ's Wearhouse? Nebraska Furniture Mart that's in Omaha and KCK by Legends?

Smokey Bones? B. Breeze? Potbelly? Burgerfi? Zauby's? Milo's Sandwich Shop? huddle House? Bojangles? East Coast Subs? Jack in the Box? Quacker State Bar and Grill? Famous Daves? Rib Crib? Pizza Ranch? Dunkin Donuts? Runza? Bandana's BBQ? Rally's? Dan Marino Tavern?

In general a Link to Pad Sites approved as of today.

10-18-2013, 08:58 PM
One restaurant I would like to see in this development is Cheddar's. The Midwest City and Norman locations have done well. I think Cheddar's would be a great one for this area.

After eating at a Cheddar's once and having a two-inch long cockroach walk across my table I don't think I'll ever be eating at another one again.

10-18-2013, 09:04 PM
Ross Dress for Less? TJMAXX and More? Mega Marshall's? Menards? Academy Sports and Outdoors? Ron John Surf Shop? Bealls? Albertsons back? Sports Authority? Grander Mountain? Dillion's? Hy-Vee or Price Chopper this far? Sprouts or Fresh Market? HHGREGG? Shopko? Tilly's? Five Below? Versona? Trader Joe's? Johhny Mac's? Gordman's? Steinmart? Kohl's? Burlington Coat Factory? Books A Million? Ozarkland? BJ's Wearhouse? Nebraska Furniture Mart that's in Omaha and KCK by Legends?

Smokey Bones? B. Breeze? Potbelly? Burgerfi? Zauby's? Milo's Sandwich Shop? huddle House? Bojangles? East Coast Subs? Jack in the Box? Quacker State Bar and Grill? Famous Daves? Rib Crib? Pizza Ranch? Dunkin Donuts? Runza? Bandana's BBQ? Rally's? Dan Marino Tavern?

In general a Link to Pad Sites approved as of today.

Some of those, specifically Bojangles, Albertsons, and Hy-Vee I don't see ever opening in OKC.

HHGregg isn't that far away so its not unthinkable. A lot of stuff you listed though is just not going to happen.

10-18-2013, 09:16 PM
Albertsons actually used to have a decent number of stores at one time.

10-18-2013, 09:20 PM

gattitown isnt like a rainforest cafe. I still wish we had molly murphys

10-18-2013, 09:24 PM
Looks like the Retail Endeavors Group connected with this development had these plans under a different name. Retail Endeavors Group :: The Collection at Quail Springs Ranch (

I've been telling everyone I know that an entertainment/retail space is sorely needed to retain more of my generation versus watching everyone take flight to Dallas and such so it's interesting to see that idea validated by what appears to be a lot of investment money.

Glad I was able to view the link yesterday because it is now gone.

10-18-2013, 09:25 PM
After eating at a Cheddar's once and having a two-inch long cockroach walk across my table I don't think I'll ever be eating at another one again.

We eat at Cheddars in Norman regularly. Good food. Good prices. Very clean. Next time, leave your cockroach at home.

10-18-2013, 09:27 PM
We eat at Cheddars in Norman regularly. Good food. Good prices. Very clean. Next time, leave your cockroach at home.

Yep. Great food and have not had any issues.

10-18-2013, 09:31 PM
After eating at a Cheddar's once and having a two-inch long cockroach walk across my table I don't think I'll ever be eating at another one again.

Can happen anywhere really...Had one at Ted's a few years back...Just flicked it off the table and had another chip

10-18-2013, 09:32 PM
Can happen anywhere really...Had one at Ted's a few years back...Just flicked off the table and had another chip

Next time tell the'll get free food out of it!

10-18-2013, 10:28 PM
Next time tell the'll get free food out of it!

And the next diner in line will be more than happy to pay the elevated prices to make up for the comps.

10-18-2013, 10:33 PM
gattitown isnt like a rainforest cafe. I still wish we had molly murphys

If you had ever been back in the "operating" kitchen at Molly Murphy's, say, for example, measuring for a new paint job estimate--including prep--you might be less than enthusiastic about your wishes in that direction.

I wore out three (pre-digital) tape measures due to excess grease buildup on the floors and walls and almost filed a Worker's Comp Claim from tripping over ancient rat traps and droppings.

I guess Mr. Tayar had more than enough grease to go around to stay in business for so long.

Don't get me wrong . . . It was fun . . . yet . . . That was then and this is now.

I simply hope that The City will actually address the surrounding traffic-flow considerations associated with this splendid proposed development in an effective manner before any "dirt is turned" as the virtual satellite viewers of the proposed project seem to be so fond of saying.

10-18-2013, 10:38 PM
Yes most of those Department Stores mentioned either don't have a location in OKC or not in thst area. KS city will would get a HHGREGG before OK does same with a regular Shopko. The nearest Hy-Vee is Springfield,MO same with Menards but Witchta,KS is closer.

10-18-2013, 10:50 PM
Something that hasn't been discussed but would be cool is an Alamo Draft House. That would do well in this area.
I think it would do well there, that was the only place we went to movies in Austin. Went to see Rush at the new one in Littleton a few weeks ago. Madonna has even been banned from the chain for texting at the NYC location. They are in franchising mode now.

gattitown isnt like a rainforest cafe. I still wish we had molly murphys
How about the restaurant that Molly Murphy's was copied from, Magic Tim Machine ( in Dallas and San Antonio, the one in Austin closed about the time I moved there (2003). I worked with the architect who did Molly Murphy's and TaMolly's, he made many trips down to the MTM locations to get the design concept down.

10-18-2013, 11:40 PM
A lot of good stuff up there. Should do well. Won't do much for me, since I never drive to that side of town anymore...and haven't been up there in probably 7-8 years. Still it gets these folks in the door for the area which is good overall.

10-18-2013, 11:53 PM
And the next diner in line will be more than happy to pay the elevated prices to make up for the comps.

If it happens often enough to drastically increase comps, then the restaurant probably isn't going to make it ;)

10-19-2013, 12:27 AM
From Brianna at the Oklahoman.

Retail, entertainment, more planned for development off Kilpatrick Turnpike in Oklahoma City | News OK (

10-19-2013, 01:15 AM
If it happens often enough to drastically increase comps, then the restaurant probably isn't going to make it ;)

I suppose that I was overly focused on the Yin rather than the Yang side of the situation.
So you are probably right.

Perhaps noted local medium, Brianna of The Oklahoman, could tell us for sure.

Perhaps she even has some ethereal vibes along the lines of traffic snarls and drainage concerns.

10-19-2013, 07:35 AM shoes no Panera Bread or so yet. Will have High End Retailers.

10-19-2013, 07:57 AM
A lot of good stuff up there. Should do well. Won't do much for me, since I never drive to that side of town anymore...and haven't been up there in probably 7-8 years. Still it gets these folks in the door for the area which is good overall.

We already have one these on our side of town, it's called UNP in

10-19-2013, 08:19 AM shoes no Panera Bread or so yet. Will have High End Retailers.

We shall see. I've heard that before but maybe we're finally interesting enough to attract higher end retail. I know Anthropologie is knocking it out of the park so perhaps word has gotten around.

10-19-2013, 09:35 AM
I am very impressed with the plans for this shopping center and hope it actually gets built as planned. This is actually very similar in style to a lot of the shopping centers in South Charlotte. If done right, hopefully it will bring the standard in this city to the next level for future developments as well.

10-19-2013, 09:49 AM
The COSTCO store I still think is PIE in the SKY. OKLAHOMA has its restrictive PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR and ALCOHOL laws that would probably impact a good 10-40% of COSTCO's revenue as compared to a store in North TEXAS. The only thing I could see happening is maybe a smaller footprint of a store may the their concept in this case

The rest of everything I see looks like a developer based here in TX just slammed onto a map. CABELAS came to NTX with a bunch on incentives (tax credits) and I think they have learned finally how to re-jigger a store to suit the SW US. No RESTAURANT, Go Easy on the THERMAL and CAMPING GEAR and blow out half or more of the store to GUNS and AMMO and the other HALF to BOATS and FISHING (just another Bass Pro if you ask).

H&M is foreign and caters to the body type of XS-L There is no XL or above. Something that the normal American Bodytype is not. We love our processed food sitting in front of the TV. Definitely not the European body type nor activity style.

The ACTIVITY based concepts - Bowling, Golf. They may have a chance. But look around there is already an AMF lanes on Penn between Hefner and 122. All the Putt Putt or Incedible Pizza locations with miniature were geared to family and they are gone. OKLAHOMA has its 'near beer' and for these establishments to cater to the $money$ they will need to shun the family and shoot for the single and couples and professionals. The last thing someone who wants to get their 'buzz on' and is to hear a screaming kid(s) that are terrorizing a place!

Surprised that IKEA and NEBRASKA FURNITURE MART are shown. But then again that would steal thunder for all the OK folk who trek to N.TX for the weekend

10-19-2013, 11:01 AM
Glad I was able to view the link yesterday because it is now gone.

Quail Springs Ranch...that's what the same planned development was called in the 2000's. This has all been planned for some time but then the recession of 2008 occurred.

10-19-2013, 11:30 AM
The COSTCO store I still think is PIE in the SKY. OKLAHOMA has its restrictive PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR and ALCOHOL laws that would probably impact a good 10-40% of COSTCO's revenue as compared to a store in North TEXAS. The only thing I could see happening is maybe a smaller footprint of a store may the their concept in this case

Welcome to the forum.

Costco has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for that location and it will be a typical sized store.

They operate in plenty of other places with similar restrictions.

10-19-2013, 11:43 AM
Welcome to the forum.

Costco has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for that location and it will be a typical sized store.

They operate in plenty of other places with similar restrictions.

I can definitely understand people having doubts about this project. Oklahoma, and OKC in particular has been snubbed at by the more popular national retailers for decades. If everything actually sets up shop that has been mentioned here, it will be an incredible break from the status quo in this city.

10-19-2013, 11:50 AM
The only way that this project should be approved is if The Developers are forced to make it an exact replica of Bricktown. This would include water taxis on what used to be Chisholm Creek.

If this is the Prime Design Directive--in conjunction with cobblestone streets and no vehicular traffic other than horse-drawn carriages and some version of rickshaws or pedal cabs, of course--the development could be considered to be a cutting-edge example of Instant Old Urbanization and Infill, rather than Traffic Congestion, Sprawl and Watershed Erosion Encouragement.

The other benefit of this would be the easing of traffic and parking in downtown OKC since urban fringe people (formerly known as "suburbanites") wouldn't have to drive there to experience Bricktown thereby facilitating the ambiance that should be associated with gentrification. Which is a good thing, btw.

10-19-2013, 12:37 PM
The COSTCO store I still think is PIE in the SKY. OKLAHOMA has its restrictive PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR and ALCOHOL laws that would probably impact a good 10-40% of COSTCO's revenue as compared to a store in North TEXAS. The only thing I could see happening is maybe a smaller footprint of a store may the their concept in this case

The rest of everything I see looks like a developer based here in TX just slammed onto a map. CABELAS came to NTX with a bunch on incentives (tax credits) and I think they have learned finally how to re-jigger a store to suit the SW US. No RESTAURANT, Go Easy on the THERMAL and CAMPING GEAR and blow out half or more of the store to GUNS and AMMO and the other HALF to BOATS and FISHING (just another Bass Pro if you ask).

H&M is foreign and caters to the body type of XS-L There is no XL or above. Something that the normal American Bodytype is not. We love our processed food sitting in front of the TV. Definitely not the European body type nor activity style.

The ACTIVITY based concepts - Bowling, Golf. They may have a chance. But look around there is already an AMF lanes on Penn between Hefner and 122. All the Putt Putt or Incedible Pizza locations with miniature were geared to family and they are gone. OKLAHOMA has its 'near beer' and for these establishments to cater to the $money$ they will need to shun the family and shoot for the single and couples and professionals. The last thing someone who wants to get their 'buzz on' and is to hear a screaming kid(s) that are terrorizing a place!

Surprised that IKEA and NEBRASKA FURNITURE MART are shown. But then again that would steal thunder for all the OK folk who trek to N.TX for the weekend

Well good morning, Miss Sunshine.

10-19-2013, 12:40 PM
I can definitely understand people having doubts about this project. Oklahoma, and OKC in particular has been snubbed at by the more popular national retailers for decades. If everything actually sets up shop that has been mentioned here, it will be an incredible break from the status quo in this city.

We've already seen some of those breaks: Anthropologie, Whole Foods, an NBA team, etc. OKC is one of the hottest markets in the US economically, and it's one of the fastest growing cities in the US. Why should it surprise you that investors are noticing this well-publicized five-year phenomenon?

I know you mean well but your concern trolling is laughable.

10-19-2013, 12:53 PM
The COSTCO store I still think is PIE in the SKY. OKLAHOMA has its restrictive PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR and ALCOHOL laws that would probably impact a good 10-40% of COSTCO's revenue as compared to a store in North TEXAS. The only thing I could see happening is maybe a smaller footprint of a store may the their concept in this case

The rest of everything I see looks like a developer based here in TX just slammed onto a map. CABELAS came to NTX with a bunch on incentives (tax credits) and I think they have learned finally how to re-jigger a store to suit the SW US. No RESTAURANT, Go Easy on the THERMAL and CAMPING GEAR and blow out half or more of the store to GUNS and AMMO and the other HALF to BOATS and FISHING (just another Bass Pro if you ask).

H&M is foreign and caters to the body type of XS-L There is no XL or above. Something that the normal American Bodytype is not. We love our processed food sitting in front of the TV. Definitely not the European body type nor activity style.

The ACTIVITY based concepts - Bowling, Golf. They may have a chance. But look around there is already an AMF lanes on Penn between Hefner and 122. All the Putt Putt or Incedible Pizza locations with miniature were geared to family and they are gone. OKLAHOMA has its 'near beer' and for these establishments to cater to the $money$ they will need to shun the family and shoot for the single and couples and professionals. The last thing someone who wants to get their 'buzz on' and is to hear a screaming kid(s) that are terrorizing a place!

Surprised that IKEA and NEBRASKA FURNITURE MART are shown. But then again that would steal thunder for all the OK folk who trek to N.TX for the weekend

I think you have completely missed the demographic that shops at H & M. As a dad of two school age daughters I can assure you that you have.

Also low point beer has zero to do with any of this

10-19-2013, 12:54 PM
BTW, wine, spirits and beer account for only 3% of Costco overall sales; nothing like 10-40%.


Also, there are plenty of locations that have separate-entry liquor stores attached to the larger warehouse, including at least five in Colorado.

Optical is certainly a minuscule percentage.

10-19-2013, 02:12 PM
I think you have completely missed the demographic that shops at H & M. As a dad of two school age daughters I can assure you that you have.

Also low point beer has zero to do with any of this

I've recently visited H&M stores in New York and Madrid and the stores carried XL in both. Not sure what this poster's agenda is, but he seems to be an angry Texan, probably upset that there will be fewer and fewer reasons for OKC residents to visit Dallas to shop.