10-15-2013, 06:15 AM
I live in an older home and have become curious to its history. Anyone know where to go to find old pics, previous owners, etc.?
View Full Version : House history okcboomer 10-15-2013, 06:15 AM I live in an older home and have become curious to its history. Anyone know where to go to find old pics, previous owners, etc.? ctchandler 10-15-2013, 07:03 AM Okcboomer, No old pictures, but this link to the Oklahoma County Assessor's web page will show you a few owners, but I think it's only back to the early 80's. Anyway, worth a look. C. T. Oklahoma County - Home (http://www.oklahomacounty.org/) SoonerDave 10-15-2013, 07:07 AM Just an idea, but you might try to find what's called the "abstract" for the property that, at least in theory, documents all transactions pertaining to the property dating back (again, theoretically) to the inception of the property itself. Sometimes that's held with the county, sometimes (although rarely, I think) the owner has it, but its something usually used to research and confirm clear title to the property when its sold, so it should have lots of good information. For older properties, the abstract can be rather huge... KenRagsdale 10-15-2013, 07:13 AM The abstract should carry the owners' names back to the patent. Contact the title company in which you closed escrow for the property for the abstract's whereabouts. Martin 10-15-2013, 07:15 AM yeah... the abstract will tell you pretty much everything about the property. it probably includes a sketch of the property boundaries and maybe one of the floorplan of any structures, however I'm pretty certain you won't get any pictures. -M Mr. Cotter 10-16-2013, 12:35 PM In addition to the title record of your home, try searching your address and known occupants in the Oklahoman Archives (http://archive.newsok.com/Default/Skins/Oklahoman/Client.asp?skin=Oklahoman&AW=1381948310507&AppName=2). I found marriage announcements, information about a child's piano recital, rental and sale add in the real estate section, and business articles about a long time resident of my home. Prunepicker 10-20-2013, 09:59 PM Okcboomer, No old pictures, but this link to the Oklahoma County Assessor's web page will show you a few owners, but I think it's only back to the early 80's. Anyway, worth a look. C. T. Oklahoma County - Home (http://www.oklahomacounty.org/) Where is that info on this site? rezman 10-21-2013, 04:59 AM After my dad moved down here from Chicago back in the late 50's to ultimately help open, and then work at the new Western Electric plant on Reno & Council, he first built a house for our family in the area of 58th & Portland. This was around 1959. Then, in 1962 he built us another home over in Warr Acres by 47th & State. After he passed, he left us boxes of slides that he took throughout the late 40's to the mid 70's. Amongst those slides are many images taken of both houses as they were being built, and after as they looked brand new, in their new neighborhoods. For some time now, I thought it would be really cool to print off those photos, and send them to the current owners of those properties so they can see them as they were being built. ctchandler 10-21-2013, 12:01 PM Prunepicker, I don't understand your question. If it's the link, it's 2 lines below my signature "C. T." and labeled "Oklahoma County - Home". C. T. Where is that info on this site? Prunepicker 10-21-2013, 05:52 PM Prunepicker, I don't understand your question. If it's the link, it's 2 lines below my signature "C. T." and labeled "Oklahoma County - Home". C. T. The link 2 lines below your signature took me to the County Home site. Home history was nowhere to be found. ctchandler 10-21-2013, 06:08 PM Prunepicker, That's the site, it's not history, just a list of owners of a property. And even that only goes back so far. C. T. Prunepicker 10-21-2013, 06:44 PM Prunepicker, That's the site, it's not history, just a list of owners of a property. And even that only goes back so far. C. T. So far, so bad. Thanx. okcboomer 10-22-2013, 02:03 PM Thanks everyone for the info. Wish I could find more pics though. okcboomer 10-22-2013, 02:04 PM After my dad moved down here from Chicago back in the late 50's to ultimately help open, and then work at the new Western Electric plant on Reno & Council, he first built a house for our family in the area of 58th & Portland. This was around 1959. Then, in 1962 he built us another home over in Warr Acres by 47th & State. After he passed, he left us boxes of slides that he took throughout the late 40's to the mid 70's. Amongst those slides are many images taken of both houses as they were being built, and after as they looked brand new, in their new neighborhoods. For some time now, I thought it would be really cool to print off those photos, and send them to the current owners of those properties so they can see them as they were being built. Bet they would love that. Great idea. |