View Full Version : Chameleon Room

10-01-2013, 03:56 PM
I know this venue is tucked back into a shopping center just north of 30th and Portland, but man this place is bringing in a lot of rock/metal acts. A lot of these bands are playing Trees in Dallas the night before or the night after so the popularity of that type of music is obviously working in OKC. Oddly enough, they do not have a website for all the upcoming shows, just a facebook page so here is the lineup I got from

Wed 10/02/13
Ill Nino
Sunflower Dead

Mon 10/07/13
One-eyed Doll
Evolution Now!

Thu 10/10/13
L.A. Guns Feat. Steve Riley & Phil Lewis

Sat 10/12/13
Dying Fetus
Waking The Cadaver

Sun 10/13/13
Kip Winger

Sun 10/20/13
The Browning
This Or The Apocalypse
Honour Crest
Tear Out The Heart
Myka, Relocate

Thu 10/24/13
Diamond Head

Fri 10/25/13
Broken Hope

Sat 10/26/13
Death Angel
3 Inches of Blood
Diamond Plate

Sun 10/27/13

Sun 11/03/13
New Years Day
Stolen Babies

Wed 11/13/13
Boy Hits Car

Wed 11/20/13

Wed 11/27/13

Wed 12/04/13
White Light Cemetary

This summer Buckcherry, Enuffznuff, Smile Empty Soul, Fear Factory and Powerman 5000 (those are the ones I recognized) all played seperate shows there. I would like to see this place, the Diamond Ballroom and The Conservatory keep uping their game on musical acts they are bringing in. I would think this would increase the popularity of the Farmer's Market as a larger venue at the same time.

10-01-2013, 06:59 PM
I actually saw Soulfly perform at Ozzfest 98 in Kansas City.

The problem with the Farmer's Market, is they tend to use it more often than not as a wedding venue. I guess if shows are willing to pay more to use it than wedding parties, that will change.

Stan Silliman
10-02-2013, 09:20 PM
Lots of popular bands. Various cover charges. The Ill Nino show, I think, is $ 17. I know they're higher at other venues in other towns.

Also, the Chameleon Room has a lounge near the entrance call Leon's Lounge with occasional free shows.
I'm in one of those, a comedy show, on Friday. Great line up, no cover.
Here's the facebook invite:

Leon's Lounge Comedy (

White Peacock
10-10-2013, 06:27 PM
I can't find any confirmation elsewhere that Deicide will be part of that Broken Hope show; the final Deicide date I can find anywhere is 10/24. Ticketstorm shows it as only a Broken Hope/Disgorge/Necronomicon show. Lack of Deicide would certainly change the dynamics of my interest in the gig.

10-11-2013, 06:27 AM
Steven Wright went to the Cameleon Room once. He thought he was there all by himself because everyone who had arrived before him had blended into the background.

"Kip Winger" on 10/13 . . . THAT sounds like one worth checking out.

Why, I'd be willing to walk over piles of the Abiotic Exhumed and even push aside the Dying Fetus Waking The Cadaver to hear his mastery of the guitar.

10-11-2013, 07:10 AM
I can't find any confirmation elsewhere that Deicide will be part of that Broken Hope show; the final Deicide date I can find anywhere is 10/24. Ticketstorm shows it as only a Broken Hope/Disgorge/Necronomicon show. Lack of Deicide would certainly change the dynamics of my interest in the gig.

Here is the link to the pollstar website:

Chameleon Room Tour Dates | Pollstar (

They don't do the best job at promoting their shows but I just saw on ticketstorm that the Chameleon Room added Static-X on 12/9 and Saving Abel on 12/12. So, they are doing a great job of getting the bands in, it's just that I don't see any promotion unless I look for it.

Stan Silliman
02-04-2014, 04:16 PM
I'm in another show at this spot. It is supposed to be warmer (relatively) Friday.

Leon's Lounge 9:30 Friday (