View Full Version : Brain scans find porn addiction

09-21-2013, 09:18 PM
Please, this article doesn't reveal that anyone is born with a porn

From The Sunday Times
( COMPULSIVE users of pornography show the same signs of addiction
in their brain activity as alcoholics or drug addicts, a study has

In the first research of its kind, scans showed that a central portion
of the brain which is stimulated in drug or alcohol addicts also “lit up”
when compulsive pornography users watched explicit material.
There was no such effect in the brains of people who were not
habitual users of porn.


09-21-2013, 09:42 PM
So basically, this study wasn't conducted in the Middle East, but maybe more like the middle east portion of the United States? Cause I've heard coal country in West Virginia is pretty boring these days...

09-21-2013, 10:20 PM
. . . And, in related news: Porn scans find brain addiction.
(but it is a very small subset of the overall porn industry and has, like, maybe 3 Google hits. film at 11.)

09-21-2013, 10:42 PM
So basically, this study wasn't conducted in the Middle East, but maybe more like the middle east portion of the United States? Cause I've heard coal country in West Virginia is pretty boring these days...

Well I guess you could argue anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line has too much time on their hands.

And in other news...
Study finds it will snow this winter somewhere.

09-21-2013, 10:47 PM
And in other news...
Study finds it will snow this winter somewhere.

P'shaw . . . Thet ain't nuthin' but a edgeecated guess.
(crank up the hype a little fer cryin' out loud. geez. otherwise you'll never hit Big Time Meteryology.)

This just in: The shocking recent revelations involving Brain Scans and Porn Addiction involved a typo.
The headline should have read: Brain scams find porn addition proofreaders celebrate a small victory
(allegedly it's all a marketing ploy by the makers of brain scanning machines to generate business. like at hospitals and the state fair)

09-22-2013, 01:46 PM
That is an awesome map!

09-22-2013, 02:12 PM
I can see Utah being a Bastion of Virtue, but OHIO? VIRGINIA?
(and whut the heck is "anita queen" (nevada)????)

09-22-2013, 02:44 PM
That is an awesome map!

Some numbers behind 14 states in porn usage. A lot of addicts in the South. :)

09-22-2013, 04:32 PM
Well I guess you could argue anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line has too much time on their hands.

And in other news...
Study finds it will snow this winter somewhere.

I'm a bit frazzled by the fact I had to google a couple of these phrases.

09-22-2013, 05:01 PM
Its ironic that so many people get married at 19 because it's the good Christian thing to do, then end up with a porn addiction which leads to adultery which leads to divorce by age 24. Then the process starts all over again.

I also find it strange that the non-Bible Belt states seem to have a lower rate of porn addition. I wonder why that is?

09-22-2013, 06:49 PM
... (and whut the heck is "anita queen" (nevada)????)

Per google, a Czech porn star.
I had guessed, wrongly it turns out, the reference might be a vegas or reno based drag queen or a semi-famous resident of a legal brothel with her own line of visual material.

09-22-2013, 07:06 PM
Thanks, Kevin! Although "Anita Queen" is apparently a relatively tame subject (compared to some) I'd still hate to have her stuck in my Google Search history. =)

"Erase? Delete? Homeland Security and The NSA laugh at those words and don't even know the meaning of them . . . =)

09-22-2013, 08:20 PM
I also find it strange that the non-Bible Belt states seem to have a lower rate of porn addition. I wonder why that is?

They probably find it easier in their culture to experience the real thing and so don't need porn as much.

Just the facts
09-22-2013, 08:25 PM
Its ironic that so many people get married at 19 because it's the good Christian thing to do, then end up with a porn addiction which leads to adultery which leads to divorce by age 24. Then the process starts all over again.

I also find it strange that the non-Bible Belt states seem to have a lower rate of porn addition. I wonder why that is?

I think you mis-read the legend. The color represent the duration of the visit, not the number of visits. Let's just say the people in the NE seem to be a little 'quicker' than others. Mississippi takes longer because they are looking for a relative.

09-22-2013, 10:16 PM
... Mississippi takes longer because they are [on dialup modems]... .

fixed that fer ya. they know where their kin's sites are, favorites and all that.

09-22-2013, 10:19 PM
There definitely are a lot of D-I-Yers in Mississippi.

09-22-2013, 10:26 PM
I find it peculiar that people are more concerned with demographics and
promoting self-appointed superiority than the problem of pornography.

If only we'd put that much time into finding a solution instead of building
ourselves up.


09-22-2013, 11:24 PM
I think you mis-read the legend. The color represent the duration of the visit, not the number of visits. Let's just say the people in the NE seem to be a little 'quicker' than others. Mississippi takes longer because they are looking for a relative.

Okay...that made me LOL. Well done sir. :)

09-23-2013, 12:01 AM
I guess the "folks" up there in Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire--on account o' likin' "Compilations" so much--are the only ones still worthy of the moniker "Yankees" . . .

However, the fondness of "folks" in the Boston/Mass. area for "Creampie" does not surprise me.

09-23-2013, 03:21 AM
As for the article, it's just more fMRI bulls&^*%. It's like looking at the clouds, they get research money and see whatever they want to see. The brain "lighting up" at this and that is being shot down left and right. Outing these studies is all the rage now. Here's one good book: Brainwashed: The Seductive Appeal of Mindless Neuroscience ( and the Amazon suggestions will point you to many more. The truth is we know about as much about the brain as we did ten years ago. Neuroscience is at a standstill and at war with the Philosophers of the Mind as to even basic understandings of what the brain's true role really is. Fact: people are doing just fine with half their brain missing (radical removal for tumors, etc.) It has nothing to do with one side "over compensating" either. The brain is just something we know so very little about. And when we think we do discover something knew, it's often shot down with months. So many mysteries.

09-23-2013, 07:00 AM
Prune, what would you suggest? Greater and tighter restrictions? More severe punishments for viewers, makers, one handed typists and the webmasters who run their cc information monthly? Sounds a bit like the Prohibition era and booze. Didn't work out so well.

Kiddie porn and teen porn and any human trafficking or coerced activity that goes along with it? I gots no problems with reopening hell holes like the older cells at OSP (or worse spots) and cramming sleazeballs in four deep in spaces designed for one or two and just leaving them. If honking big rats end up well fed, I'll find a way to ease my mind over any guilt that may crop up.

Suzie or Freddie adult wants to voluntarily operate a house, or just a webcam, involving activities in the bedroom, shower, kitchen, etc., and consenting adult guys or gals want to spend their discretionary funds to join or watch Suzie, Freddie and/or consenting friends ... I'm not going to be in that cc list, but I don't really care if others choose to do so.

09-23-2013, 07:25 AM
What I see from this study is correlation.

There's not a bit of causation.

--to be expected from the scientifically illiterate.

09-23-2013, 08:39 AM
Who doesn't like creampies?

09-23-2013, 09:04 AM
Who doesn't like creampies?

Although no creampies were harmed in the making of this commercial,
I'll bet that Sara Lee creampies are, like, the Anita Queens of Dessert.
Did you know that, while everybody doesn't like something, nobody doesn't like Sara Lee?
Her creampies are so good that they are obscene.

Just the facts
09-23-2013, 09:08 AM
What I see from this study is correlation.

There's not a bit of causation.

--to be expected from the scientifically illiterate.

I don't think the study was trying to prove causation. It was just saying that porn produced the same brain activity as known addictions, probably with the goal of defining porn as an addiction so the 'sufferers' can qualify to ADA protection (like when caught viewing porn at work) or for government disability money.

09-23-2013, 09:48 AM
I find it peculiar that people are more concerned with demographics and
promoting self-appointed superiority than the problem of pornography.

If only we'd put that much time into finding a solution instead of building
ourselves up.


You should be more thankful that availability of plenty of porn on the Internet has discouraged old fashioned porn stores from making a comeback in Oklahoma, assuming current law would permit it.

09-23-2013, 10:56 AM
I find it peculiar that people are more concerned with demographics and
promoting self-appointed superiority than the problem of pornography.

If only we'd put that much time into finding a solution instead of building
ourselves up.


If a person doesn't like R or X rated material then don't watch it. Telling people they can't do something that is legal is just "self-appointed superiority"

Just the facts
09-23-2013, 12:15 PM
I think PP was falling into the 'its an addiction' ploy. Its not an addiction. There is nothing to cure them from.

09-23-2013, 12:53 PM
Aw what the heck, I'll throw my 2 cents into the fray here.

Nothing to cure them from? Tell that to those who have lost money, jobs and marriages due to their inability to stop viewing porn.

I have taught drug/alcohol recovery at the Washington County( Oregon ) jail for some years now and I find that compulsive viewing of pornography is a common issue. Like most addictions, not only is it a waste of time and resources, but it's a rip off in the sense that it rarely delivers what it seems to promise.

One of the most tragic outcomes is with individuals who are unable to separate fantasy from reality. They don't realize they are simply seeing actors on a stage who are being paid for their performance, but rather they seem to think this is socially acceptable and going on all around them. Some of them will then go out to rape children.

To sum it up, in my opinion, some of the things we view as "take it or leave it" have consequences far beyond what we would have imagined.

The rain has started in Oregon. Drying to begin in June, maybe.


09-23-2013, 01:02 PM
I think PP was falling into the 'its an addiction' ploy. Its not an addiction. There is nothing to cure them from.

So.. different strokes for different folks?


Just the facts
09-23-2013, 01:19 PM
Nothing to cure them from? Tell that to those who have lost money, jobs and marriages due to their inability to stop viewing porn.

I didn't say it didn't have consequences or that there are not negative outcomes resulting from bad choices, even among those who seem to have a misplaced sense of risk/reward - but it is not an addiction. There isn't a dependency and if someone is a sexual deviant, and porn is just an outlet for that, that isn't addiction either.

But like I said earlier, the study will go a long ways towards making everyone a victim of something so nothing is anyone's fault. Are the 'porn addicted' going to get free internet access now and free access to a porn site? I mean, if we can give taxpayer funded needles to drug addicts, can't we make sure porn addicts get access to their porn?

09-23-2013, 01:20 PM
Worthy of a rimshot if ever anything was.

Just the facts
09-23-2013, 01:31 PM
Worthy of a rimshot if ever anything was.

Pun intended?

09-23-2013, 02:41 PM
General user advisory and NSFW and such. Common sense. ;)


09-23-2013, 02:47 PM
One of the most tragic outcomes is with individuals who are unable to separate fantasy from reality. They don't realize they are simply seeing actors on a stage who are being paid for their performance, but rather they seem to think this is socially acceptable and going on all around them. Some of them will then go out to rape children.

To sum it up, in my opinion, some of the things we view as "take it or leave it" have consequences far beyond what we would have imagined.


In other words, guys viewing porn showing only adults in it can make some of them go out and find children to rape? But to look at it more realistically porn should work well for women from getting annoyed less from homely guys wanting real sex. Porn is the nearest thing they're likely to get to real sex.

09-23-2013, 02:52 PM
I'll never be able to look at a muppet the same way ever again.

Just the facts
09-23-2013, 02:56 PM
One of the most tragic outcomes is with individuals who are unable to separate fantasy from reality. They don't realize they are simply seeing actors on a stage who are being paid for their performance, but rather they seem to think this is socially acceptable and going on all around them. Some of them will then go out to rape children.

When a person can't distinguish between realty and fantasy that would make them mentally ill in my book. I have a whole thread on it.

Bunty, they go after the children because they are an easy target, not necessarily because they initially attracted to children.

09-23-2013, 10:55 PM
When a person can't distinguish between realty and fantasy that would make them mentally ill in my book. I have a whole thread on it.

Bunty, they go after the children because they are an easy target, not necessarily because they initially attracted to children.

That doesn't make much sense, because you gotta be a pedophile to be attracted to children. Don't see how adult porn would trigger a desire to go sexually attack children. It looks like it would be more of a turn OFF. What makes more sense is that rapes against women supposedly went down after the porn shops were closed in OKC decades ago. Never heard how it related to sexual attacks on children, if anything.

09-23-2013, 11:02 PM
One of the most tragic outcomes is with individuals who are unable to separate fantasy from reality. They don't realize they are simply seeing actors on a stage who are being paid for their performance, but rather they seem to think this is socially acceptable and going on all around them. Some of them will then go out to rape children.

Weren't they viewing child porn, the ones who had sex with children? If so, a good reason why child porn should continue to be banned.

09-23-2013, 11:04 PM
General user advisory and NSFW and such. Common sense. ;)


Well . . . if you think about it, Muppets aren't all that different from AnimeHentai . . .
(which state do you suppose will be the first to cause changes to The Cartography of Porn? my money is on Nevada. or Utah.)

09-24-2013, 10:51 AM
Bunty, you're mixing apples and onions. There are folks who are only attracted to children, no question. But there are also folks who simply settle for accessible. For the latter group, convenience and opportunity are the motivators. There isn't always a lot of difference between a child, an adult, a watermelon or a knothole on an old dead tree.

09-24-2013, 10:59 AM
Bunty, you're mixing apples and onions. There are folks who are only attracted to children, no question. But there are also folks who simply settle for accessible. For the latter group, convenience and opportunity are the motivators. There isn't always a lot of difference between a child, an adult, a watermelon or a knothole on an old dead tree.

Whatever, hard to understand, but I'm glad those types of beyond disgusting people are apparently fairly rare, because too often the state only wants to put child attackers in prison for a year or two. Such lax punishment is another thing hard to understand.

Just the facts
09-24-2013, 11:12 AM
Bunty, you're mixing apples and onions. There are folks who are only attracted to children, no question. But there are also folks who simply settle for accessible. For the latter group, convenience and opportunity are the motivators. There isn't always a lot of difference between a child, an adult, a watermelon or a knothole on an old dead tree.

I am sure no one is sexually attracted to swimming pool filter, but guys get stuck in them all the time.

As for watermelons...


What was really funny is in one version of this scene her mug shot face is taped to the watermelon.

09-24-2013, 11:19 AM
Whatever, hard to understand, but I'm glad those types of beyond disgusting people are apparently fairly rare, because too often the state only wants to put child attackers in prison for a year or two. Such lax punishment is another thing hard to understand.

Federal sentencing guidelines for sexual acts with a child are like 30 years. Second offense is life. Creation of child pornography is like 10-15 years per incident, I believe. I can't imagine the federal government ever declines to prosecute where there is enough evidence to do so. Maybe that's why the state doesn't go for major sentences themselves?

09-24-2013, 12:49 PM
When are federal sentencing guidelines applicable? I suspect it has to do with crossing state lines with a minor but I'm not sure. Most states have a minimum sentencing guideline/law but some do not. In Montana a couple of weeks ago a man was given thirty days probation for child rape. The judge felt the child (who had committed suicide) was complicit. The laws have been dubbed "Jessica's" laws and I don't know if Oklahoma has passed one or if the guidelines in place are already sufficient.
C. T.
Federal sentencing guidelines for sexual acts with a child are like 30 years. Second offense is life. Creation of child pornography is like 10-15 years per incident, I believe. I can't imagine the federal government ever declines to prosecute where there is enough evidence to do so. Maybe that's why the state doesn't go for major sentences themselves?

09-24-2013, 01:39 PM
When are federal sentencing guidelines applicable? I suspect it has to do with crossing state lines with a minor but I'm not sure. Most states have a minimum sentencing guideline/law but some do not. In Montana a couple of weeks ago a man was given thirty days probation for child rape. The judge felt the child (who had committed suicide) was complicit. The laws have been dubbed "Jessica's" laws and I don't know if Oklahoma has passed one or if the guidelines in place are already sufficient.
C. T.

Well, that Montana ruling was nuts in general. Wasn't that the one that the judge made a comment about the victim being "older than her chronological age"?

As for your other question, crossing state lines isn't required, but I believe they have to be under 14 (the victim). It may even be 12, for the minimum to kick in. That's the same age kick in for Jessica's law as well. The victim in Montana was 14 (which IMO still doesn't explain the stupidly light sentence, especially for a repeat offender). I'm sure someone who's more knowledgeable than I can kick in and correct/clarify if I'm wrong.

09-24-2013, 03:12 PM
Yes, that's the one. I really don't believe that the feds get involved unless certain conditions exist (crossing state lines of course is one), but I probably am wrong. If they could, why have we had these judges around the country handing out light sentences and the convicted man/woman walks or spends two months/six months in jail? No federal intervention at all. Maybe someone with experience in this area can shed some light on this for us.
C. T.
Well, that Montana ruling was nuts in general. Wasn't that the one that the judge made a comment about the victim being "older than her chronological age"?