View Full Version : What's the Rage Behind 4 Door Pickups?

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09-09-2013, 08:51 PM
A lot of these men that have pick ups that are huge, like to make noise, and are aggressive are obviously lacking in the body part they are trying to convey.
Most I have seen like that are short in height, that is why they need the step ladders to get into them.

Also there are plenty of women driving 4-door pickups, maybe not monster truck wannabes but they aren't exactly small. Especially in place with a more rural bent like places outside of the major metros. In a place like Midland/Odessa they are everywhere and and every type of person drives them.

"rolling coal" is about the dumbest thing ever
I concur, those type of people are just obnoxious ***holes.

Diesels are not all that bad, if I needed and F-350 I would probably opt for a diesel model. The ones with a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) system are actually pretty nice, I was on my motorcycle behind a Dodge pickup with the Blutec system and there was no smell or soot and very little noise. They should all be like that.

09-09-2013, 09:15 PM
There are plenty of women driving 4-door pickups, maybe not monster truck wannabes but they aren't exactly small.

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

So has it occurred to anyone else how the title of this thread can be spun at least two different ways? . . .

I think the collar on his shirt is the sartorial equivalent of street legal monster trucks.
Something one might buy at The Barnum and Bailey Clown Clothes Emporium.

09-10-2013, 01:38 AM
They must be the same ones who stop a car length behind the person in front of them at a stop light.

I was taught in Driver's Ed to stop to where you can see a little pavement and the bottoms of the tires. I have done that for years and still do it to this day.

Leaving space actually saved my wife's life a couple of years ago. A guy driving a pickup rear ended her while stopped still at stop light. He hit her as if traffic was moving down the road. Her car rolled forward and pushed the other cars forward all way to the light. The cop told her if I she had been bumper to bumper,they would have had to cut her out of the car. The trunk on our 02 Camry was pushed into the backseat. She looked up and saw him coming in the rearview mirror and thought she was going to die. The car was totaled and her back has given her problems since.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-10-2013, 10:34 AM
I like how many in this thread are projecting stereotypes and slinging generalizing labels at wide swaths of people based on what they drive. Lots of folks concerned about my gentleman's sausage as well. Since we're generalizing here, I'll chalk that up to you being Baptist.

Assholery knows no brand loyalty or vehicle type.

I bet half the people here think it's okay to drive in the left lane while going the speed limit no matter if somebody is behind them or not.

I also bet that less than 10% of you know the correct way to navigate a 4-way stop when other cars are at the intersection (this is based on driving through dozens of them a day and interacting with people trying to Forest Gump their way through their driving lives).

Stones in glass houses is all I'm saying.

Plutonic Panda
09-10-2013, 10:40 AM
I like how many in this thread are projecting stereotypes and slinging generalizing labels at wide swaths of people based on what they drive. Lots of folks concerned about my gentleman's sausage as well. Since we're generalizing here, I'll chalk that up to you being Baptist.

Assholery knows no brand loyalty or vehicle type.

I bet half the people here think it's okay to drive in the left lane while going the speed limit no matter if somebody is behind them or not.

I also bet that less than 10% of you know the correct way to navigate a 4-way stop when other cars are at the intersection (this is based on driving through dozens of them a day and interacting with people trying to Forest Gump their way through their driving lives).

Stones in glass houses is all I'm saying.I was just going to say what the hell is wrong with some of you people, but you put it more politely lol

09-10-2013, 02:53 PM
I like how many in this thread are projecting stereotypes and slinging generalizing labels at wide swaths of people based on what they drive.

So, for the sake of, like, clarity, was that a real like? Or was it just a rhetorical/metaphorical like that really isn't a "like" at all, then. =)

"Forest Gumping their way down the highways and byways . . ." (paraphrased, all rights reserved)
A Classic. Thank you.

09-16-2013, 06:19 AM
The whistles go Woooo!

09-16-2013, 06:21 AM
It's driving me nuts!

09-16-2013, 06:47 AM
"I love that the whistles go woooooooo."
"Gotta get me some o' them whistle tips . . ."

(Personally, I think I'd have to side with Torea's probable opinion on these audio trespassing abominations. If the muffler shops installing them aren't also installing locking gas caps, I would imagine that sugar and funnel purchases are way up in neighborhoods where these bozos live.)

09-16-2013, 08:58 AM
I had no clue it irked people how other people decided to spend their money on vehicles. I work in an office job and have a 4-door truck. Didn't realize that spoke so much about me as a person. I guess I've never really paid any attention to what other people drive. I need to be more observant. What kind of people drive Honda Civics?

09-16-2013, 09:28 AM
People don't like them for the same reason you hear people talk down about people who live in mcmansions. Its the idea that a office job person needs a 3-4 ton vechicle, with 4 doors and a.truck bed for their daily commute on paved roads to work in a.cube farm. Same idea of having 4000 sqft to heat and cool for a family of 3.

I have a 2 door truck, but I commute with my car because I can't mentally justify the cost.

But then again most.people have no retirement plan and say they will just work forever since they can't figure out why they can't get ahead.

09-16-2013, 09:41 AM
The complaints I have about 4 door trucks is that due to their size they can't be parked in the owners garages. In my neighborhood of 60 some homes only a few don't have 2 or more vehicles parked outside.
That makes them vulnerable to vandalism & theft which raises everyone's insurance rates & detracts from the beauty of the homes.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-16-2013, 09:49 AM
The complaints I have about 4 door trucks is that due to their size they can't be parked in the owners garages. In my neighborhood of 60 some homes only a few don't have 2 or more vehicles parked outside.
That makes them vulnerable to vandalism & theft which raises everyone's insurance rates & detracts from the beauty of the homes.

That's right. Blame the victims. GENIUS.

09-16-2013, 10:58 AM
That's right. Blame the victims. GENIUS.

Not really blaming them but when sloppy habits of others cause you and me financial loss, common sense is all it takes to see some culpability on their part. It will be less of a trivial thing as the population grows.

09-16-2013, 11:24 AM
But then again most.people have no retirement plan and say they will just work forever since they can't figure out why they can't get ahead.

Interesting, people who work in an office job and have 4-door trucks don't have long range retirement plans. I keeping learning more and more about myself in this thread. I thought I bought a truck because of the the extra room. I didn't know you had to be a farmer to justify the use of your truck bed. What else can you tell me about me that I didn't know?

09-16-2013, 01:14 PM
Last I checked, there was no requirement for ownership of a particular vehicle to be based on a need to be determined by a committee of fellow citizens, though I'm sure some here would view that as a positive thing.

The best course of action is to worry about your own situation and let everyone else deal with their own as well.

09-16-2013, 01:41 PM
A few of the office workers sure are sensitive.

But look at the bright side. Your limp wrist and pale soft hands.are viewed a desired trait in some parts of the world.

09-16-2013, 01:52 PM
I'm not sensitive at all. I truly find learning this much about myself fascinating. What about Cadillacs? What kind of people drive Cadillacs?

09-16-2013, 01:58 PM
Old people ..with limp wrist and pale soft hands.

09-16-2013, 02:07 PM
I think that there should be an endorsement on a standard driver's license for people who want to drive oversized trucks. The test for the endorsement should involve some sort of timed driving "obstacle" course and prove the ability of the driver not to have to come to a complete stop prior to making a right turn. The test should also include the abiltiy to do a passable Sam Elliot impression.

09-16-2013, 02:52 PM
What explains the trend behind so many people finding that 4 door pickup trucks are a must have these days? They're challenging SUVs rule of the road. When driving, I hate the way they project out from the street where parked. Some of them are so long, I'm not sure one would make for a comfortable fit in my garage. If I stayed on the farm, maybe I could appreciate them a lot better.

Because my truck can do this with your car:


09-16-2013, 04:03 PM
Last I checked, there was no requirement for ownership of a particular vehicle to be based on a need to be determined by a committee of fellow citizens, though I'm sure some here would view that as a positive thing.

The best course of action is to worry about your own situation and let everyone else deal with their own as well.

It would be such a better world if folks took your advice.

09-16-2013, 09:46 PM
It would be such a better world if folks took your advice.
True, but some people can't help shove their nose into other people's business. I call it the Gladys Kravitz ( syndrome. :D I think it's a case of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and if you can't join 'em, disparage 'em to feel better about yourself."

09-17-2013, 09:44 AM
If you want that large of a vehicle. COOL. I am far less concerned with the Honda Civic driving like a madman because my car is of similar weight and it wouldn't instantly kill me from most average collisions. The assholes driving their monster trucks with no regard for others, one slip of the wheel and I am at a much greater risk of being severely injured or killed than a fender bender with a Civic. With power comes responsibility, if your vehicle is large enough and powerful enough to total my car in just about any situation, you need to drive with that in mind and be responsible.

Likewise, I don't bob and weave around bicyclists, because my car weighs 15x what them and their bike weighs, and I fully know being irresponsible can very quickly end someone's life without putting a scratch on my car.

Just the facts
09-17-2013, 10:07 AM
The complaints I have about 4 door trucks is that due to their size they can't be parked in the owners garages. In my neighborhood of 60 some homes only a few don't have 2 or more vehicles parked outside.
That makes them vulnerable to vandalism & theft which raises everyone's insurance rates & detracts from the beauty of the homes.

I think that is the result of a whole other issue. My neighbor parks all 3 of their cars in the driveway (all small cars) because they use their garage as a warehouse for their retail store. I park my pickup in the driveway because my homeowners association won't let me put a storage shed in the backyard and the lawn care equipment/chemicals, table saw, miter saw, bikes, and trash cans have to go somewhere. My pickup can go outside, those items can't. I can probably count on one hand the number of cars parked in the garages on my street (25 homes), and now that we have lived here long enough that all the little kids have started driving the parking situation is only getting worse. But you are right, it detracts from the beauty of the home and with so many cars parked outside we have a regular issue with car 'break-ins', and I use that term loosely because some of my neighbors aren't smart enough to lock their cars - even after having stuff stolen out of their cars 2 times.

09-17-2013, 10:25 AM
and do we dare bring up hail insurance claims? BTW I got a discount due to parking my truck inside my garage every night.
As to the HOA in your neighborhood maybe somebody should bring up the point that what would look better; a backyard shed or vehicles in front of the house? HOA covenants can be changed.

09-17-2013, 10:54 AM
Because my truck can do this with your car:


"Look, Mommy, Look! That truck is going to have a baby!!"

09-17-2013, 11:22 AM
I can't count how many times I've almost had a Honda Civic plow into me because the driver is texting. Usually it is some 16-year old girl on her phone. In the spirit of this thread I'm going to assume anyone who drives a Honda Civic is a 16-year old girl texting.

09-17-2013, 12:12 PM
I can't count how many times I've almost had a Honda Civic plow into me because the driver is texting. Usually it is some 16-year old girl on her phone. In the spirit of this thread I'm going to assume anyone who drives a Honda Civic is a 16-year old girl texting.

That seems to be a fair assumption, yet one that would be fairly difficult to prove.
It might be easier to assert and validate that anyone texting in traffic has the I.Q. of a vegetable.
(not counting broccoli or kale, of course)

Just the facts
09-17-2013, 12:17 PM
I can't count how many times I've almost had a Honda Civic plow into me because the driver is texting. Usually it is some 16-year old girl on her phone. In the spirit of this thread I'm going to assume anyone who drives a Honda Civic is a 16-year old girl texting.

They are until they eat a Snickers Bar, then they become a housewife in a Canyonero.


09-17-2013, 12:24 PM
^^^^!!!! =)
Pure, Unadulterated, Comedy Genius.
Thanks For Posting!!

(makes me wish that my wife didn't hate The Simpsons so much--on account of the "bratty" kid and "goofy" father-figure--that i could watch it once in awhile without causing a lot of domestic non-tranquility =)

09-17-2013, 12:28 PM
... might be easier to assert and validate that anyone texting in traffic has the I.Q. of a vegetable.

or soon may.

09-17-2013, 12:53 PM
or soon may.

Sounds like the seeds of a PSA regarding "Texting in Traffic" have been planted.
Perhaps some of your contacts in the legal/insurance industries can "make it so" (as Capt. Pickard used to say. =)

Please be advised that it would probably be pointless to attempt a similar PSAd regarding "4 Door Pickups, Rage Behind" as most of the drivers of the vehicles are allegedly so wrapped up in Phallic Symbol Motorization that they wouldn't get the point anywayz. Plus most mental vegetables prefer big trucks as shown by current sales figures.

(geez. =)

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-17-2013, 07:17 PM
Not really blaming them but when sloppy habits of others cause you and me financial loss, common sense is all it takes to see some culpability on their part. It will be less of a trivial thing as the population grows.

Yeah, you really are.

The size of trucks in a neighborhood causing thefts? REALLY?




There's some comedy gold in this here thread. COMEDY GOLD JERRY

09-17-2013, 07:22 PM
The size of trucks in a neighborhood causing thefts?

If it's in the garage it won't get broken into but you overlooked that point I guess.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-17-2013, 07:32 PM
Again...Thieves are at fault here. Not homeowners. If you're gonna blame the victims, go all in man. They get robbed because they live in a crappy neighborhood.

Also, I'd put an insane amount of money on there being just as many normal sized cars in the driveways of your neighborhood as there are giant trucks...And that the majority of people are parking in the driveway due to all the crap they have stacked in their garages, not because giant pickups don't fit (this has never been a problem for me...My trucks have always fit in my garages).

09-17-2013, 07:45 PM
I see that more recycle centers are taking in and paying high dollar for catalytic converters now.

09-17-2013, 08:31 PM
Prices are going up as well. Apparently there some kind of shortage in used ones. In related news, more people are now parking in their garages.

09-17-2013, 10:20 PM
I can't count how many times I've almost had a Honda Civic plow into me because the driver is texting. Usually it is some 16-year old girl on her phone. In the spirit of this thread I'm going to assume anyone who drives a Honda Civic is a 16-year old girl texting.
In Austin they drive Corollas. I had more close calls with my metallic red F-150 Extended Cab pickup in Austin than on my motorcycles or in my Z4. It seemed like that if they did look up from their phone they had target fixation on that vehicle.

I have my utility trailer in the garage right now along with my motorcycle, table saw, radial arm saw, drill press, etc., I need to add a gate to the side fence to park the trailer back there. After that the Z4 will be in the garage for winter, even if we had the room my wife really has no interest in parking her 4Runner in the garage. When I moved into the house in Austin she had a Civic and the garage was empty. If the garage was huge and had a big door, she might be willing to park in there, especially on snow days. A much larger garage/shop will be on the agenda when we buy some land, maybe even separate ones for wood/metal working and the cars.

09-18-2013, 02:11 AM
Whoever owns the white Toyota Tacoma with the very cool 405 sticker in the back window. I figure you might be a poster here and I would like to get that decal for my back window.

09-18-2013, 04:41 AM
Go to 405 bikes

09-18-2013, 06:02 AM
Whoever owns the white Toyota Tacoma with the very cool 405 sticker in the back window. I figure you might be a poster here and I would like to get that decal for my back window.

Just out of curiosity, what is the attraction of displaying our area code?

09-18-2013, 06:53 AM
Same reason people put 26.2 it 13.1..orwhat college they went too, or what alumni association they pay.

There wad a British commedian who did a pretty good bit on why Americans feel the need to put their colleges on their back window.

Just the facts
09-18-2013, 07:17 AM
Prices are going up as well. Apparently there some kind of shortage in used ones. In related news, more people are now parking in their garages.

No doubt. I went to our local Dodge dealer yesterday for an oil change. My truck is 2 years old and a new one with the same features now cost $15,000 more than I paid. I talked to a saleswoman and she said my used Ram 1500 might be worth more now that what I paid for it (never mind how much I already paid on it).

09-18-2013, 07:23 AM
Same reason people put 26.2 it 13.1..orwhat college they went too, or what alumni association they pay.

There wad a British commedian who did a pretty good bit on why Americans feel the need to put their colleges on their back window.

Ohhhhh . . . Now I understand . . .

This might look pretty good on the rear window of a Toyota . . .

This would be a little too ironic . . .

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2013, 09:24 AM
Tundras are designed in California and built in Texas...So yeah...The Japanese flag is a bit ironic I guess ;)

09-18-2013, 09:31 AM
Tundras are designed in California and built in Texas...So yeah...The Japanese flag is a bit ironic I guess ;)

In a way, I suppose that means the results of WWII were just sort of a minor setback in the overall scheme of things . . .
(let bygones be bygones, that's what i say . . .)

"Hold up just a danged ol' minute there, Bubba. What you mean "overall" scheme of things?
I ain't a-drivin' one o' them thangs. Hell, I ain't even a-sellin' 'em.
You ain't a-gonna see too many overalls in a cubicle farm, though . . ."

Just the facts
09-18-2013, 09:43 AM
In a way, I suppose that means the results of WWII were just sort of a minor setback in the overall scheme of things . . .

Germany/Japan vs. USA - makes you wonder who really won WWII
Detroit vs. Atlanta - makes you wonder who really won the Civil War

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2013, 09:46 AM
My last Silverado was made in Canada.

My Avalanche was made in Mexico.

My Pontiac was made in Australia.

My Tundra was made in Texas.

Topsy turvy world.:D

09-18-2013, 09:57 AM
Germany/Japan vs. USA - makes you who really won WWII
Detroit vs. Atlanta - makes you wonder who really won the Civil War

Makes me wonder if it's all just part of what the Chinese call "The Great Leveling". . .

09-18-2013, 10:41 AM
I teat drove a brand new body style silverado. Made in Mexico and still 46k

09-18-2013, 01:01 PM
I teat drove a brand new body style silverado. Made in Mexico and still 46k
Part of that seemingly exorbitant cost has to be the special Adjustable Bra Cup attachments for the steering wheel . . .
(That, or milk (leche) is extra expensive in Mexico these days) . . .
(I've heard of "hands-free" driving . . . but this is ridiculous . . . [sorry, Groucho])

09-18-2013, 09:16 PM
My last Silverado was made in Canada.

My Avalanche was made in Mexico.

My Pontiac was made in Australia.

My Tundra was made in Texas.

Topsy turvy world.:D
My BMW was made in South Carolina. My wife's 4Runner and my Kawasaki Concours14 is still made in Japan. Most newer Triumph motorcycles are made in Thailand, mine was still British.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2013, 11:23 PM
Yup. I was actually quite shocked that my wife's Nissan was made in *gulp* JAPAN of all places.

/almost, ALMOST bought a new 4Runner Trail a few months ago, but gave in to the wife to get the biggest back seat I could find...Bought a Tundra instead.

09-18-2013, 11:27 PM
Just out of curiosity, what is the attraction of displaying our area code?

I can't remember the exact shape, sort of a flat top diamond, it had the numbers 405 on top with a nice OKC skyline in black and in the middle was a small cut out of our state. I thought it just looked really cool.

09-19-2013, 07:15 AM
I can't remember the exact shape, sort of a flat top diamond, it had the numbers 405 on top with a nice OKC skyline in black and in the middle was a small cut out of our state. I thought it just looked really cool.

Sorry. I honestly thought that it was just the numbers 4-0-5 and really didn't get it.
What you just described sounds very nice.
(if it wasn't a telephone phone area code, I thought it might be engine displacement, but i sit corrected)

09-19-2013, 06:27 PM
I'm probably downsizing to a Ridgeline (if they still make them in a year)

There's a reason Honda is going to discontinue these. Sales numbers are awful, too many better alternatives.

09-19-2013, 09:36 PM
Sorry. I honestly thought that it was just the numbers 4-0-5 and really didn't get it.
What you just described sounds very nice.
(if it wasn't a telephone phone area code, I thought it might be engine displacement, but i sit corrected)

I think it was someone that enjoys being a Okie. They blew by me eastbound on I-40. I didn't get a chance to enjoy it much less catch it on my smart phone.