View Full Version : KOCO 5 Named its new Sports Reporter/Anchor

09-05-2013, 04:05 PM
AbigailOgle: SURPRISE!!!!!

So blessed, excited and honored to be KOCO's newest sports reporter/anchor. every News station except for Fox 25 has a Ogle working for the station

09-05-2013, 04:07 PM
You can never have too many on air Ogles.

09-05-2013, 04:11 PM
You can never have too many on air Ogles.

Which Ogle is her dad? Or is she even related?

09-05-2013, 04:12 PM
Which Ogle is her dad? Or is she even related?
Kevin Ogle is her dad

09-05-2013, 04:18 PM
Oh dear god. 5 was the last haven away from the Ogle spawn. Ugh.

09-05-2013, 04:21 PM
I think Kent and Kevin are really good anchors.

09-05-2013, 04:44 PM
This really gives the appearance of nepotism? I am sure she will be a good addition, however, still makes me wonder?

09-05-2013, 04:48 PM
Just another tarted up newsbabe. I wish her the best but I have a feeling she knows nothing about sports. I wouldn't even know who she was if it weren't for the weird following she has built up via the Lost Ogle.

09-05-2013, 04:54 PM is this other Ogle works at KOCO

09-05-2013, 05:19 PM is this other Ogle works at KOCO Maybe perhaps "Cronyism" or good ole boy connections. We know that this is alive and well in Oklahoma, Lol.

09-05-2013, 06:14 PM
Umm like they kicked a ball through that field goal thingie

09-05-2013, 08:04 PM
Maybe perhaps "Cronyism" or good ole boy connections. We know that this is alive and well in Oklahoma, Lol.
That exists everywhere and in many places it is much, much worse. It is worse in small towns where a single family can dominate every aspect of life in that town.

KRGV - Judge Sets Bond for Progreso Mayor (

09-05-2013, 08:50 PM
Just another tarted up newsbabe. I wish her the best but I have a feeling she knows nothing about sports. I wouldn't even know who she was if it weren't for the weird following she has built up via the Lost Ogle.

Nah, she should know a lot about sports. She has been involved with sports since high school (cheerleader), and began reporting on them after she graduated in 2006.

I don't know how good she is at it, but I know she should have tons of experience.

09-05-2013, 09:12 PM
I don't know how good she is at it, but I know she should have tons of experience.

Oh I or don't I? That is just so nicely set up to twist around...but I guess I'll let it slide. :)

09-05-2013, 09:45 PM
Lots of family's have a tradition of going into the same business. She will make or break her own career. I'm going to give her a chance. ogles don't bother me near as much as the sonic guys and the cox cable dude.

09-06-2013, 06:50 AM
Just wait until she gets her own show on the Sports Animal . . . .