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07-12-2024, 11:26 AM
I must have missed this data that proved it's a fact that this doesn't piss customers off. I've seen/read/heard, in different places, many people say that they hate that practice. I'm not saying that it's 100% of customers who feel this way. But I would guess that the customers who love not being able to find what they're shopping for because it's a fun little Easter egg hunt is few and far between. And I'm sure the stores will say their numbers show this practice works. And maybe it does. But that doesn't mean that customers still aren't pissed off by it.

I'm sure Walmart's research shows that they're super popular and that they don't need to change a thing. But I've never met a person who likes shopping at Walmart. But I have heard people say, for the last 25 years or so, "I HATE going to Walmart but I have to."

The next thing your going to say is that these are anecdotal stories. Yep. Doesn't mean I'm wrong though. People are pissed off by these things. I know that for a fact because I've talked to some of these people. But I didn't say anything that would mean I need data and research to back up any such claims. You're trying to get me to defend a position I never stated.

If someone on here says Ted's is the best Mexican food on the planet, I'm going to use context clues and common sense to conclude that it's their opinion and/or they're speaking in hyperbole. I won't feel the need to ask for data to back up that claim just because I don't agree with them.

I'm not jumping into an argument on how accurate BoulderSooner's numbers were or how customers feel overall. I don't really care either way. I was just trying to provide an explanation for why people responded the way they did and why that wasn't necessarily "stifling conversation". Take or leave it.

07-12-2024, 11:48 AM

So if people don't post how you want them to post then it's no good. Got it.

You guys are a sensitive bunch around here.

no... once again... its when people post and aren't actually able to provide substance to the conversation. much like your response here. it's fine to have an opinion and express it. but have facts that back up it being able to even be considered a possibility. otherwise you are just saying your dreams and then complaining that they aren't happening.

but again, back to costco.

I have noticed that the Edmond costco is atleast having more checker lines open each day now that they are getting busier. with the change to where you can't use a scanner for your items in the self checkout, i actually find the traditional checker lines to be much faster unless i just have 1 or 2 items.

07-12-2024, 11:54 AM
no... once again... its when people post and aren't actually able to provide substance to the conversation. much like your response here. it's fine to have an opinion and express it. but have facts that back up it being able to even be considered a possibility. otherwise you are just saying your dreams and then complaining that they aren't happening.

but again, back to costco.

I have noticed that the Edmond costco is atleast having more checker lines open each day now that they are getting busier. with the change to where you can't use a scanner for your items in the self checkout, i actually find the traditional checker lines to be much faster unless i just have 1 or 2 items.

when did edmond get a costco??

i kid i kid ..

I have noticed this as well and the checker lines usually run very fast ..

07-12-2024, 12:13 PM
Costco, to its credit, employs more people in their stores than does Sam's.

And they are better to their employees as it shows in their temperament and customer service approach.

This, along with higher quality products, are the main reasons Costco has such a loyal following.

OTOH, I went to Sam's this morning... Checked in advance to see if they had the 4 things I planned to purchase, quickly walked to the exact places I knew them to be located, used Scan & Go to completely avoid checkout (although there were empty, manned lanes and about 10 open self-checkout), and then walked out without even having to show my receipt. (BTW, I can order as much delivered as I want -- next day -- for $8. It's really nice if you need a bunch of bulky items because they just drop everything on your porch.)

Also, the ingress and egress at Costco is a PITA, especially trying to get out of there needing to head east.

I can't believe that I'd ever prefer Sam's, but here we are.

07-12-2024, 12:47 PM
Costco, to its credit, employs more people in their stores than does Sam's.

And they are better to their employees as it shows in their temperament and customer service approach.

This, along with higher quality products, are the main reasons Costco has such a loyal following.

OTOH, I went to Sam's this morning... Checked in advance to see if they had the 4 things I planned to purchase, quickly walked to the exact places I knew them to be located, used Scan & Go to completely avoid checkout (although there were empty, manned lanes and about 10 open self-checkout), and then walked out without even having to show my receipt. (BTW, I can order as much delivered as I want -- next day -- for $8. It's really nice if you need a bunch of bulky items because they just drop everything on your porch.)

Also, the ingress and egress at Costco is a PITA, especially trying to get out of there needing to head east.

I can't believe that I'd ever prefer Sam's, but here we are.

i really do get frustrated by Costco's lack of quality tech. heck the other day i was trying to scan a QR code for one of their Costco Direct items they had in store, and it took me to a webpage that just said access denied... not a good look

07-12-2024, 10:13 PM
Costco, to its credit, employs more people in their stores than does Sam's.

And they are better to their employees as it shows in their temperament and customer service approach.

This, along with higher quality products, are the main reasons Costco has such a loyal following.

OTOH, I went to Sam's this morning... Checked in advance to see if they had the 4 things I planned to purchase, quickly walked to the exact places I knew them to be located, used Scan & Go to completely avoid checkout (although there were empty, manned lanes and about 10 open self-checkout), and then walked out without even having to show my receipt. (BTW, I can order as much delivered as I want -- next day -- for $8. It's really nice if you need a bunch of bulky items because they just drop everything on your porch.)

Also, the ingress and egress at Costco is a PITA, especially trying to get out of there needing to head east.

I can't believe that I'd ever prefer Sam's, but here we are.

My son applied at my local COSTCO and was told many of their employees at the store have been there 10+ years.

07-15-2024, 08:10 AM
Went this weekend and the self checkout thing just seems silly at this point. They have taken the guns away so the lady that was "helping" came over and scanned a few big items in our cart (While holding 2 scan guns) and then we used the built-in barcode reader to scan the rest, being forced to put them on the scale side. So instead of being able to just scan everything in my cart, i had to unload it, run it through one item at a time, and reload it. Was it the biggest pain in my butt that day? no. But it did make the whole thing take twice as long. I was also a bit annoyed that I couldn't get just a larger roll of sausage at Costco (you can get a good price on a large Jimmy Dean at Sams). Neither had muffin mix, which meant one more Crest trip for the weekend. First world problem, I know. Just not convenient.

It's sort of like the Okie car washes. They have kiosks for you to do everything at. But now that also put a person there. I really liked NOT having to talk to someone trying to up-sell me every time i went. Not i have to talk to them every dang time, making it take longer, and be just a little more annoying.

It's little things like that. Do they really make the whole world a more difficult place? Absolutely no. But are they annoying? Yup.

If Costco could get on board with their 10, that's 20 years behind the times, they could make all of this so much better.

07-15-2024, 10:11 AM
Went this weekend and the self checkout thing just seems silly at this point. They have taken the guns away so the lady that was "helping" came over and scanned a few big items in our cart (While holding 2 scan guns) and then we used the built-in barcode reader to scan the rest, being forced to put them on the scale side. So instead of being able to just scan everything in my cart, i had to unload it, run it through one item at a time, and reload it. Was it the biggest pain in my butt that day? no. But it did make the whole thing take twice as long. I was also a bit annoyed that I couldn't get just a larger roll of sausage at Costco (you can get a good price on a large Jimmy Dean at Sams). Neither had muffin mix, which meant one more Crest trip for the weekend. First world problem, I know. Just not convenient.

It's sort of like the Okie car washes. They have kiosks for you to do everything at. But now that also put a person there. I really liked NOT having to talk to someone trying to up-sell me every time i went. Not i have to talk to them every dang time, making it take longer, and be just a little more annoying.

It's little things like that. Do they really make the whole world a more difficult place? Absolutely no. But are they annoying? Yup.

If Costco could get on board with their 10, that's 20 years behind the times, they could make all of this so much better.

I hope Costco gets enough complaints that they consider making some changes. Their checkout process, both the ridiculously small number of cashiers and taking away the hand scanners from self-checkout, make me dread going there. Right after they took away the hand scanners, which made our check-out process very easy and stress free, an employee helped us with the built-in scanners and had some issues that he had to use his ID card to resolve and then when we got to the receipt checker (a ridiculous inconvenience), we discovered he had caused something to not get scanned and my wife had to go back in and pay. If stores don't trust people to checkout their own groceries, don't have self-checkout lanes and provide enough cashiers to actually do the job.

I'm starting to feel like the old man yelling at clouds. Everywhere I look in our society, things seem to be deteriorating at an increasing pace. Low quality goods, inconveniences, poor service, higher never seems to end.

07-15-2024, 10:21 AM
(BTW, I can order as much delivered as I want -- next day -- for $8. It's really nice if you need a bunch of bulky items because they just drop everything on your porch.)

I tried to order couple months of water and soda for the office the last week of the year (prepay expenses to take on last year's taxes). They do have some limits based on item count and weight of the order on delivery. Granted. it was a huge order and most home consumers wouldn't have a problem. I had to break it down to four separate orders. IIRC, based on weight was 6-7 cases of soda.

07-15-2024, 10:24 AM

It's because American consumers want the cheapest goods possible which means these retailers have to keep cutting staff and services to remain competitive.

This is where Walmart has always killed it and they've reshaped the marketplace, for better or worse.

07-15-2024, 10:52 AM

It's because American consumers want the cheapest goods possible which means these retailers have to keep cutting staff and services to remain competitive.

This is where Walmart has always killed it and they've reshaped the marketplace, for better or worse.
Not to mention Wal-Mart and others have reshaped the manufacturing ecosystem thanks to the same consumerist culture that wants as much stuff as possible as cheaply as possible, regardless of the source.

07-15-2024, 02:04 PM
no... once again... its when people post and aren't actually able to provide substance to the conversation. much like your response here. it's fine to have an opinion and express it. but have facts that back up it being able to even be considered a possibility. otherwise you are just saying your dreams and then complaining that they aren't happening.

but again, back to costco.

I have noticed that the Edmond costco is atleast having more checker lines open each day now that they are getting busier. with the change to where you can't use a scanner for your items in the self checkout, i actually find the traditional checker lines to be much faster unless i just have 1 or 2 items.

So people needs facts and figures and stats and charts to be able to state an opinion? I'm not sure you understand how discussion boards work.

Again, I've talked to plenty of people that hate this practice in stores. Sorry that I didn't get their credentials and home address at the time so I could provide it to you, the arbiter of discussion board protocol.

07-15-2024, 03:34 PM
So people needs facts and figures and stats and charts to be able to state an opinion? I'm not sure you understand how discussion boards work.

Again, I've talked to plenty of people that hate this practice in stores. Sorry that I didn't get their credentials and home address at the time so I could provide it to you, the arbiter of discussion board protocol.

way to blow everything yet again completely out of proportion and still not provide anything to the actual conversation. you keep proving my point.

07-15-2024, 05:08 PM
that's enough, you two... let's stick to topic.

08-04-2024, 06:53 PM
I have not seen those pickles (which I also love) in Sam's in a while.

Just did a search on their website and it looks like they are no longer carried.

I was in OKC Costco this morning and noticed the Famous Daves pickles back in stock. The description seemed somewhat similar, but a little different, not sure if it's close enough. I bought a jar but have not yet tried them. Hopefully they will be good.

08-05-2024, 07:19 AM
Another area where Sams has left CostCo behind in the technology department.

If you haven't been in a Sams lately, you've missed the automated receipt checkers. It's a camera based system that is able to visually check, through multiple views, the number of items in your cart to compare to the receipt for your transaction. No, you don't have to show your receipt, the cameras already know that you in the blue shirt, go with receipt number 12345. It wont be able to do every single basket, but it will reduce the number of them that they have to manually check. That will speed you up leaving. So between the scan-and-go and this, you can avoid ALL of the lines.

Learned a tip from the Moore receipt checkers though. if you leave items in the boxes and then put the box in your cart, the automation can't check it and you'll be stopped for the human checkers. If you just wait and put things in the available boxes after you walk through the item counters, then it is supposed to have an easier time with that.

08-05-2024, 05:23 PM
In the ever on-going saga of things Costco changes, you can now add the dozen muffin packs to list.

Previously, you could buy 2 six packs of any flavor of muffins for $9.99. The muffins were quite large and cake-like, and the mixing and matching was nice for a variety of flavors.

Now, the muffin packs have been reduced to a pack of 8 for a single price of $6.99, the muffins are also significantly smaller, but have a different texture, I would equal it to the type of muffin you get from a convention center or hotel style breakfast, wrapped in the thick brown liner.

...and the rotisserie chickens remain in the hard to manage plastic bags.

08-05-2024, 09:42 PM
Another area where Sams has left CostCo behind in the technology department.

If you haven't been in a Sams lately, you've missed the automated receipt checkers. It's a camera based system that is able to visually check, through multiple views, the number of items in your cart to compare to the receipt for your transaction. No, you don't have to show your receipt, the cameras already know that you in the blue shirt, go with receipt number 12345. It wont be able to do every single basket, but it will reduce the number of them that they have to manually check. That will speed you up leaving. So between the scan-and-go and this, you can avoid ALL of the lines.

Learned a tip from the Moore receipt checkers though. if you leave items in the boxes and then put the box in your cart, the automation can't check it and you'll be stopped for the human checkers. If you just wait and put things in the available boxes after you walk through the item counters, then it is supposed to have an easier time with that.
Just another thing I noticed this last trip to Sam's club, some items are like a $1 cheaper if you use scan and go vs going through a registar.

08-05-2024, 11:49 PM
Just another thing I noticed this last trip to Sam's club, some items are like a $1 cheaper if you use scan and go vs going through a registar.

Wait, whaaaat? Do they inform customers of duel pricing? Otherwise l have to at least ask, "This doesn't sound right, are you sure?"

Edit: Nope, this is right..... 20on%20eligible%20items,prices%20are%20already%20l ower%20than%20most%20other%20retailers.

08-06-2024, 08:05 AM
Wait, whaaaat? Do they inform customers of duel pricing? Otherwise l have to at least ask, "This doesn't sound right, are you sure?"

Edit: Nope, this is right..... 20on%20eligible%20items,prices%20are%20already%20l ower%20than%20most%20other%20retailers.

Discount sure does sound a lot better than better than "customer service convenience fee".

08-06-2024, 08:10 AM
Just another thing I noticed this last trip to Sam's club, some items are like a $1 cheaper if you use scan and go vs going through a registar.I used Scan and Go last Saturday at Sam's and was very happy with it. I had 12-15 items and never stopped at a register.

08-06-2024, 08:13 AM
Sweet. i didn't even realize that. I'm always a scan and go user. Even if i have to stop on my way out to scan it all just so I dont have to stand in the line. Now i get some savings too....sweet!

08-06-2024, 09:43 AM
Wait, whaaaat? Do they inform customers of duel pricing? Otherwise l have to at least ask, "This doesn't sound right, are you sure?"

Edit: Nope, this is right..... 20on%20eligible%20items,prices%20are%20already%20l ower%20than%20most%20other%20retailers.
In my experience, the reduced price is advertised on the product sign in the store.

08-06-2024, 09:57 AM
We order online for pick up. Big advantage for us is that Sam's is part of Delta Skymiles shopping and Costco is not. It doesn't provide much (.5 point per dollar), it adds up over the year. We had about 3000 extra flyer miles last year from Sam's.

08-07-2024, 05:48 PM
Costco is cracking down on membership moochers (
By Erika Tulfo, CNN
Published 6:18 PM EDT, Wed August 7, 2024

Costco knows you’re using your friend’s membership card. To save you the embarrassment of telling you off when you’re in the checkout line, now Costco will try to catch membership moochers before they even get in the door.

The retailer is implementing stricter policies and cracking down on non-members using other people’s cards by requiring shoppers to scan their membership cards to enter stores.

“Over the coming months, membership scanning devices will be used at the entrance door of your local warehouse,” Costco said in a statement online. “Once deployed, prior to entering, all members must scan their physical or digital membership card by placing the barcode or QR Code against the scanner.”

For members with cards that don’t have a photo, Costco says to come prepared with a valid photo ID but encourages shoppers to visit the membership counter and have their photo taken.

Costco’s new rule also requires guests to be accompanied by a valid cardholder to enter its stores, making it more difficult for non-members to sneak in using cards that don’t belong to them.

Costco did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The move comes as an extension of the system Costco tested out at some stores earlier this year, which required members to scan their cards at machines placed near the store entrance – instead of just flashing a card to employees.

Self-checkout machines were also affected by Costco’s crackdown. Last year, the company began requiring shoppers to present their membership card and a photo ID to use the registers.

“We don’t feel it’s right that nonmembers receive the same benefits and pricing as our members,” Costco said in a statement last year.

Costco’s crackdown on non-members comes after the company announced last month that it was raising its membership fees by $5 to $65 in the US and Canada – the first time since 2017. The change goes into effect on September 1.

The bulk of Costco’s profits come from annual fees. It reported last year that it earned $4.6 billion in revenue from membership fees, an 8% increase from 2022.

08-07-2024, 07:14 PM
Well, I guess I can't give Rodney at the Memorial/Western Costco the silent head nod anymore when walking in.

For those with dual membership to Sam's and Costco, is Sam's as strict with "members only".

I get the purpose behind this, but this is just another hoop to jump through to shop at Costco.

08-07-2024, 07:26 PM
No, Sam's doesn't do any of these things; they are even lax about checking cards at entry, and they have a wide-open self-checkout system in addition to the awesome Scan & Go. Plus, they just added the ability to walk out without checking your receipt.

08-07-2024, 09:59 PM
Well, I guess I can't give Rodney at the Memorial/Western Costco the silent head nod anymore when walking in.

For those with dual membership to Sam's and Costco, is Sam's as strict with "members only".

I get the purpose behind this, but this is just another hoop to jump through to shop at Costco.

Is it really that big of a hoop to scan a card? I mean, really.

08-08-2024, 09:02 AM
Costco makes their money on the membership. Makes sense. I still shop at both!

08-08-2024, 10:02 AM
the new costco CEO seems to be more committed to expanding their use of technology

08-08-2024, 10:26 AM
so just curious. because i never have and so dont' actually know... if i bring a non-member in with me, are they able to buy something at the register if i just scan my card and i'm present but they pay? What is the actual policy on this?

08-08-2024, 09:19 PM
so just curious. because i never have and so dont' actually know... if i bring a non-member in with me, are they able to buy something at the register if i just scan my card and i'm present but they pay? What is the actual policy on this?

No, and probably not. They don't allow that, but if the cashier doesn't realize it you may get away with it.

However, you can enter Costco, without a membership, to go in and to the Pharmacy and get your prescriptions filled there.
At the door, if you don't have a card, they will turn you away, but if you tell them you're going in to use the Pharmacy they will let you in.

Also, you can buy gift cards and give them to non-members. Non-members with a Costco gift card are allowed in to shop and pay for their purchase with the Costco gift card.

08-08-2024, 09:47 PM
so just curious. because i never have and so dont' actually know... if i bring a non-member in with me, are they able to buy something at the register if i just scan my card and i'm present but they pay? What is the actual policy on this?

From Costco's website: Members are welcome to bring children and up to two guests into the warehouse; members are responsible for their children and guests. Children should not be left unattended. Only Costco members may purchase items.

As others have pointed there are some loopholes with Costco gift cards and using the pharmacy or optometrist.

08-09-2024, 09:01 AM
From Costco's website: Members are welcome to bring children and up to two guests into the warehouse; members are responsible for their children and guests. Children should not be left unattended. Only Costco members may purchase items.

As others have pointed there are some loopholes with Costco gift cards and using the pharmacy or optometrist.

okay thanks for that. i was just curious, because i used to do it all the time in college at Sam's. All 3 of my roommates all would just pay for what they were getting, but we just scanned my card.

08-09-2024, 11:24 AM
okay thanks for that. i was just curious, because i used to do it all the time in college at Sam's. All 3 of my roommates all would just pay for what they were getting, but we just scanned my card.

It does seem pretty easy to get around that. Pretty easy for someone just to say that's their spouse. lol

I wouldn't even deal with the gift card, if all else fails just write a check or transfer some money over. Not that I ever share my membership, just saying.

08-20-2024, 11:05 AM
Updated the Costco App on my phone. Now at the bottom left you can choose "Warehouse" and search for items that are actually in store. FINALLY.

08-20-2024, 11:13 AM
Updated the Costco App on my phone. Now at the bottom left you can choose "Warehouse" and search for items that are actually in store. FINALLY.

They still only have a tiny fraction of all the items they carry.

08-23-2024, 11:38 AM
Was in Costco today and they said they will probably start scanning membership cards in September. Based on other markets, when the card is scanned your photo is displayed on a screen facing away from you and towards the greeter at the door. If you don't have a photo card you'll likely be asked to produce a photo ID.

The self-checkout is near worthless. You have to take everything out of your cart, scan it, then place it on the shelf like you do at a Walmart, then after you pay, have to put it all back into your cart. Far more trouble than it's worth, but the checkout lines were already long by 10:30 AM.

I was happy to find my favorite brown rice in stock, although there was no way to determine that before driving up there and walking up and down the aisles. (Although, I do now use the hack suggested upthread: I look at the Instacart shopping service for this Costco and they show most items.)

I have been shopping mainly at Sam's because it's much closer to me and way more convenient to check out (and early shopping hours are fantastic). But I have to say all the deli items, produce, and bakery items are just much, much better than Sam's.

08-23-2024, 12:40 PM
But I have to say all the deli items, produce, and bakery items are just much, much better than Sam's.

And that makes it worth the effort, imo. Their product mix/quality is just superior. Way more organic selections, which is big for our family as they are so much more affordable at Costco compared to anywhere else.

08-23-2024, 12:51 PM
Was in Costco today and they said they will probably start scanning membership cards in September. Based on other markets, when the card is scanned your photo is displayed on a screen facing away from you and towards the greeter at the door. If you don't have a photo card you'll likely be asked to produce a photo ID.

The self-checkout is near worthless. You have to take everything out of your cart, scan it, then place it on the shelf like you do at a Walmart, then after you pay, have to put it all back into your cart. Far more trouble than it's worth, but the checkout lines were already long by 10:30 AM.

I was happy to find my favorite brown rice in stock, although there was no way to determine that before driving up there and walking up and down the aisles. (Although, I do now use the hack suggested upthread: I look at the Instacart shopping service for this Costco and they show most items.)

I have been shopping mainly at Sam's because it's much closer to me and way more convenient to check out (and early shopping hours are fantastic). But I have to say all the deli items, produce, and bakery items are just much, much better than Sam's.

I was in the Memorial rd store this morning just after open to get toilet paper and some fish. There was only one checker and there had to be at least 20 people in that line. The checker was using a middle register, the line went way back up the center isle. I looked at the self check and only one person in line. I quickly got an open register. Ok, how do i scan my card. I tried the machine like at Sam's club. Nope, now what. An employee quickly came and did it for me then scanned my items. All I had to do is use my card to pay.

08-28-2024, 09:27 PM
There is a fascinating article in the NYT today about Costco. Sample excerpt:

Few companies have greater influence over what we eat (or wear, or fuel our cars with, or use for personal hygiene). Costco dominates multiple categories of the food supply — beef, poultry, organic produce, even fine wine from Bordeaux, which it sells more of than any retailer in the world. It is the arbiter of survival for millions of producers, including more than a million cashew farmers in Africa alone. (Costco sells half the world’s cashews.) Its private label, Kirkland, generates more revenue than towering brands like Nike and Coca-Cola.

08-29-2024, 11:54 AM
There is a fascinating article in the NYT today about Costco. Sample excerpt:

Few companies have greater influence over what we eat (or wear, or fuel our cars with, or use for personal hygiene). Costco dominates multiple categories of the food supply — beef, poultry, organic produce, even fine wine from Bordeaux, which it sells more of than any retailer in the world. It is the arbiter of survival for millions of producers, including more than a million cashew farmers in Africa alone. (Costco sells half the world’s cashews.) Its private label, Kirkland, generates more revenue than towering brands like Nike and Coca-Cola.

Wow! I'm certainly doing my part to preserve the livelihood of over one million cashew farmers in Africa. :)

08-29-2024, 08:01 PM
We usually find more food items at Sams Club that fit our lifestyle and our kids are willing to eat. Costco feels a bit bougie at times with their food selection. But some of the unique items they bring in are incredible. Also we will always buy the Kirkland brand over the name brand, we usually find it tastes better or as good as national brand with significantly lower cost.

08-29-2024, 08:27 PM
To contrast the difference between Costco and Sams, within a week I bought hearts of romaine lettuce at both.

The Sam's version was absolutely crappy while the produce from Costco was excellent.

Any time I buy any sort of salad or lettuce at Sam's, it spoils very quickly which tells me they just leave their product out. It's the same with their baked goods. The croissants at Sam's are often cold from being in the refrigerator, then stale once you get them home.

Costco just does a way better job with quality control on perishables and every one of their Kirkland products are great, while Member's Mark at Sam's is very hit-and-miss.

After all this back-and-forth I've pretty much decided to buy all my staples -- pet stuff, pantry items, paper goods -- at Sam's and most food items at Costco.

Just wish Coscto had better checkout, better tech, and better shopping hours.

08-30-2024, 01:48 PM
The quality of Kirkland products at Costco is top notch. That is our most trusted seal of approval of any retail mark.

We've never been into Sam's much at all, and pretty much avoid anything Wal-Mart-related with the occasional exception made for certain prescriptions.

Absolutely adore everything about Costco. My wife goes there weekly, mainly for the fruit (and always one rotisserie chicken because you can't pass that deal up).

I rarely shop for groceries there however because there isn't much that we buy in such large quantities. It's great for things like olive oil and certain spices we use by the ton.

08-30-2024, 09:25 PM
You are spot on about the spices. Since there is not a Winco on the north side, Costco spices in bulk have been our go to as the large sizes are much much cheaper than the small sizes you get at a regular grocery store.

09-09-2024, 12:07 PM
more tech coming soon

That is because Costco has quietly rolled out a "search warehouse inventory" tool on its mobile app for some customers.

The feature is in Beta testing. It can be accessed by clicking "warehouse" on the bottom, which is in between "account" and "cart."

09-09-2024, 12:14 PM

Thanks. I just checked the app and it seems to have almost everything listed for the Memorial location.

However, that is not the case with their website. Hopefully that is coming soon.

09-09-2024, 12:21 PM
Yes that is the feature I talked about eariler. So far everything at the Moore location is loaded and much easier to know if they have it in store. Great change I've been using for a month or so.

09-09-2024, 12:26 PM
Yes that is the feature I talked about eariler. So far everything at the Moore location is loaded and much easier to know if they have it in store. Great change I've been using for a month or so.

This is a really nice improvement.

I sure wish these sites would list the aisle, as big boxers are notorious for moving things all around. Heck, it would go a long way in a regular grocery store. Lowes does a good job showing aisle and bin #'s.

09-09-2024, 12:47 PM
This is a really nice improvement.

I sure wish these sites would list the aisle, as big boxers are notorious for moving things all around. Heck, it would go a long way in a regular grocery store. Lowes does a good job showing aisle and bin #'s.

Often times, when I'm in a big WalMart, I'll search for the item on the app since it tells me exactly where the item is in that particular store, I believe it even has a floor map of the store. Very handy.

09-09-2024, 01:02 PM
This is a really nice improvement.

I sure wish these sites would list the aisle, as big boxers are notorious for moving things all around. Heck, it would go a long way in a regular grocery store. Lowes does a good job showing aisle and bin #'s.

Costco moves items monthly. I swear they have moved the kids milk like 10 different places over the last year. I hate it.

09-09-2024, 01:24 PM
Costco moves items monthly. I swear they have moved the kids milk like 10 different places over the last year. I hate it.

Isn't milk in the huge coolers?

09-09-2024, 01:51 PM
Isn't milk in the huge coolers?

Nah the kids mini-milks are just on an aisle and they stay warm.

09-09-2024, 01:55 PM
Nah the kids mini-milks are just on an aisle and they stay warm.

Room temp stable milk? No thanks

09-09-2024, 02:06 PM
Room temp stable milk? No thanks

Very common all over the world to have milk that is shelf stable. We put it in the fridge when we get home to pack in lunches. Works great!

09-09-2024, 03:44 PM

09-09-2024, 04:42 PM
Very common all over the world to have milk that is shelf stable. We put it in the fridge when we get home to pack in lunches. Works great!

Ultra Pasteurized Milk. It's fine at room temp. Needs to be refrigerated to drink.

What's weird? In Canada milk comes in a bag. You clip the corner of the bag and put the bag into a handled container to pour it.

09-10-2024, 01:50 PM
Was in Costco today and the self-checkout is just a cluster. Probably 20 people waiting in a line backing up an aisle.

They did have 3 checkers open and frankly, that's the easier way to go because even at self, you have to take everything out of the cart and place it on a holding shelf, and that's an incredible hassle with bulky items.

The checkout lanes also move much faster.

09-10-2024, 03:38 PM
Ya I use the checkers again. The self checkout takes way too long.