View Full Version : OKC Parks Offers Adult Sports Tournaments in Softball, Kickball, Flag Football

08-16-2013, 08:55 AM
Adult Athletics Tournaments
Do you long for those school yard days of kick ball and flag football? Well, they're baaaaack with an old school tournament straight from the good 'ole days. Grab your work, church or community group for some recreation tournament fun. Divisions are available for co-ed, all-male and all-female teams and participants must be at least 18 years of age and out of high school.

Tournament dates and information:

Adult Softball
September 14, 2013
Wheeler Park, 1120 South Western Ave.
Cost: $250 per team, plus $20 per-game referee fee
Registration deadline: September 3

Adult Kickball
October 12, 2013 Wheeler Park, 1120 South Western Ave.
Cost: $150 per team, plus $20 per-game referee fee
Registration deadline: October 3

Adult Flag Football
October 19, 2013
Wheeler Park, 1120 South Western Ave.
Cost: $150 per team, plus $20 per-game referee fee
Registration deadline: October 10

For more information, contact our Adult Athletics office at 669-8415 or email