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06-18-2016, 06:17 PM

Yes, and of course at Sam's they check your receipt on the way out so they can double-check it's all been paid for.

06-30-2016, 08:47 AM
Now Hiring signs are up. How long until this location is opened? I may have missed something but it looks like the stop light at the south side entrance is only one sided. Is this possible ?
06-30-2016, 02:24 PM
Now Hiring signs are up. How long until this location is opened? I may have missed something but it looks like the stop light at the south side entrance is only one sided. Is this possible ?

I think the S Norman one was open within 3 months. they are building a right turn lane on the Westbound lanes, so I am sure once that is done the other light will go up.

Plutonic Panda
06-30-2016, 03:03 PM

06-30-2016, 03:13 PM

I really don't know what to think about that article. I'm sure some of the same people griping they left are the same ones griping they came to begin with. So in my mind the city started wastefully spending the extra tax dollars coming in, then when Walmart left they, they had to make cuts. Or, once the extra money came in they hired more people and started new services, which means they are cutting it back to what it was, which in my mind isn't that big of a deal. If it's the former, which I imagine it is, it's hard to feel sorry for the city.

Plutonic Panda
06-30-2016, 06:04 PM
I agree with you.

06-30-2016, 07:07 PM
I know what you are talking about now, and I honestly didn't even know that road went all the way to 119th. I just figured people would use Portland or May depending on where they live if they want to get to that Walmart. With all this going up along I44, it sure it cutting those of us that live West of I44 off from the rest of South OKC.

It looks like they are completing the service road all the way through to SW 89th and doesn't look like it will be integrated with the on ramp. Will be clusterf***
06-30-2016, 07:46 PM
It looks like they are completing the service road all the way through to SW 89th and doesn't look like it will be integrated with the on ramp. Will be clusterf***

Jeez, these people have no idea how to do things. This should be done how 240 is with their service roads and Texas turnarounds.

06-30-2016, 08:41 PM
It looks like they are completing the service road all the way through to SW 89th and doesn't look like it will be integrated with the on ramp. Will be clusterf***

Yep horrendous. I'll just continue to give Mustang my tax dollars.

07-01-2016, 11:34 AM
I really don't know what to think about that article. I'm sure some of the same people griping they left are the same ones griping they came to begin with. So in my mind the city started wastefully spending the extra tax dollars coming in, then when Walmart left they, they had to make cuts. Or, once the extra money came in they hired more people and started new services, which means they are cutting it back to what it was, which in my mind isn't that big of a deal. If it's the former, which I imagine it is, it's hard to feel sorry for the city.

Walmart is bad when it comes to your town because it causes mom and pop stores to go out of business. Walmart is bad when it leaves because you have to lay off 3 people and scale back a few services. Is having Walmart in your town good or bad? Make up your mind people...I'm gettin' dizzy here.

07-01-2016, 05:02 PM
It's absolutely both. Walmart coming to town often spells the end of the local Mom 'N Pop grocery and sometimes local hardware stores too - they very often just can't compete, and they go under. Now Walmart is generating the tax revenue that those other stores used to generate. Now what happens when Walmart calls it quits? All of those businesses - Walmart AND the Mom 'N Pops - are now gone, and so is their tax revenue.

Once Walmart is established in a community like that, and the other retailers are driven out of business, it becomes a necessary evil to keep that Walmart open. Even if they realize an increase in net tax revenues while Walmart is there, it's not hard to see why the loss of that store can wreck a lower-population municipality's finances.

07-02-2016, 03:19 PM
It's absolutely both. Walmart coming to town often spells the end of the local Mom 'N Pop grocery and sometimes local hardware stores too - they very often just can't compete, and they go under. Now Walmart is generating the tax revenue that those other stores used to generate. Now what happens when Walmart calls it quits? All of those businesses - Walmart AND the Mom 'N Pops - are now gone, and so is their tax revenue.

Once Walmart is established in a community like that, and the other retailers are driven out of business, it becomes a necessary evil to keep that Walmart open. Even if they realize an increase in net tax revenues while Walmart is there, it's not hard to see why the loss of that store can wreck a lower-population municipality's finances.
If one gave up the neighborhood mom and pop grocery store and got in the convenience store business, then he or she has likely done pretty good.

Some towns have made lemonade out of lemons from the presence of Wal-Mart by putting in strip malls next to Wal-Mart. Then fill the store space with mom and pop type stores. If they offer good or services that Wal-Mart doesn't cover well, or not at all, they probably are doing good.

07-11-2016, 09:33 AM
I noticed there was a permit for Taco Bell that seems to have a similar address to everything else in this area, so I'm wondering if that is the fast food slotted for this area.

07-11-2016, 09:44 AM
Manager(s) at the Newcastle (TriCity) WalMart are apparently telling customers the new location at SW 104th and I44 will not open until October. I'm thinking they are waiting until the service road is completed, because I drive by that building every day on the way home and the building looks 90% finished; parking lot paved, lights up, etc. About the only thing missing is signage.

As far as the service road going from 89th to 104th, at least that road will be new. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the ugly 800lb gorilla in the room will be the abuse upcoming to the horrific little stretch of Portland that becomes the I-44 service road between SW 134th and SW 104th. This is a horrific little stretch of road that has, for about twenty or thirty years, done nothing more than serve the Earlywine golf course, and as such is a pothole-laden, largely unmaintained strip of asphalt. It will instantly become a main route for people coming from the south but choose not to use I-44. I don't think they'll have any choice but to rebuild that entire street in the next year and integrate the I-44 exit there.

07-11-2016, 10:11 AM
I also don't understand why they don't repave 104th under I44. This is ridiculously rough, washboard part of the road.

07-11-2016, 10:21 AM
I also don't understand why they don't repave 104th under I44. This is ridiculously rough, washboard part of the road.

It also is low and floods very easily. I am curious if they would have to completely rebuild it to get it to drain correctly.

08-01-2016, 07:09 PM
I heard today that a Lowes will opening by this Walmart.

08-01-2016, 07:31 PM
I like that! I like Lowes but it's inconvenient to go to the Lowes up on May. It used to be that where there was a Walmart there was a Lowes.

08-01-2016, 08:59 PM
I heard today that a Lowes will opening by this Walmart.

It would not surprise me in the slightest. Care to relay a source?

08-01-2016, 09:07 PM
There's a lowes on 240, Mustang, and Moore. Seems saturated to add another in that small of an area.

08-02-2016, 07:01 AM
There's a lowes on 240, Mustang, and Moore. Seems saturated to add another in that small of an area.

The Mustang location would be too distant to be of much consequence in that area, otherwise that saturation would surely be my instinct...but these days, who knows. Although I don't expect it to happen, given that Lowe's and WalMart share some board members (at least they did at one point) and some operating concepts, it wouldn't *surprise* me if one showed up. I don't think there is a Lowe's/HD big-box type retailer in the TriCity area, is there? That might be the only reason I could think one might pop up - grab some market from that area coming *up* I-44....purely spitballing, of course. Doubt seriously it happens.

08-02-2016, 07:35 AM
I heard today that a Lowes will opening by this Walmart.

This would be awesome.

08-02-2016, 07:38 AM
This would be awesome.

Rumbling I heard a few months ago was that WM planned to shutter the I-240 and Santa Fe location in favor of the I-44/104th site, but some local folks begged them to keep it open, and for now, WM agreed. Let's extrapolate and speculate on that a bit - purely discussion, no indication this is happening at all - but would Lowe's plan to shutter that Santa Fe location given its proximity to the Moore site off I-35 in favor of a new location off I-44 around 104th? If WM at some point really did opt to close their location on the east side of Santa Fe, and Lowe's moved, man, that intersection would become derelict almost immediately. Yuck.

Pete, I think you need to work your sources on this and conjure up some scuttlebutt. :)

08-02-2016, 09:07 AM
The Mustang location would be too distant to be of much consequence in that area, otherwise that saturation would surely be my instinct...but these days, who knows. Although I don't expect it to happen, given that Lowe's and WalMart share some board members (at least they did at one point) and some operating concepts, it wouldn't *surprise* me if one showed up. I don't think there is a Lowe's/HD big-box type retailer in the TriCity area, is there? That might be the only reason I could think one might pop up - grab some market from that area coming *up* I-44....purely spitballing, of course. Doubt seriously it happens.

I mean I disagree. I live south of the airport and do 90% of my shopping in Mustang, as do most all of my neighbors in my particular neighbor hood.

Just some actual numbers from my house:

to Mustang Lowes: 4.9 miles
to Santa Fe Lowes: 10.2 miles
to Moore Lowes: 12.5 miles

to Mustang Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Santa Fe Walmart: 10.2 miles
to SW104th Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Tri-City Walmart: 10.4 miles

And I'm someone who lives in Westmoore schools. Other people just a mile East of me drive to Moore and or Tri-City for things like Walmart, or Lowes (Moore or Santa Fe location). This has always kind of blown my mind, because all of these things can be found closer, in an area that is growing as fast as any other (Mustang). When I first moved in out here and found out a couple of my neighbors were driving that far for basics, I was like why not just go to the ones in Mustang. Every single neighbor that was driving further had no idea Mustang even had a Lowes or supercenter Walmart. I guess maybe the last time they drove there was in the mid 90's. Now granted when the stuff opens up on 104th, it's kind of a toss up, for me anyways. I can see why people East of me would choose that as it's closer.

08-02-2016, 11:11 AM
I mean I disagree. I live south of the airport and do 90% of my shopping in Mustang, as do most all of my neighbors in my particular neighbor hood.

Just some actual numbers from my house:

to Mustang Lowes: 4.9 miles
to Santa Fe Lowes: 10.2 miles
to Moore Lowes: 12.5 miles

to Mustang Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Santa Fe Walmart: 10.2 miles
to SW104th Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Tri-City Walmart: 10.4 miles

And I'm someone who lives in Westmoore schools. Other people just a mile East of me drive to Moore and or Tri-City for things like Walmart, or Lowes (Moore or Santa Fe location). This has always kind of blown my mind, because all of these things can be found closer, in an area that is growing as fast as any other (Mustang). When I first moved in out here and found out a couple of my neighbors were driving that far for basics, I was like why not just go to the ones in Mustang. Every single neighbor that was driving further had no idea Mustang even had a Lowes or supercenter Walmart. I guess maybe the last time they drove there was in the mid 90's. Now granted when the stuff opens up on 104th, it's kind of a toss up, for me anyways. I can see why people East of me would choose that as it's closer.

Distance isn't the only issue - time is the other. You could have something physically closer that takes longer to reach. I, for one, would never consider going to Mustang for shopping on a routine basis, and I resist going to Moore because, well, sometimes its just a pain to go all the way to I-35 and 19th to pick up a bolt at Lowe's. Heck, if there were a Lowe's at TriCity I'd go down there before I'd go to Mustang or Moore because it is such a straight shot right down I-44.

My in-laws lived in Mustang and now in Yukon and it's always a twisty, windy path to their house, and I know where the Lowe's et al are located. I'm also in the Westmoore area, but I'm guessing you and I are just in different areas. It's only sixish (estimated - maybe seven) miles to Lowe's and a fairly straight shot down 119th, 104th, or 89th to Santa Fe (depending upon my mood). And I just don't think most people factor in the growth aspect of a region as a source for where people shop - eg it's a fast-growing area, so I'll shop there? Doesn't compute for me at all, but that's just me.

08-02-2016, 01:16 PM
Distance isn't the only issue - time is the other. You could have something physically closer that takes longer to reach. I, for one, would never consider going to Mustang for shopping on a routine basis, and I resist going to Moore because, well, sometimes its just a pain to go all the way to I-35 and 19th to pick up a bolt at Lowe's. Heck, if there were a Lowe's at TriCity I'd go down there before I'd go to Mustang or Moore because it is such a straight shot right down I-44.

My in-laws lived in Mustang and now in Yukon and it's always a twisty, windy path to their house, and I know where the Lowe's et al are located. I'm also in the Westmoore area, but I'm guessing you and I are just in different areas. It's only sixish (estimated - maybe seven) miles to Lowe's and a fairly straight shot down 119th, 104th, or 89th to Santa Fe (depending upon my mood). And I just don't think most people factor in the growth aspect of a region as a source for where people shop - eg it's a fast-growing area, so I'll shop there? Doesn't compute for me at all, but that's just me.

Oh I understand being in different areas. I used miles because it was simplest. In my case the time would give the Mustang locations a hands down win because between my place and those there are 2 stop lights. Going the other way, at the new Walmart itself is going to be somewhere between 3 and 4 lights. It's also unfortunate that one of these roads doesn't offer faster speeds with a dedicated turning lane and less lights. This is another reason I really, really hate shopping in the South OKC area. Most of the time if I do go to Moore, which I do from time to time, I end up going down to SW134th, because at least most of it is 50 MPH and there tends to be less North-South traffic so the lights stay green longer. I feel bad for the kids that have to ride the bus in my neighborhood. I think we are around 9-10 miles from the Junior and High schools with all those lights and a lot of the roads lowered to 40 MPH. I imagine with all the other pickups those routes take forever.

I've talked with Robert Romines before, who lives not far from me about his drive to work in Moore. I can only imagine that being a nightmare. I'd think that it might almost be better to get on 44 and loop up and around than try and drive through South OKC. With how much the area is growing having just one East-West road with greater access would be so helpful.

08-02-2016, 01:27 PM
Just some actual numbers from my house:

to Mustang Lowes: 4.9 miles
to Santa Fe Lowes: 10.2 miles
to Moore Lowes: 12.5 miles

to Mustang Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Santa Fe Walmart: 10.2 miles
to SW104th Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Tri-City Walmart: 10.4 miles

With those numbers, you'd be crazy to go anywhere besides Mustang. As for me (and I assume SoonerDave), my house sits a more even distance from 240 and 19th, with Mustang stores being out of the way. I do almost all grocery shopping at Crest, with the occasional jaunt to the Tri City Wal Mart (240 one is not my scene). WIth the 104th one opening soon, I imagine my random WM trips will occur there.

If they were to put a Lowe's in, I would love it as much for the store itself as for the harbinger that other businesses that interest me might also pop up. I hear from friends who have developer "connections" that there is a lot of interest, but I guess the impatient side wants more to happen. And if that means we are literally being surrounded by WalMarts in the near future, I guess I'll take it.

08-02-2016, 01:31 PM
Rumbling I heard a few months ago was that WM planned to shutter the I-240 and Santa Fe location in favor of the I-44/104th site, but some local folks begged them to keep it open, and for now, WM agreed. Let's extrapolate and speculate on that a bit - purely discussion, no indication this is happening at all - but would Lowe's plan to shutter that Santa Fe location given its proximity to the Moore site off I-35 in favor of a new location off I-44 around 104th? If WM at some point really did opt to close their location on the east side of Santa Fe, and Lowe's moved, man, that intersection would become derelict almost immediately. Yuck.

I recall reading your original comments on this. They need to retrofit the side road that is the old portland (east of I44) into an on/off ramp and do some additional work in the area overall if that's the plan.

08-02-2016, 05:35 PM
With those numbers, you'd be crazy to go anywhere besides Mustang. As for me (and I assume SoonerDave), my house sits a more even distance from 240 and 19th, with Mustang stores being out of the way. I do almost all grocery shopping at Crest, with the occasional jaunt to the Tri City Wal Mart (240 one is not my scene). WIth the 104th one opening soon, I imagine my random WM trips will occur there.

If they were to put a Lowe's in, I would love it as much for the store itself as for the harbinger that other businesses that interest me might also pop up. I hear from friends who have developer "connections" that there is a lot of interest, but I guess the impatient side wants more to happen. And if that means we are literally being surrounded by WalMarts in the near future, I guess I'll take it.

Yeah we do almost all our grocery shopping at Crest. I just wish it wasn't always so darn busy.

08-02-2016, 06:00 PM
Not trying to change the subject but with the Lowes talk on here I just wanted to put in a word for All Seasons Lumber on W. Hwy 152. They usually have top quality mdse at prices better than Lowes. They're my first stop anymore.
08-04-2016, 03:17 PM
That area around the holidays is going to be a mess. I usually go from 35 to Macarthur on 104th to go to work, when the new WM opens up I might have to do 119th to Meridian.

08-04-2016, 08:48 PM
You must be close to me, Im at 89th and Rockwell...

I mean I disagree. I live south of the airport and do 90% of my shopping in Mustang, as do most all of my neighbors in my particular neighbor hood.

Just some actual numbers from my house:

to Mustang Lowes: 4.9 miles
to Santa Fe Lowes: 10.2 miles
to Moore Lowes: 12.5 miles

to Mustang Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Santa Fe Walmart: 10.2 miles
to SW104th Walmart: 4.8 miles
to Tri-City Walmart: 10.4 miles

And I'm someone who lives in Westmoore schools. Other people just a mile East of me drive to Moore and or Tri-City for things like Walmart, or Lowes (Moore or Santa Fe location). This has always kind of blown my mind, because all of these things can be found closer, in an area that is growing as fast as any other (Mustang). When I first moved in out here and found out a couple of my neighbors were driving that far for basics, I was like why not just go to the ones in Mustang. Every single neighbor that was driving further had no idea Mustang even had a Lowes or supercenter Walmart. I guess maybe the last time they drove there was in the mid 90's. Now granted when the stuff opens up on 104th, it's kind of a toss up, for me anyways. I can see why people East of me would choose that as it's closer.

08-04-2016, 09:47 PM
You must be close to me, Im at 89th and Rockwell...
We are almost neighbors. I'm at 104th and Regina in Olde Tuscany

08-04-2016, 10:23 PM
Yep right down the road. 104 and council.

08-07-2016, 03:55 AM
Yep right down the road. 104 and council.

The land was sold on the northwest corner of 104th and rockwell. New housing addition going in.

08-07-2016, 09:06 AM
The land was sold on the northwest corner of 104th and rockwell. New housing addition going in.

Not surprised. I know there is a new one going in at 119th and Rockwell. I wish the city would redo Sw104th. Road is in pretty rough conditions in several locations.
08-07-2016, 02:18 PM
Not surprised. I know there is a new one going in at 119th and Rockwell. I wish the city would redo Sw104th. Road is in pretty rough conditions in several locations.

I noticed the other night tha104th under the bridge has some high spots that were scraped, so they might at least resurface that intersection next week.

08-07-2016, 03:48 PM
I noticed the other night tha104th under the bridge has some high spots that were scraped, so they might at least resurface that intersection next week.

Ironically I complained to the city about that because it was terribly washboard. I got a detailed report from the inspector about how they weren't doing anything because they have no funding. So who knows.

104th west of Regina is terrible and needs all the way to Morgan replaced.

08-17-2016, 05:53 PM
Anyone know when this location will open?

08-17-2016, 06:09 PM
Anyone know when this location will open?

Pete, managers of the WM at TriCity have been telling customers that 104th won't open until October. I am guessing they are waiting for the service road linking 89th to 104th to be completed.

08-17-2016, 06:19 PM

08-18-2016, 08:12 AM
Yeah really seems like the only thing holding it up is getting all the roads to it "straigtened" out.

08-18-2016, 11:24 AM
Too bad the airport authority couldn't have gotten them to anchor in the new airport development. They already have the roads built, utilities set, etc. Just a waste of taxpayer money now to duplicate on the east side what was just built west of the interstate.

08-18-2016, 01:18 PM
Too bad the airport authority couldn't have gotten them to anchor in the new airport development. They already have the roads built, utilities set, etc. Just a waste of taxpayer money now to duplicate on the east side what was just built west of the interstate.

Well, in all fairness, catch, there never has been a service road on the east side of i-44 between 89th and 104th. They put in "half a road" that terminated maybe halfway between about two years ago in the hopes its presence would lure in a hotel along I-44 (at least that's what I was told by some friends with connections in the business community). As I've mentioned ad-nauseum earlier in the thread, the next problem is the service road that morphs into Portland just *south* of 104th that is, frankly, a mess...

I think someone earlier in this thread mentioned that WM was pitching in for at least some of the traffic and street/traffic upgrades in the immediate hopefully it's not a 100% taxpayer burden. Not sure on the specifics.

08-18-2016, 05:59 PM
Well, in all fairness, catch, there never has been a service road on the east side of i-44 between 89th and 104th. They put in "half a road" that terminated maybe halfway between about two years ago in the hopes its presence would lure in a hotel along I-44 (at least that's what I was told by some friends with connections in the business community). As I've mentioned ad-nauseum earlier in the thread, the next problem is the service road that morphs into Portland just *south* of 104th that is, frankly, a mess...

I think someone earlier in this thread mentioned that WM was pitching in for at least some of the traffic and street/traffic upgrades in the immediate hopefully it's not a 100% taxpayer burden. Not sure on the specifics.

That land just north of the walmart is owned by PB Odom. My understanding is that he put in the road which is why it only went halfway to 104th because that is the only section he owned.

09-02-2016, 01:24 PM
Pete, managers of the WM at TriCity have been telling customers that 104th won't open until October. I am guessing they are waiting for the service road linking 89th to 104th to be completed.

From all the action that is occurring on the access road north of the Walmart, this seems like good info.

The large highway sign went up either yesterday or the day before, so it can't be long now.

Still wish someone would take the plunge and build on the west side of I44 though.
09-29-2016, 04:54 PM
Drove by it on the way to work today and the stop lights are active and the gas station is open for business. Not sure if Walmart is open or not yet but should be anytime now.

09-29-2016, 05:47 PM
My wife told me it opens October 5th.

09-29-2016, 05:53 PM
Grand opening is October 5.

10-03-2016, 02:01 PM
I just wanted to say that with all of this development on the far south side that there should be a Far South category just as there is a Far North category. The Far South side of town is really growing,

10-04-2016, 11:18 AM
I know the dirt work has begun on the Taco bell facing I-44, but according to this map: the lot facing 104th next to the new credit union is under contract as well - any idea what's going in there?

(...please be a starbucks, please be a starbucks, please be a starbucks.....)

10-04-2016, 01:12 PM
I know the dirt work has begun on the Taco bell facing I-44, but according to this map: the lot facing 104th next to the new credit union is under contract as well - any idea what's going in there?

(...please be a starbucks, please be a starbucks, please be a starbucks.....)

Link didn't work for me, but I agree on the Starbucks. My wife would be happy.

10-04-2016, 01:20 PM
Link didn't work for me, but I agree on the Starbucks. My wife would be happy.

Considering my family just got me two different Starbucks cards for my birthday, I'd probably just rent a room in the back and call it good. :)

I think it would be an ideal spot for a Starbucks.

10-05-2016, 08:17 AM
Considering my family just got me two different Starbucks cards for my birthday, I'd probably just rent a room in the back and call it good. :)

I think it would be an ideal spot for a Starbucks.

Someone who knows someone who owes someone a favor...etc seems convinced a Whataburger, Chicken Express, and taco Bueno (although maybe not with the Taco Bell confirmed?) are in the immediate future for that area.

Another "connected" (allegedly :)) person says Target is "definitely" going in across I-44. Who really knows if any of this is true, but it's fun to play the guessing game.

Me? If we get a Starbucks, BWW and a Lowes I'll be happy.

10-05-2016, 08:19 AM
I just wanted to say that with all of this development on the far south side that there should be a Far South category just as there is a Far North category. The Far South side of town is really growing,

I wanted to post this exact same thing. Its tough sometimes to find these threads unless I post meaningless comments in them and find them that way.

10-05-2016, 08:26 AM
Someone who knows someone who owes someone a favor...etc seems convinced a Whataburger, Chicken Express, and taco Bueno (although maybe not with the Taco Bell confirmed?) are in the immediate future for that area.

Another "connected" (allegedly :)) person says Target is "definitely" going in across I-44. Who really knows if any of this is true, but it's fun to play the guessing game.

Me? If we get a Starbucks, BWW and a Lowes I'll be happy.

My son thinks Whataburger is about the greatest place on earth. If he heard even a RUMOR about this being a possibility that close to our neighborhood, he might just go work there purely as a volunteer JUST to have direct access to honey bbq chicken strip sandwiches. Omigosh.

10-05-2016, 08:47 AM
Taco Bell on the I-44 service road confirmed via OKC building permit.

10-05-2016, 09:02 AM

10-05-2016, 10:03 AM
Someone who knows someone who owes someone a favor...etc seems convinced a Whataburger, Chicken Express, and taco Bueno (although maybe not with the Taco Bell confirmed?) are in the immediate future for that area.

Another "connected" (allegedly :)) person says Target is "definitely" going in across I-44. Who really knows if any of this is true, but it's fun to play the guessing game.

Me? If we get a Starbucks, BWW and a Lowes I'll be happy.
Target needs to open in that area since the store on 44th and Western shut down.

10-05-2016, 10:23 AM
I'm definitely all for a Target and BWW, maybe even a Chilis. I think the other Lowes is too close to get another one. They don't quite do the saturation that Walmart does. I'd also like a Chikfila and a Five Guys.