View Full Version : Count Gregore

07-11-2005, 08:07 AM
I've started work on a biography of actor John Ferguson (Count Gregore) and need some metro help.

As most of you may already know - at least those who know of Count Gregore - our beloved Count is considered the longest running horror host in the world. But unfortunately, most of his time spent on the air was LIVE. For the most part all that is left in a LIVE show is the memories.

That's what I need help with.

I need your memories, photos, film, tapes, memorabilia, and everything you can muster that you would be willing to share with me about actor John Ferguson and his many performances and characters, including his best known, Count Gregore.

I would also appreciate any pointers that could help me discover more - so if you know the name of someone I should talk to, pass it along.

A website is being developed for the Count that will help share memories and the life of John Ferguson soon. But we need content for that, as well.

Please contact me using the following info:

Bradley Wynn
PO Box 711
Oklahoma City, OK 73101

Here's a little bit about John and his character Count Gregore:

Actor John Ferguson first appeared as television's beloved Horror Host, Count Gregore on May 10, 1958 as Shock Theatre premiered on WKY-TV in Oklahoma City. Considered the longest running Horror Host in the world, John Ferguson continues to delight audiences on screen, stage, and public appearances as the Count or one of his diverse characters. John's love of children and acting has aided him in becoming an Oklahoma icon and cherished memory in the hearts and minds of millions of fans.

07-11-2005, 12:33 PM
I knew John professionally when he was a salesperson at KAUT in 1984. He was my saleman. Possibility exisits that someone there may be of help.

I remember him as being a VERY nice man.

07-11-2005, 12:38 PM
Thank you MrAnderson!

I just had lunch with John and got a load of VHS tapes and a Gregore teeshirt from so very long ago!

I have had NO luck trying to reach anyone at KAUT. I have mailed, called, emailed, to no avail. Do you by chance have a contact I could try?

Perhaps you would be willing to talk to me at a later date? if so, email me with your contact info and we can make arrangements.

Thank you again, so much!


07-11-2005, 12:46 PM
Actually, John and the producer I used were the only contacts there. I didn't know him well, but have great memories of his programs. It was a pleasure to have known him, even for a brief time.