View Full Version : I-40 and Meridian Area

08-14-2013, 07:28 AM
Couldn't find a thread on this area - may exist but I give up on being able to properly search within this forum.

Seems to be such a contrast going on, on this strip along Meridian from Reno south to the airport.

The I-40/Meridian section seems to be fading fast. Once nice hotels (like the Biltmore) are now home to many criminals. I was in the area the last few nights and the prostitution and drug traffic is now very high - especially on weekend nights. It appears much of the traffic that left South Robinson is now in this immediate area. When I ride along with bounty hunters this area is always top on the list to find a hiding fugitive.

Yet, when you go a bit further south there is new construction and several big name multi-story hotels and extended stays going in and the ones there now appear to be very full (along the river area).

Do you think the north end of this strip is going to continue to decline until the hotels become so run down they can be purchased and scraped at a reasonable price?

08-14-2013, 02:37 PM
I don't honestly know but I hope we'll be seeing you set up film shop in the area. Your operations tend to make their operations go bye-bye :-)

Bill Robertson
08-14-2013, 03:49 PM
I don't know about fading fast. I think the fade has been slow but maybe not really noticed. Since you mentioned the Biltmore I have some knowledge of it. In the late 70s early 80s it was a great hotel with a good restaurant and club. From 10 to 15 years ago I worked for a company that did many things security and communication oriented. One client was the Biltmore. It was managed by a couple that were only interested in making what they could from the place without spending any, and I mean any money in maintenance or upgrades. They were also things I can't mention on here for the possibility of being banned. If any of the other businesses along there had/have similar management and attitudes they have brought decline on themselves.

08-14-2013, 09:06 PM
Every few years, ODOT partners with the American Council of Engineering Companies and they hold a large conference at the Magnuson. This year, while I was searching for a parking spot, my car was surrounded by a group of men and I was...propositioned. I definitely won't be driving there alone next time.

I hope the area gets cleaned up soon. It is known as the Hospitality Corridor, and it's a shame that this is what many out-of-towners see while visiting OKC.