View Full Version : Former KOCO Sports Anchor Jerry Park passes away

08-12-2013, 10:12 PM
Just read that Jerry Park, former sports director/anchor for KOCO, passed away.

For those who don't remember that name, Park was among the last of an ebbing breed of sports journalist who didn't try to be a slick entertainer or perpetually seem in pursuit of the Next Biggest Market job. He was an everyman, a guy you'd think would be just as happy sitting in the stands watching a ballgame with all the other fans as much if not more than from the press box. He never hesitated to put in the good word for his beloved TCU. It was never unusual to see him walking through the concourse at the old All Sports Stadium covering OKC 89'er games, or just as easily breezing through the crowd in Norman before an OU game - seemingly always with a smile.

I did not know Jerry Park personally, of course, but as is often the case with TV, you think you know such personalities better through the illusion of familiarity that is a necessary consequence of TV. Yet I always suspected that Park's TV and public persona weren't that different, that he was just a fan who happened to have the ability to communicate the essence of the contest in a pleasant, yet professional manner, keeping sports in its proper perspective all the while.

As a long-time OKC sports watcher, I'll miss Jerry Park, and more broadly, the era he represented in sports broadcasting. His kind are disappearing as a memory of a bygone era, and we, as sports fans, are all the poorer for it.

RIP Jerry

Jim Kyle
08-12-2013, 10:32 PM
He worked at the old stucios on the NW corner of NW 63 and Portland, and Coronado Lanes was located across the street. He used to run out of the studio and bowl a few lines between broadcasts -- and sported an ABC 300 ring!

However if my memory isn't playing tricks on me, I remember him dying of a heart attack one day while at the studio! That's been something like 40 years ago now, but I distinctly recall reading about his love of bowling in the obit...

EDIT: Well, after more than 20 years I guess a few memory lapses are in order. He did suffer a heart attack at work in 1993, but recovered, had a multiple bypass operation, and went on to retire in 1999.

08-13-2013, 07:26 AM
Knew the family. Worked with his son Kenneth "Rusty". He was a legend that was lost way to early to cancer. I remember the media campaign that started before he even got here to announce his arrival. He came along when there was much less cutthroat competition and more cooperation among the three news channels. SoonerDave having known away from the camera he was in person just like the happy go lucky fellow you saw on the screen. He was a great family man and father. They are grieving his loss very hard.

08-13-2013, 12:44 PM
That's too bad. Jerry Park was a nice guy and a fine sportscaster. Where did you read of his death? Is there an obituary somewhere?

08-19-2013, 04:08 PM
I saw just a short blurb on I am pretty sure that Jerry, being the down-to-earth kind of guy that he seemed, even drove a school bus for Edmond Schools for a time. We saw him around Edmond from time to time. Nice guy.