View Full Version : Overused Words...

07-24-2013, 05:45 PM
I fully understand words and their meanings can and do change. I realize our language is constantly evolving to reflect the times. But how we get stuck on overused words is just weird. The overused word (loosely stated as a 'word') that is making me want to yell, "stop!" is a word that is used and overused in movies and in day to day life. The word? It's the "F" word. Please! If the "F" word is used some 183 times in a movie (and yes that really happened) why can't someone say, "Wait! Let's expand our language just a bit and see if we can go deeper than saying "F" 183 times.

Are there other overused words that need to be put to rest?

Roger S
07-24-2013, 05:52 PM
I use a lot of the "F" words... You may need to be more specific.

07-24-2013, 06:04 PM
I agree with the "F" word. I'm not offended in moderation, but when it's "f" this and "f" that, I hate it.

Others that drive me crazy:

Iconic ... If everything called "iconic" really was, it wouldn't really be iconic.

Exponential ... It's rarely used correctly. It's being used as a replacement for massive or anything really huge. It's actually a specific mathematical formula.

Paradigm ... This one is, like the above, rarely used correctly.

Viral ... This just grates on me. Overused and no methodical measurement.

There's more, but that gets me started.

07-24-2013, 06:14 PM
"literally" and "ridiculous"

07-24-2013, 06:16 PM
No F'in comment (that's freakin, lol).

07-24-2013, 06:41 PM
um.... (may not technically be used a word but used a lot)

07-24-2013, 06:58 PM

Plutonic Panda
07-24-2013, 07:09 PM
I agree with the "F" word. I'm not offended in moderation, but when it's "f" this and "f" that, I hate it.

Others that drive me crazy:

Iconic ... If everything called "iconic" really was, it wouldn't really be iconic.

Exponential ... It's rarely used correctly. It's being used as a replacement for massive or anything really huge. It's actually a specific mathematical formula.

Paradigm ... This one is, like the above, rarely used correctly.

Viral ... This just grates on me. Overused and no methodical measurement.

There's more, but that gets me started.I know, right? Instead of things going viral on the internet, why can't they go bacterial???? "Dude, this video of that guy eating an iPhone just went bacterial"!!!!!!

07-24-2013, 07:50 PM
I never cease to be offended by the 'Q' word.

07-24-2013, 08:07 PM
I never cease to be offended by the 'Q' word.

Quiet? Quackery? Quaint? Quarters? Quaker? Quilter? Quotable?

Call me really stupid Stew, but I didn't know there was a "Q" word. I assume it's something that's offensive? Like the well-known "N" word?

07-24-2013, 08:33 PM
Quiet? Quackery? Quaint? Quarters? Quaker? Quilter? Quotable?

Call me really stupid Stew, but I didn't know there was a "Q" word. I assume it's something that's offensive? Like the well-known "N" word?

Gotta be "Quaker."

07-24-2013, 08:59 PM
The "Q" Word(Q=Quiet) is a word known in the Emergency Services as a punishable offensive word. Whenever the word is muttered, the night (Or day) becomes flooded with emergency calls.
"Man it sure is quiet tonight..."
"Why'd you just say the "Q" Word, dude?!"
Urban Dictionary: "Q" Word (

07-24-2013, 09:19 PM
I-anything. Apple gets on my nerve. Not the recording studio or the fruit. Just the evil empire of Darth Jobs.

07-24-2013, 10:14 PM
Are there other overused words that need to be put to rest?
Guys. I'm sick and tired of hearing, "hi guys".

Usually. ACK! That word needs to be banned. Each offense should
be a $100 fine! It means there is an alternative or an option. It
makes me sick when I ask a for something and the reply is, "we
usually don't do that." And my reply is, "I'm not asking for what's
usual, I'm asking for such and such.". Eventually they come around
and say that they don't do or have that.

Make that a $500 fine for improper usage.

07-24-2013, 10:16 PM
Correct. If it's not literal then what is it? The same goes for "actually".
If it's not already actually then what is it?

I love this thread.

07-24-2013, 10:18 PM
I never cease to be offended by the 'Q' word.
What's wrong with being quick or quarantined?