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08-18-2013, 11:33 PM
Pfft. That doesn't make for good gossip!

When yer right, yer right.

08-26-2013, 08:31 PM
Everyone it looks like Gary Last day on the air will be Wednesday Night

08-26-2013, 11:13 PM
Really? I haven't had that impression. Does anyone really know
what's going on? I'm going to investigate this.

08-26-2013, 11:19 PM
Here's a link to his new position.

Click (

I must say that he over dramatized what was happening at the
moment of any storm. However, he was always in line with the
political corruptness at the moment, i.e. nothing is happening but
I need to scare you into believing that some is happening.

I hope he'll still be around for "I'll keep your advised" humor and

08-26-2013, 11:51 PM
Well kudos to the New York Times for writing the best piece ever on Gary England, and just in time for his retirement.

08-27-2013, 09:28 PM
tornadopayne: Every newscast @NEWS9 tomorrow will reflect @garyeOK 's amazing 41 years at @NEWS9. His dedication/contribution to Okla. is unprecedented.

08-27-2013, 10:03 PM
I can't help but, think that Gary is leaving because he is more or less fed up with the way weather coverage has to be delivered in today's world. I think this last storm season did him in and he may feel like he and his profession put more lives in danger than it saved. It was just a short time ago when he talked as if he would never leave his post until they wheeled him out on a stretcher and delivered him to the mortuary.

I am probably wrong but, I get the feeling he tried to resign and walk away and Griffin was scared he wold go elsewhere or start his own web based company people could follow online. Therefore, they created a position where he could still enjoy his passion and stay a part of Griffin.

Had he just simply decided "Hey, it's time to hang it up and retire." He would have just simply retired and walked away from Griffin and the weather business all together. Let's face it the man probably has enough money were he could live a cushy life until God called him home.

08-27-2013, 10:15 PM
I can't help but, think that Gary is leaving because he is more or less
fed up with the way weather coverage has to be delivered in today's
world. I think this last storm season did him in and he may feel like
he and his profession put more lives in danger than it saved.
You may be on to something. A few 'storms' were blown out of
proportion, too. The thought that we need sensationalism is
just wrong.

08-27-2013, 10:34 PM
I still can't believe David Payne took his place of all people. I remember hearing Gary say on air a few years back. "Every thing is okay with this storm folks stay with us we will get you through this. There is nothing going on that requires people to get all worked up yelling at each other."

It was a clear jab at Payne and Morgan because, I was flipping back and fourth at all three channels on that particular storm. They were the only ones carrying on like that.

Fox 25 was not on the air and Rick Mitchell was as cool as a cucumber. In fact Mitchell, made it a point to cut his chaser's off when they started getting hyper. One night he told one of them bluntly, "We don't need the excitement, take a moment and we will be back with you." He did not go back, to that chaser he stayed with Chris Lee who had a calm head and was conveying information as if it were 95 and sunny outside and he was getting hit by hail and straight winds.

I think the only reason why Payne got the job is he was already used to being pegged out like a runaway weed eater during storm coverage so he was a perfect fit. Not to mention he had a loyal following at KFOR.

08-27-2013, 11:12 PM
I still can't believe David Payne took his place of all people... etc...
What's the line? Is it "Bingo! We have a winner!"

Four drops of water just hit my windshield at SW 29th and May. The
Pollo Regio roach coach isn't evacuating, because nothing is really
happening, but we may have an F10 on our hands.

Seek shelter now! Seek shelter now!

08-28-2013, 04:46 AM
I'll miss Gary E. Not a fan of Payne. Fortunately, there's venture79 and OKCtalk. As for the few bad storm days that Norman sees from time to time, made it this far so can't really complain.

08-28-2013, 01:59 PM
This is from Kelly Ogle Facebook page just letting everyone know what is going to happen over at News 9 once Gary Step down

Just to clarify:
David Payne is taking over as News9's Chief Meteorologist, and his storm chasing days are pretty much over.. David will be the man in charge in the News9 Weather Center.
And he brings a very unique insight to the position.
David has seen, by far, more tornadoes UP CLOSE than any other Chief Meteorologist in Oklahoma and probably the entire nation.
He shares Gary's passion for Oklahoma Weather, and Gary's commitment to keep us all safe.

08-28-2013, 02:44 PM
This is from Kelly Ogle Facebook page just letting everyone know what is going to happen over at News 9 once Gary Step down

We all saw this coming. I would much rather prefer Michael Armstrong as chief meteorologist because his coverage during May 20th was excellent. Nothing against David and I'm sure he is happy to take it and will be a wonderful chief. I just feel he won't be as happy. He belongs on the road chasing tornadoes!

08-28-2013, 02:48 PM
I'll miss Gary E. Not a fan of Payne. Fortunately, there's venture79 and OKCtalk. As for the few bad storm days that Norman sees from time to time, made it this far so can't really complain.

Without exaggerating a bit, Venture here and in his Virtual Weather War Room :) was easily 20 minutes ahead of most other media in analyzing and reporting things as they were happening. Even in the events of those days leading up to the storms, I was able to relay info (prelim watch info, svr outlooks, things like that) to a local disaster prep person who later advised me I was easily 15-20 minutes ahead of their sources, and wondered how I did it :)

Think we're seeing the leading edge benefits of new media here.

08-28-2013, 06:28 PM
Thank you Mister Gary England.
Job well done!

08-28-2013, 09:42 PM
End of a Era good newscast tonight

08-28-2013, 10:22 PM
Best of luck to Gary England. It will be very different without Gary during severe weather. I wish him nothing but good things.

08-28-2013, 11:22 PM
Good send off tonight, even though he'll still be around. Would have really liked to see some of the old gang back, but that probably all happened off camera earlier today.

Plutonic Panda
08-29-2013, 09:27 AM
Man, it will be so weird turning on the TV with the sirens going and not hearing Gary England, and I'm only 19! Can't imagine what it is like for people who have been around since he started.

When I was little, I was really interested in meteorology and wanted to become a forecaster for News9 really bad, and luckily had the pleasure to meet Gary England and Jed Castles. Gary England will be missed and he served a great purpose.

said it before and I'll say it again, I really wish Michael Armstrong would be the chief meteorologist there

08-29-2013, 01:12 PM
Goodbye Mr. England, you will be missed.

Plutonic Panda
09-02-2013, 05:02 PM

Not sure if this has been shown yet.

09-02-2013, 08:00 PM
So... Gary will be on the Colbert Report on Wednesday. Set your DVR's!

09-04-2013, 05:27 PM
Reminder tonight is the night Gary will be on Colbert. Should be entertaining. :)

09-04-2013, 09:32 PM
It's starting!

09-04-2013, 10:00 PM
First time I have ever watched this show. I am tragically unhip. I would have enjoyed more Gary and less plastic parakeet.

09-04-2013, 10:02 PM
First time I have ever watched this show. I am tragically unhip. I would have enjoyed more Gary and less plastic parakeet.

You are missing out if this is the first time. :) Tonight's show was pretty blah overall. Much better when he does is "The Word", "The Threatdown", and other segments.

Overall good appearance for Gary. Felt it went pretty well and Gary kept up with Stephen's humor.

09-04-2013, 10:07 PM
Gary did very well for what little time he was given. I will try and catch this show a little more often. First impressions are not always the best of anything. Except maybe a bear attack.

Jim Kyle
09-04-2013, 10:14 PM
First time I have ever watched this show. I am tragically unhip. I would have enjoyed more Gary and less plastic parakeet.First for me also, and probably also the last. I enjoy humor when it's done well, as in "That Was The Week That Was" or "Laugh-In" but the Perfect Polly routine reminded me of Monty Python's dead parrot only much less funny...

However, Tom Lehrer quit doing his satirical act because, he said, it had become impossible to tell the difference from real life. I guess that's what happened to real humor, too.

09-04-2013, 10:19 PM
Gary did very well for what little time he was given. I will try and catch this show a little more often. First impressions are not always the best of anything. Except maybe a bear attack.

Funny you should mention that...

ThreatDown - Global Erotic Extremism, Mini Muslims & Stripper Bears - The Colbert Report - 2013-01-08 - Video Clip | Comedy Central (

ThreatDown - Apple Fan-Bears, Drunk Cars & Bears - The Colbert Report - 2012-10-10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central (


09-04-2013, 10:29 PM
ALways something to do with bears lol

09-05-2013, 02:52 AM
Quite a generation gap I suppose. I think Colbert is an absolute comic genius.

09-05-2013, 06:01 AM
Quite a generation gap I suppose.

I don't think it's a generation gap, really. It's more a matter of last night not being an example of Colbert's best work. I thought Gary did well, but I was a little disappointed in Colbert. I'm just guessing here, but the interview made me feel like maybe a producer had read the article about Gary in the New Yorker Magazine...found it interesting (It was)...and booked Gary for the show. However, it appeared that Colbert had NOT read the article because most of his schtick with Gary was very superficial, which is unlike him. Colbert just didn't seem all that prepared for the interview to me.

09-05-2013, 08:02 PM
Would that Gary had had a different national outlet. He did well, anyway.

09-05-2013, 09:36 PM
OK. I am guessing the bombastic delivery is a parody of all talking head programs. I don't watch any of those. I promise I will try and watch a few times. Gary did deserve more time and a knowledgeable host.

09-05-2013, 09:44 PM
OK. I am guessing the bombastic delivery is a parody of all talking head programs. I don't watch any of those. I promise I will try and watch a few times. Gary did deserve more time and a knowledgeable host.

Colbert is a parody of "Papa Bear" O'Reilly and a mix of the other loud mouths with TV shows. I too wish the segment was longer, but the interview segments are normally pretty short. Though the day before he gave the Archbishop a longer segment.

09-05-2013, 09:52 PM
It might have just triggered my "National Media don't know s**t about Oklahoma" nerve. It felt like Gary got disrespected. I watch Chelsea Latly and most of the time it makes me laugh, when it doesn't go all left wingnut. I too would have stopped a subway to save some kittens though.

09-06-2013, 01:26 AM
It might have just triggered my "National Media don't know s**t about Oklahoma" nerve. It felt like Gary got disrespected.

I don't wouldn't take it as any disrespect to Gary or Oklahoma in general. Colbert interviews in-character and since his character is self-obsessed, opinionated and ill-informed, the focus of the interviews is often as much on Colbert himself as it is the guest. So when he says things that sound rude or ignorant, it's generally meant to be a statement about Stephen Colbert the character and not the guest. The show's shtick is that it's a parody of shows of big media blowhards, and Stephen apes their worst habits (such as interrupting, talking over, and patronizing guests plus using the interview as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement) in his interviews. And the guests do know this. At least in the early days of the show (and maybe still now), Colbert always talked to the guests off-camera and let them know what to expect so that there weren't any hard feelings. While Gary's interview wasn't the best one Colbert's ever given, I don't think he was treated any differently than most guests.

09-06-2013, 08:49 AM
I can't believe Gary lower him self so much as to appear on such a trashy low intellect show as what Colbert has.
Gary is better than this and a hell of a lot smarter.

Jersey Boss
09-06-2013, 09:00 AM
"Hey you kids, get off my TV"

09-06-2013, 10:38 AM
... appear on such a trashy low intellect show as what Colbert has.

Given who Colbert mimics and makes fun of, that's actually some high praise right there.

09-06-2013, 04:17 PM
I don't wouldn't take it as any disrespect to Gary or Oklahoma in general. Colbert interviews in-character and since his character is self-obsessed, opinionated and ill-informed, the focus of the interviews is often as much on Colbert himself as it is the guest. So when he says things that sound rude or ignorant, it's generally meant to be a statement about Stephen Colbert the character and not the guest. The show's shtick is that it's a parody of shows of big media blowhards, and Stephen apes their worst habits (such as interrupting, talking over, and patronizing guests plus using the interview as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement) in his interviews. And the guests do know this. At least in the early days of the show (and maybe still now), Colbert always talked to the guests off-camera and let them know what to expect so that there weren't any hard feelings. While Gary's interview wasn't the best one Colbert's ever given, I don't think he was treated any differently than most guests.

If it's all part of the shtick and he gives them a heads up that's cool. Gary has keep his cool through a lot of stuff. Colbert was only about an EF-1.

09-07-2013, 04:46 PM
Gary England was on Weekend Edition with Scott Simon on NPR this morning. He was asked the same "why does anyone live in OKC?" question again. He also described May 3 1999. Pretty good stuff.

09-08-2013, 08:19 PM
Gary England was on Weekend Edition with Scott Simon on NPR
this morning. He was asked the same "why does anyone live in
OKC?" question again. He also described May 3 1999. Pretty
good stuff.
We live here because it's a great state. A very great state.

09-08-2013, 09:08 PM
One thing I found informative, amongst all the hoopalaa was the way tornado alley slowly rotates through different states. I am not a WX junkie so it was news to me.

09-09-2013, 12:19 AM
One thing I found informative, amongst all the hoopalaa was the way tornado alley slowly rotates through different states. I am not a WX junkie so it was news to me.

You could argue that, but normally there are different "alleys" in the country. Damon posted about this on the KOCO blog a few years back. Here is a map of the general area of the various tornado alleys in the country. The main tornado alley is the season typically April - June, shift north the further you go in the season but back south in Oct-Nov. Dixie Alley is typically Jan-April. Hoosier Alley is normally May-July. Carolina Alley seems to be late fall and also through much of Winter early Spring.

09-09-2013, 01:22 AM
Gary England was on Weekend Edition with Scott Simon on NPR this morning. He was asked the same "why does anyone live in OKC?" question again. He also described May 3 1999. Pretty good stuff.

I have heard that question asked about everywhere around the country. I was asked that question by people during my time in the military. My answer was always: Because that's were god planted me and that's what I came to know and love. There is no perfect place to live. Everywhere you go, there is a natural or manmade problem you have to deal with everyday, monthly or yearly.

My military career took me all over the country and quiet a few places in the world. When my tour was up, I came home. I could have stayed on the gulf coast. Re-Enlisted and went to the east coast or the west coast. I could have went overseas. However, I was ready for life outside the military and believe it or not Oklahoma is one of the best places to live in the world. We have four seasons that are perfectly balanced about the time you get tired of one type of weather, another one comes rolling in. Like now, I am sick of the heat and ready for cool temperatures of Fall. I know I don't have to wait long because in no more than a few weeks warm days and cool nights will be here to enjoy.

The only people that don't like Oklahoma are the folks who have never been here or have never lived anywhere else. When I say lived I'm talking more than just going to school or going on vacation in another part of the country. I am talking about having a residence, paying bills, working, playing for at least a year or longer.

We have it really good here, the cost of living is manageable, the afternoon and evening commute is great, the weather is usually nice and last but not least the people here are still decent to one another. Sure you have your people on the lunatic fringe but, they know better than to do bad things in public. People know Oklahomans will get involved and stop bad things from happening. Ex: A group of people stopped a child abuse situation in a south side restaurant without batting an eye at it. Other cities people would have just continued eating their dinner and maybe call 911. These people followed the guy outside and blocked his car in until police arrived to arrest him and take the child into protective custody.

Restaurant patrons hold man until Oklahoma City police arrive | News OK (

09-09-2013, 08:11 AM
We have four seasons that are perfectly balanced about the time you get tired of one type of weather, another one comes rolling in. Like now, I am sick of the heat and ready for cool temperatures of Fall. I know I don't have to wait long because in no more than a few weeks warm days and cool nights will be here to enjoy.

I guess it depends on your measure of perfectly balanced. Winter never really seems to get its fair share of time. :)

09-09-2013, 11:56 AM
I guess it depends on your measure of perfectly balanced. Winter never really seems to get its fair share of time. :)

Looking forward to forecasting winter storms with you this season, V! Hopefully we get something after last winter's fiasco.

09-09-2013, 01:35 PM
Looking forward to forecasting winter storms with you this season, V! Hopefully we get something after last winter's fiasco.

Indeed! I'm ready for a good ol' classic complex snow storm.

09-09-2013, 11:25 PM
I guess it depends on your measure of perfectly balanced. Winter never really seems to get its fair share of time. :)

Over the last few years it hasn't but, I have lived here all but five years of the 38 years I have been alive. It seems like we are on a cycle. We will get several years of heavy winters, then several years of mild to light winters. I remember the early 2000's were snow years. In 2001 or 2002 if I recall right, we were hit with 4 winter storms. 1 in November, 1 December and 2 in January. The two in January produced pretty heavy snow fall. The others just dusted with sleet, snow and ice.

09-16-2013, 03:33 PM
David Payne is doing an great job as the Chief for News 9 so far