View Full Version : Cattlemen's Steakhouse
PhiAlpha 07-22-2013, 10:37 AM FYI Cattleman's made number 4 on this America's best steakhouse list.
America's 10 best steakhouses | Fox News (
BBatesokc 07-22-2013, 10:47 AM I love these 'best food' lists where those who do the ranking never actually visit the restaurant or taste the food.
I've said it before, the experience of going to Cattleman's and its history are 80% of why it always makes these lists. Put the same food in a brand new steak joint and nobody would notice.
If you walk away from Cattleman's and think you've had the best OKC has to offer in steaks (or even top 5) then you'd be sadly mistaken.
HangryHippo 07-22-2013, 10:55 AM I love these 'best food' lists where those who do the ranking never actually visit the restaurant or taste the food.
I've said it before, the experience of going to Cattleman's and its history are 80% of why it always makes these lists. Put the same food in a brand new steak joint and nobody would notice.
If you walk away from Cattleman's and think you've had the best OKC has to offer in steaks (or even top 5) then you'd be sadly mistaken.
Let's see your list of best steaks, please.
warreng88 07-22-2013, 10:57 AM Red Prime, Mickey Mantle's, Red Rock, Ranch, Opus. As much as I like the steaks at Cattleman's, I agree that you can get a better steak at several places in the metro. I feel like Cattleman's is more of blue collar steakhouse where as the others aren't as much.
Martin 07-22-2013, 10:59 AM whether or not cattlemen's ranks among the 'best' according to one's personal tastes, it is nice for one of our city's restaurants to get some national recognition. -M
PhiAlpha 07-22-2013, 11:03 AM I was going to say... that's a funny list since cattleman's isn't even the best steakhouse in OKC.
Nothing against cattleman's, it's good, but more about the experience for sure. I'll take The Ranch and Red Prime over cattleman's anyday. Great anytime something in OKC makes a "best" list though.
Rover 07-22-2013, 11:08 AM Order the "prime" at Cattleman's. It is better.
BBatesokc 07-22-2013, 11:26 AM Let's see your list of best steaks, please.
As Warren88 pointed out, I too believe its often the choice of the blue collar dinner (which is great, but not a list topper).
My list (off the top of my head) would be Red Prime, Boulevard, Signature, Opus, Ranch...
I've never said Cattleman's was bad - just not worth recognition on the quality of their steaks in general.
I wish these list makers would disclose in the opening paragraph that they didn't even visit the restaurant and most likely based everything off Google searches while sitting in their cubical - which only serves to perpetuate misleading information.
whether or not cattlemen's ranks among the 'best' according to one's personal tastes, it is nice for one of our city's restaurants to get some national recognition. -M
Yes and no. Sure its great the city made a list. But people often base their dining choices while traveling through a city on such lists and I think many would agree there are much better choices.
But, I still go to Eischen's for chicken - but its the experience with friends, not the chicken itself that makes it worth the effort.
Personally, I take out of town friends to Cattleman's for breakfast or lunch (which never involves steak) for the experience and they really like it. But if I'm paying for steak, I want great steak, not nostalgia.
Martin 07-22-2013, 11:43 AM Yes and no. Sure its great the city made a list. But people often base their dining choices while traveling through a city on such lists and I think many would agree there are much better choices.
i see your point, and i do agree that many of these lists aren't exactly great sources of information. however, i'd rather the city get a little free publicity out of one of its popular dining establishments, even if it isn't the 'best', then get no publicity at all. maybe cattlemen's isn't the 'best' steak that the city has to offer but i certainly wouldn't be embarrassed to have out of town travellers stop by there. -M
ljbab728 07-22-2013, 03:21 PM A couple of previous threads about Cattleman's:
warreng88 07-22-2013, 03:33 PM A couple of previous threads about Cattleman's:
It's interesting reading the "Is Cattleman's about the best steakhouse?" thread, realizing that was started over seven years ago and how many great steakhouses have come along since then.
Rover 07-22-2013, 03:45 PM i see your point, and i do agree that many of these lists aren't exactly great sources of information. however, i'd rather the city get a little free publicity out of one of its popular dining establishments, even if it isn't the 'best', then get no publicity at all. maybe cattlemen's isn't the 'best' steak that the city has to offer but i certainly wouldn't be embarrassed to have out of town travellers stop by there. -M
And, it is an AUTHENTIC steak house. So many of the new ones are in artificially inseminated testosterone palaces. There is a saying about urban cowboys..."all hat and no cattle". That's the way I feel about a lot of steakhouses. Cattleman's may not be the BEST steak even in OKC, but it is the best authentic steak in OKC. It's hat AND cattle, with some boots thrown in.
BTW, my out of town guests ALWAYS love Cattleman's. We locals may not always appreciate what we have right under our nose because we have had it so long and we are bored with it.
bhawes 07-22-2013, 03:53 PM FYI Cattleman's made number 4 on this America's best steakhouse list.
America's 10 best steakhouses | Fox News (
Its a joke Longhorn Steakhouse and Saltgrass Steakhouse are way better then Cattleman.
bhawes 07-22-2013, 03:56 PM Red Prime, Mickey Mantle's, Red Rock, Ranch, Opus. As much as I like the steaks at Cattleman's, I agree that you can get a better steak at several places in the metro. I feel like Cattleman's is more of blue collar steakhouse where as the others aren't as much.
I try all on list except Opus but Longhorn and Saltgrass should also be on list.
Cattleman's has everyone beat for atmosphere. That aroma of cow poo really makes you want to dig into a steak.
warreng88 07-22-2013, 04:39 PM I was responding to the what I thought the best steak in OKC was. I just now read the article and saw the rankings. It's hard for me to take the article seriously when Cattleman's is one behind Peter Luger in Brooklyn. I had a Peter Luger steak about four years ago and it was hands down the best steak I have ever had. I am curious if Cattleman's is on here purely for the history and atmosphere. Just one man's opinion.
Martin 07-22-2013, 07:20 PM I had a Peter Luger steak about four years ago and it was hands down the best steak I have ever had.
i've wanted to visit that place ever since hearing about it... glad to hear from someone local as to whether or not it lives up to the hype. -M
SoonerDave 07-23-2013, 08:32 AM Heck, as far as I'm concerned, the last steak I had at Ken's Steakhouse in Amber was better than the last one I had at Cattlemen's, but that's just my opinion..
Midtowner 07-23-2013, 08:42 AM "Best" is very subjective. Steak restaurants are a dime-a-dozen and most fine dining steak restaurants around OKC are pretty much interchangeable, save, maybe Red Prime. Cattleman's has character and offers something truly different from the other steakhouses. You will not find anything like Cattleman's anywhere else in the country.
--and it's really damn good, you'll probably see me there at lunch today.
RadicalModerate 07-23-2013, 09:08 AM As has been mentioned or alluded to, above, the question was "Best Steakhouse" rather than "Best Steak" and I can see why Cattleman's would certainly qualify. It's like a window to the past showing what the best of Oklahoma City used to be prior to its "Urbane-ization" . . .
Not only that: Where did Guy Fieri go for steak in Oklahoma City? =)
BoulderSooner 07-23-2013, 09:45 AM As has been mentioned or alluded to, above, the question was "Best Steakhouse" rather than "Best Steak" and I can see why Cattleman's would certainly qualify. It's like a window to the past showing what the best of Oklahoma City used to be prior to its "Urbane-ization" . . .
Not only that: Where did Guy Fieri go for steak in Oklahoma City? =)
guy fieri ... drive ins diners and DIVES
Richard at Remax 07-23-2013, 10:20 AM Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives - Cattlemen's Steakhouse - YouTube (
kevinpate 07-23-2013, 10:28 AM Cattlemen's may be many different things to different folks, but it's hardly a dive.
BoulderSooner 07-23-2013, 11:03 AM I try all on list except Opus but Longhorn and Saltgrass should also be on list.
not so much
soonerguru 07-23-2013, 11:09 AM People absolutely love Cattlemen's for the atmosphere. I have several coworkers who insist on visiting there every time they come to OKC. I like going there, too, but my expectations of the food have been adjusted for reality. After several failed attempts to get a steak cooked to my liking, I just order their excellent chicken fried steak. And I do love the house salad dressing (which apparently is an acquired taste for many).
The Ranch is by far the best steak I've had in OKC -- although I have not been to Mahogany and have heard it is very good as well.
traxx 07-23-2013, 11:13 AM Cattlemen's may be many different things to different folks, but it's hardly a dive.
Dives have some of the best food.
Roger S 07-23-2013, 11:15 AM The Ranch is by far the best steak I've had in OKC -- although I have not been to Mahogany and have heard it is very good as well.
I can verify that Mahogany is very good. I've been to both and I like Mahogany better but agree that The Ranch makes a great steak as well.
BBatesokc 07-23-2013, 11:15 AM People absolutely love Cattlemen's for the atmosphere. I have several coworkers who insist on visiting there every time they come to OKC. I like going there, too, but my expectations of the food have been adjusted for reality. After several failed attempts to get a steak cooked to my liking, I just order their excellent chicken fried steak. And I do love the house salad dressing (which apparently is an acquired taste for many).
The Ranch is by far the best steak I've had in OKC -- although I have not been to Mahogany and have heard it is very good as well.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Love to take guests there to take in the whole Oklahoma Stockyards thing, we just avoid the pricer menu items - like steak. The atmosphere is great for breakfast and lunch.
PennyQuilts 07-24-2013, 07:13 AM "Best" is very subjective. Steak restaurants are a dime-a-dozen and most fine dining steak restaurants around OKC are pretty much interchangeable, save, maybe Red Prime. Cattleman's has character and offers something truly different from the other steakhouses. You will not find anything like Cattleman's anywhere else in the country.
--and it's really damn good, you'll probably see me there at lunch today.
I love cattlemans. Best blue plate special anywhere. Everyone keeps talking about its steaks and using them to compare. I don't eat steak but I still love that place. It's the real deal and the rest come across as fakes. As for smelling cow poop, not true but even if you did, at least it isn't what amounts to a mcsteak house.
I got to the point in the thread where I started seeing "Longhorn is better"... Longhorn is NOT better than Cattlemen's. Longhorn is dung.
Though I agree, Cattlemen's isn't the best, it's still in my top 5. I appreciate the dress code, prices, and tradition. That said, the owner needs to invest in fixing up the place. The booths are falling apart, and the walls need an overhaul.
FAR AND AWAY, the best is Ken's Steakhouse in Amber. It's worth the half hour it takes to get there. Hell, I'd drive hours if I had to.
Roger S 07-24-2013, 08:00 AM FAR AND AWAY, the best is Ken's Steakhouse in Amber. It's worth the half hour it takes to get there. Hell, I'd drive hours if I had to.
The best thing I had at Ken's was the free rib.
I'd rate Ken's right along with Cattlemen's. You go there for the experience not necessarily the meal and I haven't been to Ken's since he sold it. So I don't know if he still shows up to work the line or not. If he's not then even the Ken's experience isn't what it was.
BoulderSooner 07-24-2013, 08:31 AM kens is just better than terrible ... the steak at cattlemen's is ok ... everything else is pretty good breakfast is great
SoonerDave 07-24-2013, 08:53 AM The best thing I had at Ken's was the free rib.
I'd rate Ken's right along with Cattlemen's. You go there for the experience not necessarily the meal and I haven't been to Ken's since he sold it. So I don't know if he still shows up to work the line or not. If he's not then even the Ken's experience isn't what it was.
When did THIS happen? Its been a few years since I've been there, so I missed this. At its peak, I'd have put Ken's up there with any of them. Sad.
Roger S 07-24-2013, 09:02 AM KEN SOLD OUT?!?!?
When did THIS happen? Its been a few years since I've been there, so I missed this. At its peak, I'd have put Ken's up there with any of them. Sad.
It's been a year or two ago. It's owned by Ted Kennedy now. Not sure if he worked for Ken or not.
It's been a year or two ago. It's owned by Ted Kennedy now. Not sure if he worked for Ken or not.
I've only been going to Ken's for the last few years. I don't know where it used to rate, but I'm telling you, I eat a lot of beef, and Ken's makes the steaks around.
i've only been going to ken's for the last few years. I don't know where it used to rate, but i'm telling you, i eat a lot of beef, and ken's makes the best steaks around.
Prunepicker 07-31-2013, 03:49 AM I liked Ken's, but haven't been there since he sold the joint. I liked the
fact that he didn't have a menu. Just chicken, ribs and two steaks. C'mon,
what else does a restaurant need? His beans were excellent.
If you wanted a vegetarian platter then you could order green beans. Wait,
they were cooked with bacon. Never mind.
rcjunkie 07-31-2013, 07:49 AM I personally think its just a matter of time before Ken's closes for good. I've been here 4-5 times since Ken sold out and while the food is still very good, the service and overall condition of the building and surroundings have declined. I don't think i'm the only one that feels this way either, none of my visits have been met with the usual wait in line to get seated routine. Was there 2 weeks ago on a Friday night around 6:15, was seated immediately and there never was a waiting line to be seated.When my party left, I looked as we were leaving and over half of the tables were empty.
kevinpate 07-31-2013, 07:56 AM I personally think its just a matter of time before Ken's closes for good. I've been here 4-5 times since Ken sold out and while the food is still very good, the service and overall condition of the building and surroundings have declined. I don't think i'm the only one that feels this way either, none of my visits have been met with the usual wait in line to get seated routine. Was there 2 weeks ago on a Friday night around 6:15, was seated immediately and there never was a waiting line to be seated.When my party left, I looked as we were leaving and over half of the tables were empty.
Half empty at what sounds like peak time for a Friday night is not a good sign for any eatery.
Roger S 07-31-2013, 08:02 AM Ken was part of the experience and I think a lot of people went there for that experience. He made you laugh and forget about the long wait in the line. He handed out quarters to the kids.
It was kind of like Casa Bonita when you were a kid.... You didn't notice the food was really bad to mediocre at best because you got to raise a freaking flag when you wanted more of it!
I enjoyed raising that flag so much that I made one at home and tried it on my mom..... Needless to say. That didn't go over so well. ;)
bhawes 07-31-2013, 08:39 AM I can verify that Mahogany is very good. I've been to both and I like Mahogany better but agree that The Ranch makes a great steak as well.
Very good and expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bhawes 07-31-2013, 08:41 AM It's been a year or two ago. It's owned by Ted Kennedy now. Not sure if he worked for Ken or not.
Where was Ken's located.
Roger S 07-31-2013, 08:46 AM Where was Ken's located.
Amber, Oklahoma
Garin 08-23-2013, 02:57 PM Luncheon steak, salad, potato, and a roll for $ 7.95 and its good. Go try that anywhere else! Presidents eat there for crying out loud.
soonerguru 08-24-2013, 08:12 PM I had a FIRST recently: a perfectly cooked steak! Way to go, Cattlemen's!
Still, if you want cracked pepper with your salad or potato, you're out of luck (unless you smuggle in your own pepper mill). Also, forget ordering chives with your baked potato.
It is what it is.
soonerguru 08-24-2013, 08:12 PM Luncheon steak, salad, potato, and a roll for $ 7.95 and its good. Go try that anywhere else! Presidents eat there for crying out loud.
George Bush Sr. Who else?
Prunepicker 08-24-2013, 08:57 PM George Bush Sr. Who else?
Only Sr. that I know of. He had the Porterhouse, which is now
called the Presidential Steak, or something like that. The real
treat is the House dressing made by Wilma (?) Is it Wilma? They
say the mind is the first to go...
Prunette and I ate at The AQ Chicken Ranch in Springfield, AR. She
noticed that Bill Clinton and other politicians had eaten there. I
assured that it was years ago and that they've washed the dishes
several times. There was no chance of contracting... never mind...
I had a FIRST recently: a perfectly cooked steak! Way to go, Cattlemen's!
Still, if you want cracked pepper with your salad or potato, you're out of luck (unless you smuggle in your own pepper mill). Also, forget ordering chives with your baked potato.
It is what it is.
I never figured that one out. Fresh cracked black pepper, or a combo of black, white, green and red taste great on grilled meat. Yes I do smuggle in a grinder, well Momma does with her smuggling purse. Same one we use for movie's. It could be considered carry on luggage.
Prunepicker 08-24-2013, 09:06 PM I had a FIRST recently: a perfectly cooked steak! Way to go,
I've not had a bad steak at Cattleman's but I know it's possible.
Still, if you want cracked pepper with your salad or potato, you're
out of luck (unless you smuggle in your own pepper mill).
I'm not a fan of adding anything to the salad unless it's really bad.
I prefer ground pepper from a can on my potato. I don't like
crunching into a peppercorn since the potato has such a delicate
Also, forget ordering chives with your baked potato.
No kidding. HORRORS! As the song says...
chive and baked potato,
chive and baked potato,
goes together like a horse and carriage.
Prunepicker 08-25-2013, 01:10 AM ... Yes I do smuggle in a grinder, well Momma does with her smuggling purse.
Same one we use for movie's. It could be considered carry on luggage.
Seriously, why?
Achilleslastand 08-25-2013, 01:33 AM Off topic here a bit but the steakhouse up on Britton west of May. Didn't that used the be called "the great American railroad"{I think?}.
Teo9969 08-25-2013, 06:22 AM Off topic here a bit but the steakhouse up on Britton west of May. Didn't that used the be called "the great American railroad"{I think?}.
Something like that. And there was also a fish market in the building as well.
501 Ranch (a collaboration between Mathis Brothers and Pete Holloway of Boulevard) bought out the Railroad restaurant. ~2003 I believe MB bought out PH and in 2004/5 they bought out the fish market next door.
okcRE 08-25-2013, 12:04 PM Cattleman is a good steak house in its class but def. not the best if you compare to higher end steakhouses. Disregard price, The Ranch is the best you can find in town. Try bone-in ribeye or wagyu next time.
Garin 08-25-2013, 02:09 PM I had a FIRST recently: a perfectly cooked steak! Way to go, Cattlemen's!
Still, if you want cracked pepper with your salad or potato, you're out of luck (unless you smuggle in your own pepper mill). Also, forget ordering chives with your baked potato.
It is what it is.
They bring chives, cheese, and butter if you ask for your potato loaded
Teo9969 08-25-2013, 02:46 PM They bring chives, cheese, and butter if you ask for your potato loaded
No Sour Cream or bacon?!
soonerguru 08-25-2013, 02:52 PM They bring chives, cheese, and butter if you ask for your potato loaded
They are FREEZE DRIED chives. No thanks.
Cattlemen's is a campy place that is fun with pretty good food. Nothing more than that.
If you sent someone there suggesting that it is a great steakhouse you would be misleading them.
Seriously, why?
It's a small electric grinder and I prefer fresh ground pepper over pre-ground that has been exposed to air and lost some flavor.
Garin 08-25-2013, 04:48 PM They are FREEZE DRIED chives. No thanks.
Cattlemen's is a campy place that is fun with pretty good food. Nothing more than that.
If you sent someone there suggesting that it is a great steakhouse you would be misleading them.
I don't like sour cream or bacon but they have that as well. And a chive is a chive is a chive. Were talking about steaks anyway not chives for a potato that you stated they didn't have. Whether its freeze dried or fresh its still a chive
soonerguru 08-26-2013, 08:33 PM I don't like sour cream or bacon but they have that as well. And a chive is a chive is a chive. Were talking about steaks anyway not chives for a potato that you stated they didn't have. Whether its freeze dried or fresh its still a chive
Prunepicker 08-26-2013, 08:42 PM ... And a chive is a chive is a chive.
I disagree. A fresh chive has a brighter flavor than one that is
dried. In fact that's true about most herbs. I'm not saying a
dried chive or herb is worthless. They all have their place in