View Full Version : Cattlemen's Steakhouse
Bunty 10-09-2014, 03:09 AM New York writer has shocking experience at Cattlemen's Steakhouse in OKC - Tulsa World: Food (
Roger S 10-09-2014, 07:11 AM But there were a few, shall we say, culture clashes, beginning with my assumption that the finest steakhouse in the region would be fancy.
And this is why food writers should never make assumptions..... Cattleman's is not the finest steakhouse in the region by a long shot. And while I don't think the steaks at Cattleman's are bad. I've definitely never had one served the way this writer describes them.
Urbanized 10-09-2014, 07:36 AM She more than likely thought it was the finest steakhouse in town because someone from here told her that. SMH
Rover 10-09-2014, 08:43 AM Order the prime cuts.
I know people around here like to play down Cattlemans, but I have taken dozens of pretty well traveled business visitors from all over and they all expressed a great like for their steaks...and they usually all ask to go back.
And yes, I also take them to Mahogany, Red, and Ranch. So, it isn't like they haven't sampled.
sooner88 10-09-2014, 09:04 AM I think a major reason out-of-towners like Cattlemen's so much is that it is so much different than anything that they're are used to. You can find something similar to Mahogany, Red and the Ranch in any city, but walking into an old, unassuming building in the Stockyards and being served an above average steak with no frills stands out.
Roger S 10-09-2014, 09:13 AM I think a major reason out-of-towners like Cattlemen's so much is that it is so much different than anything that they're are used to.
I agree.... Whenever I have friends or family in from out of state they always want to eat there....... I definitely appreciate the atmosphere and think it represents the Stockyards, and Oklahoma, well.... I would never refer to it as a fine steakhouse though.
I mostly eat breakfast there so maybe since I'm mostly on the diner side I see it as more of a diner. The diner side reminds me of the old diner from my hometown as a kid. So I am definitely drawn there for the nostalgia.
SoonerDave 10-09-2014, 09:51 AM At the risk of incurring some minor wrath, I think there's a great deal of subjectivity in what constitutes a "great" steakhouse versus an average one. Some people might be weighing the atmosphere, the lighting, the smells, and, let's be honest, the if, "oh, it's expensive, so it must be good.." right?
I've often thought it would be a very interesting study of human behavior to blindfold say, five people, and serve them comparable steaks from a "premium" or "elite" steakhouse and compare it to an "average" or "ho-hum" place, and find the magnitude of any truly objective difference.
I've had really good steaks at what would be considered "blah" places, and bad steaks at nice steakhouses.
Roger S 10-09-2014, 09:58 AM I've had really good steaks at what would be considered "blah" places, and bad steaks at nice steakhouses.
Same here and Cattlemen's is a good example of it.... I have always ordered the same cut of steak when I have eaten there and I've had some that were really good and some that I couldn't believe they had the nerve to serve me.
Even Mahogany, which I will say is my favorite place to eat steak in OKC, while never having served me a steak I didn't enjoy has served me a few that were way better prepared than others. I can say I have actually eaten a couple of fork tender steaks at Mahogany but the majority require a knife.
soonerguru 10-09-2014, 10:10 AM I think a major reason out-of-towners like Cattlemen's so much is that it is so much different than anything that they're are used to. You can find something similar to Mahogany, Red and the Ranch in any city, but walking into an old, unassuming building in the Stockyards and being served an above average steak with no frills stands out.
Yes, it's the experience people enjoy. The food is more than good enough not to detract from the experience. I have many coworkers who choose Cattlemen's when they visit OKC. They've already heard about it from other coworkers. Cattlemen's, like it or not, is the place out-of-towners are told they "have" to visit. It's like our Carnegie Deli -- maybe not the best at its cuisine, but one tourists believe is the ultimate OKC experience.
Roger S 10-09-2014, 10:16 AM Yes, it's the experience people enjoy.
I took my ex-father-in-law there when he came to visit from Scotland, my first wife was Scottish, and he was infatuated with all things American West and he absolutely loved the place and wanted to go there every day..
I just wish I could have taught him that no self respecting cowboy would ever eat a steak well done plus and smothered in catsup. ;+)
bchris02 10-09-2014, 10:37 AM I have had much better steaks elsewhere in OKC than I've had at Cattleman's. However, Cattleman's is an OKC institution having been in business since 1910. If I am not mistaking, 25 years ago it was pretty much all there was. You didn't have Mahogany, Mickey Mantle's, Red Prime, Ranch, or any of the other more upscale ones that have come in recent years. I think the uniqueness and history of the place makes it worth a visit for out of towners. As others have said, many of OKC's more upscale steakhouses are similar to steakhouses in other cities, but Cattleman's is a unique experience.
Plutonic Panda 10-09-2014, 10:47 AM Hmmmm, nearly every person I've ever taken to Cattleman's has said they were among the best steaks they've ever had. I have also brought a bunch of people from Dallas, Atlanta, and L.A. here. I have also brought many international students here. I eat at this place one or two times a week. I love it and they make amazing steaks; I've yet to have one I didn't like. I have eaten at virtually every steakhouse in OKC that I know of and Cattleman's takes the top spot for me. I go to Red Prime a few times a month also, as they are really good. I love steak. I do love steak. I'll eat steak whenever I go to a steakhouse. Very rare when I don't eat steak.
Steak is good for your body, mind, and soul. I would recommend eating steak. Even if it isn't at Cattleman's, just eat it somewhere.
Plutonic Panda 10-09-2014, 10:48 AM Alligator is pretty good to. But you better not make me choose between steak and alligator here because you have no idea what's at stake!
bchris02 10-09-2014, 10:57 AM Hmmmm, nearly every person I've ever taken to Cattleman's has said they were among the best steaks they've ever had. I have also brought a bunch of people from Dallas, Atlanta, and L.A. here. I have also brought many international students here. I eat at this place one or two times a week. I love it and they make amazing steaks; I've yet to have one I didn't like. I have eaten at virtually every steakhouse in OKC that I know of and Cattleman's takes the top spot for me. I go to Red Prime a few times a month also, as they are really good. I love steak. I do love steak. I'll eat steak whenever I go to a steakhouse. Very rare when I don't eat steak.
Steak is good for your body, mind, and soul. I would recommend eating steak. Even if it isn't at Cattleman's, just eat it somewhere.
Maybe I need to give it another try and get the filet mignon. It's not bad steak by any means. It's actually very good, just not the best I've ever had.
Plutonic Panda 10-09-2014, 11:01 AM Maybe I need to give it another try and get the filet mignon. It's not bad steak by any means. It's actually very good, just not the best I've ever had.I'd recommend it! That's pretty much what I get, I just take the bacon off because I don't like bacon.
warreng88 10-09-2014, 11:11 AM Hmmmm, nearly every person I've ever taken to Cattleman's has said they were among the best steaks they've ever had. I have also brought a bunch of people from Dallas, Atlanta, and L.A. here. I have also brought many international students here. I eat at this place one or two times a week. I love it and they make amazing steaks; I've yet to have one I didn't like. I have eaten at virtually every steakhouse in OKC that I know of and Cattleman's takes the top spot for me. I go to Red Prime a few times a month also, as they are really good. I love steak. I do love steak. I'll eat steak whenever I go to a steakhouse. Very rare when I don't eat steak.
Steak is good for your body, mind, and soul. I would recommend eating steak. Even if it isn't at Cattleman's, just eat it somewhere.
So.... you like steak?
Plutonic Panda 10-09-2014, 11:14 AM So.... you like steak?
eh, it's alright ;)
adaniel 10-09-2014, 11:30 AM For a city of its size, OKC is spoiled to have as many good steak options as it does. Cattleman's is by no means the best but I must say they have a really unique flavor that I have yet to find anywhere else. And the atmosphere....its straight out of a 1971 John Wayne movie. You'd really be hard pressed to find anything like it in the country. Ironically I had some friends in from NY about 2 years ago and they wouldn't shut up about how good Cattleman's was.
Speaking of, I went right before I left OKC this past spring and I would wager about 40% of the cars in the parking lot had out of state tags.
ctchandler 10-09-2014, 11:34 AM OBEA,
You might be surprised. The owner/rancher of Gary Orrell Herefords eats his steak well done and I have know a couple of others that do as well. Catsup? Not so much, I don't believe any of them use it.
C. T.
I just wish I could have taught him that no self respecting cowboy would ever eat a steak well done plus and smothered in catsup. ;+)
Urbanized 10-09-2014, 11:38 AM For the record I love Cattlemen's. I eat there often myself (mostly breakfast and lunch), and regularly send visitors there. But I make it clear that while it is a fine steak, the place is as much about history and atmosphere as anything. In that regard, nothing here touches it. I generally recommend they also check it out for breakfast or lunch (honestly in my top 2-3 breakfast places in town). But if someone is truly in search of the best STEAK, I recommend other places. Cattlemen's is a bit of a time warp in that regard; super-solid, but it honestly hasn't kept up with the times.
I just think if a visitor is truly a meat-eater, and really wants to find the BEST STEAK our city has to offer, I have a responsibility to send them to the very best steak(s), at least as I see them.
Plutonic Panda 10-09-2014, 01:13 PM Hmmmm, nearly every person I've ever taken to Cattleman's has said they were among the best steaks they've ever had. I have also brought a bunch of people from Dallas, Atlanta, and L.A. here. I have also brought many international students here. I eat at this place one or two times a week. I love it and they make amazing steaks; I've yet to have one I didn't like. I have eaten at virtually every steakhouse in OKC that I know of and Cattleman's takes the top spot for me. I go to Red Prime a few times a month also, as they are really good. I love steak. I do love steak. I'll eat steak whenever I go to a steakhouse. Very rare when I don't eat steak.
Steak is good for your body, mind, and soul. I would recommend eating steak. Even if it isn't at Cattleman's, just eat it somewhere.Thank you for posting that. I to, like steak, and I'm glad to see others do as well.
Filthy 10-09-2014, 01:16 PM I just think if a visitor is truly a meat-eater, and really wants to find the BEST STEAK our city has to offer, I have a responsibility to send them to the very best steak(s), at least as I see them. So.....Where would you send them, and what would you recommend?
BoulderSooner 10-09-2014, 01:33 PM Not URB but I would sent them to any of 4 places. Red, ranch, Blvd or mickeys
Rover 10-09-2014, 01:49 PM Too many of the "upscale" steak houses taste all the same. Cattleman's is a real rancher's type steakhouse made how ranchers do. Real ranchers don't slather them with lard or butter and toss them in an 800 degree oven. They don't use a bunch of rubs and sauces. They just like the meat. That's what you get with Cattleman's....MEAT. Spend the money and order the prime and know what cut you REALLY like. (Many people don't understand that steak isn't "steak".) Ordering the wrong steak, understanding how to cook it relative to the size, thickness, marbeling, etc. makes a difference. IE, well done on a thin cut of a cheaper meat is disaster. THAT's when you have to use sauces. LOL
Laramie 10-09-2014, 01:57 PM My first experience at Cattleman's was in the early 70s. The atmosphere & experience of the place hasn't changed; much like a 'farm & ranch' charm. There's other establishments there like Langston's, Western Wear &, Army Surplus that offer great bargains.
Initially when I first visited the area it didn't seem to be a part of Oklahoma City; that's what makes Stockyard City (Packingtown as my parents use to call it) unique.
As our city grows, we've established districts which are unique within themselves like Bricktown, Plaza, Paseo, Asian, Midtown & Stockyard City which offer its own flavor. Oklahoma City needs to stay focused as we assist with the development & upkeep of these unique districts.
soonerguru 10-09-2014, 02:01 PM My favorite steak is the ribeye at the Ranch. It's honestly the best steak I've eaten in a restaurant in the United States.
I also like the steak I prepare at my home, over charcoal. My wife may just be acting nice but she says it's better than what you can get in a restaurant.
I agree with Rover's post above, with one caveat. Cattlemen's wet-ages its steaks. So they are quite seasoned. Also, they are served with a seasoned au jus, so they are anything but au naturel.
Roger S 10-09-2014, 02:12 PM I agree with Rover's post above, with one caveat. Cattlemen's wet-ages its steaks. So they are quite seasoned. Also, they are served with a seasoned au jus, so they are anything but au naturel.
Oh man I love sopping up that au-jus and tiny meat scraps with one of those huge yeast rolls to finish off a meal there!
Rover 10-09-2014, 02:42 PM Cattlemen's wet-ages its steaks. So they are quite seasoned. Also, they are served with a seasoned au jus, so they are anything but au naturel.
Wet aging is not the same as seasoned - you are probably thinking it is the same as marinating. Wet aging is just putting the meat in a refrigerated area in a sealed plastic bag and leaving it for usually 3-6 weeks depending on the maturity of the animal when butchered (older meat = longer to age). Dry aging is more dehydrated and loses up to about 50% of its weight...that's why it's more expensive when you order it. Both are acceptable, but add cost to inventory, etc.
Au jus is Au natural normally as the juice is from the steak drippings. If you are concerned about them adding jus, just ask them to not.
Urbanized 10-09-2014, 03:05 PM So.....Where would you send them, and what would you recommend?
For my money the two best standard on-menu steaks in Oklahoma City are the 40 day dry aged rib eye with a coffee crust and red sauce at Red Prime and the Roquefort filet at Mickey Mantle's, in no particular order. I agree with Boulder that Ranch and Boulevard come in probably 3rd and 4th place, respectively. When at Cattlemen's it's always rib eye, but I also agree with Rover about ordering prime there. Rib eye in general is usually my favorite cut of beef period thanks to the marbling, with Mickey's filet a notable exception due to the interaction of the filet's texture with the Roquefort sauce. I once made the mistake of ordering the Roquefort sauce with a rib eye at Mickey's before realizing that the two are just too rich together. For a special treat have them pepper the steak a la their peppered filet and THEN apply the Roquefort. All mentioned steaks to be done to medium rare.
But if Mickey's has Wagyu on the board, all bets are off.
soonerguru 10-09-2014, 03:46 PM Wet aging is not the same as seasoned - you are probably thinking it is the same as marinating. Wet aging is just putting the meat in a refrigerated area in a sealed plastic bag and leaving it for usually 3-6 weeks depending on the maturity of the animal when butchered (older meat = longer to age). Dry aging is more dehydrated and loses up to about 50% of its weight...that's why it's more expensive when you order it. Both are acceptable, but add cost to inventory, etc.
Au jus is Au natural normally as the juice is from the steak drippings. If you are concerned about them adding jus, just ask them to not.
Not concerned. Not concerned one bit.
Aaaand now I want some steak. Thanks Urbanized! :cool:
Urbanized 10-09-2014, 03:51 PM Hey, wouldn't be the first time you and I had a steak John. Next stop: cigars!
Rover 10-09-2014, 03:55 PM Ahh. I'm a porterhouse guy myself. Now, I'm hungry.
Give me a good porterhouse with well prepared and seasoned string cut onions (slightly crispy and not greasy), preceded by a great onion soup, and I am in heaven. Oh, did I mention a great Cabernet Sauvignon.
I have to throw in a Highland Park 18yr old before, or after......or both.
Urbanized 10-09-2014, 03:55 PM Well, Filthy asked.
kevinpate 10-09-2014, 04:15 PM ...
I also like the steak I prepare at my home, over charcoal. ...
My elder son lives in Mobile, AL, deciding to remain there after a ministry program and then graduating from U South. His current residence is not all that far from their local Ruth Chris. I asked him if he had been and if he liked it. He said he's heard folk talk about them, but prefers to just cook on his own deck when he hankers for a good steak. Having had the pleasure of eating his cooking several times as he was growing up, I can't say as I fault him at all.
Roger S 10-09-2014, 04:25 PM He said he's heard folk talk about them, but prefers to just cook on his own deck when he hankers for a good steak. Having had the pleasure of eating his cooking several times as he was growing up, I can't say as I fault him at all.
I'm right there with him... Not much beats a reverse seared ribeye done on the back porch..... But sometimes I just want to be waited on and let someone else clean up the mess and that never happens at home.
Jeepnokc 10-09-2014, 05:08 PM For my money the two best standard on-menu steaks in Oklahoma City are the 40 day dry aged rib eye with a coffee crust and red sauce at Red Prime and the Roquefort filet at Mickey Mantle's, in no particular order. I agree with Boulder that Ranch and Boulevard come in probably 3rd and 4th place, respectively. When at Cattlemen's it's always rib eye, but I also agree with Rover about ordering prime there. Rib eye in general is usually my favorite cut of beef period thanks to the marbling, with Mickey's filet a notable exception due to the interaction of the filet's texture with the Roquefort sauce. I once made the mistake of ordering the Roquefort sauce with a rib eye at Mickey's before realizing that the two are just too rich together. For a special treat have them pepper the steak a la their peppered filet and THEN apply the Roquefort. All mentioned steaks to be done to medium rare.
But if Mickey's has Wagyu on the board, all bets are off.
Interesting what different people look for in their steaks. A seared medium to med rare strip with salt and pepper. Grain fed wet aged Prime. No sauces, I want to taste the meat. Tried a tasting menu at Cut in Vegas couple of months ago with Nebraska corn fed prime , American wagyu and true Japanese Kobe. Kobe was way to fatty tasting even though it was evenly dispersed throughout grain of meat. The grass fed was my favorite but my business partner preferred the Wagyu.
Rover 10-09-2014, 05:49 PM Grew up on a farm in northern OK where we grew alfalfa fed pastured pure black angus. Doesn't get any better than that. Was spoiled. I thought getting a hamburger at the A&W was special because we always "had" to eat steak. LOL
OKCRT 10-09-2014, 06:43 PM Can someone do a top 10 best steak in OKC with approx Price?
From Ranch Steakhouse to Western Sizzler. Lets say we compare a 16 oz Rib Eye
Roger S 10-10-2014, 07:00 AM Can someone do a top 10 best steak in OKC with approx Price?
From Ranch Steakhouse to Western Sizzler. Lets say we compare a 16 oz Rib Eye
Urbanspoon ( has alrady done that for us.
bombermwc 10-10-2014, 08:41 AM It's good and all, but I always do feel a bit gross eating there. The place just feels old and sticky...and inefficiently designed because of how it expanded from the counter side. I almost with they would doze the place and start over. If the food is the draw, then you aren't going to lose anything by bringing it out of the 60's....and you know, getting the "sticky" off of everything.
warreng88 10-10-2014, 08:52 AM Thank you for posting that. I to, like steak, and I'm glad to see others do as well.
You responded to your own post. Had you been day drinking again?
HOT ROD 10-10-2014, 04:47 PM I have had much better steaks elsewhere in OKC than I've had at Cattleman's. However, Cattleman's is an OKC institution having been in business since 1910. If I am not mistaking, 25 years ago it was pretty much all there was. You didn't have Mahogany, Mickey Mantle's, Red Prime, Ranch, or any of the other more upscale ones that have come in recent years. I think the uniqueness and history of the place makes it worth a visit for out of towners. As others have said, many of OKC's more upscale steakhouses are similar to steakhouses in other cities, but Cattleman's is a unique experience.
Bchris, OKC has always been a steak and potatoes market. Remember, OKC had the cowtown label for some reason? Try not to be so condescending like OKC just appeared in 2010 and doesn't have an equally impressive past (pretty way back tho, I admit). Sure, OKC didn't have the restaurants you listed but the city had upscale choices that IMO were better and options in all price points. Does anybody remember Eagle's Nest, Shogun, that place that used to be in the Waterford Hotel complex, etc?
Rover 10-10-2014, 06:01 PM Don't forget Juniors. At the time "W" magazine listed it as one of the places to be in the US.
kevinpate 10-10-2014, 07:27 PM Throw in Jamil's too, which is still with us as well.
Like that place
HOT ROD 10-10-2014, 09:13 PM yes, I remember Juniors. OMG, I think Chris is probably too young to know how good OKC was back in the day. In a way, we're sort of catching up to what we already were AND having the population now to boot.
sooner88 10-10-2014, 09:32 PM yes, I remember Juniors. OMG, I think Chris is probably too young to know how good OKC was back in the day. In a way, we're sort of catching up to what we already were AND having the population now to boot.
The stories in Funny Money and Belly Up give you a small glimpse into what Junior's was like in the 80's. (But I'm in the same boat.. too young to be around for that)
ctchandler 10-10-2014, 09:37 PM bchris02,
What about Christopher's, Eddie's, and of course the Haunted House? And on the South side, the Fox and Horn? The Chandelle Club, Jaques and Jaques Sign of the Ram? Good, but not in the class of ones I have mentioned was Glen's on Northwest 10th, East of May, it really was good, but just a step down. One that a lot of performers (actors, musicians et al) would remember is Hardy's. Sorry Bchris02 if it appears we are ganging up on you, but I think you might have missed some excellent and some good restaurants that served some pretty good steaks.
C. T.
Urbanized 10-10-2014, 09:50 PM LOL I was at Junior's a couple weeks ago. I always go for the bar though. It's been a long time since I had a steak there. Need to go give it a shot soon.
ljbab728 10-10-2014, 11:45 PM Don't forget Juniors. At the time "W" magazine listed it as one of the places to be in the US.
And from a little earlier time, don't forget The Cellar.
The Cellar Restaurant | (
RadicalModerate 10-11-2014, 12:45 AM The last time that I ate at Cattleman's Café was back in the mid 80s. I dined with my younger brother. He ordered something and I ordered a "Filet."
When the plates hit the table, it reminded me of an old joke that a pal of mine once shared in a Upscale Restaurant somewhere in the Rockies, probably around Glenwood Springs or Aspen:
Waiter: How did you find your steak, sir?
Response: Well, I lifted up this here leaf of lettuce and thar' it wuz.
As I said: That was many years ago. I'm sure that Cattleman's is holding their own.
Tritone 10-11-2014, 01:01 PM Let me encourage you to go to Prime, Mahogany, Mantle's, etc. Then I won't need to wait so long for my table at Cattlemen's. Sigh...I do miss Christopher's.
Chadanth 10-11-2014, 01:13 PM I must be in the minority. I found Cattleman's underwhelming at best.
ctchandler 10-11-2014, 02:55 PM Ljbab,
I don't remember the Cellar at all. Strange, I thought I knew them all, except for the ones I have forgotten, but I don't think this is a senility issue, it just doesn't ring a bell.
C. T.
And from a little earlier time, don't forget The Cellar.
The Cellar Restaurant | (
Rover 10-11-2014, 07:11 PM Cellar was in the Hightower Bldg. Was a great restaurant. Very classy.
turnpup 10-12-2014, 10:26 AM For some odd reason, Cattlemen's is my daughter's favorite restaurant. At her request, we have special mommy/daughter lunches there when she has a day off from school. She always orders either a corny dog or chicken fingers. I agree with the other posters who say the steak is so-so, decent, but it's the atmosphere and tradition that keeps the place crowded.
The first time I took her there, my daughter saw a man at an adjacent table wearing a cowboy hat. She said, "Mommy, look! Is that a real cowboy?" As we were leaving, when we passed their table, I paused and told the man my daughter was interested in whether he was a real cowboy. The man smiled, looked at my daughter and said, "Yes, ma'am. I'm most certainly a real cowboy!" My daughter was thrilled.
Another time, we were parked in the back parking lot. After we ate, when walking back to get in the car to leave, there was a pickup truck with a sheep in a cage in the back. My daughter ran over to get a closer look at it and it snorted and lunged at her, stomping its hooves a couple of times. Not a cute, cuddly sheep for sure. He was a mean sucker! Then we passed a livestock trailer full of goats. They were bleating something fierce. I opened the sunroof and my daughter stood up and bleated back at them. We both got so tickled at that. I captured it on video and she loves replaying it.
So yes, while one can get (IMO) much, much better steaks at other OKC establishments, I can't think of anywhere else one can see real cowboys, get put in your place by a sheep and have a bleating contest with goats all in one place. :)
RadicalModerate 10-12-2014, 12:14 PM The like button seems to have gone away. I like--no, make that love--turnpup's post directly above.
It pretty much sums up why Cattleman's is immune to cutting-edge, culinary-hipster scorn.
(please be advised that I wouldn't go out of my way to eat at Cattleman's, but if someone suggested it I'd go along.)
mugofbeer 10-12-2014, 10:39 PM Don't forget Juniors. At the time "W" magazine listed it as one of the places to be in the US.
I just remember going there when I was 14 or 15 and seeing the waitresses in such short skirts.....1970's Hooters LOL
RadicalModerate 10-12-2014, 11:46 PM I just remember going there when I was 14 or 15 and seeing the waitresses in such short skirts.....1970's Hooters LOL
I think maybe they had Hee-Haw playing on the big screen TV. That, or The Dukes of Hazzard. =)
In reality, and as sort of a semi-apology, I have to say, that the entire concept of going out to a "steakhouse" is foreign to me.
I cook steak. I don't rely on the skills of others. Except, of course, for all that raising of the cattle and whatnot . . . =)
Bowser214 02-13-2025, 08:37 PM NewsOk article; Cattleman’s sold to out of state buyer. "So everything is going to stay the same. There'll be no changes or anything else, we're going to keep doing what we've been doing and try to serve really, really good quality beef to a lot of people, make them happy and keep coming back."
Check out this article from The Oklahoman:
OKC's iconic Cattlemen's Steakhouse sold: What to know about new ownership, long history