View Full Version : Pet Peeves
bucktalk 07-20-2013, 07:56 AM Maybe its because I'm getting older but I've noticed my pet peeve list is growing for some reason. Do you have a few? Me?
1. Drivers who turn right at a busy intersection but almost come to a complete stop while turning. If you're committing to turn...then TURN!
2. People who dominate a conversation assuming their point of view is more important than anyone else.
Oh there's a lot more that just those two lol.
kevinpate 07-20-2013, 08:26 AM I no longer have any pet peeves. I set all my peeves free. If you happen to end up with any feral peeves, I recommend you set out some rat poison the moment you spot them in your neighborhood. Or spray some peevenip on the leg of the next unwanted door to door solicitor, then pour yourself a drink and watch them follow the helpless soul down the street. Cheap fun.
venture 07-20-2013, 10:23 AM I try to not let much bug me anymore, but goes. LOL
1) People who don't use their turn single when changing lanes or who use it when they are already in the other lane. It is there to advise drivers of what you are about to do - not what you are doing or just did.
2) People who are rude and demanding of customer service workers in any industry. I earned my stripes when I was younger and avoid taking it out on them. I remember to give props when do as well (ask for their boss to say thank you for a great employee) which makes their day.
3) Back to driving. People who stop at a traffic light beyond the white line...and continue to crawl forward. The light isn't going to change any faster idiot.
4) People who are turning left but don't turn into the farthest left lane and instead go all the way across to the right now. Go back to driving school. You aren't driving a semi and your fat butt doesn't need that much room to turn.
5) People who seem to purposefully drive in my blind spot. I speed up, so do they. I slow down, so do they.
Okay that should do it for this morning's therapy session.
OKCisOK4me 07-20-2013, 11:00 AM Oh, Venture, your #3 cracked me up! I only say that because, as I sit here with no customers at work and enjoy the momentary peace and tranquility, I remember that back in the day on Myspace I created a blog with pictures I created showing "idiots" why creeping at the intersection won't make the light change any faster and if you're too far back why the light isn't changing because you aren't on that sensor pad (or you're too far ahead of it, lol). I had a ton of friends that got a good laugh out of that one. When I quit using Myspace, I printed off all my greatest blogs. It was and still is #1.
Bunty 07-20-2013, 11:10 AM People who don't answer when I say hello on the phone. I don't care if it's a mass calling outfit. They shouldn't be operating equipment that causes that. It's been giving that business a bad name for many years.
My other one. People in front of me on the on ramp driving well below the speed limit to get on the interstate. I don't know why they do that, unless they think it's too scary and dangerous to get on any faster.
bradh 07-20-2013, 11:20 AM People who refuse to use their cruise control on interstates. I hate people that pass me, then I pass them, repeat that sequence about 10 times.
BlackmoreRulz 07-20-2013, 11:21 AM Clicking on a picture that says to click on it for larger image and you get the same size picture.
Robo calls that tell you to hold after you answer it.
OKCisOK4me 07-20-2013, 11:41 AM People who refuse to use their cruise control on interstates. I hate people that pass me, then I pass them, repeat that sequence about 10 times.
That's a good one. I love using the cruise control and scoff at people that keep playing the sling-shot game with me...
venture 07-20-2013, 11:59 AM That's a good one. I love using the cruise control and scoff at people that keep playing the sling-shot game with me...
Same. I'll just set it for like 3-5 over and just do my thing. People will zip by me but then I laugh when I'm right behind them at an off ramp. The way some people drive just amuses me. Everyone is in such a rush but at the end of the day it really isn't going to do anything.
OKCDrummer77 07-20-2013, 12:18 PM 3) Back to driving. People who stop at a traffic light beyond the white line...and continue to crawl forward. The light isn't going to change any faster idiot.
I see this one a lot. I wish I could flag them for False Start and make them back up 5 yards to wait for the light to change.
venture 07-20-2013, 12:55 PM I see this one a lot. I wish I could flag them for False Start and make them back up 5 yards to wait for the light to change.
I always thought they should have those steal cylinders, that you see at high security exits/entrances, pop up out of the ground right where the white line is. Tell me it wouldn't be entertaining seeing a texting soccer mom in her van teetering back and forth as you drive off.
blangtang 07-20-2013, 01:12 PM Web pages that automatically begin playing a video of some sort, and usually at max volume.
Those things drive me nuts, especially if i get up to go to the other room and the page reloads and the video starts again!
PennyQuilts 07-20-2013, 02:35 PM My other one. People in front of me on the on ramp driving well below the speed limit to get on the interstate. I don't know why they do that, unless they think it's too scary and dangerous to get on any faster.
Yes, I'm with you on that one, Bunty.
People who leave carts in the parking lot make me nuts. Lazy losers...
Not my worse peeve but perhaps only because I have been beaten down and given up is the - invariably - little old lady in line in front of me who always seems surprised that she has to pay, then has to dig out her checkbook - it is always a checkbook - and then she has to balance her checkbook in line.
People behind you in line who won't give you two seconds to collect your change and move out of their way - it is as if they have to stand in front of the checker IMMEDIATELY and if it means touching the person in front of them, they'll do it. Kids do that a lot.
People yelling into cell phones in restaurants (again, primarily old women who just don't understand cell phone etiquette but who love to talk).
People who use granddad's handicapped placard to park in the handicapped spot and granddad isn't there. I am normally pretty tolerant about this because when my mother had cancer, she really couldn't walk very far due to lack of adequate oxygen but she didn't look sick. Because of that, this would primarily include mainly friends and relatives that I know are doing this.
Heavy set people using the motorized cart at the grocery store who are able bodied enough to walk in and get one, and who stand up and get things from the top shelf. They tend to be road hogs. I can only imagine that back in the days of pre-shopping scooter, these people stayed home and starved if the number of scooter users terrorizing the aisles, these days, is any indication.
People who don't clean their dog poop up off the common sidewalk or leave it in someone's yard, especially in an urban or suburban area.
bandnerd 07-20-2013, 02:53 PM People who have children but have no intention of parenting them.
One-uppers. You know that friend of yours that no matter how horrible or how great your day was, they have a story to top it.
People who think that conflict is bad. Disagreeing about something is not a bad thing. Failure to communicate because you're afraid of ruffling a feather or two is.
Bras. Necessary, uncomfortable evil.
ctchandler 07-20-2013, 03:03 PM PennyQuilts,
I realize you were speaking in general terms, but I am on oxygen 24/7 and if you know about "lack of oxygen", I'm on five liters and I can't walk more than about thirty feet without stopping to rest. I use the motorized carts to shop but I can stand up to reach the top shelf. Without the carts, I don't know how I would survive. I wonder how they did it years ago, maybe rely on family to shop for them?
1. As far as a pet peeve, if you can walk into the store and get on the electric cart, why can't you return it to the store instead of leaving it outside. I do take the cart outside to put the groceries in the car, but I always return it. Kind of fits right in with your comment about push carts in the parking lot.
2. Why can't the folks that use the carts be considerate and plug them in for the folks that need them throughout the day? My late wife was handicapped (heart problems) and you couldn't tell so I know at times we had people wondering. I never used her hang tag unless she was with me. Now I have one based on my own condition.
I have a few others, but I will have to collect my thoughts before adding them to this list.
By the way, I'm just paying for my "sins", I smoked for almost 40 years and quit in 1999, I thought I quit in time but apparently not, I was diagnosed with COPD last November.
C. T. [QUOTE=PennyQuilts;667481]Yes, I'm with you on that one, Bunty.
Heavy set people using the motorized cart at the grocery store who are able bodied enough to walk in and get one, and who stand up and get things from the top shelf. They tend to be road hogs. I can only imagine that back in the days of pre-shopping scooter, these people stayed home and starved if the number of scooter users terrorizing the aisles, these days, is any indication.
Just the facts 07-20-2013, 07:39 PM 1) People who don't say well known phrases correctly. For example, it is "I couldn't care less", not "I could care less". If you could care less it means you have some elevated state of caring. 'Couldn't care less' means you care so little there is no way your level of caring could be any lower.
2) To piggy back off the OP list - people who are turning right but drift to the left before doing it.
3) People who think movies are real.
4) Littering.
Roger S 07-20-2013, 07:42 PM One sided toast..... Any of you that have read my blog have probably seen my one sided toast rants. ;)
Dustin 07-20-2013, 07:57 PM Chewing with your mouth open. For gods sake, keep your mouth closed when you chew your damn food. I give people the dirtiest looks at restaurants when they smack. It drives me insane.
Just the facts 07-20-2013, 08:16 PM Chewing with your mouth open. For gods sake, keep your mouth closed when you chew your damn food. I give people the dirtiest looks at restaurants when they smack. It drives me insane.
People who grip their silverware with a fist; like they might have to use their fork to fend off wild animals while eating.
bucktalk 07-20-2013, 09:13 PM People who are so inept that they cannot park their car between the white lines in a parking lot. OR someone who has a brand new car but purposely parks their car in a way that it almost takes up two spaces because THEIR car is more special than yours! Grrrrr....
Dustin 07-20-2013, 09:24 PM People who are so inept that they cannot park their car between the white lines in a parking lot. OR someone who has a brand new car but purposely parks their car in a way that it almost takes up two spaces because THEIR car is more special than yours! Grrrrr....
Extremely relevant:
RadicalModerate 07-20-2013, 10:34 PM 1) People talking or texting on cell phones in traffic.
2) Pinheads invading my space with their friggin' thumping bass and/or gansta (c)rap "music".
3) Punks (in the jailhouse sense of the term) walking around with their belts down around their knees.
4) Putzes who sit at a left turn signal until it nearly changes because of 1), above.
5) Pukes who can't seem to make a right turn in their massive SUV's without coming to a complete stop.
Bunty 07-20-2013, 10:37 PM Extremely relevant:
Maybe the person in the car learned to park properly within the stripes so he can get back in his car on the driver's side next time.
MWCGuy 07-21-2013, 04:39 AM 1. People who can't grasp the concept that the world operates on more than one groups point of view. If only one opinion were allowed on everything, 99% of the modern conveniences and advances in technology we enjoy today would be non existent. Independent thoughts and ideas help us evolve to the next level of perfection.
2. People who get hung up on the actions of others. Especially when they have no connection to the situation other than being aware of it and being told "This is wrong, you must complain". It's one thing to express concern or frustration, its another to let yourself get wrapped up in it to the point you want to go out and cause trouble.
3. Nosey Busybodies who cannot mind their own business. Way too many people get themselves caught up in things that are none of their business in the first place. If people want your help they will ask. The only time you should get involved is when someone is in immediate danger not what if or maybe danger.
4. People who cannot treat others with respect. You don't have to like everyone. However, you can be civil and polite.
5. People that fail to plan ahead especially when they know a deadline is fast approaching.
Jim Kyle 07-21-2013, 10:59 AM I realize you were speaking in general terms, but I am on oxygen 24/7 and if you know about "lack of oxygen", I'm on five liters and I can't walk more than about thirty feet without stopping to rest.I just joined the club this past week but am still at the 2-liter level. I probably irritated folk for years with my hang tag, which was due to CHF but I looked perfectly healthy. Then I broke a leg in 2008 and have had to use a cane ever since, which stopped the glaring looks once I was cleared to drive again. Now, with my bottle in the backpack, folk open doors for me.
I was up to four packs a day when I quit cold turkey during Thanksfiving weekend of 1987, but by then the damage was done and I'm paying for my 40 years of smoking now. Too bad that we grow so soon old and so late smart...
Prunepicker 07-22-2013, 12:44 PM ... I realize you were speaking in general terms, but I am on oxygen
24/7 and if you know about "lack of oxygen", I'm on five liters and I
can't walk more than about thirty feet without stopping to rest.
I'm sorry to hear that.
1. As far as a pet peeve, if you can walk into the store and get on
the electric cart, why can't you return it to the store instead of
leaving it outside. I do take the cart outside to put the groceries in
the car, but I always return it. Kind of fits right in with your comment
about push carts in the parking lot.
You should start a civil uprising and leave them at the cart corral.
It may be a problem in the rain. People who really need them would
like the idea of not having to walk as far. I'd bet the grocery
would put up a car port with chargers in short order. They could
use the Aldi system. Put a quarter in to unplug the cart and
plug it in to get it back.
Heavy set people using the motorized cart at the grocery store who
are able bodied enough to walk in and get one, and who stand up
and get things from the top shelf. They tend to be road hogs. I can
only imagine that back in the days of pre-shopping scooter, these
people stayed home and starved if the number of scooter users
terrorizing the aisles, these days, is any indication.
Maybe the fat people shouldn't be allowed to use them unless
they have a handicap sign to put on the cart. They're the people
who need exercise the most. Walking would do them good.
Lord Helmet 07-23-2013, 02:25 PM I really hate it when people don't pick up their dog crap. In fact, I named my WiFi "Pick up your dog $hit" just to remind my lazy neighbors...
Also, people that can't use verbs in the proper tense...for example:
"I seen that movie last week."
For the love of god its SAW not SEEN.
warreng88 07-23-2013, 02:44 PM 1. People merging onto the highway who have no intention of looking who they will be merging into, but simply follow the white line into the closest lane.
2. When there are two lanes merging into one, most of the time, the people in the lane that is supposed to merge into the other one, just follow the outside white line with no regard for what anyone else is doing.
3. Speed demons who cut me off when I am going 5-7 over the speed limit and then I end up seeing them at the same red light.
4. People who cannot (for some reason) understand that the dotted line when there are two turn lanes means you need to stay completely to the right or the left of the dotted line depending on what side you are on. Example: I-44 westbound, NW 23rd street exit going east.
5. People who drive variable speeds and when I get up on them, I realize it is because they are driving slower when they are texting, then speed up when they are not.
6. Bikers around Lake Hefner who use the street, not the bike lane.
7. Walkers around Lake Hefner who use the bike lane, not the walking lane.
8. People around Lake Hefner who stand to chat in the middle of either the bike or the walking lane.
9. Smokers right next to the entrance/exit to a store. My wife has asthma and I tell her to hold her breath whenever I see it.
10. My mother-in-law...
Just the facts 07-23-2013, 03:13 PM People who don't walk on moving sidewalks. If you and your friend just want to stand there, fine, but don't do it side by side so no one can pass.
old okie 07-23-2013, 03:14 PM To add some of ours:
Drivers texting, eating, smoking, other words, doing anything except paying attention to their driving!
People with whom we're trying to do business who won't return phone calls...timely or later.
"Reporters [including the anchor folks and the people who write their copy!]" who apparently were never taught the "W's" of journalism! It is so frustrating to listen to a story, and they omit the where, when, who, or what!
Drivers who do not use a turn signal...or those who leave it on all the way down the street.
Drivers who refuse to "merge" properly--either they won't stop and wait for heavy oncoming traffic, they "horn" in regardless of an opening or not, they merge at one-quarter of the going speed when the way was clear, had they traveled with the flow of traffic.
Drivers who flip U-turns in the middle of the street with no warning, no signal, no checking to see if there are oncoming cars.
Prunepicker 07-23-2013, 07:56 PM How about salesmen and women who answer their phone while they're
supposed to be helping. A guy at Sprint did that to me. I never returned.
People who drive the speed limit in the passing lane. You can get a ticket
for doing that.
Drivers coming onto the highway who won't yield. Yield means to yield
to those who are already on the highway.
boscorama 07-23-2013, 08:30 PM Cashiers, when giving change, hand over the bills, then drop the change on top. Shockingly, change slides off the paper onto the floor or wherever. (It must just be me griping about this, as the perps are clueless)
Various employees/sales people, "Are you okay?" I occasionally answer, "I think so. Why? Am I bleeding?"
Prunepicker 07-23-2013, 09:11 PM Cashiers, when giving change, hand over the bills, then drop the change
on top.
And especially at drive-in windows. Coins first then the paper!
I made it a habit to take the paper with my palm down. Then,
after the paper is in my other hand, take the change. The cashier
is often dumbfounded.
I'm afraid to get started. Will prolly just like what everyone else says. I just can't understand why common sense has gotten so un-common.
Eh, I'm pretty much a live and let live sort. So long as folks aren't impeding me, laying hands on me or stealing my stuff I'm somewhat oblivious to the doings of others.
bucktalk 07-23-2013, 09:48 PM Another one: those who name or place drop in an attempt to make themselves look good. For instance if someone can make a particular event they might say, 'I won't be there BECAUSE I'LL BE ON VACATION IN EUROPE". Why can't you simply say, "I won't be able to attend". Sheeeshhh.
boscorama 07-23-2013, 10:23 PM :yeahthat:
And especially at drive-in windows. Coins first then the paper!
I made it a habit to take the paper with my palm down. Then,
after the paper is in my other hand, take the change. The cashier
is often dumbfounded.
thank you!
And especially at drive-in windows. Coins first then the paper!
I made it a habit to take the paper with my palm down. Then,
after the paper is in my other hand, take the change. The cashier
is often dumbfounded.
They are not used to people that can do math without a machine helping them.
PennyQuilts 07-23-2013, 10:59 PM I just joined the club this past week but am still at the 2-liter level. I probably irritated folk for years with my hang tag, which was due to CHF but I looked perfectly healthy. Then I broke a leg in 2008 and have had to use a cane ever since, which stopped the glaring looks once I was cleared to drive again. Now, with my bottle in the backpack, folk open doors for me.
I was up to four packs a day when I quit cold turkey during Thanksfiving weekend of 1987, but by then the damage was done and I'm paying for my 40 years of smoking now. Too bad that we grow so soon old and so late smart...
My dad was in the same boat and I wish he'd used oxygen the way the doctors wanted him to. Too vain, if you can believe that. He admitted it. He ended up passing out while driving. He wasn't seriously injured but spent three weeks in the hospital before dying because his body just couldn't get on top of it. So you guys do what you have to do to take care of yourselves.
And let me clarify about the scooter hogs. My mom, when she was so sick, was in the same boat on lack of oxygen and I really am sympathetic. It is hard to tell, for sure, but there are plenty of just lazy, self absorbed people who hog the aisles with the scooters, making no effort to share the road or practice basic courtesy. Whether they need them or they are just lazy, there is no excuse for that.
ljbab728 07-23-2013, 11:06 PM My mom was just the opposite before she passed away last year, pq. She had to use a walker to get around well but absolutely refused to use one of the scooters at a store.
Prunepicker 07-23-2013, 11:54 PM Another one: those who name or place drop in an attempt to make
themselves look good.
No kidding. That disgusts me. I mean it. I've played bass for Tony
Bennett, Roger Williams, Shirley Jones, Della Reese, the Four Seasons,
and many, many others and you don't hear me tootin' my horn. Nope,
not at all. I know when to be humble and believe me I'm mister humble.
Bragging about one's self is so classless. You won't catch me doing
that. Not in a million years.
Prunepicker 07-24-2013, 12:03 AM I just joined the club this past week but am still at the 2-liter level.
I probably irritated folk for years with my hang tag, which was due to
CHF but I looked perfectly healthy. Then I broke a leg in 2008 and have
had to use a cane ever since, which stopped the glaring looks once I
was cleared to drive again. Now, with my bottle in the backpack, folk
open doors for me.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I know, personally, that smoking is bad for
our health. I can't imagine the amount that you and CT were at. Four
packs a day? Dang. I hope the best for you.
Hey, come out to Ingrid's on a Saturday between 12pm and 2pm. CT is
invited, too. I'll buy you lunch. I'm in the band and play bass. You'll
enjoy yelling at me and getting your heart rate up. It's a good
aerobic exercise.
Prunepicker 07-24-2013, 12:13 AM My mom, when she was so sick, was in the same boat on lack of
oxygen and I really am sympathetic. It is hard to tell, for sure, but
there are plenty of just lazy, self absorbed people who hog the aisles
with the scooters, making no effort to share the road or practice
basic courtesy. Whether they need them or they are just lazy, there
is no excuse for that.
PQ, I'm so sorry for your Dad and Mom. I agree with your assessment of
the the scooter hogs. I see them every time I go to the grocery and
even the commissary at Tinker. Too many are perfectly able to walk the
aisles. I want to take the scooter away and take it back to the entrance.
I'm very well aware that some may look healthy but still need the
assistance of the cart. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to tell if
somebody needs the cart or is just plain lazy. Just look at their face,
dammit! It tells all.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I know, personally, that smoking is bad for
our health. I can't imagine the amount that you and CT were at. Four
packs a day? Dang. I hope the best for you.
Hey, come out to Ingrid's on a Saturday between 12pm and 2pm. CT is
invited, too. I'll buy you lunch. I'm in the band and play bass. You'll
enjoy yelling at me and getting your heart rate up. It's a good
aerobic exercise.
I love the chow at Ingrid's. I'll have to catch you there some time.
Bunty 07-24-2013, 03:30 AM Cops violating traffic laws when not in an emergency situation, such as speeding, turning right on red after not coming to a full stop, and only rolling up to a stop sign.
OKCDrummer77 07-24-2013, 08:10 AM Cops violating traffic laws when not in an emergency situation, such as speeding, turning right on red after not coming to a full stop, and only rolling up to a stop sign.
Cops who hit their lights just long enough to get through a red light, then turn them off again.
BoulderSooner 07-24-2013, 08:29 AM cops that drive on the interstate at 2 miles under the speed limit .. causing most cars to be scared to pass them
Jim Kyle 07-24-2013, 09:09 AM I'm so sorry to hear that. I know, personally, that smoking is bad for
our health. I can't imagine the amount that you and CT were at. Four
packs a day? Dang. I hope the best for you.
Hey, come out to Ingrid's on a Saturday between 12pm and 2pm. CT is
invited, too. I'll buy you lunch. I'm in the band and play bass. You'll
enjoy yelling at me and getting your heart rate up. It's a good
aerobic exercise.Well, to be accurate, I was burning four packs a day, but most of that time they were in the ashtray, not in my mouth. My actual smoke intake was probably less than half that amount. I would often light one only to discover than I had another, less than a quarter burned, smoldering in the ashtray.
I did get out to Ingrid's for the specific purpose of meeting you around a year ago but as luck would have it, you were out of town that Saturday. The food is great and the band was even better, so I'll try to make it again (but probably not this Saturday). With the bottle backpack I'll be easy to spot!
MadMonk 07-24-2013, 12:21 PM Many, many good ones already listed, in particular the lack of use of turn indicators when changing lanes or even actually turning really gets to me. Also, I've recently been seeing a lot of jackasses who woosh by me on the freeway (while I'm in the right lane and usually speeding slightly above the speed limit) and immediately get into my lane, sometimes even bordering on cutting me off, even though there are miles of freeway in front of both of us and no exits in sight. Jeez, at least give it a car length before you zip over in front of me. Oh man, if only it were legal to put James Bond-style rocket launchers on my vehicle...
One more. Last-second mergers - you know, the "special" drivers who try to bypass all those schmucks waiting in line as the road reduces from two lanes per direction down to one. If I have any control of the situation whatsoever, I make it my brief mission-in-life to ensure that they Shall. Not. Pass! Back of the line buddy! There is a magical sort of camaraderie among those of us who refuse to let people like that "take cuts", making them wait until traffic passes or until a weak-willed softy comes along and allows them in. I despise those weak-willed softies. They aren't much better than the last-second merger.
(Most of the above was tongue-in-cheek, but I'm serous about the rocket launchers...)
boscorama 07-24-2013, 10:31 PM Mary Kay bags. Not complaining about premium prices delivered in slick bags, but they're absolutely useless for anything except lipstick, mascara, or other cosmetic products. You can't even use them as trash bags! The only thing is to recycle it to the person who just made a buck by delivering it to you. Grrr.
ljbab728 07-24-2013, 10:37 PM Mary Kay bags. Not complaining about premium prices delivered in slick bags, but they're absolutely useless for anything except lipstick, mascara, or other cosmetic products. You can't even use them as trash bags! The only thing is to recycle it to the person who just made a buck by delivering it to you. Grrr.
I guess I live in a sheltered world. I don't remember ever seeing a Mary Kay bag.
boscorama 07-24-2013, 11:03 PM MK customers will know what I'm talking about, whether they agree or not.
bchris02 07-24-2013, 11:06 PM Old people who insist on driving half the speed limit. If you are afraid to drive 65, stay off Hefner Pkwy. There are plenty of other streets where you wouldn't be a nuisance slowing up traffic.
KayneMo 07-24-2013, 11:19 PM My pet peeves:
When people say, for example, "going up to Dallas" or "down to Tulsa." That drives me crazy, LOL. It should be "down to Dallas" and "up to Tulsa," (if you're in OKC, or anywhere in between) relative to your current location, of course.
Getting the spellings of "capital" and "capitol" mixed up.
Saying "seen" when it should be "saw."
Just the facts 07-24-2013, 11:29 PM Old people who insist on driving half the speed limit. If you are afraid to drive 65, stay off Hefner Pkwy. There are plenty of other streets where you wouldn't be a nuisance slowing up traffic.
Have you ever thought that you might be better off that these people AREN'T driving faster. If someone isn't safe or comfortable driving 65, I would just as soon that they don't.
Prunepicker 07-24-2013, 11:35 PM My pet peeves:
... Saying "seen" when it should be "saw."
I have a dear friend from Buffalo and using seen instead of saw
appears to be acceptable to them. It amazes me that anyone
that's been to school can use such atrocious language.
It drives me crazy, as does "these ones" instead of those, but
I'm not going to say anything. I'm hoping my proper use of English
will influence her. Buffalo is quite a linguistic anomaly.
Just the facts 07-24-2013, 11:40 PM While living in the dorms at OU my roommate from a northeast state asked how to spell the word 'alls'. I asked, do you mean the tool called an awl? He said no. Alls. So I ask him to use it in a sentence. He said, alls I need is. I told him it is just 'all' - all I need is...
Prunepicker 07-24-2013, 11:43 PM I like colloquialisms. What I can't stand is the pop culture destruction of
the English language. That includes my "hippie slang" of the 60's.
bchris02 07-24-2013, 11:48 PM Have you ever thought that you might be better off that these people AREN'T driving faster. If someone isn't safe or comfortable driving 65, I would just as soon that they don't.
Then they should take May or Western rather than slowing everybody down on the Hefner Pkwy.
Prunepicker 07-25-2013, 12:25 AM Then they should take May or Western rather than slowing everybody
down on the Hefner Pkwy.
I've not encountered any such people driving half the speed limit on
the Hefner Speedway. In fact I can't think of a single time.
I have encountered those who drive the speed limit in the passing
lane. It's against the law to do so. I know of someone who received
a ticket for doing so. I applauded the police officer.
However, I can't think of a single time anyone has driven half the
speed limit in the years I've used that road.