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Plutonic Panda
10-04-2013, 11:38 PM
Opening up my favorite local weekly newspaper (The Weekly Reader for Old Kids of The New Millennium?) and directing myself to my favorite page in the tree by-product based entertainment source only to find that it has been taken over by what inspired all this stuff that follows (below) =).

You may--or may not--have read the "poem" that occupied the entire "Letters to The Editor" section of this week's Oklahoma Gazette. I think that the author is a Carl Sandburg fan who also really likes that Roadside Oddity currently occupying the space next to The Devon Tower. It would be unfair to C&P that author's Tribute to Erato and Whatnot (plus I can't even figure out how to insert a link to this artistic masterpiece in its entirely).

So, pick up a copy of this week's Gazette. They are free and available all over the place in order to put what follows in proper perspective.

Artistical Differences of Opinion
in regard to
Artsytectural Monumentalism (Part One)
by RadicalModerate
(A Response to "Tear it Down" by [The Poet Laureate of Oklahoma City or at least The Gazette])

as i was walking near downtown
i saw a man wearing a frown.
i asked him what the matter was
he looked at me said, "listen, Cuz'
"chief among my major bummers:
"i no longer see The Mummers;
"its gerbil glory's gone from sight;
"i gotta say that just ain't right!."

the lot was primal nature's renter
i asked: "the eyesore called Stage Center?"

(note: total time invested: 30 min. . . . tops.=)im responding to you in very small font size and top of that, I'm not using poetic justice to backup my claims of mechanical reproduction(which just so happens to be a pet peeve of mine). . . no!. . . I'm creating a pet peeve and a rather uncharitable situation for you and others to have to squint to read this. Me laughing at this is about as likely as you and Torea riding a train to Britain to celebrate the birth of the train and it's horn(disclaimer here at all you need to know about train horns: Train horn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Cheerio ol chap! :)

10-05-2013, 09:36 AM
im responding to you in very small font size and top of that, I'm not using poetic justice to backup my claims of mechanical reproduction(which just so happens to be a pet peeve of mine). . . no!. . . I'm creating a pet peeve and a rather uncharitable situation for you and others to have to squint to read this. Me laughing at this is about as likely as you and Torea riding a train to Britain to celebrate the birth of the train and it's horn(disclaimer here at all you need to know about train horns: Train horn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Cheerio ol chap! :)

Pet Peeve: Nit-Pickers.
(i think you meant "poetic LICENSE" in the second phrase of the first sentence. =)
Edited to add the quotation mark after LICENSE in the sentence, above.