07-17-2013, 12:43 AM
Oh good grief. But, and it's a big but, it's a fun read.
( Beyond Fare (
The need to hunt for food has passed. As has the need to guard nests
from predators. But the essential skills that evolution has given men and
women have stayed with us and are the source of the aggravations that
we cause each other through our behaviour both at work and at home,
social researcher and author Allan Pease will today (Friday 30 October)
tell delegates at the Institute of Personnel and Development’s (IPD)
national conference in Harrogate.
The real reason why women cannot reverse park is because that part
of their brain is missing says Pease: “Parallel parking is located in the
\right front portion of the brain which relates to visual spatial skill.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging technology (MRI) for scanning brains has
found that 80-85 per cent of women do not have a clearly defined
visual spatial area and so find it hard to accurately measure space,
distance and speed. Men find it easier because they have evolved to
be able to track and hunt for food.
( Beyond Fare (
The need to hunt for food has passed. As has the need to guard nests
from predators. But the essential skills that evolution has given men and
women have stayed with us and are the source of the aggravations that
we cause each other through our behaviour both at work and at home,
social researcher and author Allan Pease will today (Friday 30 October)
tell delegates at the Institute of Personnel and Development’s (IPD)
national conference in Harrogate.
The real reason why women cannot reverse park is because that part
of their brain is missing says Pease: “Parallel parking is located in the
\right front portion of the brain which relates to visual spatial skill.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging technology (MRI) for scanning brains has
found that 80-85 per cent of women do not have a clearly defined
visual spatial area and so find it hard to accurately measure space,
distance and speed. Men find it easier because they have evolved to
be able to track and hunt for food.