View Full Version : OKC needs a great comedy club venue

07-16-2013, 08:35 AM
I know there are a few comedians who come through and go to the Rose State Performing Arts Theatre, but I am sick of seeing comedians bypass OKC and do shows at the Brady Theatre in Tulsa, the Majestic Theatre in Dallas or the Global Event Center in Thackerville. The Loony Bin is good (I have been there several times) but it is not attracting big name comedians like an Improv would. I am not sure if it is the casino's ability to offer more money for someone to come in or just the lack of promotion, but I feel like we could be doing a lot better.

07-16-2013, 08:50 AM
Would something like the Loony Bin do well in Bricktown?

07-16-2013, 08:56 AM
Would something like the Loony Bin do well in Bricktown?

It might now, but Joker's failed there several years ago. It was in the building west of Pearl's Crabtown, now owned by Chris Johnson.

07-16-2013, 08:58 AM
I have been saying this for a long time. I think today a Bricktown comedy club would do well.

07-16-2013, 09:02 AM
Remember going to Joker's in the late 90's a few times. Wasn't ever a bad experience when we went, but it wasn't anything we felt compelled to regularly include in our 'Is [kiddo sitter] available? Nice, what sounds good to you?' discussions.

07-16-2013, 09:04 AM
I would love to see the Tower Theatre turn into a great place for comics to come to do stand up. It could be about the same size and set up as the Majestic or the Brady Theatres.

07-16-2013, 09:37 AM
I would love to see the Tower Theatre turn into a great place for comics to come to do stand up. It could be about the same size and set up as the Majestic or the Brady Theatres.

Agreed. This is just another example of why OKC needs a better venue.

07-16-2013, 09:39 AM
Comedy clubs peaked in the 80's, faded in the 90's and now a ton of them are closed.

What we need are more live music venues that can be also used for the occasional comedy act.

I only see one comedian on the Brady's future schedule.

07-16-2013, 09:42 AM
Comedy clubs peaked in the 80's, faded in the 90's and now a ton of them are closed.

What we need are more live music venues that can be also used for the occasional comedy act.

I only see one comedian on the Brady's future schedule.

Agreed. Comedy clubs aren't as popular as they used to be but a great multiuse venue would fill the void. I wonder how many big names would come to OKC instead of Tulsa if there was a better venue here.

07-16-2013, 09:45 AM
It seems like Tower Theatre would fit the bill for what you've suggested, Pete.

07-16-2013, 09:48 AM
I only see one comedian on the Brady's future schedule.

There is only one now, but I have seen Louis CK, Bill Maher, Jim Gaffigan, Daniel Tosh, Gabriel Iglesias, Kathy Griffin and Kevin Hart with show dates there. I know several of those perform at Rose State, but I, like a lot of people, wish there was a better multiuse venue for those acts and other music acts.

07-16-2013, 03:01 PM
Yea almost all the big names go to Rose State.

I remember we were going to get tickets to the LCK concert and they sold out in minutes...

07-17-2013, 10:36 AM
Just realized I said concert and not show... Imagining a Louis CK concert is funny in itself.

07-17-2013, 11:04 AM
FWIW, a lot of smaller venues have comedy nights fairly often. Opolis, McSalty's, Kamp's, and VZD's just to name a few. These are mostly local and indie comedians though.

Stan Silliman
07-17-2013, 12:19 PM
Isn't the Brady a Civic Center sized room? Rose State is close to equivalent. The Bricktown Coca-Cola events center holds 1800. The Tower, Plaza or Lyric is much smaller.

OKC Comedy has been bringing popular comedians into the City Arts Center at the fairgrounds. I opened for Moshe Kasher there. Other semi-well known comics such as
Marc Maron, Doug Stanhope, Doug Benson, Paul Thompkins, Todd Barry, Marcia Bamford have appeared at the City Arts. It holds 250-300.

This Thursday OKC Comedy is bringing in my friend Tim Northern to the City Arts Center. He's a very funny wordsmith type comic and very clean. He's not as nationally known
as Bamford, Maron or Benson but is well respected nationally. I'm sure the tickets will be inexpensive and you want to support more alternative comics stopping in OKC try to
make it to this show.

Stan Silliman
07-17-2013, 12:25 PM
Here's a flyer on the City Arts Tim Northern event: okc (

07-18-2013, 10:22 AM
It would be nice to have a decent sized comedy venue that could consistently bring in good acts. Lewis Black is coming to Rose State in Sep, which is great, but it would be nice to go see him in a proper comedy venue, some place that serves drinks and maybe food.

Bill Robertson
07-18-2013, 10:57 AM
Kind of off the subject but I see a lot of threads about venues mentioning the Brady as if it's a fantastic venue. Really? It's ancient. Half or more of the seats are threadbare. I'm always looking at the ceiling hoping pieces won't fall. The bars are folding tables in dark, dank hallways. The restrooms are not much better than the Zoo Amphitheater. I get the appeal of the history and tradition of the Brady but I don't want anything like it in OKC. Actually the Civic Center isn't a bad comparison as far as seating and stage go, but much nicer.

07-18-2013, 07:21 PM
Kind of off the subject but I see a lot of threads about venues mentioning the Brady as if it's a fantastic venue. Really? It's ancient. Half or more of the seats are threadbare. I'm always looking at the ceiling hoping pieces won't fall. The bars are folding tables in dark, dank hallways. The restrooms are not much better than the Zoo Amphitheater. I get the appeal of the history and tradition of the Brady but I don't want anything like it in OKC. Actually the Civic Center isn't a bad comparison as far as seating and stage go, but much nicer.

I think the Brady and Cain's ballroom are not spectacular venues, but they get the best acts in the state. OKC needs something that can attract the acts they get. If only we still had the Criterion theater.

07-19-2013, 06:15 AM
Right. The reference was not in the quality of the venue, but the acts they bring in and the size as well. I actually prefer the Diamond Ballroom to the Cains now that they are bringing in bigger named bands. And it really might be the management and promotion of the venue that needs to improve as well

07-24-2013, 01:06 PM
You prefer the Diamond Ballroom to Cains? Those words are complete blasphemy to my ears. The Diamond Ballroom is a garbage can with equipment from the 70's and a dirt parking lot. Every band I've seen there has uttered some form of "I don't know where the hell we are but let's have some fun!". I'll spare the technical details for those who don't care, but Cain's is better than the DB in every single way. I stood waiting an hour and a half between the last opening band and Need2Breath waiting for them to fix a feedback issue. A feedback issue!!! It's 2013 and you're the busiest concert venue in OKC. Invest in some decent equipment and a parking lot that doesn't jack up my car's suspension.

Okay sorry, Rant over. Yes we need much better mid-sized concert venues.