View Full Version : Lighted Track in OKC

06-24-2013, 09:56 PM
Well since PC North seems to have their stadium and track lit most nights, but locked up, I seek OKCTalk's help in finding a lit running track in OKC (preferably NW side). I'm not much the distance runner so jogging around Hefner doesn't really fit my need, just would like to find a track to run at. I'll occasionally sneak in the back gate at Hefner MS to run, but no lights, and sometimes the only time I can find time to run is at night.

06-25-2013, 01:13 AM
The only areas I can think of is the city trails that are in front of the Water Treatment Plant that run from the plant to R. R. Murphy park. There is also small running tracks at Mercy and Baptist. Mercy's is at the corner of Memorial and Meridian. Baptist's is in the Employee Parking Lot near the apartment complexes. Baptist also has an indoor walking trail in the concourse level that consists of the tunnels connecting the doctors buildings. It is open to the public until 11pm each day.

06-25-2013, 07:08 AM
By any chance is there a small entry to PC North that you may have overlooked. my home town HS track and field is always locked but on one side there is a opening that is something of an offset v that people can walk right through, but seems to confuse pups enough they simply ignore it. I am not a big walker, but Pops was before his health left him. He'd walk the track in the wee hours of the morning then go get some coffee or take a drive before coming back home and getting ready for his day.

06-25-2013, 08:16 AM
it's possible...i haven't walked the perimeter but i'll give it a shot, thanks

06-25-2013, 08:19 AM
PC High on 50th may be a good bet, as it seems their track / football field is usually open.

06-25-2013, 08:24 AM
Great, thanks Pete I'll check that out

06-25-2013, 11:03 AM
Great, thanks Pete I'll check that out

The track at the old Yukon High School on Garth Brooks Blvd is always unlocked for the public.