View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

03-04-2014, 08:46 PM
Just wonder what his constituents think.

I bet he would be re-elected if he chooses to run again.

Most certainly not by me!

03-04-2014, 08:46 PM
I bear no ill will against Ed. This is simply how democracy works when it works right. Ed did not deserve to be mayor--for several reasons. The voters recognized it, and the system did what it is supposed to do.
That's a sane and reasonable attitude.

03-04-2014, 08:48 PM
I wonder what will be announced now in the way of projects downtown. Steve seemed to indicate some of the deals hinged on the mayoral election so maybe some things will finally be revealed.

03-04-2014, 08:49 PM
It's official, Ed just conceded.

03-04-2014, 08:50 PM
BREAKING NEWS: Shadid Concedes, OKC Mayor Mick Cornett Wins Re-Election.

per News9 tweet

03-04-2014, 08:50 PM
. . . Shadid wanted a referendum on MAPS and on the direction of this city and he damn sure got one.
'nuf said. . .

03-04-2014, 09:04 PM
Looks like final vote count will be just under 50,000. Not bad compared to previous elections. Not good compared to number of eligible voters.

For all the notoriety this race has generated........(insert favorite political apathy comment here)

03-04-2014, 09:05 PM
Penny you seem to be easily offended by some internet posters, but not offended by the opponent who ran an all out negative campaign.

Here is why I stand by Mick. Four years ago my wife and I stood in the war room of the MAPS 3 watch party and as the the election was finally called, watched our mayor choke up with hapiness over the results. That is not something you see from a Chamber autobot that some want you to think he is. That man cares deeply about the success of OKC. I will never waver on that opinion.

03-04-2014, 09:07 PM
BREAKING NEWS: Shadid Concedes, OKC Mayor Mick Cornett Wins Re-Election.

per News9 tweet

Yay! Close thread.

03-04-2014, 09:09 PM
I think a great deal of the frustration with the Shadid campaign came from folks who might have actually supported him in his ward, or felt he had a viable agenda on which to base a mayoral run. When you alienate core supporters in that way, the reaction is not likely to be positive. Not arbitrarily defending some of the more extreme things said, and I certainly was unabashed in my support of Mayor Cornett, but I think the intensity of the reaction is at least a measure of folks who care a lot, even if one doesn't agree with their political predispositions.

That's my unsolicited analysis of the electorate :)

03-04-2014, 09:10 PM
I happily voted for Mick, this time, but wouldn't do it, again. Four terms was pushing it and five terms is too much. And, frankly, the level of hatred and rage displayed by his supporters makes me very uncomfortable. I hope we don't see that sort of attitude make its way into how this city is run because it is poisonous. I don't know if it is because Mick has been here so long, if it is just certain people supporting him or what. But nasty campaigns happen all the time. What I saw on this board was beyond nasty and while I am not defending one thing Shadid did or didn't do, the pettiness, fury, meanness and spitefulness in response (humiliatED, for example) is disgusting. I hope none of the people who have been saying such awful things are ever in a position where they can use their position to get back at people they hate. I imagine the ones caught up in this think I am not being unfair but I hope they come back in a few weeks and rethink it.

I think the fury came from so much backtracking on previous promises, fabrications and baseless extrapolations, and maniacal rants. All of which could be reasonably categorized as lies. I believe firmly that these behaviors were motivated mostly to create "issues" to ensnare uninformed voters, but also are a telling indicator of underlying character. I deeply hate being lied to, and I hate even more when untruths are used to negatively impact my world by swaying parts of the populace that will not take the time to inform themselves. I understand why some posters became less than civil after seeing the same unsubstantiated crap thrown up on this board again and again.if you want to see some really hateful behavior, watch the video of Ed tearing into the consultant that presented on the convention center.

03-04-2014, 09:15 PM
Another 4 years with Mick, thats awesome, i really didn't care for Shidid.

03-04-2014, 09:15 PM
Funfact: Steve Hunt (Taco Bell guy) got 42% of the vote to Shadid's (as of right now) 34%.

That, friends, is what you call a mandate.

03-04-2014, 09:15 PM
Just curious, when is the next election in Ward 2? Is it next year?

Plutonic Panda
03-04-2014, 09:19 PM
I really think Mick would make a great governor after this term

03-04-2014, 09:20 PM
Just for the sake of completeness, all 235 precincts are now reporting:





03-04-2014, 09:21 PM
Jesus Christ this f'ing guy is a piece of work, his interview on Fox 25 is hilarious.

03-04-2014, 09:57 PM
Here is a link to the Shadid interview for Fox 25:

Mayor Cornett wins re-election bid over Dr. Ed Shadid (

03-04-2014, 10:03 PM
"Tetelestai...(It is finished...)"
Congratulations to Mayor Mick Cornett on all well managed, organized & positive campaign. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

03-04-2014, 10:08 PM
He seems like the petition is pretty much a done deal. That must have went good for him.

03-04-2014, 10:10 PM
Shadid is arguing that the reason Mick won is because he didn't debate Shadid. That if Mick had agreed to the debate, then Ed would have won. What a tool.

03-04-2014, 10:13 PM
No... well maybe done damage as to his own reputation. I think he'll probably draw several challengers and be run out of Ward 2. His coalition was basically the same coalition which stood by the Taco Bell guy, Not This MAPS, etc. There's this core of hippy-disaffected folks, folks who want change (because change) and Tea Party members. The rest of OKC and its espirit de corps remains strongly in tact. Shadid wanted a referendum on MAPS and on the direction of this city and he damn sure got one.

This is what amazes me about the whole thing. It's hard for me to believe even now. The level of support that the people of this city have shown is staggering.

I grew up here. I remember when it seemed that Oklahoma Citians' favorite pastime was making fun of Oklahoma City. It was like people felt the need to apologize for being from here. And now, in this reddest of red states, the people have voted repeatedly, for twenty years, to tax themselves in order to reinvest in the city. You described it as an espirit de corps and I think that is accurate. The people have faith in the direction the city is going. I don't think I give them enough credit for that.

03-04-2014, 10:17 PM
I thought Ed's interview just now on Chan 9 was a bit embarrassing. I think the desk's lead in to the reporter about his dark past caught Ed off guard.

He's a guy full of attack and venom constantly looking for a place to strike and lash out. There's no doubt he is going to go all out to derail the convention center and cc hotel, and whatever else he can to bring havoc on the Mayor.

03-04-2014, 10:20 PM
We just need to stay organized because the attacks are going to keep coming. His strategy now is to beat us down with initiative petitions and low voter turnout. OKC just needs to keep pushing forward and not be stopped by this small minority of people who would see our progress undone.

03-04-2014, 10:22 PM
A good mayor, yes. Governor? Heck, no!

I really think Mick would make a great governor after this term

03-04-2014, 10:25 PM
Not gloating, but....

Cornett barely beat Hunt. You guys are in denial if you think he wins in a landslide. Cornett is a puppet. At least Shadid stands up for the people and what is right and makes sense. He is also not afraid to do so. MAPS 3 is for special interest not the people. Unlike its predecessors.

I'm a betting man and I'm willing to bet Cornett gets at least 58% of the vote against Shadid in March.

03-04-2014, 10:28 PM
A good mayor, yes. Governor? Heck, no!

Dorman all the way.

03-04-2014, 10:36 PM
A good mayor, yes. Governor? Heck, no!

Why not? He's moderate and entirely electable. Nothing like the puppet he'd replace.

Plutonic Panda
03-04-2014, 10:36 PM
A good mayor, yes. Governor? Heck, no!why

03-04-2014, 10:46 PM

In my opinion, the city Chamber has my best interests at heart.

The State Chamber, whom any Republican has to be beholden to is adverse to the rights of Oklahomans.

03-04-2014, 10:49 PM
Penny you seem to be easily offended by some internet posters, but not offended by the opponent who ran an all out negative campaign.

Here is why I stand by Mick. Four years ago my wife and I stood in the war room of the MAPS 3 watch party and as the the election was finally called, watched our mayor choke up with hapiness over the results. That is not something you see from a Chamber autobot that some want you to think he is. That man cares deeply about the success of OKC. I will never waver on that opinion.
I voted for the man and think he is good for the city. He's not the problem unless people with an attitude follow in his wake. I'm not seeing a lot of class, displayed - but a LOT of excuses/reasons for being really crappy.

03-04-2014, 11:49 PM
Cornett sweeps to re-election | News OK (

I found it very interesting and forward thinking that Mick held his watch party at a restaurant in the Capitol Hill area in south OKC.

03-05-2014, 01:50 AM
I went to the watch party. In his quiet way, Mick was again very emotional about this win. He said he was nervous all day, and I really believe that, after watching Shadid in action the past several years, he was more worried about a Shadid win than his own loss. He didn't say that - just a feeling I got. But he was very excited to win and promised we would keep moving forward, keep getting thoe "best of" awards.

03-05-2014, 01:51 AM
Cornett sweeps to re-election | News OK (

I found it very interesting and forward thinking that Mick held his watch party at a restaurant in the Capitol Hill area in south OKC.

I agree. I kind of assumed it would be at the Skirvin. It was a very nice party and I think the owners were quite pleased to be hosting it.

03-05-2014, 02:38 AM
Just wonder what his constituents think.

I bet he would be re-elected if he chooses to run again.

I'll take that bet. He has burned bridges in the gay community with his hate mailer. I talked to many prominent gay politicos tonight and they made it clear that that will leave a mark on him. A good solid moderately progressive Democrat could easily beat him in Ward 2 now. His losing a big chunk of gay support plus the fact Ward 2 is Pro-MAPS makes him an easy target to pick off with the right challenger.

03-05-2014, 02:46 AM
Funfact: Steve Hunt (Taco Bell guy) got 42% of the vote to Shadid's (as of right now) 34%.

That, friends, is what you call a mandate.

I know, this is awesome. He is so delusional he will try to spin his performance as a victory (and Penny, I say this as someone who knows him personally and knows the delusional way he views the world). His most devoted followers will blame the snow, whether the streets were plowed, and "insider money". It is very nauseating.

But it is worth saying out loud that he spent all this time, effort, and money, and he wasn't able to eclipse the electoral performance of Steve Hunt. Steve Hunt!

Sorry, please allow those of us who have been personally hurt by this man a moment or two to savor this victory. He is a really nasty and vindictive person and he was served his electoral just desserts tonight.

Sadly, he will not learn from this defeat.

03-05-2014, 02:51 AM
Just for the sake of completeness, all 235 precincts are now reporting:





This is a total effing beatdown! A 33-point beatdown! LOL at Team DRED.

03-05-2014, 06:00 AM
C'mon, did the outcome really surprise anyone. I get team DRED keeping a positive attitude, but down inside they had to have known.

I just love that OCPD backed Team DRED - enough said there!

03-05-2014, 07:04 AM
C'mon, did the outcome really surprise anyone. I get team DRED keeping a positive attitude, but down inside they had to have known.

I just love that OCPD backed Team DRED - enough said there!

Surprise? No. Did it relieve anyone? Yes.

03-05-2014, 07:09 AM
Nope. I said he would win all along. It's a shame we didn't have better choices.

03-05-2014, 07:11 AM
Ed is clearly the antichrist.

Nah. The A-C would make far fewer gaffes with the public,

03-05-2014, 07:12 AM
Will be nice just to get on with things once this is all formally wrapped up tomorrow.

Hopefully Ed can mend some fences. Will be very interesting next time he's up for election.

Bingo. Lot of ifs though.

03-05-2014, 07:16 AM
Ed is clearly the antichrist.

Clearly. Thank dog he's around to give our creationists something to hand wring over.

03-05-2014, 07:29 AM
Nah. The A-C would make far fewer gaffes with the public,

True enough. Shadid made a huge mistake by being so ideologically inconsistent. You can't triangulate the disaffected occupy types, the Tea Party folks and public employee unions without losing the trust of anyone who is paying attention. That has been proved since the MAPS III campaign and then the Steve Hunt contest.

Anyone who wants to run against Mick can get about 35% of the vote dependably. Past that? Not happening. We have to have candidates who understand how important the forward momentum of this city is and 65% of us could give a rat's patoot about awesomesauce bus stops.

03-05-2014, 07:39 AM
Nope. I said he would win all along. It's a shame we didn't have better choices.

Absolutely right. One choice was just horrible, and it showed in the end.

03-05-2014, 08:14 AM
It will be interesting to see what they come up with. I would guess Mick 60%, ES 35%, Other 5% +/- 2%

Just for the sake of completeness, all 235 precincts are now reporting:





I wasn't too far off...

03-05-2014, 08:19 AM
I'm wondering how Shadid did in his own Ward. That will be very telling as to his ability to retain his seat.

03-05-2014, 08:20 AM
Not 100% certain, but I THINK (hope?) that this is my one and only post in this thread. Just wanted to stop in and say...

...stick a fork in it; it's done!

Can we (all of us) please get back to the business of working TOGETHER to make OKC a great city?

03-05-2014, 08:26 AM
17% turnout. I couldn't find any history and don't remember how that compares.

03-05-2014, 08:38 AM
Is Shadid getting some venom thrown his way? Absolutely, but when you run a hate-filled campaign that's only goal is to divide people don't be shocked when it works. You reap what you sow.

03-05-2014, 08:53 AM
he was more worried about a Shadid win than his own loss.

This was absolutely the case. I've been told that Mick did not want to run again, but the prospect of Shadid being the face of OKC made him put his self-interests behind him and do what was right for OKC and I thank him for that. This, and Steve's intimations that the fate of several projects hinged on this election made Mick's victory even more crucial.

I was also told that several high city officials would not work for Shadid. Of course that probably would've made some happy on this board.:)

03-05-2014, 08:58 AM
Thank god and the good people of OKC for these election results.

Urban Pioneer
03-05-2014, 09:13 AM
Urbanized- "Together" as in with Ed? NO. Talked to nearly every city councillor last night. Bridges with him conpletely burned. Just say'in.

Urban Pioneer
03-05-2014, 09:23 AM
People will have no idea how personal Ed made this with nearly every public official through his innuendo machine. And based on the concession speech, he's pledging to soldier on with his deludED beliefs.

If there was a "together" element in this that is positive, it is that it forced all types and all parties together to work to put this election to bed.

There is a healthy coalition built of diverse types that wants to see this city continue to move forward. That will be very helpful for the future.

03-05-2014, 09:42 AM
I'm very concerned for turnout on that initiative petition. Shadid claimed to have the signatures already.

03-05-2014, 09:49 AM
I'm very concerned for turnout on that initiative petition. Shadid claimed to have the signatures already.

Perhaps the best way to stop this nonsense is to replace Shadid in Ward 2. Is the next Ward 2 election in April 2015?

Urban Pioneer
03-05-2014, 09:54 AM
March 2015

Urban Pioneer
03-05-2014, 09:57 AM
And Pete White and Pat Ryan claim they are retiring. Larry McAtee is up for reelection. Ed is already fielding his own candidates for these positions.

So forgive me if, I'm completely grateful to the voters of this city... but it is not all rainbows and unicorns.

03-05-2014, 10:03 AM
I'm very concerned for turnout on that initiative petition. Shadid claimed to have the signatures already.

While the convention center garnered the least amount of interest in the pre-MAPS poll, I think you will have two sets of voters: those who truly want a convention center and those who will see this as a referendum on MAPS.

I still think the location selected for the new CC is a bad one, but since MAPS 3 passed I've spent enough time in and around the Cox that I actually have jumped on the CC bandwagon. Maybe I'm not the only one. I'm in the middle on a Venn diagram on this one. These two groups may well form a large enough coalition for another sweep.

That doesn't mean I'm on board with a CC hotel. I would need to know the details and see what the city's financial obligation will be.

As for a CC expansion, that's MAPS 4 and they'll have to sell it or come up with some pretty cool stuff in a bundle.

03-05-2014, 10:04 AM
And Pete White and Pat Ryan claim they are retiring. Larry McAtee is up for reelection. Ed is already fielding his own candidates for these positions.

The seats that will be open in March 2015 are Ward 2 (Shadid), Ward 5 (Greenwell), Ward 6 (Salyer) and Ward 8 (Ryan). We know that Ryan is stepping down. Likely Meg will run again. Don't know about Greenwell.

McAtee and White both stood unopposed in March 2013. Would be interesting if either of those two stood down early before March 2017.