View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

03-03-2014, 07:53 PM
Here's the full Red Dirt Report story.

The comments on that story show some fascinating rationalization:

Inside Job • a day ago
Looks like an inside job! All fingers point to someone inside the Shadid campaign trying to sabotage! Mick is getting to everyone these days....very powerful!

redscout • a day ago
The way things are going in this election it could be that someone got toDr.Shadid,s consultant and got that flyer out.

S. C. • a day ago
I'm still voting for Dr. Shadid!

scoutgirl • 2 days ago
Thank you for clearing this up!

03-03-2014, 08:08 PM
I loathe endorsement grandstanding. fwiw

Urban Pioneer
03-03-2014, 08:14 PM
A Facebook phenomena. If your going to do it, at least be somewhat creative.

03-03-2014, 08:26 PM
How much do you all expect weather to effect tomorrows vote? Buses will be slow morning wise and some folks aren't dedicated to the vote as are others. Which candidate will this effect the most? Now it seems like most schools will be closed. This can really effect voter turn out.

03-03-2014, 08:44 PM
Okay? And so the libelous language is that people are insinuating you're a Shadid supporter when really, you want to hold your nose and vote for Cornett?

I cited one of the lies and that wasn't the language. Too stupid to follow a link? Posting in forum and on a subject you haven't kept up with and expect people to inform you? I cited and called Betts out on another father upthread when it happened. Start reading the various threads on the subject from the beginning and get back with me when you have an idea what you're talking about.

03-03-2014, 09:03 PM
I cited one of the lies and that wasn't the language. Too stupid to follow a link? Posting in forum you haven't kept up with and expect people to inform you? Cited and called Betts out on another father upthread when it happened. Start reading the thread from the beginning and get back with me when you have an idea what your talking about.

Mods, can you intervene here? Pretty sure you can't call someone stupid on this forum. I know of one poster who was given a warning for calling someone an idiot.

03-03-2014, 09:15 PM
How much do you all expect weather to effect tomorrows vote? Buses will be slow morning wise and some folks aren't dedicated to the vote as are others. Which candidate will this effect the most?

Who knows? Dr. Shadid is expecting a miracle.

Many of us went took advantage of the early Thursday-Friday voting at the Oklahoma County Election Board (47th North Lincoln Boulevard). Sometimes you can get so busy that you forget about voting.

You never can predict the weather in Oklahoma. It's like waiting on the ground hog to come out and see his shadow; then all of a sudden a hawk flies down and sweeps up the 'whistle pig rodent' and personally invites him for dinner (free frequent flyer mileage). Totally unpredictable...

Mayor Mick Cornett will probably be re-elected for another term. Let's hope that Dr. Shadid can put his campaign rhetoric aside and get to the business of moving Oklahoma City forward. So far he plans to dismantle MAPS and put an end to Oklahoma City's progress. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

03-03-2014, 09:19 PM
I think the Fraternal Order of Police trying to throw their weight in this election really hurts their credibility. I have always been the first to support their causes but no more. Their job is to protect and serve, not try to sway an election. Of course they were against MAPS as well so this should not come as any surprise. I have had 2 robo calls from Lt, George at the police dept endorsing Ed. On another note, in the neighborhood a few blocks away the police endorsement will really scare them away from Ed.

03-03-2014, 09:23 PM
Life can be a lot like the movie "Rango".

03-03-2014, 09:33 PM
I think the Fraternal Order of Police trying to throw their weight in this election really hurts their credibility. I have always been the first to support their causes but no more. Their job is to protect and serve, not try to sway an election. Of course they were against MAPS as well so this should not come as any surprise. I have had 2 robo calls from Lt, George at the police dept endorsing Ed. On another note, in the neighborhood a few blocks away the police endorsement will really scare them away from Ed.

Yeah, I'm out on giving police or fire any donations going forward. I'm also more interested in giving teachers raises than I am them. They were against MAPS 3, which helps our city, and now they are working for Ed Shadid, who is a disaster for our city. I will not be supportive of them going forward.

03-03-2014, 09:38 PM
I cited one of the lies and that wasn't the language. Too stupid to follow a link? Posting in forum and on a subject you haven't kept up with and expect people to inform you? I cited and called Betts out on another father upthread when it happened. Start reading the various threads on the subject from the beginning and get back with me when you have an idea what you're talking about.

Ah, personal insults, the language of desperation.

03-03-2014, 09:44 PM
That's exactly what I thought when Midtowner decided to head us down that path. More of the same from those wonderful Mick supporters.

03-03-2014, 09:47 PM
That's exactly what I thought when Midtowner decided to head us down that path. More of the same from those wonderful Mick supporters.

I just reread the last four pages and saw nothing where Midtowner said anything other than you were being hypocritical or your assertion of libel was dumb. I'm not sure how either of those equates to calling someone stupid or an idiot. Continue though... make sure you tie it into the Chamber junta and their conspiracy to help Mick be gay in New York.

03-03-2014, 09:57 PM
He pretty much shot any libel case he had in the ass...

Po' fella... gettin' all emotional when his guy is getting creamed in the polls.

03-03-2014, 09:59 PM
Jeeze, what is this gay in NYC fixation. Come on, people. I am planning to vote for Mick but it is as if his supporters on the forum are nitpicking, name calling and seeing conspiracies, everywhere. Truly, I am feeling a bit queasy at voting with a bunch of people being so nasty and paranoid.

03-03-2014, 10:00 PM
He pretty much shot any libel case he had in the ass...

Po' fella... gettin' all emotional when his guy is getting creamed in the polls.

Ah, personal insults, the language of desperation.


03-03-2014, 10:08 PM
So yep you're voting for Shadid?

Guess that kind of clears things up.

03-03-2014, 10:08 PM
Jeeze, what is this gay in NYC fixation. Come on, people. I am planning to vote for Mick but it is as if his supporters on the forum are nitpicking, name calling and seeing conspiracies, everywhere. Truly, I am feeling a bit queasy at voting with a bunch of people being so nasty and paranoid.

It's called making a joke about a terrible piece of campaign literature.

03-03-2014, 10:09 PM
Truly, I am feeling a bit queasy at voting with a bunch of people being so nasty and paranoid.

How is posting EXACTLY what ED said, and pictures of the mailer sent out by his campaign, that he paid for, nasty and paranoid?

Facts have no bias.

03-03-2014, 10:09 PM
So yep you're voting for Shadid?

Guess that kind of clears things up.

Yep, you're a typical OKCtalk Mick supporter.

03-03-2014, 10:10 PM
Jeeze, what is this gay in NYC fixation. Come on, people. I am planning to vote for Mick but it is as if his supporters on the forum are nitpicking, name calling and seeing conspiracies, everywhere. Truly, I am feeling a bit queasy at voting with a bunch of people being so nasty and paranoid.

I'm honestly not really sure what you're talking about given the way the Shadid campaign has conducted itself. If you are uneasy voting with a bunch of people that are being paranoid and nasty, how could you even consider voting for Shadid? Both Shadid and his supporters have been extremely nasty in this campaign and have based most if it on lies created soley to attack mick. Maybe you jumped into this later then everyone else, but I'm sorry, anyone who thinks the Mick camp has been in any way more negative or nasty then Shadid's hasn't been paying attention. After all the personal attacks/lies hurled by the Shadid camp, I don't know how you expected those of us supporting Mick to react. It's honestly impressive that mick has stayed as positive throughout as he has.

As far as the gay in NYC fixation, that is a Shadid claim directly from his campaign, don't blame mick supporters for talking about it.

03-03-2014, 10:13 PM
Maybe you missed the flyer. Most people would consider this nasty. Even Shadid considers it regrettable.

Here is the one I got:

Paid for by Ed Shadid. This dude is a loser.

03-03-2014, 10:14 PM
I'm a Mick supporter I've never hidden that. I'm proud of what this city has accomplished. You apparently would like to reverse it... send the Thunder back to Seattle, get rid of MAPS. You're a typical lying Shadid supporter. Pretending you're holding your nose and still voting for Mick until now. Why? Does it make you feel special?

03-03-2014, 10:15 PM
I'm a Mick supporter I've never hidden that. I'm proud of what this city has accomplished. You apparently would like to reverse it... send the Thunder back to Seattle, get rid of MAPS. You're a typical lying Shadid supporter. Pretending you're holding your nose and still voting for Mick until now. Why? Does it make you feel special?

Who in the world are you talking to? You are frothing at the mouth, for god's sake.

03-03-2014, 10:15 PM
Yep, you're a typical OKCtalk Mick supporter.

So is the typical Shadid supporter a troll?

03-03-2014, 10:16 PM
Who in the world are you talking to? You are frothing at the mouth, for god's sake.

Read the is obviously mkjeeves...

Urban Pioneer
03-03-2014, 10:16 PM
Penny, I'm confused... a large number of Shadid supporters were alleging that Mick Cornett infiltrated their stronghold, manipulated their flyers and sent them out to the wrong people. Who is seeing conspiracies on the Cornett side other than the obvious Rovian tactics that visibly failed?

03-03-2014, 10:18 PM
Maybe you missed the flyer. Most people would consider this nasty. Even Shadid considers it regrettable.

I think we all saw that - just not all of us understand the hysteria and rage. It. really. isn't. that. big. a. deal. I honestly don't understand why so many are so excited. Shadid has tried to distance himself. Why is this such a big deal to so many people? Yeah, it's lousy, I don't like it but some of you guys are acting like you are terrified that people aren't going to see this for what it is. Settle down. It will be fine.

03-03-2014, 10:18 PM
the obvious Rovian tactics

Care to elaborate further?

03-03-2014, 10:21 PM
I'm a Mick supporter I've never hidden that. I'm proud of what this city has accomplished. You apparently would like to reverse it... send the Thunder back to Seattle, get rid of MAPS. You're a typical lying Shadid supporter. Pretending you're holding your nose and still voting for Mick until now. Why? Does it make you feel special?

And you're just a bag of malodorous hot air who apparently cares nothing about the truth.

03-03-2014, 10:26 PM
Penny, I'm confused... a large number of Shadid supporters were alleging that Mick Cornett infiltrated their stronghold, manipulated their flyers and sent them out to the wrong people. Who is seeing conspiracies on the Cornett side other than the obvious Rovian tactics that visibly failed?

I guess it is just all the freak out about the gay issue, the flyer, etc. I simply don't understand the hysteria. From where I stand, none of this is that big a deal because it is pretty obvious what is going on. Mick is also way up in the polls. The spitting and name calling and just being coarse and ugly, to me, just seems completely over the top. You'd think we were all going to die.

Maybe I am being too confident but you guys sound hysterical. IMO, this is going to come down to whether people are pleased with how the city is going or if they want a change. These flyers don't amount to squat. I mean, just look at them. I can't imagine taking them seriously even without knowing the back story. And people claiming someone infiltrated their stronghold sounds nutty to most voters not all caught up in it so I don't understand giving that sort of accusation more than a strawberry. Eye roll stuff.

Honestly, you guys are sounding like you are scared to death and I have NO idea why. The only thing it is doing, IMO, is cause me to wonder what I am missing because Mick's supporters are clearly freaked out. Before seeing this thread (and the other one), voting for Mick, to me, was a no brainer.

03-03-2014, 10:28 PM
And you're just a bag of malodorous hot air who apparently cares nothing about the truth.

What truth is that? You support Shadid and have been lying about it this whole time. Who are you to be lecturing anyone about truth?

Urban Pioneer
03-03-2014, 10:31 PM
Care to elaborate further?

Well, 1st rule of Rove- no one should know who you are and who is sending the stuff out. 2, slice and divide according to the demo (they sent the wrong damn mailers to the wrong demo). 3, what kind of idiot would send both mailers to somebody's house on the same day? WHY? WHY would you ever expose what you are trying to do by sending both the watered down piece and the knife edge piece to the same person? WHY? Almost inconceivable.

And then the cherry on the top, the media almost immediately knows who your "Rove"... cough, Cargill is. Before the election!

As has been pointed out by numerous people, if you can't run a simple local campaign, what makes you think you have the competence to be involved in a major city with a billion dollar budget?

03-03-2014, 10:32 PM
Is this an attempt to get the thread locked? There's no reason for folks to get personal attacks going, but I hope that when the mods take action, it's against the person's making the personal attacks, and not against the thread itself.

Tomorrow should be a very interested news day to watch. I curious the effect the weather will have, although I think a major part of DrEd's voting block is of a demographic that typically has poor performance. This is most likely why this flier went out, to motivate the older, conservative strong voter base to either stay home, or vote against Mick. Those folks won't see the "retraction" from Ed, nor the other updates, so it's a tactic that will probably be beneficial to Ed.

It's too bad that the history of positive, non-partisan, city level politics has come to a close.

03-03-2014, 10:33 PM
Hey! It's Christmas Eve in OKC.

If you pray, pray now.

03-03-2014, 10:34 PM
I guess it is just all the freak out about the gay issue, the flyer, etc. I simply don't understand the hysteria. From where I stand, none of this is that big a deal because it is pretty obvious what is going on. Mick is also way up in the polls. The spitting and name calling and just being coarse and ugly, to me, just seems completely over the top. You'd think we were all going to die.

Maybe I am being too confident but you guys sound hysterical. IMO, this is going to come down to whether people are pleased with how the city is going or if they want a change. These flyers don't amount to squat. I mean, just look at them. I can't imagine taking them seriously even without knowing the back story. And people claiming someone infiltrated their stronghold sounds nutty to most voters not all caught up in it so I don't understand giving that sort of accusation more than a strawberry. Eye roll stuff.

Honestly, you guys are sounding like you are scared to death and I have NO idea why. The only thing it is doing, IMO, is cause me to wonder what I am missing because Mick's supporters are clearly freaked out. Before seeing this thread (and the other one), voting for Mick, to me, was a no brainer.

What hysteria are you talking about? I'm honestly wondering if we are reading the same threads.

03-03-2014, 10:35 PM
What truth is that? You support Shadid and have been lying about it this whole time. Who are you to be lecturing anyone about truth?

The Mick supporter and Soonerguru playbook. Repeat whatever you want to say often, truth or not.

03-03-2014, 10:36 PM
The only thing it is doing, IMO, is cause me to wonder what I am missing because Mick's supporters are clearly freaked out. Before seeing this thread (and the other one), voting for Mick, to me, was a no brainer.

Then you need to read the entire thread. The constant lies, attacks, and spamming tactics by the Ed supporters over the past few months have burnt everyone's nerves to the edge. Are folks being a little mocking and rough at this point? Certainly, but I think it's deserved.

There's only so many DOZENS of times you can be accused of being part of a grand conspiracy, and see someone who you respect be slurred, before you finally reach your boiling point.

03-03-2014, 10:37 PM
It's too bad that the history of positive, non-partisan, city level politics has come to a close.

Look.. all BS aside and totally serious, that is very freaking sobering what you just said. I pretty much stopped and felt what you just said on a very emotional level and I am just disappointed in all of us for it. Thank you for that post.

I'd like your post, but there's no option to do so.

03-03-2014, 10:37 PM
I am gonna vote at 7am and forget about it the rest of the day, and then after work go have some Abitas and crawfish at The Shack for Fat Tuesday and hopefully get some good news in the evening. This has been exhausting to follow.

Urban Pioneer
03-03-2014, 10:39 PM
I guess it is just all the freak out about the gay issue, the flyer, etc. I simply don't understand the hysteria. From where I stand, none of this is that big a deal because it is pretty obvious what is going on. Mick is also way up in the polls. The spitting and name calling and just being coarse and ugly, to me, just seems completely over the top. You'd think we were all going to die.

Maybe I am being too confident but you guys sound hysterical. IMO, this is going to come down to whether people are pleased with how the city is going or if they want a change. These flyers don't amount to squat. I mean, just look at them. I can't imagine taking them seriously even without knowing the back story. And people claiming someone infiltrated their stronghold sounds nutty to most voters not all caught up in it so I don't understand giving that sort of accusation more than a strawberry. Eye roll stuff.

Honestly, you guys are sounding like you are scared to death and I have NO idea why. The only thing it is doing, IMO, is cause me to wonder what I am missing because Mick's supporters are clearly freaked out. Before seeing this thread (and the other one), voting for Mick, to me, was a no brainer.

That makes sense. I think people are simply enjoying the horse race Penny. I'm not hysterical and I am confident Mick will win with decent voter turn out. For those who worked for Ed, this is simply a moment to enjoy. He had the absolute best team of political talent for the Ward 2 campaign. It is amusing to most of us to watch the stumbling around.

The saddest part (and most bittersweet) is that if he was half the man he claims to be, he might be a pretty great leader. The problem is, there is no substance there. It is simply about him.

03-03-2014, 10:39 PM
The Mick supporter and Soonerguru playbook. Repeat whatever you want to say often, truth or not.

The good thing is, for those who have followed this thread, it is readily apparent that at least 3/4 of your posts have been without any kind of substance. You use vague generalities and try your best to paint everyone else as this mean, evil bully. Keep at it.

03-03-2014, 10:47 PM
Soccer fans come to mind when I read the Mick supporters on this forum, PQ. Probably a good thing Mick is going to win.

03-03-2014, 10:48 PM
BrettM2, careful, he might sue.

03-03-2014, 10:49 PM
Soccer fans come to mind when I read the Mick supporters on this forum, PQ. Probably a good thing Mick is going to win.

Exhibit 432a.

03-03-2014, 10:50 PM
BrettM2, careful, he might sue.

I have two history degrees... the only thing he's going to get out of me is some student loan debt.

03-03-2014, 10:51 PM
I'm just waiting for the lost-because-of-the-chamber conspiracy spin and then the quick pivot to the Convention Center petition - you know, the handy insurance to remain relevant through March 2015.

Urban Pioneer
03-03-2014, 10:58 PM
Half of me thinks that they will trot the petition out at their DRED party... but then I heard that the language wasn't written properly and they are starting over. I have no idea which to believe.

03-03-2014, 11:02 PM
I think this campaign has become extremely personal to a lot of you guys. It hasn't been that way, to me, so I suppose it is hard for me to fathom what you guys are so upset about. I'm looking at it from a different angle, kind of like - "Oh, we have an election? Glad I remembered. Okay, I'm really happy with how things have been going, haven't seen any big scandals and his opponent is sort of coming out of nowhere and I don't have much reason to change. I'll trot down, cast my vote and then go eat a breakfast burrito from Braums. I'll check the news, later, to see how things are going.

But then I see these threads.

Oh, wait = Shadid has a checkered past? yawn. Couldn't care less. Not sure why Mick's supporters are being so nasty about it - it makes them sound pretty jerky, actually. The things they are upset about just aren't that big a deal at this point. Trying to paint him as being a drug addict, into porn, etc., etc. makes the supporters look worse than Shadid. Being honest, here.

Oh, Mick allegedly spent two years in NYC? Wait, how could he do his job if he actually did that? Sounds exaggerated.

Oh, Mick liked his anonymity in NYC? Er, well, so do a lot of people. Oh wait - that's supposed to imply he is GAY???? Really? (If you aren't big in the LBGT community that kind of stuff won't even raise an eyebrow because you aren't thinking on those lines). And please, who cares, anyway? I had to come to this board to even pick up on the nuances. Or maybe, it is just paranoia.

The flyer in question looks idiotic, btw.

Oh, there have been claims by Shadid supporters that Mick has infiltrated his campaign? Honestly, that sounds goofy. If he did, how does that help them? Why are Mick's supporters worried about that? From where I stand, accusations without proof just make Shadid's supporters sound less like liars and more kind of crazy. At least until I see how Mick's supporters are acting all mad and worried and then they ALL sound nuts.

All this business about sending Thunder back to Seattle if we like Shadid? You realize that's nuts, right?

Again, I'm just speaking as you typical voter who just wants the street sanded, the bills paid and the police/fire to show up when I need them. And I want the city to continue to shine. Again, maybe I'm being unrealistic in thinking this isn't that close a race. If Shadid wins, color me very surprised. I will get up, brave the streets and vote for Mick. That's my plan. I find myself definitely giving Shadid a second and third look after reading this craziness but I have decided to just stick with Mick.

03-04-2014, 12:04 AM
The real supporters of Mayor Mick Cornett & Dr. Ed Shadid will show up at the polls tomorrow and settle this forum fusion of a love hate relationship. Save the energy for getting to the polls safely tomorrow.

The good thing about this election is that people are more involved and engaged in selecting someone who will lead Oklahoma City; sadly it has reached the level of diversion and posters feeling as though this election is a personal attack on their egos.

Time to arm yourself:

Go Vote! "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

03-04-2014, 12:18 AM
I think a rising tide lifts all boats. Some boats in OKC are certainly still sitting on or scraping the ground, but I simply do not believe that is due to some nefarious plot. Every city is going to have those situations and maybe we can do better addressing some of those underlying issues, but the tide in OKC is undeniably rising. The processes that have facilitated OKC's rebirth and growth aren't perfect, but virtually no public policy or initiative ever is.

On balance though, I think we are headed the right direction and I think Mayor Cornett deserves a lot of the credit for that. While our Mayor does not wield much "hard" power, Mick excels with the soft power OKC's Mayor office provides him. He has been brilliant in that role and is clearly the best suited for it from the candidates on the ballot tomorrow.


Plutonic Panda
03-04-2014, 12:29 AM
I think the Fraternal Order of Police trying to throw their weight in this election really hurts their credibility. I have always been the first to support their causes but no more. Their job is to protect and serve, not try to sway an election. Of course they were against MAPS as well so this should not come as any surprise. I have had 2 robo calls from Lt, George at the police dept endorsing Ed. On another note, in the neighborhood a few blocks away the police endorsement will really scare them away from Ed.Funny how the police would support someone with a background such as Ed's. Coke, child negligence, domestic abuse etc....

Plutonic Panda
03-04-2014, 12:35 AM
In all honesty though, this thread should be shut down. The election is less than 24hrs and there is no reason to debate any further. Go out and vote - if you think Ed Shadid is the man for the job, then vote for Shadid... if you think Mick Cornett should stay, then vote for Cornett. Don't see why we have to get personal with debates(except when dealing with Edgar, someone who does nothing but lie and provoke people). Go out and vote for your guy, make sure it is who you truly believe in and don't let anyone tell you differently. Research, gather facts, and vote for who you truly think is best for the city.

03-04-2014, 01:14 AM
I think this campaign has become extremely personal to a lot of you guys. It hasn't been that way, to me, so I suppose it is hard for me to fathom what you guys are so upset about. I'm looking at it from a different angle, kind of like - "Oh, we have an election? Glad I remembered. Okay, I'm really happy with how things have been going, haven't seen any big scandals and his opponent is sort of coming out of nowhere and I don't have much reason to change. I'll trot down, cast my vote and then go eat a breakfast burrito from Braums. I'll check the news, later, to see how things are going.

But then I see these threads.

Oh, wait = Shadid has a checkered past? yawn. Couldn't care less. Not sure why Mick's supporters are being so nasty about it - it makes them sound pretty jerky, actually. The things they are upset about just aren't that big a deal at this point. Trying to paint him as being a drug addict, into porn, etc., etc. makes the supporters look worse than Shadid. Being honest, here.

Oh, Mick allegedly spent two years in NYC? Wait, how could he do his job if he actually did that? Sounds exaggerated.

Oh, Mick liked his anonymity in NYC? Er, well, so do a lot of people. Oh wait - that's supposed to imply he is GAY???? Really? (If you aren't big in the LBGT community that kind of stuff won't even raise an eyebrow because you aren't thinking on those lines). And please, who cares, anyway? I had to come to this board to even pick up on the nuances. Or maybe, it is just paranoia.

The flyer in question looks idiotic, btw.

Oh, there have been claims by Shadid supporters that Mick has infiltrated his campaign? Honestly, that sounds goofy. If he did, how does that help them? Why are Mick's supporters worried about that? From where I stand, accusations without proof just make Shadid's supporters sound less like liars and more kind of crazy. At least until I see how Mick's supporters are acting all mad and worried and then they ALL sound nuts.

All this business about sending Thunder back to Seattle if we like Shadid? You realize that's nuts, right?

Again, I'm just speaking as you typical voter who just wants the street sanded, the bills paid and the police/fire to show up when I need them. And I want the city to continue to shine. Again, maybe I'm being unrealistic in thinking this isn't that close a race. If Shadid wins, color me very surprised. I will get up, brave the streets and vote for Mick. That's my plan. I find myself definitely giving Shadid a second and third look after reading this craziness but I have decided to just stick with Mick.

If you're basing your vote on the "craziness" of a few people, taken out of context on an internet thread that you just started participating in 2 days ago, then that's just about as nuts as the Thunder moving back to Seattle because of Shadid. You obviously got into this too late to understand why a lot of the "craziness" is occurring. At any rate, glad you chose Mick, but if I were you, I wouldn't waste anymore time on this thread.

03-04-2014, 05:43 AM
So is the typical Shadid supporter a troll?

Nah, but it sure seems they have a fondness for one.

03-04-2014, 05:44 AM
Funny how the police would support someone with a background such as Ed's. Coke, child negligence, domestic abuse etc....

maybe they view such conduct as the full employment act of 2014?

Jim Kyle
03-04-2014, 09:53 AM
I have had 2 robo calls from Lt, George at the police dept endorsing Ed. On another note, in the neighborhood a few blocks away the police endorsement will really scare them away from Ed.Only two? I quit counting last night and just hung up on any Caller ID I failed to recognize... Got another just a few minutes ago.

03-04-2014, 10:07 AM
No one is saying the Thunder will move back to Seattle if Shadid is elected. But, his attitude is very similar to that in Seattle when they chose to continue a terrible contract with the team and not build a new arena. And Seattle is 3x the size of OKC. There is more than arena involved in keeping a team here. We can never forget that we're a small market. We can never rest on our laurels. But if someone chooses to vote for Ed because of this thread, all I've got to say is don't complain if you find out some of us are right. I was dumb enough to work for his campaign two years ago and I'm still sorry.

I'm sorry this has gotten heated. I don't have any problem with people's politics being different from mine. That's why I try very hard to stay out of the politics thread, although there is an occasional slip-up. I have friends from virtually the entire political spectrum. But I am passionate about OKC. I remember way too well the "before" days and am terrified to see us stall because of political infighting. I believe one city councilman only is voting for Ed. That's worth thinking about, as they've worked with him for 2 years, and they too are from different parts of the political spectrum.

Tomorrow I go back to being an OKC and streetcar booster. Thank God!

03-04-2014, 11:41 AM
I think I originally made the comment about the Thunder back in Seattle. It was meant as a rhetorical question, implying that had Shadid been in Cornett's shoes during Cornett's tenure, the Supersonics would still be playing in Seattle (or maybe KC, but someplace else). Having an opportunistic, smart, engaged mayor looking to wield soft power to hit home runs like that is appealing to me compared to Shadid's history or simply trying to be a roadblock for our most ambitious pursuits.

03-04-2014, 12:38 PM
Just voted for the re-election of Mick Cornett. No line at all where I vote.