View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014
Edgar 02-25-2014, 04:15 PM Edgar, what do you think the Chamber does?
Agressive lobbying group angling for tax incentives, eroded regualtion, liabilty protection, no taxes that not so subtly threatens judges who don't rule in their favor.
jerrywall 02-25-2014, 04:19 PM Awesome! Can I use this on Facebook, twitter?
Feel free!
warreng88 02-25-2014, 04:24 PM Agressive lobbying group angling for tax incentives, eroded regualtion, liabilty protection, no taxes that not so subtly threatens judges who don't rule in their favor.
Interesting, because I work for bank that is part of the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is made up of businesses that want to increase other businesses in and around the metro for the betterment of the city. Our bank has never done anything you think the Chamber has done. In fact, I have worked for multiple companies who have never done anything you are claiming the chamber does. What does Ed plan to do if he becomes mayor with the chamber? Ignore them? Strong arm them?
So, he is going to lobby to help all of OKC, just not all the businesses that employ thousands of people that he is trying to help? How does that make sense to you?
Midtowner 02-25-2014, 04:36 PM Then it should have promoted as a quality of life project rather than the big windies about tripling bidness.
It was promoted both ways.
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber - A Gathering Place for Us and Them (
Jesus Christ... do a Google search before you make these asinine assertions.
The bottom line is a new cc will produce millions in annual operating losses for a project that will enrich downtown chamber interests while the losses will be paid by my 81yo mother.
Millions in annual operating losses? How do you know this? The Chesepeake was built with no plan to fund the operating costs. The Civic Center was redone and there was no plan for the operating costs. So was our older convention center. How is this much different?
Shadid isn't opposed to a new cc, just thinks it should be done right with proper planning and public input and make it the best possible facility for OKC's needs.
Those are just a bunch of weasel words. Done "right?" What does that entail? "Proper planning?" How was the planning improper? And there was no public input already? Coulda fooled me. And then again, who really cares about public input? The public has expertise necessary to fix this project? Hey, let's just put Sarge Nelson in front of it... that'll make it all better, right?
Edgar 02-25-2014, 04:40 PM Question Edgar ... Back when the citizens of OKC were mulling over whether to support Maps 3, were you at all aware of Maps 3 and the projects the city was pitching to include in the resolution? If so, were you on street corners, online, in cafes, anywhere at all, talking about how it seemed like a plan for total destruction of the city finances?
Or like your candidate, did you only set aside your addiction to whatever de jour and suddenly realize people actually vote for stuff that is important to them and clue in on it before the votes are tabulated, rather than whine and seek to destroy afterwards.
As I recall neither you nor I have much skin in the game, being non-residents of okc, though if you are anything like me, you have an interest because you choose to spend some time and a dime or three there now and again.
I actually grant more credibility to the not this maps folks who had the interest to learn why they did not like something and pushed an agenda they cared about. I've yet to see an agenda your candidate cares about, though I see lots of things he claims not to care about. Some say you are your candidate in disguise. I don't buy that myself, but you do have one thing in common with him ... you often leave me wonder what you might be smoking.
I remember at the time of the promotion thinking it's a lot of coin and that these people are delusional if they think OKC is going to be a convention destination city. Then it passed right about the same time the secretive plutocrats razed the historic State Fair Speedway saying the electrical system needed some updates that might cost a little money. turns out they just wanted the land at what is supposed to be the people's fairgrounds. rem Mick's solemen promise at the time of the deed to "fill the void" quick time. Course before that tragic deed done, the hicks sold off all our artfacts and tragically razed the space age hip monrail. Shadid has brought OKC goverenace out from the behind closed doors small group meetingsto avoid the open meetings act out into the light of day and ruffled some patrician feathers talking truth to power used to fawning approval. Don't know if he has a shot, smart $ on Mick for sure, but don't know how valid polling is. Lots of people who may vote for him wouldn't admit it publically being he's a pot head and all. I know = #'s for each.
Edgar 02-25-2014, 04:44 PM Interesting, because I work for bank that is part of the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is made up of businesses that want to increase other businesses in and around the metro for the betterment of the city. Our bank has never done anything you think the Chamber has done. In fact, I have worked for multiple companies who have never done anything you are claiming the chamber does. What does Ed plan to do if he becomes mayor with the chamber? Ignore them? Strong arm them?
So, he is going to lobby to help all of OKC, just not all the businesses that employ thousands of people that he is trying to help? How does that make sense to you?
Seems to me being an informed citizen that's pretty much what the chamber does these days, as an faceless corporations are people too entity.
I don't know- should they be receiving millions of taxpayer dollars to lobby for issues that go against the interests of the ave citizen and will result in higher property taxes ala 766?
Dennis Heaton 02-25-2014, 04:47 PM Jesus Christ... do a Google search before you make these asinine assertions.
Stop the car! I missed it! I wanna read what Jesus Christ said...what assertions? What's the buzz, tell me what's happening.
Edgar 02-25-2014, 04:50 PM It was promoted both ways.
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber - A Gathering Place for Us and Them (
Jesus Christ... do a Google search before you make these asinine assertions.
Millions in annual operating losses? How do you know this? The Chesepeake was built with no plan to fund the operating costs. The Civic Center was redone and there was no plan for the operating costs. So was our older convention center. How is this much different?
Those are just a bunch of weasel words. Done "right?" What does that entail? "Proper planning?" How was the planning improper? And there was no public input already? Coulda fooled me. And then again, who really cares about public input? The public has expertise necessary to fix this project? Hey, let's just put Sarge Nelson in front of it... that'll make it all better, right?
No rental fee for use then right? It's the people's building after all. They paid for it. You know the pople running OKCnow will want a pretty penny to use the building and they'll assume ownership. Like the Thunder pracice facility the people built the plutocrats won't let anyone inside. btw, never once been to a convention at the Myriad, don't kbnow anyone who has, but see it has an arena and I've been to 100's of concerts and sporting events there.
zookeeper 02-25-2014, 04:55 PM I remember at the time of the promotion thinking it's a lot of coin and that these people are delusional if they think OKC is going to be a convention destination city. Then it passed right about the same time the secretive plutocrats razed the historic State Fair Speedway saying the electrical system needed some updates that might cost a little money. turns out they just wanted the land at what is supposed to be the people's fairgrounds. rem Mick's solemen promise at the time of the deed to "fill the void" quick time. Course before that tragic deed done, the hicks sold off all our artfacts and tragically razed the space age hip monrail. Shadid has brought OKC goverenace out from the behind closed doors small group meetingsto avoid the open meetings act out into the light of day and ruffled some patrician feathers talking truth to power used to fawning approval. Don't know if he has a shot, smart $ on Mick for sure, but don't know how valid polling is. Lots of people who may vote for him wouldn't admit it publically being he's a pot head and all. I know = #'s for each.
At one time ('40s, '50s, part of the '60s) Oklahoma City and Cincinnati were in the Top 5 biggest convention destinations in the USA, right there with Chicago and St. Louis. For national conventions, in those days, the coasts were too far for half the country. I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but it's the absolute truth.
warreng88 02-25-2014, 04:57 PM Seems to me being an informed citizen that's pretty much what the chamber does these days, as an faceless corporations are people too entity.
I don't understand this last part. Is that english?
I don't know- should they be receiving millions of taxpayer dollars to lobby for issues that go against the interests of the ave citizen and will result in higher property taxes ala 766?
766 is a state issue, we have been over this. Please do some research and take off your "Vote for Ed!" tinfoil hat you seem to have permanetly attached to your head.
betts 02-25-2014, 05:02 PM Sigh. So many uneducated assumptions. Edgar, you don't even live here. You don't need to spend a penny of your money paying for any of this. If you don't go to conventions you won't be inadvertantly be paying for any of it either. What a lot of effort for no benefit or harm. Isn't there a nice Norman forum for you to talk politics on since neither Mick nor Ed will be your mayor anyway. No one here has changed their mind based on anything you've said because its all hysterical gobbledygook. What a waste of time and energy. Just like debates.
CaptDave 02-25-2014, 05:11 PM Edgar, as someone who believes inequality is a real issue in this country, it is rhetoric like yours that provides the stereotype that is used to ridicule any attempt at seriously addressing the issue. Statements such as yours are easily dismissed as empty of substance when all you do is rail against "plutocrats" and business owners.
OKC has had its share of back room deals for sure, but I fail to see the nefarious plots behind every door. Of course the OKC Chamber advocates for business owners but the vast majority of them are not plutocrats - they are hard working people who took a chance on building a small business. They have more guts than I and should be applauded, not demonized in some misguidED fit of envy. We do have a few people that can be called plutocrats if you wish and of course they have a good deal of influence. There is nothing wrong with that as long as they conduct themselves in an ethical manner. I haven't heard a single credible person accuse Larry Nichols of being anything but an ethical businessman. Aubrey McClendon, while certainly a bit of a cowboy and huge risk taker, doesn't strike me as someone "out to get" the people of OKC even if one probably should question some of the developments he has tried to do.
These plutocrats you like to wail about, while certainly not perfect and without some bad ideas, have generally been excellent corporate and private citizens. When OKC was down for the count, many of them chose to stay here and build private entities that complement the public investments we have made via the MAPS vehicle. They easily could have picked up and moved to much greener pastures. OKC gets a lot of good press because of the cooperative efforts of public and private interests in transforming an entire city. I've been here for a bit over a decade and am amazed by the changes I have seen in that time.
So Ed, Edgar, and the rest - Don't DC my OKC. I pick Mick.
Midtowner 02-25-2014, 05:16 PM And our amenities are going to be so much better than most other major cities.
I can't think of too many places I've been where you've had hotels, a convention center and something like Bricktown (now going to be several things like Bricktown) so close by.
Edgar 02-25-2014, 05:19 PM I don't understand this last part. Is that english?
766 is a state issue, we have been over this. Please do some research and take off your "Vote for Ed!" tinfoil hat you seem to have permanetly attached to your head.
Edgar 02-25-2014, 05:23 PM Edgar, as someone who believes inequality is a real issue in this country, it is rhetoric like yours that provides the stereotype that is used to ridicule any attempt at seriously addressing the issue. Statements such as yours are easily dismissed as empty of substance when all you do is rail against "plutocrats" and business owners.
OKC has had its share of back room deals for sure, but I fail to see the nefarious plots behind every door. Of course the OKC Chamber advocates for business owners but the vast majority of them are not plutocrats - they are hard working people who took a chance on building a small business. They have more guts than I and should be applauded, not demonized in some misguidED fit of envy. We do have a few people that can be called plutocrats if you wish and of course they have a good deal of influence. There is nothing wrong with that as long as they conduct themselves in an ethical manner. I haven't heard a single credible person accuse Larry Nichols of being anything but an ethical businessman. Aubrey McClendon, while certainly a bit of a cowboy and huge risk taker, doesn't strike me as someone "out to get" the people of OKC even if one probably should question some of the developments he has tried to do.
These plutocrats you like to wail about, while certainly not perfect and without some bad ideas, have generally been excellent corporate and private citizens. When OKC was down for the count, many of them chose to stay here and build private entities that complement the public investments we have made via the MAPS vehicle. They easily could have picked up and moved to much greener pastures. OKC gets a lot of good press because of the cooperative efforts of public and private interests in transforming an entire city. I've been here for a bit over a decade and am amazed by the changes I have seen in that time.
So Ed, Edgar, and the rest - Don't DC my OKC. I pick Mick.
Some bad ideas, they've had horrilble ideas and bad taste. Bicentennial Park- yikes, ruined a cool gathering spot. Sadly they've been given free range to raze at will.
Wouldn't Shadid be better for the small businessman? Cornett want sot build a taxpayer owned hotel that would compete with the local guys.
CaptDave 02-25-2014, 05:39 PM Taste is very subjective - and please do not try to use perfection as the standard we should judge our choice of candidates. That will not end well for you. Everyone has a bad idea or two if they are out doing anything that matters. Honestly, Bicentennial Park was not some sort of high standard everyone was dying to copy. It was ok, and the new park is ok too. It might even turn out to be pretty nice once the plants have some time to mature.
Show me where any OKC public money has been encumbered for a hotel. It might be in the future, but guess what? There will be plenty of opportunities to debate it when it is a real issue. Have you conveniently forgotten the city has a decent track record with hotels - the Renaissance and Skirvin? It would be foolish to dismiss the idea without objectively considering any proposal we may see in a few years.
windowphobe 02-25-2014, 06:19 PM ...all my OKCtalk banners are now OKCUnited/Catalyst ads. Anyone else getting that?
I get those at sites ranging from Equestria Daily to Fark.
soonerguru 02-25-2014, 07:12 PM From the link, "I support the creation of a comprehensive plan. We have not had a new one in 30 years. This will give us an idea of what different types of growth patterns will cost in terms of long-term maintenance and delivery of services. We need to develop a fiscally-conservative approach to growth which allows us to protect what we have already built."
See this is what kills me about the guy. "We need a new comprehensive plan". Nevermind that PlanOKC has been in the works for years and is set to complete this year. He doesn't even mention it. Is PlanOKC not good enough? OK, tell us why it is not good enough. Don't just talk about the need for a comprehensive plan like it is your idea, when in fact a new comprehensive plan has been under construction since before Shadid even joined the council.
This is typical behavior for a narcissistic megalomaniac. Draw your own conclusions.
soonerguru 02-25-2014, 07:17 PM Shadid is one of the four Council members on the Citizen Advisory Team (CAT) for planokc. It's incredibly disingenuous that he's calling this out.
planOKC (
What a f---wit.
kevinpate 02-25-2014, 07:26 PM What's the buzz over at the challenger campaign this week?
Not sure what might be giving the buzz, but whatever it is, there's probably been a fib or three told about it.
Plutonic Panda 02-25-2014, 09:04 PM Exclusive Poll Numbers For OKC's Mayoral Race - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
The big election is a week away, but tonight at 10:00 p.m. we have exclusive poll numbers on the Oklahoma City Mayor's race.
Who will lead Oklahoma City? Mick Cornett or Ed Shadid?
See who's leading in the poll tonight at 10:00 p.m. only on News 9.
Tier2City 02-25-2014, 09:09 PM It will be interesting to see what they come up with. I would guess Mick 60%, ES 35%, Other 5% +/- 2%
Seems you were a tad pessimistic. ES not doing well at all:
Poll: Cornett Leads Shadid By Wide Margin In OKC Mayor's Race - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
warreng88 02-25-2014, 09:20 PM Seems you were a tad pessimistic. ES not doing well at all:
Poll: Cornett Leads Shadid By Wide Margin In OKC Mayor's Race - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
I really hope those are the results come next week. I fear people will see that and not vote since they think Mick is going to win anyway.
betts 02-25-2014, 09:34 PM Do what I've been doing. Vote, get every family member to vote and call, text or email every friend that you think can vote and tell them its important. What is really eye-opening is that the Lebanese community is pretty anti-Shadid I've found. They know him.
SoonerDave 02-25-2014, 09:34 PM Seems you were a tad pessimistic. ES not doing well at all:
Poll: Cornett Leads Shadid By Wide Margin In OKC Mayor's Race - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
OOPS!!! Looks like News9 posted that article a bit soon as they were teasing it for 10pm. Its been taken down.
mkjeeves 02-25-2014, 09:39 PM It's on the Gazette site
Oklahoma Gazette News: News9/Oklahoma Gazette mayoral election poll (
boscorama 02-25-2014, 09:57 PM If I were the frontrunner here, I'd worry that the underdog's troops would rally like a sombich!
CaptDave 02-25-2014, 10:09 PM Voter apathy/complacency is Mayor Cornett's single biggest threat to reelection.
jerrywall 02-25-2014, 10:15 PM Heh. Maybe the Taco Bell guy should run for Ed's council seat?
OSUFan 02-26-2014, 04:04 PM Did the police union never actually pull their support for Shadid? I've seen a decent amount of OKC Police support Shadid yard signs out and about.
LakeEffect 02-26-2014, 04:25 PM Did the police union never actually pull their support for Shadid? I've seen a decent amount of OKC Police support Shadid yard signs out and about.
No. In fact, they've gone whole hog with support the past few weeks. A ton of Tweets and now the yard signs.
The firefighters, on the other hand, are very quiet. They are focusing on Engine 51 and the expansion of the fire service.
Midtowner 02-26-2014, 04:25 PM Did the police union never actually pull their support for Shadid? I've seen a decent amount of OKC Police support Shadid yard signs out and about.
They withdrew their endorsement after the divorce records revealed he had used drugs extensively.
PennyQuilts 02-26-2014, 04:39 PM Do what I've been doing. Vote, get every family member to vote and call, text or email every friend that you think can vote and tell them its important. What is really eye-opening is that the Lebanese community is pretty anti-Shadid I've found. They know him.
Oh no, you didn't play the ethnic card...
LakeEffect 02-26-2014, 04:40 PM They withdrew their endorsement after the divorce records revealed he had used drugs extensively.
"Despite what u hear in campaign ads, we barely hav more officers than we did in 1993! Vote @edshadid true supporter!"
Not quite. "Endorsed by the Oklahoma City FOP" says the photo. The photo and tweet of reference are from this week.
Midtowner 02-26-2014, 04:48 PM Staffing has been increasing as quickly as it structurally can.
betts 02-26-2014, 06:03 PM Oh no, you didn't play the ethnic card...
That's the ethnic card? I just happen to know a lot of Lebanese from various places and many are my kids' friends' parents. They're a very close knit so I assumed they were all supporting Ed. I was pretty shocked at the response I got when I casually asked what they thought about the election.
mkjeeves 02-26-2014, 06:19 PM If they're progressive, business owner out! They really really really support Mick! Cubed!
SouthsideSooner 02-27-2014, 12:24 AM If they're progressive, business owner out! They really really really support Mick! Cubed!
Well yeah, pretty much like every other demographic that was polled... I "get" that you're undecided but between you and Edgar posting here, you guys have almost done as much "good" for Ed as the Red Dirt Report...
I kinda represent the majority of people that read and rarely post and I'm pretty sure the poll numbers are dead on...
jerrywall 02-27-2014, 12:31 AM Undecided and representing some secret, unnamed, business organization... that posts constantly supporting ed... yet still undecided....
OSUFan 02-27-2014, 11:00 AM Anyone else find this endorsement for Shadid seem incredibly off?
Oklahoma Gazette Commentary: A Republican for Shadid (
kevinpate 02-27-2014, 11:07 AM That's a breeze. It doesn't matter to some what else ed is for so long as he is against the cc and growing govt. Except that Ed is for growing govt in several areas, with no plan how to pay.
That's the trouble if one only eats and looks for bananas in the market. they don't see their favorite stocking up on the lemons. They only see the yellow.
Midtowner 02-27-2014, 12:22 PM What is Ed's plan to pay for the continuing maintenance of bus stops?
Bellaboo 02-27-2014, 12:37 PM Anyone else find this endorsement for Shadid seem incredibly off?
Oklahoma Gazette Commentary: A Republican for Shadid (
This guy has drunk the 'Ed-Aid' - He's against the 'Billion Dollar Convention Center/ Hotel'.....This is the inflated spew from ES as we all know...
Just another Big Lie.
7. Billon-dollar convention center/ hotel complexes downtown: Instead of investing in core functions of government, like neighborhood schools, streets and police, Cornett wants to spend almost a billion dollars on a governmentowned/subsidized hotel for a convention center complex downtown.
David 02-27-2014, 12:41 PM Anyone else find this endorsement for Shadid seem incredibly off?
Oklahoma Gazette Commentary: A Republican for Shadid (
It could not be more full of lies and half-truths if consisted of the words "lies and half-truths" repeated a couple dozen times.
OSUFan 02-27-2014, 01:09 PM I just wonder how Shadid feels about a guy endorsing him because Cornett voted for the "gay rights" resolution.
David 02-27-2014, 01:39 PM Yeah, that's the biggest thing that jumped out at me. Has that Republican dude even looked at the politics of the guy he just endorsed?
Bellaboo 02-27-2014, 06:07 PM My wife told me that up on Memorial there are 'Oklahoma City Police Supports Ed Shadid for Mayor' signs. Just saw them today for the first time. Said they are all over the road.
Can't wait until the FOP calls and ask me for money again....
kevinpate 02-27-2014, 06:15 PM I imagine this weekend will see a flood of signs, from both the incumbent and dred, and a smattering for the other two folk in the race.
Sure hope all are as active in picking them up after, though most likely that's a wasted bit of hope.
Bellaboo 02-27-2014, 06:19 PM I imagine this weekend will see a flood of signs, from both the incumbent and dred, and a smattering for the other two folk in the race.
Sure hope all are as active in picking them up after, though most likely that's a wasted bit of hope.
It doesn't get any better than this. LOL
betts 02-27-2014, 07:06 PM My wife told me that up on Memorial there are 'Oklahoma City Police Supports Ed Shadid for Mayor' signs. Just saw them today for the first time. Said they are all over the road.
Can't wait until the FOP calls and ask me for money again....
That is exactly what I thought. If the FOP calls me for money, from here on out I'll tell them to call Ed. I find it really ironic that they are supporting someone who has repeatedly broken the laws of the state of Oklahoma. As a physician I am beyond offended that he has broken the oath he took when he graduated from medical school and then lied to the state board of medical examiners about it.
soonerguru 02-27-2014, 07:39 PM I imagine this weekend will see a flood of signs, from both the incumbent and dred, and a smattering for the other two folk in the race.
Sure hope all are as active in picking them up after, though most likely that's a wasted bit of hope.
LOFL at "dred"
Urban Pioneer 02-27-2014, 07:44 PM Now remember!!! It's illegal to remove illegally placed signs!
kevinpate 02-27-2014, 08:28 PM LOFL at "dred"
I think it was Mid or someone else who first cracked off at seeing the DRED signs, but yeah, it's made me smile a few times since.
Dustin 02-27-2014, 08:34 PM I voted today!
Zuplar 02-27-2014, 09:07 PM My wife picked us up a Mick sign for the yard and a couple button stickers that say 'I Pick Mick.' Needless to say there is no doubt who we are voting for.
warreng88 02-28-2014, 01:15 PM Not sure how I feel about this:
Governors Mary Fallin and Brad Henry Lead 850+ Endorsements for Mayor Mick Cornett : Mick Cornett for Mayor (
I am fine with Henry, but Mary Fallin has caught a lot of flack lately so I am not sure if that is the best endorsement.
So I posted that three days ago and today I got an Ed Shadid mailer that said, "Here's what Governor Fallin had to say about Mick Cornett: As evidenced by Cornett's cat-and-mouse game when running for mayor, as well as his statement that he would be a full-time mayor..., this pattern of deception emerging from his campaign cannot go unanswered.... Cornett's inability to tell the truth is particularly unfortunate...*
That * referenced at the bottom: Joint statement by Fallin and other 5th District Congreessional candidates reported in "5th District Candidates Gang Up On Cornett, "Journal Record, June 8, 2006.
So, almost eight years later, ES is using a quote from Mary Fallin (who is now supporting Mick Cornett in his reelection campaign) from when Mick was running against Mary for the US House seat vacated by Istook.
CaptDave 02-28-2014, 01:19 PM Pot & kettle moment #103039485473893 from 7th & Hudson. Using deceit to charge deceit.......must be in full flail mode at DREDHQ now. :kicking::kicking:
CuatrodeMayo 02-28-2014, 01:21 PM I just got home and read the mailer...and about fell out of my chair.
This guy has gone off the reservation...
CuatrodeMayo 02-28-2014, 01:45 PM
CaptDave 02-28-2014, 01:50 PM OMG!!! Now DRED is claiming the conservative mantle?!?!?!? :doh:
Holy schnikeys..... any measure of respect that remained for the doc just vanished in a cloud of steam rising off the bull..... ummm, tea.
This is the funniest - and saddest - thing yet. The Tea Party and DRED deserve each other.