02-11-2014, 02:01 PM
Honestly I think a debate would help Mick. Shadid has proven again and again he is unable to conceal his vitriolic dislike of Cornett, and that would surely come out at the debate in a counter-productive way.
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DoctorTaco 02-11-2014, 02:01 PM Honestly I think a debate would help Mick. Shadid has proven again and again he is unable to conceal his vitriolic dislike of Cornett, and that would surely come out at the debate in a counter-productive way. Bellaboo 02-11-2014, 02:06 PM Honestly I think a debate would help Mick. Shadid has proven again and again he is unable to conceal his vitriolic dislike of Cornett, and that would surely come out at the debate in a counter-productive way. Personally, I think Mick would tear him apart.......Shadid has told too many bald face lies to perform well in a debate. betts 02-11-2014, 03:58 PM Behold, Ed Shadid's campaign strategy: The Tricks of Fox?s Trade | The New York Observer ( Haha, you're right! betts 02-11-2014, 04:01 PM I've got a new set of questions. Answer them and we need no debate. 1. What are the three main things you would like to accomplish during your four years in office? If any of your goals require funding, what will they cost and where will you get the money? How sure are you that you can the money? Laramie 02-11-2014, 07:02 PM I'm pretty thrilled that Mayor is not going to waste his time with somebody like Ed. Basically giving him any time at all simply elevates Ed's gaseous rhetoric. After he has demonstrated to the people who worked so hard to help him get elected in his Ward 2 campaign his willingness to stab them in their back (not to mention the general voting public) and outright lie about his positions, why should we believe anything that he might say or pledge in a debate? A debate in my mind is absolutely meaningless with somebody like Ed. You couldn't have said that any better, Urban Pioneer--meaningless! What's there to debate with Ed? A guy whose platform is as fragile as a cheap block of styrofoam--he has nothing to offer. Ed debating Mick wouldn't mean a thing--it would be like a mosquito pushing a train. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole. boscorama 02-11-2014, 07:53 PM I don't get why some entity hasn't invited the four candidates to debate. Is that not how these things happen? Bellaboo 02-11-2014, 08:19 PM Saw a 'Stick with Mick' commercial tonight. Very well and professionally done. Laramie 02-11-2014, 08:24 PM I don't get why some entity hasn't invited the four candidates to debate. Is that not how these things happen? National elections would draw attention, yes--it would work. Televising a candidates' quartet debate for a local mayor election would be dismal. A local election for mayor; what local network would be interested? You couldn't pay me to watch a political version of Taming of the Shrew.. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole. zookeeper 02-11-2014, 08:27 PM National elections would draw attention, yes--it would work. Televising a candidates' quartet debate for a local mayor election would be dismal. A local election for mayor; what local network would be interested? You couldn't pay me to watch a political version of Taming of the Shrew.. That may be true, until you think of the television programming they would be interrupting. Talk about dismal. I think an hour every four years for a mayoral candidates debate would not deliver too big a blow to great American television. betts 02-11-2014, 08:40 PM I've posted this elsewhere and it refers to presidential debates but I think it's applicable here. The author first says that debates rarely change anyone's mind. He goes on to say: "Debates test one thing: the ability to quickly respond to questions of numbing complexity that are impossible to answer in the time available. They put a premium on being fast and clever but don't say much about how smart a candidate is. Nor are they meant to, in part because being smart, in an academic sense, is not essential to be president -- as many have demonstrated. At their best, debates test a candidate's coolness under pressure and ability to articulate some thought at least vaguely connected to the question while convincing the viewers that he or she is both personable and serious." In other words, it's not worth much. trousers 02-12-2014, 06:52 PM Check your mail. New mailer from the Shadid campaign. I guess scare tactics are the current MO. bradh 02-12-2014, 07:10 PM Didn't that guy see mailers don't work? See Gary Marrs campaign. ljbab728 02-12-2014, 10:35 PM Check your mail. New mailer from the Shadid campaign. I guess scare tactics are the current MO. Saw that and glanced it over before quickly depositing it in the normal file reserved for his mailers. zookeeper 02-12-2014, 11:04 PM I must admit, THIS surprises me. 10 Reasons Why I'll Vote for Ed Shadid by Sam Bowman ( Former Ward 2 Councilman Sam Bowman endorses Shadid for Mayor. catch22 02-12-2014, 11:40 PM Yes but all of that is talk. Pure talk. I would be the first to admit, Ed is a great talker. Unfortunately his walking has not matched up with his talking. On just about every issue. That is unacceptable to me. If he had a proven record of walking how he talks, I'd have a silly ED profile pic on my Facebook. My friends would think I had erectile dysfunction. But, here we are in 2014, planet Earth... He hasn't been truthful of his past, and his voting record and city council diatribes have not been a good witness to how he talks. My vote is with Mick. He is proven, I don't agree with the man on every issue, but I at least know he has a predictable track record of delivering. betts 02-12-2014, 11:41 PM I didn't know it, but was told that Sam Bowman is a member of the Green Party. So, that would explain it. They think alike. And, he hasn't been on Council with Ed so he hasn't seen him in action, I'm guessing. He probably doesn't know about all the behind the scenes stuff either. Sam is a good person, I think, and means well, but I believe he is completely off base here. So, to counter, I'm listing a reason I'm voting for Mick every day until the election on my facebook page and on twitter:) CaptDave 02-13-2014, 08:23 AM *** Levity Break *** And now for something completely different....well, not really. It is the Red Dirt Report, so it is amusing even if it does wander into Kernland. Mayor Mick really gets Joe Sarge's dander up; over what exactly I'm still not quite sure though. If nothing else, this mayor's race has proven politics definitely creates very strange bedfellows - not that there is anything wrong with that. (And I was able to work in a Monty Python AND Seinfeld reference!) :D Cornett a liar and hypocrite, alleges underdog mayoral candidate | Red Dirt Report ( Sarge and Ed, if this is the best you've got, please stop wasting everyone's time. *** I now return you to your regularly scheduled campaign follies *** warreng88 02-13-2014, 08:34 AM *** Levity Break *** And now for something completely different....well, not really. It is the Red Dirt Report, so it is amusing even if it does wander into Kernland. Mayor Mick really gets Joe Sarge's dander up; over what exactly I'm still not quite sure though. If nothing else, this mayor's race has proven politics definitely creates very strange bedfellows - not that there is anything wrong with that. (And I was able to work in a Monty Python AND Seinfeld reference!) :D Cornett a liar and hypocrite, alleges underdog mayoral candidate | Red Dirt Report ( Sarge and Ed, if this is the best you've got, please stop wasting everyone's time. *** I now return you to your regularly scheduled campaign follies *** Wow, what an absolute piece of trash. I'll never get that five minutes of my life back... CaptDave 02-13-2014, 09:15 AM Wow, what an absolute piece of trash. I'll never get that five minutes of my life back... Ha! Indeed - that's why I had to share it. Needed others to partake in my misery. I didn't take Joe Sarge for a Nissan Cube driver though. - not exactly sure what I expected though. That is the most interesting thing I learned from the article. betts 02-13-2014, 10:00 AM I've heard Joe Sarge at Council meetings so think I'll be skipping that article. Bellaboo 02-13-2014, 11:30 AM Wow, what an absolute piece of trash. I'll never get that five minutes of my life back... This is why I won't give them a 'click'. The one a while back was trash at its best....... betts 02-13-2014, 11:53 AM Referencing the tweet below, does anyone think this would have happened without Mayor Cornett's efforts to bring an NBA team and citizens' willingness to pass MAPS 1 and the arena upgrade? OKCUSA (@OKCUSA) 2/13/14, 11:31 AM Ni Hao! Each time I show passport @ airport in #China now, they tell me they LOVE #OKC, unheard of a few yrs ago #GoingGlobal CaptDave 02-13-2014, 12:02 PM Referencing the tweet below, does anyone think this would have happened without Mayor Cornett's efforts to bring an NBA team and citizens' willingness to pass MAPS 1 and the arena upgrade? Nope. Unless of course the Yard Dawgz were international sensations. PhiAlpha 02-13-2014, 05:02 PM Referencing the tweet below, does anyone think this would have happened without Mayor Cornett's efforts to bring an NBA team and citizens' willingness to pass MAPS 1 and the arena upgrade? OKCUSA (@OKCUSA) 2/13/14, 11:31 AM Ni Hao! Each time I show passport @ airport in #China now, they tell me they LOVE #OKC, unheard of a few yrs ago #GoingGlobal Well hey, if Shadid were mayor then, we might have had internationally renowned bus shelters! David 02-13-2014, 07:35 PM Naw, those are campaign promises, remember? If there is anything we can count on him not doing, it's fulfilling those. Bunty 02-14-2014, 09:28 AM Wow, what an absolute piece of trash. I'll never get that five minutes of my life back... So, in other words Cornett is not a homosexual, or even so much as a bisexual, and no, he doesn't smoke pot, or do other illegal drugs. Midtowner 02-14-2014, 10:43 AM Urban Pioneer 02-14-2014, 10:43 AM And people wonder why I am so angry. betts 02-14-2014, 11:17 AM And people wonder why I am so angry. Or why we tell people to use something other than campaign promises from Ed to make their decision. zookeeper 02-14-2014, 12:38 PM Wow. To actually listen to that, in his own voice, is almost surreal. The gall. CaptDave 02-14-2014, 12:50 PM Has the makings of a great "contrast" campaign ad - except you don't have to contrast Ed to Mick. Simply contrast Ed2011 to Ed2013...... kevinpate 02-14-2014, 01:10 PM Has the makings of a great "contrast" campaign ad - except you don't have to contrast Ed to Mick. Simply contrast Ed2011 to Ed2013...... Would the tagline of the ad read: bustED Edgar 02-14-2014, 01:52 PM lol, dok hypocrite bob&weave Ian 10:04 a.m. Does the Oklahoman know that Mick has a sealed protective (gag) order in his divorce with his wife over financial information signed by the same Judge in the Shadid divorce, and she can terminate it at anytime? If you know why aren't you trying to look into that, or if you don't know are you going to do something or just stay one-sided? Steve Lackmeyer 10:06 a.m. Bill is having trouble with his connection to Cover it Live. But he is suggesting you contact reporter Nolan Clay, who did the Shadid court records coverage. You can reach Nolan Clay at warreng88 02-14-2014, 01:55 PM lol, dok hypocrite bob&weave Ian 10:04 a.m. Does the Oklahoman know that Mick has a sealed protective (gag) order in his divorce with his wife over financial information signed by the same Judge in the Shadid divorce, and she can terminate it at anytime? If you know why aren't you trying to look into that, or if you don't know are you going to do something or just stay one-sided? Steve Lackmeyer 10:06 a.m. Bill is having trouble with his connection to Cover it Live. But he is suggesting you contact reporter Nolan Clay, who did the Shadid court records coverage. You can reach Nolan Clay at How is this a bob and weave? Nolan Clay is the one who did the Shadid reporting and would be better tasked in answering that question. Are you just digging to try to stay relevant? Did you watch the video Sid posted? CaptDave 02-14-2014, 01:55 PM I think the thing that galls me most about Ed going after MAPS is his hiding behind the "maximum transparency, and public deliberation" rhetoric. That pretty much happened before the MAPS3 vote. Once the decision has been made, barring any significant change in the city's ability to pay for the projects, the time for deliberation of whether or not to build it is past. The only deliberation that needs to occur is on the citizen subcommittees for each project chosen by the people to fund and build. Those specific deliberations should have the solitary focus of how to best use the MAPS3 funds designated for the specific project in coordination with the other projects. Maximizing the 'bang for the buck' on behalf of the voters and taxpaying citizens of OKC. Nothing more, nothing less. The people that lost the MAPS3 referendum simply cannot get past the fact they lost. Now there is a mayoral candidate who thinks claiming there was no transparency or deliberation in 2009 will gain him an advantage on March 4 with those people. Politicians use tactics like that all the time, but OKC had been refreshing in that it was uncommon in its municipal elections for as long as I have lived here. Or maybe I just missed it somehow until this year..... I think I am going to save that radio clip on my phone and play it for anyone I meet that is undecided in the election. It will not matter to the true believers in the Shadid cult, but it will for most people I think. Edgar 02-14-2014, 01:55 PM He does say complete with max transparency, accountability and public participation. He's still working on it. Edgar 02-14-2014, 01:59 PM I think the thing that galls me most about Ed going after MAPS is his hiding behind the "maximum transparency, and public deliberation" rhetoric. That pretty much happened before the MAPS3 vote. Once the decision has been made, barring any significant change in the city's ability to pay for the projects, the time for deliberation of whether or not to build it is past. The only deliberation that needs to occur is on the citizen subcommittees for each project chosen by the people to fund and build. Those specific deliberations should have the solitary focus of how to best use the MAPS3 funds designated for the specific project in coordination with the other projects. Maximizing the 'bang for the buck' on behalf of the voters and taxpaying citizens of OKC. Nothing more, nothing less. The people that lost the MAPS3 referendum simply cannot get past the fact they lost. Now there is a mayoral candidate who thinks claiming there was no transparency or deliberation in 2009 will gain him an advantage on March 4 with those people. Politicians use tactics like that all the time, but OKC had been refreshing in that it was uncommon in its municipal elections for as long as I have lived here. Or maybe I just missed it somehow until this year..... I think I am going to save that radio clip on my phone and play it for anyone I meet that is undecided in the election. It will not matter to the true believers in the Shadid cult, but it will for most people I think. Think Shadid and many others believe Mick and the chamber boys deceptively marketed MAPSIII and have kept and adverse results, as Couch puts it under lock and key. warreng88 02-14-2014, 02:00 PM Think Shadid and many others believe Mick and the chamber boys deceptively marketed MAPSIII and have kept and adverse results, as Couch puts it under lock and key. The Chambers boys? Again, do you have any idea what the Chamber does? CaptDave 02-14-2014, 02:02 PM Think Shadid and many others believe Mick and the chamber boys deceptively marketed MAPSIII and have kept and adverse results, as Couch puts it under lock and key. No - they think the people who voted for MAPS were stupid and/or ignorant and the paternalistic BS has grown very tiresome. Edgar 02-14-2014, 02:04 PM Michael 12:20 p.m. Convention business is down nationwide, building of space is way up and they seem to be giving it away everywhere. Why not massively renovate in place to the dirt? Lots of savings, keeps action closer to Bricktown and current hotel stock. Every time I'm in the COX everything works and it is paid for. Steve and Bill neglected to answer this one. LakeEffect 02-14-2014, 02:18 PM Michael 12:20 p.m. Convention business is down nationwide, building of space is way up and they seem to be giving it away everywhere. Why not massively renovate in place to the dirt? Lots of savings, keeps action closer to Bricktown and current hotel stock. Every time I'm in the COX everything works and it is paid for. Steve and Bill neglected to answer this one. They probably "neglected" to answer because they are reporters and downtown bloggers, not construction and convention business experts... CaptDave 02-14-2014, 02:20 PM So what Edgar? I am pretty certain neither Steve nor Bill are part of the Cornett campaign. They simply chose to not be drawn into being a campaign ad for Ed or permit a rant by his minions. In fact Steve has been very careful to remain neutral about both men. I think his normal response is something like "both men are good men that care about the city but have differing opinions of what is best." Nothing nefarious in that, so stop trying to make a molehill out of a grain of sand. betts 02-14-2014, 02:33 PM lol, dok hypocrite bob&weave Ian 10:04 a.m. Does the Oklahoman know that Mick has a sealed protective (gag) order in his divorce with his wife over financial information signed by the same Judge in the Shadid divorce, and she can terminate it at anytime? If you know why aren't you trying to look into that, or if you don't know are you going to do something or just stay one-sided? Steve Lackmeyer 10:06 a.m. Bill is having trouble with his connection to Cover it Live. But he is suggesting you contact reporter Nolan Clay, who did the Shadid court records coverage. You can reach Nolan Clay at I sincerely doubt he had two police visits to his home for domestic violence calls and was in rehab twice. That doesn't even include alleged cocaine use, gay prostitues, watching porn, saying he hoped his children would be raped or killed. Don't go there Edgar. Ed's going to lose the "who had the most sordid divorce proceedings" no matter what is in Mick's, I can guarantee you. I'm sure Ed is praying everyone forgets about that divorce, and you all are bringing it up? betts 02-14-2014, 02:34 PM And just in case Edgar was instructed to bury this.... CaptDave 02-14-2014, 02:44 PM Nice try Edgar - it is pretty easy to bump it to the front again. Bellaboo 02-14-2014, 02:44 PM And just in case Edgar was instructed to bury this.... Such a classic, Shadid the liar is calling Swinton out for not supporting MapsIII as he does. If any of you so called ES supporters don't have the brain power to see through this BS, then it's on you. This is a great one for the 'guest' to this site to see right through el Shadid, the Good Doctor, the Adult in the Room (which is my favorite, yes he's big enough to snort drugs with the best of them) and last but not least The Doctor Says. OKCRT 02-14-2014, 06:18 PM Such a classic, Shadid the liar is calling Swinton out for not supporting MapsIII as he does. If any of you so called ES supporters don't have the brain power to see through this BS, then it's on you. This is a great one for the 'guest' to this site to see right through el Shadid, the Good Doctor, the Adult in the Room (which is my favorite, yes he's big enough to snort drugs with the best of them) and last but not least The Doctor Says. ES better not even try to kill my streetcar or I will sue! Does ES support medical coke in powder form on a piece of glass with a $100.00 bill rolled up? soonerguru 02-14-2014, 08:40 PM nm soonerguru 02-14-2014, 08:43 PM Listening to this reminds me why I so vehemently oppose this man becoming mayor, and why I will work like hell to ensure he is not reelected to the Council post I volunteered to help him win. Also pretty disappointed in people like Doug who claim to be streetcar supporters who are now supporting Ed's candidacy. Either they are not really streetcar / MAPS 3 supporters or they are caught up in his delusion. catch22 02-15-2014, 03:30 PM Ah the Good Doctor, El Shadid. The truth, the way, and the light. betts 02-15-2014, 06:35 PM I'm hoping all his followers are as enthusiastic voters as he was before 2012. betts 02-15-2014, 09:59 PM A reminder: "Shadid missed mayors' elections in 2004, 2006 and 2010. He missed two general obligation bond elections since 2000, a hotel/motel tax vote in 2004, and a public safety tax vote in 2000. He also missed the 2001 MAPS for Kids vote, the 2008 “big league city” tax vote on arena renovations, and the 2009 MAPS 3 vote." Don't vote? Don't complain. catch22 02-15-2014, 10:07 PM I'm sure he'll exercise his civic duty as an outstanding citizen by voting in this election. betts 02-15-2014, 10:18 PM Maintaining his record: "The only thing Ed Shadid has voted for is himself." maytal 02-17-2014, 04:59 PM Interesting a rundown from The Okie: The Okie » Assessing the OKC Mayor?s Race ( Jeepnokc 02-17-2014, 05:13 PM Interesting a rundown from The Okie: The Okie » Assessing the OKC Mayor?s Race ( Such enlightening comments afterwards <----said sarcastically betts 02-17-2014, 06:31 PM That piece from the Okie is a little over the top for me. Haha. But, it's probably designed to point out to the conservative voters who might be won over by Ed's anti-convention center tax stance that they stand very far apart on other issues. Personally, I'd just like to see an article listing all of Ed's lies, as well as pointing out that, as usual, he's promising things he likely will not be able to achieve. The amazing thing is that people fall for it, or they decide to vote for Ed because Mick won't debate him. Low information voters, but some of them will vote. And for all the misguided reasons. If I didn't think it would be so bad for OKC, it would be amusing to see Ed get elected and not fulfill all those promises, or have a total deadlock in Council. betts 02-17-2014, 07:40 PM Which is best mayor for city?s 20-somethings? | Capital City ( This one is interesting. Even thought not a millenial or twenty-something, I can agree with much of this. He's not been on the receiving end of any of Ed's misinformation though. Because he's kinder to him that I would probably be. I do agree that his message is appealing, it's implementation that is a mess. bradh 02-17-2014, 08:19 PM I can relate with pretty much everything that guy says, other than seeing himself in Shadid's OKC. I have a similar tale about OKC, moving here in January 2009 with zero expectations. I’ve never experienced that mood in Oklahoma City. Instead, OKC seems to be a city comfortable in its own skin, yet unafraid to want more. I like the idea of a mayor that feels the same way. This is a fantastic line. soonerguru 02-17-2014, 08:37 PM I hate the Okie blog. The mentality it represents is juvenile. Why would it be a scandal that Ed Shadid identifies with the LGBT community? That said, Go Cornett. |