View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

12-18-2013, 10:18 PM
This is almost like getting the mayor of Toronto and the mayor of Cincinnati rolled into one neat little package. And in this case, two negatives do not make a positive.

Urban Pioneer
12-19-2013, 07:30 AM
bumped thread

Urban Pioneer
12-19-2013, 07:32 AM
This is almost like getting the mayor of Toronto and the mayor of Cincinnati rolled into one neat little package. And in this case, two negatives do not make a positive.

And he isn't even elected!

12-19-2013, 07:40 AM
I don't think ES is being a liar about protecting his children. If the records are unsealed and it discloses him practicing while under the influence, he could end up with huge monetary losses.

12-19-2013, 07:50 AM
I don't think ES is being a liar about protecting his children. If the records are unsealed and it discloses him practicing while under the influence, he could end up with huge monetary losses.

Not my problem. We are all accountable for our mistakes, if you could potentially be governing over me and the city I reside, I would care to know who you are.

12-19-2013, 07:59 AM
It's going to be problematic for a union of law enforcement officers to continue their support for someone who has now admitted to repeated violations of the law. Regardless of whether he has cleaned up his life. My guess, if ES was applying for a job on the police force, these admissions would result in a denial of employment. Supporting someone for mayor who would not be deemed suitable for employment with their agency would be stupid. JMHO

This is exactly right! Your are lucky to be accepted if you have smoked a little weed. You wouldn't even get a chance to make it to the physical if you had done anything more. OKC PD is one of the best departments in the country, they invest a ton of money in each recruit, they have a background investigator do an extensive check on you. Not to mention the lie detector test, which I'm pretty confident that ES couldn't pass.

This has been my argument from day one, how can the FOP support a candidate who could not pass the background check to become an officer. Our officers deserve better out of our FOP than that. I promise you they endorsed ES because they are still bitter over MAPS3.

Urban Pioneer
12-19-2013, 08:02 AM
I don't think ES is being a liar about protecting his children. If the records are unsealed and it discloses him practicing while under the influence, he could end up with huge monetary losses.

Then don't run.

Urban Pioneer
12-19-2013, 08:03 AM
It's a "$18,000" a year job. If he were concerned about his children, he would not run.

12-19-2013, 08:11 AM
It's a "$18,000" a year job. If he were concerned about his children, he would not run.

That's what i think, if he was really concerned about his kids, then he would bow out and the records would stay shut. We'll see what kind of judgement he really has.

12-19-2013, 09:12 AM
It's a "$18,000" a year job. If he were concerned about his children, he would not run.

In his defense, it doesn't show anywhere in the court record where he has asked to pay less child support because he chose to work less. Of course I can't see what his child support situation was from his decree, so I don't know that he even pays it at all, but arguably at least, there's something positive to be said for him there.

12-19-2013, 10:12 AM
That's what i think, if he was really concerned about his kids, then he would bow out and the records would stay shut. We'll see what kind of judgement he really has.

This isn't about the kids. It was never about the kids, and it never will be about the kids.

12-19-2013, 01:59 PM
This is exactly right! Your are lucky to be accepted if you have smoked a little weed. You wouldn't even get a chance to make it to the physical if you had done anything more. OKC PD is one of the best departments in the country, they invest a ton of money in each recruit, they have a background investigator do an extensive check on you. Not to mention the lie detector test, which I'm pretty confident that ES couldn't pass.

This has been my argument from day one, how can the FOP support a candidate who could not pass the background check to become an officer. Our officers deserve better out of our FOP than that. I promise you they endorsed ES because they are still bitter over MAPS3.

They're probably tired of Cornett blowing smoke up their collective arse to get their vote. Mick has vigorously advocated the chamber projects, and not much else. The Clarence Thomas of the 'shoe.

12-19-2013, 02:02 PM
I agree. Mike is a legend - someone I greatly admire.

A legendary intolerant regressive- did you read his review of Shadid's kick off at the Farmer's Market? Lock the doors, the unclean are on the loose. Also thought MAPS a stupid idea remember.

12-19-2013, 02:10 PM
A legendary intolerant regressive- did you read his review of Shadid's kick off at the Farmer's Market? Lock the doors, the unclean are on the loose. Also thought MAPS a stupid idea remember.

So did my father-in-law but now he says he was wrong. What's your point?

12-19-2013, 02:12 PM
They're probably tired of Cornett blowing smoke up their collective arse to get their vote. Mick has vigorously advocated the chamber projects, and not much else. The Clarence Thomas of the 'shoe.

Can't wait to see the reaction to this gem.

12-19-2013, 02:25 PM
They're probably tired of Cornett blowing smoke up their collective arse to get their vote. Mick has vigorously advocated the chamber projects, and not much else. The Clarence Thomas of the 'shoe.


Not sure i've ever seen anyone come up with as much crap as you make me laugh.

Don't you understand you are not helping the ES cause one bit ?

On edit - how about using 'swarthy' again.... that's another classic.

12-19-2013, 02:26 PM
They're probably tired of Cornett blowing smoke up their collective arse to get their vote. Mick has vigorously advocated the chamber projects, and not much else. The Clarence Thomas of the 'shoe.

Do you know what the Chamber of Commerce does?

12-19-2013, 02:35 PM
bumped thread

Hmmm, new thread name? bumpED thread

12-19-2013, 02:55 PM
A legendary intolerant regressive- did you read his review of Shadid's kick off at the Farmer's Market? Lock the doors, the unclean are on the loose. Also thought MAPS a stupid idea remember.

The unclean?


12-19-2013, 02:57 PM
They're probably tired of Cornett blowing smoke up their collective arse to get their vote. Mick has vigorously advocated the chamber projects, and not much else. The Clarence Thomas of the 'shoe.


two can play at this game.

12-19-2013, 03:08 PM
Think that release by the FOP sounds like a stop-gap until whatever relevant procedures are in place for pulling the endorsement can be followed. I can't fathom you'd release something like that, then not pull the endorsement completely based on...what...something Shadid would say that would make their objections/his behavior suddenly palatable? If there were even a thought of that, I can't imagine they'd go to the trouble of issuing a statement like this.

I think the broader wisdom is that anyone who might prefer an alternative to Cornett (for whatever reason), and initially found it (to whatever degree) in Shadid's campaign (if only notionally), are now tripping over themselves as they flee...perhaps back to Cornett, or to a neutral corner.

The real tragedy in Shadid's delusional campaign is that if someone had some legit alternatives or ideas to put out there, this bozo has killed the goose for it. Think everyone is already tired of this mayor's race, and that's saying a lot for an OKC municipal race :)

Jim Kyle
12-19-2013, 07:12 PM
Perhaps we should modify the city charter to include an additional entry on the ballot for each and every municipal office: "None of the above." And provide that in the event "None of the above" polls the most votes, declare that office vacant until the next scheduled election. It just might bring out a few changes in the look of our elections...

12-20-2013, 12:44 AM
What a weird article. He has a press conference with his ex wife and he rails against the Oklahoman, even though the Oklahoman has not published details from his divorce file, the Gazette has. Then he drags his daughter into it. And it's accompanied by a creepy photo.

Shadid defiant in face of potential divorce doc ruling | Red Dirt Report (

12-20-2013, 02:52 AM
The divorce record thing needs to stop. We are electing a mayor -- not an ex-husband. There are enough issues to discuss that actually impact the direction of this city -- transit, MAPS, and development chief among them. Let's try to get back to the issues and make informed decisions that move Oklahoma City in the right direction.

FWIW I have not decided who to support next year. No one's perfect, but at least among this chat group here I would expect to see more civil discourse and less tabloid-style distraction.

12-20-2013, 05:55 AM
But, But, But, the OKC voters will be choosing between two ex husbands. The challenger is doing what challengers often do ... make themselves attractive to low information voters as early as possible. often once a LIV makes up his or her mind, the decision is locked in and anything that might impact that decision is fairly easily dismissed. To an LIV, hey, the guy bucks the establishment and even his ex thinks he's ok. that's so rare he must be a real vehicle for change.

Every time a mind shuts, a challenger gets new feathers on his or her wings.

12-20-2013, 06:21 AM
The divorce record thing needs to stop. We are electing a mayor -- not an ex-husband. There are enough issues to discuss that actually impact the direction of this city -- transit, MAPS, and development chief among them. Let's try to get back to the issues and make informed decisions that move Oklahoma City in the right direction.

FWIW I have not decided who to support next year. No one's perfect, but at least among this chat group here I would expect to see more civil discourse and less tabloid-style distraction.

The divorce issue, in and of itself, isn't particularly germane to his ability to be a mayor. The use of cocaine, LSD, possibly even while he was practicing medicine (?), or alleged evidence of him engaging in physical abuse of a spouse is absolutely germane - to his character. It bothers me when such things are dismissed as irrelevant when they are clearly character issues.

Now, in reality, none of this affects my decision - he had already done plenty to convince me he's laughably unqualified even to be a dog catcher - but as is evidenced in this thread, he has his sycophants, and so the discussions persist.

I, personally, think this race is over - Shadid looks worse and worse every time he opens his mouth at this point, even to the extent of trying to seem sympathetic in some oddball way of drawing his daughter into the fray (which is just, well, odd). And I can't help but chuckle at the fact that he's trying to blame the Oklahoman for his problems.

Either way, I think Cornett does himself a great service every time he simply chooses not to engage in any aspect of the Ed Circus. If there's a tabloid aspect to this, Shadid has no one but himself to blame.

12-20-2013, 06:55 AM
What a weird article. He has a press conference with his ex wife and he rails against the Oklahoman, even though the Oklahoman has not published details from his divorce file, the Gazette has. Then he drags his daughter into it. And it's accompanied by a creepy photo.

Shadid defiant in face of potential divorce doc ruling | Red Dirt Report (

His daughter whom he supposedly wanted to protect from all this information. He'll even use her in his desperate attempt to win this election. This just reiterates what kind of human being this guy is. It's kind of sad, actually. We've seen prior examples of his lack of scruples in the political sphere, but if he truly wanted to protect his daughter he should have stayed a private citizen and kept his past hidden. Or at least kept her out of the limelight. She has to deal with all of this at school now.

And all of this again demonstrates that this man is seriously lacking in common sense. If I wanted to run for mayor or any major public office, the first thing I would do is privately reflect on my life to see if I really wanted it to see the light of day. We can mourn the lack of privacy given an elected official, but most of us are smart enough to know there's a real risk one's dirty laundry will be out for all to see. And I surely wouldn't say I was seeking transparency for the office if I desired opacity for my actions. Last, If I still decided to risk it, I would be scrupulously honest as a politician, build political bridges and come clean at the start of my first campaign, hoping my stellar behavior in office would show people I'd changed. Major fail there too.

Just the facts
12-20-2013, 07:37 AM
“Today, I am asking the people of Oklahoma City for your forgiveness just as I have asked God for the same,” Shadid said. “I am grateful for the gift of redemption and the opportunity to atone for my past.” - See more at: Shadid defiant in face of potential divorce doc ruling | Red Dirt Report (

This is at least 3 years too late. You see, this is why you should always start with the truth. You end up having to use it anyhow but now you have all the baggage that went with the years of hiding it, withholding information, and eventually lying to try and keep it covered up (and sadly, the distortions and double speak have to continue because everything is screwed up now).

12-20-2013, 08:28 AM
Here's an instructive Mick microcosm, controlling and secretive. A little transparency is in order.
Branding Fail? | News OK (

12-20-2013, 08:36 AM
Like Ed's been transparent? I'll take secrecy over dishonesty any day. Or would you describe hiding coke use as secrecy? Come to think of it, I'll take secrecy over secrecy plus dishonesty anyday. I think it's a dumb name for the boulevard. Lots of people do. I don't think Mick's perfect, but he won't make us a national joke. We've got pretty good data showing he'll leave OKC a dramatically better city than he found it.

12-20-2013, 08:39 AM
Here's an instructive Mick microcosm, controlling and secretive. A little transparency is in order.
Branding Fail? | News OK (

Ed! You did it! You found the innuendo-laden archetype of masterful, controlling skullduggery that should persuade OKC voters to dump Cornett and run to the ex-doc who may be alleged to have used hallucinogenic drugs while working on patients in his medical practice.

Man, I'm so glad we finally unearthed this undeniably shocking story. I can see the new campaign slogans now - "Give Me Boulevards Or Give Me Shadid!"


12-20-2013, 08:57 AM
Here's an instructive Mick microcosm, controlling and secretive. A little transparency is in order.
Branding Fail? | News OK (

Cheap attempt to divert attention. I read the article. Quoting Steve's article, Mick "felt quite comfortable insisting he had a command on all matters involving city branding" Seems pretty transparent. Nowhere does it suggest that he tried to hide the fact that he made the decision. May not agree on the name and may seem a little controlling but I don't expect our elected officials to put every item of city business to a city wide vote. I expect them to take control and lead.

Can you explain to me how this was secretive? Of course you won't as you have done nothing on this thread except throw crap out and then refuse to answer anytime, strike that....every time, someone has challenged you on the facts.

12-20-2013, 09:08 AM
I don't feel like last night's reference to his daughter was over the line or hypocritical. From the RDR story:

“Last night, my 12-year-old daughter asked me why the newspaper was doing this and I tried to explain that it was because they wanted me to stop fighting the way decisions are made,” Shadid said. “She responded, ‘So keep fighting.’”

He added that he plans to follow his daughter’s encouraging words and continue to fight because, he said, “I want both her and the people of Oklahoma City to know that nothing will stop us from fighting and on March 4th, we will win.”

Although I believe that Shadid is using his children as "human shields" to prevent the unsealing of his divorce file, I don't think that it's improper for him to paraphrase a daughter's support of her father's run for political office.

12-20-2013, 09:21 AM
I don't feel like last night's reference to his daughter was over the line or hypocritical. From the RDR story:

“Last night, my 12-year-old daughter asked me why the newspaper was doing this and I tried to explain that it was because they wanted me to stop fighting the way decisions are made,” Shadid said. “She responded, ‘So keep fighting.’”

He added that he plans to follow his daughter’s encouraging words and continue to fight because, he said, “I want both her and the people of Oklahoma City to know that nothing will stop us from fighting and on March 4th, we will win.”

Although I believe that Shadid is using his children as "human shields" to prevent the unsealing of his divorce file, I don't think that it's improper for him to paraphrase a daughter's support of her father's run for political office.

I certainly understand your point, but from my little knothole I don't think he can say the divorce matters were sealed "to protect my children," then turn around and leverage a statement from one of those same "children" as a rationale for continuing what looks like a crashing-and-burning campaign in the vein of some sort of martyr. He's proven to be many things, but martyr in my book isn't one of them.

I guess, from the broader perspective, I wish he would realize he's just plain unelectable now, and just bow out and move on. It isn't a race anymore; it's like looking at the debris of a car wreck - you don't want to look, but you look anyway. I'd have to believe our resident Ed troll Edgar (and I'm still not convinced it isn't Shadid himself) wouldn't even suggest the guy can pull much support now, let alone holds a practical, realistic chance as a challenger, so what's the point beyond worsening existing wounds? I mean, yeah, its one thing to champion presumably underserved causes, but its another to go all Clark Griswold and keep trying to put bubble gum in a hemorrhaging dam.

12-20-2013, 09:35 AM
I certainly understand your point, but from my little knothole I don't think you can say the divorce matters were sealed "to protect my children," then turn around and leverage a statement from one of those same "children" as a rationale for continuing what looks like a crashing-and-burning campaign in the vein of some sort of martyr. He's proven to be many things, but martyr in my book isn't one of them.

I think he's trying to portray the Oklahoman as an evil organization that makes little girls cry, while holding himself out to be the man of the people.

This isn't about the Oklahoma having a vendetta against Shadid (although they might), this is about the public's right to know the entire story of one who seeks to be a public servant. The Oklahoman is simply the organization that formally requested the records. The Gazette didn't do that, nor did any involved Web sites such as Red Dirt or TLO.

12-20-2013, 09:37 AM
Here's an instructive Mick microcosm, controlling and secretive. A little transparency is in order.
Branding Fail? | News OK (

Have you told Ed this yet ???

12-20-2013, 09:42 AM
Here's an instructive Mick microcosm, controlling and secretive. A little transparency is in order.
Branding Fail? | News OK (

Edgar, there was no secrecy involving the naming of the boulevard. It went through normal public hearings.

12-20-2013, 09:47 AM
Ed Shadid records opened | News OK ( "Ed Shadid records opened"

Interesting to note that neither Shadid nor his wife came to the hearing...

12-20-2013, 09:52 AM
So what's the time line for the Oklahoman (or anyone else) to synthesize those records into a news report. As early as this afternoon?

12-20-2013, 10:08 AM
Ed! You did it! You found the innuendo-laden archetype of masterful, controlling skullduggery that should persuade OKC voters to dump Cornett and run to the ex-doc who may be alleged to have used hallucinogenic drugs while working on patients in his medical practice.

Man, I'm so glad we finally unearthed this undeniably shocking story. I can see the new campaign slogans now - "Give Me Boulevards Or Give Me Shadid!"


Exactly, the guy had a 2x4 lodged in the keister over the naming of a blvd, imagine the closed door skullduggery that went into the MAPSIII logroll. Oh, did I mention we'd need a hotel? Great management style- we don't ned no stinking input, my crappy idea is the best. I took a marketing class once.

12-20-2013, 10:10 AM
Have you told Ed this yet ???

Ed has no interest in people's private lives. Transparency in government is his windmill.

12-20-2013, 10:19 AM
Exactly, the guy had a 2x4 lodged in the keister over the naming of a blvd, imagine the closed door skullduggery that went into the MAPSIII logroll. Oh, did I mention we'd need a hotel? Great management style- we don't ned no stinking input, my crappy idea is the best. I took a marketing class once.

Yes, I'm sure if Cornett went to great links to keep his divorce records sealed Shadid wouldn't make the slightest issue of it.

12-20-2013, 10:20 AM
Ed has no interest in people's private lives. Transparency in government is his windmill.

Transparency like opening records to a guy who pleaded the fifth on his divorce and had those record sealed?

12-20-2013, 10:21 AM
Exactly, the guy had a 2x4 lodged in the keister over the naming of a blvd, imagine the closed door skullduggery that went into the MAPSIII logroll. Oh, did I mention we'd need a hotel? Great management style- we don't ned no stinking input, my crappy idea is the best. I took a marketing class once.


City of Oklahoma City | Public Information & Marketing (

Edgar, take a look at the results of the online survey. Sure, some projects got in that people didn't vote on specifically, but look at the top vote-getters. Hard to say the Mayor and "the Chamber" drove the process behind the scenes.

12-20-2013, 10:35 AM
Ed has no interest in people's private lives. Transparency in government is his windmill.

Ed is a liar. What kind of transparency can come from him ?

12-20-2013, 10:37 AM

City of Oklahoma City | Public Information & Marketing (

Edgar, take a look at the results of the online survey. Sure, some projects got in that people didn't vote on specifically, but look at the top vote-getters. Hard to say the Mayor and "the Chamber" drove the process behind the scenes.

Do you think Edgar is going to listen or look at the truth. He's had a barrage of facts posted for him and he's still in robot mode.

12-20-2013, 10:39 AM
Do you think Edgar is going to listen or look at the truth. He's had a barrage of facts posted for him and he's still in robot mode.

I wouldn't say robot mode, I would say another word that starts with an "R" but is frowned upon calling people. Let's just call Edgar "special"...

12-20-2013, 10:41 AM
What is even more offensive to me from the RDR is ES attacks the judge. He said "the judge appears to have made her decision before hearing the merits of the case.” So now the judge is part of this conspiracy to harm ES and his kids. This guy is truly dispicable.

And Edgar, if an article about MC not wanting to hire consultants to help name a street is the best you've got...give it up. I for one would be angry if we had to pay money to help decide a name for a street. It's a street for Pete's sake. Just name the dang thing.

Urban Pioneer
12-20-2013, 10:50 AM
The divorce record thing needs to stop. We are electing a mayor -- not an ex-husband. There are enough issues to discuss that actually impact the direction of this city -- transit, MAPS, and development chief among them. Let's try to get back to the issues and make informed decisions that move Oklahoma City in the right direction.

FWIW I have not decided who to support next year. No one's perfect, but at least among this chat group here I would expect to see more civil discourse and less tabloid-style distraction.

Great post.

Urban Pioneer
12-20-2013, 10:50 AM
The divorce issue, in and of itself, isn't particularly germane to his ability to be a mayor. The use of cocaine, LSD, possibly even while he was practicing medicine (?), or alleged evidence of him engaging in physical abuse of a spouse is absolutely germane - to his character. It bothers me when such things are dismissed as irrelevant when they are clearly character issues.

Now, in reality, none of this affects my decision - he had already done plenty to convince me he's laughably unqualified even to be a dog catcher - but as is evidenced in this thread, he has his sycophants, and so the discussions persist.

I, personally, think this race is over - Shadid looks worse and worse every time he opens his mouth at this point, even to the extent of trying to seem sympathetic in some oddball way of drawing his daughter into the fray (which is just, well, odd). And I can't help but chuckle at the fact that he's trying to blame the Oklahoman for his problems.

Either way, I think Cornett does himself a great service every time he simply chooses not to engage in any aspect of the Ed Circus. If there's a tabloid aspect to this, Shadid has no one but himself to blame.

Great contrasting post.

Urban Pioneer
12-20-2013, 10:58 AM
I have to say the most disheartening thing about this election is that my fellow Progressive and liberal friends seemingly have no where to run to. Most of the hardcore folks who believe in Ed and his rhetoric are digging their heels in the ground. Some of them ardently believe he is a Progressive Dem (even though his past demonstrates that he is not). Those who like Mayor Mick and what he has done for this city are shouting from the rooftops. And then there does seem to be a contingent of people who are quietly distancing themselves from all of this.

I suspect those people who are distancing themselves are either becoming disillusioned (which is a shame) or turning into a silent majority that will cast a silent vote.

12-20-2013, 11:24 AM
Every time a mind shuts, a challenger gets new feathers on his or her wings.

I think ZuZu Petals just smiled down.

12-20-2013, 11:31 AM
Here's an instructive Mick microcosm, controlling and secretive. A little transparency is in order.
Branding Fail? | News OK (

Yeah, that DOK is clearly in the mayor's pocket! LOL

12-20-2013, 12:46 PM
Yeah, that DOK is clearly in the mayor's pocket! LOL

Wait - I thought the MAYOR was in the OKLAHOMAN'S pocket.

12-20-2013, 01:18 PM
I have to say the most disheartening thing about this election is that my fellow Progressive and liberal friends seemingly have no where to run to. Most of the hardcore folks who believe in Ed and his rhetoric are digging their heels in the ground. Some of them ardently believe he is a Progressive Dem (even though his past demonstrates that he is not). Those who like Mayor Mick and what he has done for this city are shouting from the rooftops. And then there does seem to be a contingent of people who are quietly distancing themselves from all of this.

I suspect those people who are distancing themselves are either becoming disillusioned (which is a shame) or turning into a silent majority that will cast a silent vote.

Vocally distancing myself from all of this. And, yes I for one am quite disillusioned. The transportation details you posted make me feel better (Mick is a foregone conclusion; the progress towards more transit, albeit slow, is comforting. I've just resigned myself to either not voting or heck jus writing in a candidate.

12-20-2013, 01:28 PM
An odd thing about Ed's strategy, from my perspective, has been his decision to latch on to the kind of trendy criticisms of "gentry urbanism" that have been a new feature of municipal politics elsewhere, in a city where only small kernels of urbanism have taken root. How much resentment is really there to be taken advantage of, in a city where urban living is still so affordable and open?

12-20-2013, 01:36 PM
Well he's playing both sides. He's also gaming for ex-urban citizens that feel no connection to DT or the Core. As well as anti-tax folks that hate the whole concept of MAPS.

Urban Pioneer
12-20-2013, 01:54 PM
The transportation details you posted make me feel better (Mick is a foregone conclusion; the progress towards more transit, albeit slow, is comforting.

Well thanks! The reality is, it took a long time for us to get to this level of a mess with public transport and it will take us awhile to get out of it. We just had a Governance Subcommittee meeting on Wednesday and I have to say that it is picking up steam. Mayor Rosenthal of Norman, Mayor Jack Fry of Midwest City, several council members from Edmond, and so on where there. I took a picture and will load it onto the streetcar Facebook page.

Ed's theory of banging his fist and making somebody in City Government to come up with the money simply isn't going to work. This has to be a well thought out, long-term fix.

Urban Pioneer
12-20-2013, 01:56 PM
And, yes I for one am quite disillusioned.

That is unfortunate.

12-20-2013, 03:19 PM

City of Oklahoma City | Public Information & Marketing (

Edgar, take a look at the results of the online survey. Sure, some projects got in that people didn't vote on specifically, but look at the top vote-getters. Hard to say the Mayor and "the Chamber" drove the process behind the scenes.

Bait and swith sir- remember this?Oklahoma City?s mayor says MAPS panel does not need veto power | News OK (